Now the Countryside Commission has published a consultative document on the issue of rural awareness and accessibility,
to increase the choices for visitors to country hotspots
parantaa vierailijoiden valinnanmahdollisuuksia maaseudun keskuspaikoissa .
The Philippines Government
Filippiinien hallitus announced a 20 year tourism master plan with the
of attracting 5.3 million visitors by 2001
on houkutella 5,3 miljoonaa vierailijaa vuoteen 2001 mennessä .
Many of the new churches being planted
Monilla uusista syntyvistä kirkoista have this
to be intimate with God
olla henkilökohtaisessa suhteessa Jumalaan .
With `Laura Ashley ``shops opening at about the rate of ten a year and
Peter Revers'
Peter Reversin avowed
to have one in every state
avata liike jokaiseen osavaltioon , the new factory was crucial.
of every cross country rider
Jokaisen murtomaahiihtäjän is
to negotiate a variety of obstacles as quickly and safely as possible
on suoriutua erilaisista esteistä niin nopeasti ja turvallisesti kuin mahdollista .
In holding British films responsible for their own failure, industrialists were encouraged by the willingness of US producers to assert that the
of the American film industry
Yhdysvaltain elokuvateollisuuden was `
to Americanize the world
maailman muuttaminen amerikkalaiseksi .
Pain perception is traditionally an area of psychological expertise and the principal
of this project
tämän projektin is
to initiate a significant sociological contribution to the study of pain perception
on panna alulle merkittävä sosiologinen panos kipuaistimusten tutkimukseen , building on the post-holder's doctoral research.
to introduce a European dimension to existing training programmes in 12 vocational sectors
on tuoda eurooppalainen ulottuvuus olemassaoleviin koulutusohjelmiin 12 ammattialalla .
were not in line with theirs.
And, believing passionately in
of making state education available to every three-year-old
joka on valtiollisen koulutuksen tarjoaminen kaikille kolmevuotiaille , she has timed the meeting in the run-up to the expected April general election.
that ratification and the Queen's assent may take place at the same time
että ratifiointi ja kuningattaren hyväksyntä voivat tapahtua samaan aikaan .
to discredit the Frelimo government as being unable to protect or serve its own people
saattaa Frelimon hallitus huonoon valoon sillä perusteella, ettei se pysty suojelemaan tai palvelemaan omaa kansaansa .
This seemed a more promising foundation upon which to develop electronic, in the sense of non-print, publishing: sufficiently removed from print production, yet strong enough intellectually to fulfil
koulutuksellisia .
for the parents to fill them in as accurately as possible
se, että vanhemmat täyttävät ne niin tarkasti kuin mahdollista , so they should be simple to fill in and placed in an easily accessible place in the home.
Once you have achieved
of being assertive
olla jämäkkä , and people have perhaps carried out tasks that you have assertively asked them to do, you can show your appreciation.
He also considered that `
the production of surplus-value
lisäarvon tuotanto is the chief end and
of capitalist production
kapitalistisen tuotannon .
to weaken the Iraqi regime by attacking its defeated and demoralised forces
heikentää Irakin hallitusta hyökkäämällä sen voitettuja ja lannistuneita sotajoukkoja vastaan .
Mr Wardell further questioned the effectiveness of the authority and said: `
have some wonderful
but, in reality, you have no clout, do you?
went beyond the mere exclusion of Free France from this particular theatre of operations.
Britain's national energy strategy must be set within an overall European framework, with the
of reducing pollution, improving energy efficiency and boosting the use of renewables
vähentää saasteita, parantaa energiatehokkuutta ja lisätä uusiutuvien energianlähteiden käyttöä .
However, such a decision on its own would hardly further the
of seeking to elucidate underlying issues
joka on taustalla olevien kysymysten selventäminen .
More meat or eggs for less feed
Enemmän lihaa tai munia vähemmällä rehulla was the other primary
oli toinen ensisijaisista .
