program.n 🔎
- It is a responsibility of the Centre to provide support to the academic economist developingprogramsohjelmiafor new techniquesuusille tekniikoilleand to make appropriate programs commercially available outside the academic environment.
- `I am delighted to supportACET'sACETindeveloping internationalAIDSAIDS-programmeohjelman.
- That is expected to be followed by abeta testbetatestaus-programmeohjelmalater next year and commercial release in 1994.
- These modules provide the opportunity to plan and undertake ahealth and fitnessterveys- ja kunto-programmeohjelmaappropriate to individual and group needs and to increase awareness of the implications of health and fitness for personal development.
- This, however, needs fuel with a low sulphur content, and as European Community regulations call for this to be progressively reduced, the oil industry is having to undertakemulti-million pound capital investmentmiljoonien puntien pääomasijoitus-programmesohjelmia.
- `When you've got targets and incentives it just becomes afamily planningperhesuunnittelu-programmeohjelmaand not much more than that ``Tricia Parker, Oxfam Bangladesh
- The tests were carried out as part ofICI'sICI:nextensiveresearchtutkimus-programmeohjelmaainto alternatives to CFCs.
- It has never been easier to change and choose a healthierweight-losspainonpudotus-programmeohjelmaa.
- Smidovich claimed on Aug. 18 that Iraqi officials had supplied ``good information onthe government'shallituksenballistic missileballististen ohjustenprogrammesohjelmista.
- Newmarketingmarkkinointi-programmesohjelmatand cost-cutting measures are planned to beef up performance.
- However,the country'smaanprivatizationyksityistämis-programmeohjelma, intended to streamline the state economic enterprises (SEEs), ran into difficulties particularly on the question of selling state assets to foreigners.
- FederalLiittovaltionemployment and trainingtyöllistämis- ja koulutus-programmesohjelmatwere sliced in half during the 1980s, from $12.8 billion to $5.6 billion, in real terms.
- Philips is committed to establishing a joint awareness anduser trainingkäyttäjien koulutus-programmeohjelman.
- Recruiting a specialist can mean starting atrainingkoulutus-programmeohjelmanso that the newcomer passes on his/her knowledge.
- With this in mind he has established a smallscientifictieteellisenstrategic and researchstrategia- ja tutkimus-programmeohjelmanto look at the analytical programme from a broader perspective.
- Now British scientists want to test paclitaxel on early-stage cancers, when the disease is less advanced, and are embarking on a hugeresearchtutkimus-programmeohjelmaa.
- A starter pack of course material and a three-yeardevelopmentkehitys-programmeohjelmaare part of the package.
- More than 3,000 people joinedGovernmenthallituksenprogrammesohjelmiinand 504,056 receive help under a series of schemes which exclude them from the unemployment count.
- A few years ago, the problem seemed insuperable, but now the National Parks Authority, the Countryside Commission and English Heritage have launched a pilotprogrammeohjelman.
- The `Economical Reformtaloudellinen uudistus-``programmeohjelmaof 1782Vuoden 1782was the most determined attack on the power of the Crown since 1641.
- Staff generally felttheirheidänprogrammesohjelmansaof studyopetus-, and hence their students, benefited from the experience.
- It is against this backdrop that the Coptic Orthodox Church is running athree-yearkolmevuotisenprogrammeohjelmanof publications and audio visual resourcesjulkaisu- ja AV-resurssi-designed to address specific problems and to encourage young people in their life and faith.
- Barbarossa initiated aprogrammeohjelmanof castle constructionlinnanrakennus-in order to strengthen imperial power in Germany.
- The great success of ateachingopetus-programmeohjelmanin chemical theorykemian teorianwas the Periodic Table of Dmitry Mendeleev, first published in 1869.
- Both organisations form part of Alfalit Internacional, which coordinatesprogrammesohjelmiain grassroots education and communicationruohonjuuritason koulutus- ja viestintä-.
- They mainly worked on the final phase of amapping and mineral explorationkartoitus- ja mineraalintutkimus-programmeohjelmanon the island of Santa Isabel, in which four BGS geologists have worked at various times over a six-year period.
- The TSB's training courses includeprogramsohjelmiaon leadership, customer care and presentationjohtajuus-, asiakaspalvelu- ja presentaatio-.
- Susan Lannon, writing in the American Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, describes aprogrammeprojektia,by the Oregon Comprehensive Epilepsy program (OCE)Oregon Comprehensive Epilepsy -ohjelman (OCE)to identify and meet such needsjonka määränä on tunnistaa näitä tarpeita ja vastata niihin.
- Thefive-yearviisivuotinenProgrammeohjelmafor Sustainable Tropical Forestrykestävän trooppisen metsänhoidonwill be supported by the Bank's Global Environment Facility.
- In contrast to all other social welfare policies,public assistancehuoltoapu-programmesohjelmatfor the poorköyhienare the most controversial.
- The British government'sBritannian hallituksenprogrammeohjelmafor the development of renewable energyuusiutuvan energian kehittämis-has been massively oversubscribed, with developers submitting applications for projects which would generate electricity well in excess of the government's target.
- Secondly, students have to make their own connections in understanding what they experience ontheirheidänprogrammeohjelmassaanof studiesopinto-.
- Somewhat cautiously the government hinted atfairly large-scalemelko laajamittaisistaprogrammesohjelmistaof reintegrationuudelleenyhdistymis-:
- The British Library is exploring, for example, acollaborativeyhteistyö-programmeohjelmaawith Yale UniversityYalen yliopiston kanssawhereby we would exchange digitised copies of some of our complementary collections.