He had had to give up fighting blazes and now worked in the fire prevention service -- although
may be forced
was forced
the pro game
ammattilaispelit because of injury two months ago
kahden kuukauden takaisen loukkaantumisen vuoksi , and Whitby boss Bobby Scaife has persuaded him to become part of the Turnbull Ground set-up.
A CITY 'S terror-stricken minicab drivers
KAUPUNGIN kauhistuneet taksinkuljettajat are threatening
in fear after the murder of a young cabbie
nuoren taksikuskin murhasta pelästyneinä .
Some said
because he was unhappy at the way the screen play changed the original story
koska hän oli tyytymätön siihen, kuinka käsikirjoitus muutti alkuperäistä tarinaa .
He got the boot after his wife walked out and
half the players
puolet pelaajista because he spent so little time trying to improve the side's miserable record
koska hän käytti niin vähän aikaa joukkueen surkean ansioluettelon parantamiseen in Delmenhorst, Germany
Delmenhorstissa, Saksassa .
The young actress whose steamy love scenes in a major new drama look set to shock television viewers says
viihdeteollisuudesta, if parts dry up
jos rooleja ei ole tarjolla .
A GIRL Friday who
TYTTÖ nimeltä Friday, joka because she could not trust her boss to leave her alone
koska hän ei voinut luottaa siihen, että hänen pomonsa jättää hänet rauhaan, was yesterday awarded £2,390 for sex discrimination.
it felt like the end of term, it felt like Saturday morning, it felt great, it felt illegal.
for the number two post at Northern Telecom Ltd
ryhtyäkseen Northern Telecom Ltd:n varatoimitusjohtajaksi , where he resigned last month.
Capital House post
Capital Housen toimestaan
The show's makers NBC decided to scrap Cheers when Ted Danson, who plays the leading character barman Sam Malone, announced
to make movies
ryhtyäkseen tekemään elokuvia .
At the interim stage last year, before
Gerald Ratner
Gerald Ratner as chairman
puheenjohtajuudesta , the group lost £27.7m.
as manager of struggling Genoa
epätoivoisesti kamppailevan Genovan managerin paikalta, following their 3-2 home defeat by Cagliari
kun joukkue oli hävinnyt Cagliarille kotikentällään 3–2 .
U'S BOSS Roy McDonough
Yhdysvaltain joukkueen kapteeni Roy McDonough , kissing goodbye to his dream of making 500 League appearances and scoring 100 goals.
Anthony Phillips
Anthony Phillips twenty-two years ago
22 vuotta sitten , but he has never stopped exploring the musical landscape that was once uniquely their own.
A COMMITTEE chairwoman
KOMITEAN puheenjohtaja quit
luopunut tehtävästään over a row about postal votes at a Darlington community centre
Darlingtonin kulttuurikeskuksen postiäänestystä koskevan riidan jälkeen .
He did that and it is very clean, but nowadays a very suburban tabloid, but it's fresh, it's pleasant as a result, and that when
Rolling Stone
Rolling Stonesta .
A top advisory body to China's communist party met on Friday, one day after senior leader
Deng Xiaoping
Deng Xiaoping from the party military commission
puolueen sotilaskomiteasta , defying speculation of a further shake-up in the leadership.
Many officers
Monet virkamiehet their commissions
komiteoistaan to take up jobs with the new company
aloittaakseen työt uudessa yrityksessä .
if he is forced to accept an unrealistic budget he can not commit to
jos hänet pakotetaan hyväksymään epärealistinen budjetti, johon hän ei voi sitoutua .
But others of us who were Governors were so opposed to it that we all said
from the governing body
hallintoelimestä, if the school did opt out
jos koulu jättäytyisi ulkopuolelle .
, ``she finally replied.
from his Egyptian government posts
virastaan Egyptin hallituksessa on May 15
toukokuun 15. päivänä .
in January 1990
tammikuussa 1990 , shortly before the two were sentenced to three years' imprisonment.