Freud can not be said to have been unaware of the variability of human nature in
different societies which
eri yhteiskunnissa, joissa have other economic arrangements and different
from those of Europe and America.
It is worth noting that there are few narrow
involved, and that repeated reference is made to `our country ``: East Germany.
Hence, societies' encouragement of early marriage as a step towards achievement of a large family may hinder rather than aid attainment of
Starting from a recognition of the constraints and opportunities set by human and natural resource endowments, one might assume that they then define a broad set of
for the future
tulevaisuutta varten .
These guidelines, based on my 20 years of running experience and coaching athletes, such as Kim Jones, will keep you moving forward on a steady progression towards
The Legalise Cannabis Campaign should be revived and not abandoned, until
is reached.
But the main
could be
to transform a big, heavily armed standing army into a more flexible force, capable of rapid deployment around the globe
on muuttaa suuri, raskaasti aseistettu vakinainen armeija joustavammaksi sotajoukoksi, joka pystytään nopeasti sijoittamaan mihin päin maailmaa tahansa .
It is not surprising that there should seem intolerable tension between the
and those now in the front of people's minds.
As the days go by open your mind to what is going on around you --
other people's
muiden ihmisten ?
Chris Eubank's
Chris Eubankin is
to strengthen her legs -- particularly the inner-thighs -- and abdomen and to lose some fat
vahvistaa jalkoja – etenkin sisäreisiä – ja vatsaa sekä polttaa rasvaa .
In Nicaragua after the 1979 revolution
Nicaraguassa vuoden 1979 vallankumouksen jälkeen , the
radical educational transformation
radikaali muutos koulutukseen .
The first
to get the public through the museum doors by providing exhibitions that they will really enjoy
on saada yleisöä sisään museon ovista tarjoamalla heille näyttelyitä, joista he todella nauttivat .
Even if the final
, as it is with a DTP system, it is important how the paper was produced.
animal liberation
eläinten vapautus .
Thus the simple but overall
that children should grow up properly equipped for adult life
lasten kasvattaminen siten, että heillä on tarvittavat eväät aikuisuutta varten .
He said: `I'm relishing the opportunity to follow someone like John but
Demilitarisation is considered as the `international legal regime of a distinct territory forbidding its use for
in peacetime ``.
Romanticism, multitudinousness, imperfect comprehension:
, achieved stylistically much more than semantically.
Clayton continued working in the darkroom while pursuing
of becoming a photographer
joka oli valokuvaajaksi ryhtyminen .
to save this institution intact
pelastaa tämä instituutio vahingoittumattomana .
In the weeks before the Luxembourg summit the governing Conservative Party in the UK showed itself to be seriously divided over the pace and
of UK integration in Europe
Britannian ja Euroopan yhdistymisen .
had been
to nullify the clauses of the Treaty of Paris which had disarmed Russia on the Black Sea
perua Pariisin sopimuksen artiklat, jotka ovat riisuneet Venäjän aseista Mustallamerellä .
In this respect, despite the main
, the PNP was not really about the needs of all children.
The elusive
of becoming the natural party of government
pääsystä hallituksen luonnolliseksi puolueeksi is by no means beyond reach.
of this association
Tämän yhdistyksen , like former SEATO and CENTO goals, include the maintenance of the existing political status quo and the containment of Communism.
We are not convinced that the
of the exercise
harjoituksen is
to make yet more people to become like ourselves
on tehdä yhä useammista ihmisistä meidän kaltaisiamme !
(x) To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of
or any of them.
Regarding the admission and discharge to and from mental hospitals
Mielisairaaloihin pääsyn ja niistä kotiutumisen osalta the
of the 1959 Act
vuoden 1959 lain was
to make admission as informal as possible
oli tehdä sisäänpääsystä niin epävirallista kuin mahdollista .
`They will keep an eye on Flora, that
-- `
Place either apples or bananas in a large bowl of clean water and the
osallistujien tavoite is
for the participants to eat the fruit without using their hands
syödä hedelmät käsiään käyttämättä .
