A physiotherapist stated, for instance: `What we want to develop in them
to try and tackle society
toimia yhteiskunnassa , take it head on so that they can actually say I want to go and do this, I want to go and do something else.
to bring home the bacon
pekonin kotiin tuomiselle , even if it was only Spam.
Where the boss's response to a complaint might well be `If you don't like it you can always leave, then sticking with a job you do not like implies that
lack the
to go and find something more satisfactory
etsiä jotain tyydyttävämpää , or that you are incapable of finding anything better.
David insisted on proceeding with his intentions despite the opposition of Joab, his commander-in-chief, who sensed the wrong
for the exercise
harjoituksessa .
is one of the main
behind my motion
ehdotukseni taustalla .
Speculation surrounds the
behind the sale of an important group of seven works by Cézanne in the London 30 November Impressionist and Modern sale
Cézannen seitsemän merkittävän teoksen myynnin taustalla marraskuun 30. päivän impressionistisen ja modernin taiteen huutokaupassa .
is the
behind our involvement
meidän osallistumisemme taustalla ?
During the project there was a shift away from locating the issue as one of
towards attempts to change the nature of school science
muuttaa koulun luonnontieteen opetuksen luonnetta .
to ensure that a core stock of its titles is always available in the stores
varmistaa, että sen nimikkeiden ydinjoukko on aina saatavilla kaupoissa .
On the other hand,
Groove Tubes
Groove Tubesin ' primary
serving the music community by offering a product for the artist and musician who can hear the difference between guitars, amps, pickups and tubes
palvella musiikkiyhteisöä tarjoamalla tuote niille artisteille ja muusikoille, jotka pystyvät kuulemaan erot kitaroiden, vahvistimien, mikrofonien ja putkien välillä .
The pre-court `tribunal investigation employed in Sheffield and the growing emphasis being placed on ways that schools can improve
through curriculum development and new approaches to teaching, serve as illustrations of the perceived inappropriateness of formal legal intervention other than in extreme cases.
for our search
hakumme taustalla was
to see how signs might support the spoken message in schools, how deaf children could be given the benefit of the happy accident which allowed two modalities to be used simultaneously to present two languages
nähdä, kuinka viittomat voisivat tukea puhuttuja viestejä kouluissa ja kuinka kuurot lapset voisivat hyötyä onnekkaasta sattumasta, jonka ansiosta kahta modaliteettia voitaisiin käyttää samanaikaisesti kahden kielen esittämiseen .
Thus the primary
of professionals
ammattilaisten is
public service
julkinen palvelu rather than personal gain: doctors are concerned primarily with the health of their patients rather than with lining their own pockets.
In the absence of modern opinion-surveys, the
of Nazi voters
natsien äänestäjien can only be inferred.
This symbolizes that the
of the receiver
vastaanottajan is
now following the wishes of the communicator
seuraavat nyt viestijän toiveita .
It concentrates on the relationship between altarpiece and its original physical and liturgical context, and
in such lavish spending
käyttää niin ylenpalttisesti rahaa .
The Granada Group
The Granada Group gives similar
for its 13% cut
13 % leikkauksilleen -- a simplified group structure and a reduced number of acquisitions and disposals in the group.
`There was no
Minulla ei ollut mitään syytä for me to pull in
lopettaa .
I came today
miksi tulin tänään , for there is a task I have in mind.
I agree with the
for having allowed the appeal
valitukseen suostumisen .
He had told them a year ago that one of the main
he was interested in the paper
miksi hän oli kiinnostunut sanomalehdestä, was
his conviction that the `new realism of print unions made it financially possible to seize the `window of opportunity
hänen vakuuttumisensa siitä, että sanomalehtiunionien "uusi realismi" teki taloudellisesti mahdottomaksi tarttua "mahdollisuusikkunaan" .
The final section is the expedition, the main
why people do the award scheme
miksi ihmiset ovat mukana palkintojärjestelmässä .
`I like to think the main
we have stayed together since the World Cup
miksi olemme pysyneet yhdessä maailmancupista lähtien, is
the great spirit within this Australian team
on tämän Australian joukkueen mahtava henki .
Although such figures might create public alarm, the main
for non-reporting
ilmoittamatta jättämiselle was
because the offence was considered too trivial to waste police time (38 per cent of reasons given), or that the police could do nothing about it (16 per cent)
se, että rikkomusta pidettiin liian vähäisenä poliisin ajankäytön kannalta (38 prosenttia annetuista vastauksista) tai että poliisi ei voinut tehdä mitään asialle (16 prosenttia) .
Now there is
It was beginning to make sense and now she could see the
behind his original greeting in the foyer
hänen alkuperäiselle tervehdykselleen eteisaulassa , the machine-gun fire of seemingly irrelevant questions, the offer of coffee.
When she stopped speaking his feeling of animosity towards her seeped from him, and the pity that he always felt for her again rose to the surface and for a moment he himself knew the extent of her frustration and the
behind her furious tantrums when she had known his uncle was going to marry again
hänen raivokohtauksilleen, kun hän sai tietää, että hänen setänsä menisi uusiin naimisiin .
It was for this
that one woman diarist writing during World War II was convinced that the introduction of a national health service would mean more to women than to men
eräs toisen maailmansodan aikana päiväkirjaa pitänyt nainen oli vakuuttunut, että kansallisen terveydenhuollon käyttöönotto olisi paljon tärkeämpää naisille kuin miehille .
`Luke had
for taking me out
pyytää minut ulos , and I can assure you, Rob, that they had nothing to do with -- with his liking me.
Khrushchev explicitly stated to me that one of
for suspending tests
kokeiden keskeyttämiselle was
because he had studied the effect of the CND on the British public
se, että hän oli tutkinut CND:n vaikutusta britteihin .