Vice chairman Alan Noble
Varapuheenjohtaja Alan Noble his seat on the board
hallitusvirastaan because of business commitments
liike-elämän sitoumustensa vuoksi , but that wasn't the last of him.
to join the private sector
liittyäkseen yksityiselle sektorille and says there was a massive demonstration of at least 5,000 women, marching in his favour, on London's Hampstead Heath.
The Revolutionary Policy Committee members in the London Division
Vallankumouksen poliittisen komitean Lontoon osaston jäsenet to join the Communist Party
liittyäkseen kommunistipuolueeseen in November 1935
marraskuussa 1935 .
According to Mr Pazour,
the day after Miller Freeman acquired M&T
päivä sen jälkeen, kun Miller Freeman osti M&T:n .
as Foreign Minister
ulkoministerin virasta in late October
lokakuun lopulla , and secretarial staff got as far as clearing out his offices.
on March 15
maaliskuun 15. päivänä , in response to a refusal by the Presidency to sanction Serbian demands for the introduction of unspecified ``emergency measures by the armed forces.
The two men had not spoken since
Mr MacSharry
herra MacSharry over the stalemate in the Gatt trade talks with the Americans
kun Gattin kauppaneuvottelut amerikkalaisten kanssa päätyivät pattitilanteeseen .
a few weeks ago
muutama viikko sitten .
six weeks ago
kuusi viikkoa sitten, when the airlines refused a demand by the Australian Federation of Air Pilots for direct negotiations over their claim for a 29.5 per cent pay rise
kun lentoyhtiöt kieltäytyivät Australian lentäjien liiton pyynnöstä ryhtyä suoriin neuvotteluihin, jotka koskevat sen esittämää 29,5 prosentin palkankorotusvaatimusta .
Brown -- formerly on the coaching staff at Chesham -- took over at the Diadora League Premier Division club in December, when
after a disagreement over playing policy
pelikäytäntöjä koskevan erimielisyyden vuoksi .
after two months
kahden kuukauden jälkeen as head of the first Government of the Fourth Republic
Neljännen tasavallan ensimmäisen hallituksen pääministerin virasta -- a regime that had 25 governments in 12 years (1946-58).
A year ago when
as chairman
puheenjohtajan toimesta , it was widely held that he had been pushed and that Peter Moores was about to mount another bid for the post himself.
from Downton International
Downton Internationalista shortly afterwards
pian tämän jälkeen , and put it about that he was fed up with working with such a large company.
in April 1794
huhtikuussa 1794 , Coleman also proffered his resignation but was persuaded to continue in office.
Two senior scientists
Kaksi vanhempaa tiedemiestä from leading British conservation bodies
johtavista brittiläisistä ympäristönsuojeluelimistä at the government's interference, which they claimed undermined their independence and the quality of advice on conservation available to them.
Mr Brown got the Blackpool conference off to a storming start, brushing aside fears that it might be distracted by
Euro rebel Bryan Gould's
eurokapinallinen Bryan Gouldin from John Smith's top team
John Smithin huippujoukkueesta .
It is not Nizan's allegiance to communism which must be interpreted in the light of
, the Soviet Defence Minister, Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov became Commander-in-Chief.
Mr Heseltine is slowly reaping the reward of the patience, persistence and self-restraint he has demonstrated since
But the
in August 1989
elokuussa 1989 of the Justice Minister
oikeusministerin on the grounds that a failed promise would bring social unrest showed how ineffective the controls still were.
Further Cabinet changes followed the
in mid-September
syyskuun puolivälissä of Minister of State for Finance, Economy and the Budget Said Ali Kemal
finanssi-, talous- ja budjettiministeri Said Ali Kemalin , hitherto regarded as second in the government only to Djohar.
According to the constitution, Mr Havel should be elected by December 24 -- within two weeks of the
of President Husak
presidentti Husakin .
of the finance minister
Finanssiministeri , Giovanni Goria, and the health minister, Francesco de Lorenzo, both tainted by corruption scandals, hammered the lira.