Finally, the question tells us that A's object was to save the leader; it does not tell us whether
was also
to save himself
pelastaa itsensä .
The lie of every feather is indicated, and while the plates give great aesthetic pleasure,
to help identify birds hit by a collector
on auttaa tunnistamaan keräilijän tappamia lintuja .
Coleridge said that
`to give the charm of novelty to things of everyday, and to excite a feeling analogous to the.
"luoda uutuudenviehätystä jokapäiväisille asioille ja herättää tuntemuksia, jotka vastaavat
in rerunning the debates of the 70s
70-luvun väittelyitä uusimalla was
to provoke bad industrial relations for the sake of the Tory party
saada aikaan huonot suhteet teollisuuteen konservatiivipuolueen hyväksi .
At a time when the BBC has declared
of cutting its staff from 25,000
on vähentää henkilöstön määrää 25 000:sta , it has added an extra thousand to the people employed in the department concerned.
Its investigatory function
Sen tutkivan toiminnan has as
the ascertainment of the facts and the determination of the truth.
on tosiasioiden vahvistaminen ja totuuden määrittäminen (para. 14(3))
As the main
to obtain a smooth hover
aikaansaada tasainen leijunta , the actual idle-up controls should be set to give as nearly as possible a constant engine speed.
Well I hope so too but
of the exercise
harjoituksen .
in this book
tässä kirjassa to combine the insights from these approaches in a multilevel, multifunction view of style which will be applicable to the practical study of texts
on yhdistää näiden lähestymistapojen oivalluksia monitasoiseksi ja monia päämääriä palvelevaksi tyylinäkökulmaksi, jota voidaan soveltaa tekstien käytännölliseen tutkimukseen .
As he puts it in The Problem of Method: `For us the reality of the
rests on recurrence.
One way of indicating this intention would be to take some action contrary to the
and purpose
, but such signalling action could be deemed a breach of Article 18.
`Steady progress has been made towards achievement of
the Government's
hallituksen .
First the chairman must be quite clear
Thirdly, the stated
of such a project
sellaisen projektin are not necessarily a true representation of the motives of those who designed and implemented it.
of the research
tutkimuksen is
an analysis of the tensions which arise between the duty of the Council to protect the public and its simultaneous need to maintain the unity and confidence of the profession
analysoida jännitteitä, jotka nousevat esille, kun neuvoston tehtävänä on samanaikaisesti sekä suojella suurta yleisöä että ylläpitää ammattikunnan yhtenäisyyttä ja luottamusta .
2 Start by defining and analysing problem areas and set
to be achieved.
It is
to be a `good corporate citizen ``in the many communities around the world in which it operates
on olla "hyvä yrityskansalainen" niissä lukuisissa yhteisöissä ympäri maailmaa, joissa se toimii .
At one level it may be expressed by a Commander-in-Chief who is determining the
and has to convince the generals.
Improving player safety
Pelaajien turvallisuuden parantaminen of the last three-year moratorium.
in the next chapter
seuraavassa kappaleessa .
in education and training
koulutus- ja valmennus- are ambitious: we want a skills revolution in Britain.
Consequently, if we are to achieve
in terms of price, then unless one can find a niche buyer, it may be difficult to achieve.
to eliminate the need for share certificates and transfer forms, or `dematerialisation ``of the paper-based system
on poistaa osaketodistuksien ja siirtolomakkeiden tarve, toisin sanoen "dematerialisoida" papereihin perustuva järjestelmä .
However, Mr Major insisted: `
has not changed in the slightest.
to unlock some of the large volumes of non-proven reserves at Prudhoe Bay and elsewhere
on avata eräitä Prudhoe Bayn ja muiden alueiden toteennäyttämättömiä suuria varantoja .
In the case of Turkey
Turkin tapauksessa a further
a weakening of Turkish commitment to NATO membership
heikentää Turkin sitoutumista NATO-jäsenyyteen .