The minister, who had radically restructured French research and technology, actually handed in
eroilmoituksensa on 2 February
helmikuun 2. päivänä after a clash with President Francois Mitterrand
otettuaan yhteen presidentti Francois Mitterrandin kanssa -- but it only became public last week.
on July 29
heinäkuun 29. päivänä of Vincenzo Scotti (DC)
Vincenzo Scottin (DC) , who had been appointed Foreign Minister four weeks earlier, prompted widespread criticism.
Upton Southern shed 5p to 40p in reaction to
the chairman's
puheenjohtajan over a policy disagreement
poliittisen erimielisyyden vuoksi .
When a national CDU organization was established in 1950, Adenauer became chairman of the party, a post which he retained after
as Chancellor
liittokanslerin virasta .
The violent communal riots of 1969 precipitated
as Prime Minister
pääministerin virasta .
He sent for me and demanded
, and we had the worst row I've ever had in my business life.
Chang had offered his
in early March after his wife and daughter had been implicated in the scandal [see p. 38089].
By the time
, he and his wife Shirley will have put in nearly 100 years here between them.
By the time
eight years later
kahdeksan vuotta myöhemmin 8,000 new jobs had been created and he believes the artistic opportunities presented by Theatr Clwyd played its part.
After a move to Brabham in 1978, Lauda made the shock announcement during practice for the following year's Canadian Grand Prix that
jäämässä eläkkeelle to concentrate on building up Lauda-Air, his own airline company
keskittyäkseen Lauda-Airin, oman lentoyhtiönsä kehittämiseen .
STANDARDS engineer David Savage
Standardointi-insinööri David Savage after 11 years with BNFL at Risley
työskenneltyään 11 vuotta Risleyn BNFL:ssä .
Bursts with crime books on every possible felon and atrocity, which Cam Wolff started collecting when
as a Marks & Spencer hygienist
Marks & Spencerin hygieenikon virasta .
as Young Cricketers administrator
Young Cricketersin hallintojohtajan toimesta he was also connected with?
However, melodious success was not entirely fruitful and in the late Eighties
from Bananarama
Bananaramasta and moved to Los Angeles.
from medicine
lääkärin toimesta , although for a brief period during World War II he acted as locum for a Cambridge doctor who had joined up.
After seventeen years' service with
Stoddard Ellen Gardner
Stoddardilla Ellen Gardner from her position as an Export Administrator
vientijohtajan toimestaan on the 27th July
heinäkuun 27. päivänä .
from caddying at Birkdale
mailapoikana toimimisen Birkdalessa when he was eighty-nine
89-vuotiaana -- they couldn't persuade him to wind down.
The women's world squash champion, Martine Le Moignan, and Jack Simmons,
lopettaneet kilpauransa from playing cricket for Lancashire
Lancashiren kriketinpelaajina at the age of 48
48 vuoden iässä , receive the MBE.
after he was cautioned by the police for the offences
kun poliisi antoi hänelle varoituksen rikkeiden johdosta .
Mr Jackson founded the Victorian History Society three years ago, when a back injury forced
as a nurse
sairaanhoitajan toimesta at Richardson Hospital, Barnard Castle.
DONALD Smith, Regional Manager, South of Scotland was presented with a farewell cheque to mark
from the Royal Bank
Royal Bankista .
His appointment comes with
of assistant chief constable Fred Smith
apulaispoliisipäällikkö Fred Smith .
Sir James Goldsmith insists he is enjoying
eläköitymisestään .
on 8 April 1874
huhtikuun 8. päivänä 1874 , Phillips was granted a pension at the rate of his full salary of £750, for his “ peculiar and exceptional services ”.
A long illness caused him to relinquish his management role, but he returned to work as scientific adviser until
Thus the
eläkkeelle jääminen , the Court's leading liberal, offered Bush the opportunity of making an appointment which would ensure the creation of an absolute and dependable conservative majority.
On April 22 Habyarimana announced
jäävänsä eläkkeelle .
Holyfield announced
lopettavansa kilpauransa after losing to Bowe by a unanimous points decision
He took early
in 1990 after 25 years at IBM and joined Softwright a couple of months later.
In East Cleveland Mr Alan Forster will take early
from his post at Loftus Junior School
Loftusin alakoulun toimestaan next month after 38 years of working with children.