The final
to extinguish the fire
on tulipalon sammuttaminen , and this should occur within eight to ten minutes of ignition.
In a nationwide televised address from the Oval Office on the evening of Feb. 27 Bush declared: ``Kuwait is liberated; Iraq's army is defeated; our
are met.
to maintain the quality of the offering
on ylläpitää tarjonnan laatua , ``he said.
the provision of a direct link between east and west Dedridge
suoran yhteyden järjestäminen Itä- ja Länsi-Dedridgen välille .
`The skills are not as high as in first-class rugby and
Mr Smidovitch would not elaborate on the
or why it was mounted so suddenly.
of the negotiation phase
neuvotteluvaiheen will be
to close the deal with the preferred purchaser on the best terms for the client
on solmia sopimus mieluisimman ostajan kanssa asiakkaan kannalta parhailla ehdoilla .
BP Chemicals'
BP Chemicalsin for the future
tulevaisuuden is
to look at its cost base
on tarkastella kustannusmalliaan .
As a result it enters 1993 with the twin
of expanding its home sales and divesting some of its landholdings
jotka ovat asuntomyynnin laajentaminen sekä luopuminen osasta sen maaomistuksia .
This will be in line with
the Court's
tuomioistuimen of restoring the University's financial reserves to a more acceptable level
joka on yliopiston rahavarantojen palauttaminen hyväksyttävämmälle tasolle .
But the type of argument advanced by Rowthorn carries the implication that nationalisation of modern international enterprises represents, in one respect, a restriction of the scope of economic calculation by tying it to
However, they are of limited
The FC at present have a very good policy of allowing access and, indeed, encouraging the
of the forests for
These patients received treatment for H pylori infection and
for endoscopy to investigate either the result of treatment or for the
of this study
tämän tutkimuksen .
As we discussed in Chapter 1, the underlying
of writing essays in literary studies
esseiden kirjoittamiselle kirjallisuustieteessä is
to argue a case
on puolustaa jotakin kantaa .
The absence of such courtesies during a two hour meeting suggests that the
may have been
the initial `interrogation ``in an accounts investigation
oli alustava "kuulustelu" tilitutkinnassa .
However from the students' point of view, the
of a video recording
of the exercise
harjoituksen .
Attitudes to the crusades, the re-gaining of the Holy Places, the Eastern Empire of Constantinople and the Greek Orthodox Church were all conditioned by
ancient policy and
of missionizing and converting
lähetystyö- ja käännyttämis- .
This was predictable, not only because of natural human frailty, but also because, despite Allen's initial hopes, there was in fact little
to be served
jotka voitaisiin saavuttaa by adopting the absolutist position
omaksumalla ehdoton kanta .
John Coffin walked down Church Row on his way home,
through Queen Charlotte's Alley, on
to have a look at the house where the Flemings lived
vilkaista taloa, jossa Flemingit asuivat .
It is a good idea to
the bottom of the tank bare for
to be described later.
`Officially he does, General, but for the
of his private life
yksityiselämäänsä he has a small apartment, a flat as the English call it.
One of the
behind the action was, therefore,
the protection of property
omaisuuden suojelu , and it was motivated by a belief in the immediate need to act.
the formation of the General Council
Yleisneuvoston muodostamisen continued to be
the need to unite trade unions into an industrial alliance to defend the wages and conditions of workers
tarve yhdistää ammattiliitot teollisiksi alliansseiksi, jotka puolustavat palkkoja ja työläisten oloja .
Outside of dangerous sports
Vaarallisia urheilulajeja lukuun ottamatta the only
behind the taking of risks is
the hope of benefit
toive hyötyä niistä .
to see his two sisters in Boston -- one was now too old to travel, and the other was ailing
tavata kaksi Bostonissa asuvaa sisarustaan – toinen heistä oli nyt liian vanha matkustamaan, ja toinen oli sairaana .
But this was a music of thought, not sound, and
to stimulate an alternative state of consciousness
stimuloida vaihtoehtoista tajunnantilaa .
to develop the ability to negotiate meaning in this way
kehittää kyky neuvotella tällä tavoin merkityksen sisällöstä , then one would choose to present students with passages whose content was unfamiliar.
However, a knowledge of classical melodic structures will still be useful, even if
to write music of a more up-to-date character
kirjoittaa tyylillisesti ajanmukaisempaa musiikkia .
A telephone call
Puhelinsoitto will serve for the
of notification
ilmoitukseksi .
was the
of Prince Fahid's journey
Prince Fahidin matkan ?
Gandhi in fact does conceive the
to be to know the Self, which for him is equivalent to realizing God or knowing the Truth
todellisen itsensä tuntemista, mikä hänen mielestään vastaa jumaluuden käsittämistä tai perimmäisen totuuden ymmärtämistä .
They were
laboriously out of the solid rock hundreds of years ago for the
of pounding soe, or ground bait
jauhaa veteen liuotettavia syöttejä , a practice that continued until late in the 19th century.
A recommended
to the bookshelf for
myöhempää tiedonhakua .
Discharges from refining and use of oil fell from 300,000 tonnes in 1980 to 60,000 tonnes in 1992, exceeding
for the reduction of emissions by 2000
vuoteen 2000 mennessä päästövähennys- .
The International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine says that
of 90 per cent reduction of waste from industry and water treatment plants
vähentää teollisuuden ja vedenpuhdistuslaitosten saasteita 90 prosentilla has to all intents and purposes been met.
Rice production improved markedly during 1989, with government economists at the December plenum forecasting rice harvests exceeding the
20 000 000 tonnin set the previous year (and compared with 17,600,000 tonnes harvested in 1987).
Despite interim turnover growth of 17.6% at ICL Technology GmbH, the German company did not hit
for the full year
koko vuoden due to poor trading conditions -- growth was approximately 10%.
Only 70 state enterprises exceeded
in the year.
They propose an ambitious
: 10% of members' underwriting limits.
Objectively the chances of reaching
the Chancellor's
valtiovarainministerin 3 per cent growth
3 prosentin kasvu- in 1994 are mixed at best.
Given current power shortages and high interest rates, the NEDA was reducing
industrial growth
teollisuuden kasvu- for 1990 to 5.1 per cent from 7.8 per cent.
The ultimate
100 of the new machines built to order every year
rakentaa joka vuosi 100 uutta tilattua konetta .
As seen above, initially the
was fixed in terms of M3.
Reports of the pay freeze leaked out after the Cabinet spent another four and a half hours trying to hold public spending to
next year's
seuraavan vuoden of £244.5bn
244,5 miljardin punnan .
Mr Lamont has stuck to
public spending
julkisten varojen kulutus- of £244.5 billion
244,5 miljardin punnan but he should have increased that.
The increase of corporate involvement has helped greatly in achieving
the Lake District's
Lake Districtin Appeal 1987-89
Appeal 1987-89 of £2 million
2 miljoonan punnan two years ahead of schedule.
If we hit our forecasts, even though it's below budget, we will actually hit our
the sum of £500,000
500 000 puntaa , needed to run the Sports and Rehabilitation Centre, to build new facilities and to fund research projects.
ALL good news, but I fear that taxes may have to go up next year if the Chancellor misses
244,5 miljardin punnan .
to publish original papers within eight weeks of final acceptance
julkaista alkuperäiset tutkimukset kahdeksan viikon sisällä lopullisesta hyväksynnästä .
In April President Clinton pledged his administration to a
of reducing emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000
jonka mukaan päästöjä pitäisi vuoteen 2000 mennessä rajoittaa vuoden 1990 tasolle .
might be, for example,
£100,000 worth of new business
saada uutta liiketoimintaa 100 000 punnan arvosta .