TransFrameNet:Process stop
cease.v 🔎
- TheyHewould<empty>ceaselakkaisivatto be a privileged stratum standing above the peopleolemasta etuoikeutettu yhteiskuntaluokka, joka seisoo kansan yläpuolella.
- By the late 19th century1800-luvun lopulla,hard-knotted rugskäsin solmittujen mattojen valmistushad almostoli lähes kokonaanceasedlakannutto be made in EuropeEuroopassa,as the advent of weaving machines meant that rugs could be produced much more quickly at a fraction of the costkun kutomakoneiden saapuminen tarkoitti, että mattoja voitiin tuottaa paljon nopeammin vain murto-osalla entisestä hinnasta.
- Yeremi's stream of plasmaYeremin plasmavirtaceasedlakkasiabruptlyäkillisesti,as his hand cramped within that fervid wombkun hänen kättään kouristi polttavan kohdun sisällä.
- The rainSadeceasedlakkasiabruptlyäkillisesti, as if it had been turned off.
- In the Construction sub-sector, for example,the use of railway-owned vehicles on aggregates trafficrautatien omistamien kulkuvälineiden käyttö kokoumaliikenteessäceasedlakkasialtogetherkokonaanin 1989vuonna 1989,following the withdrawal of a pool of 16.5 tonne opens based in the Peak Districtkun Peak Districtin 16,5 tonnin avointen reservin käytöstä luovuttiin.
- FightingTaistelutceasedtaukosivatonly with the advent of darknessvasta hämärän laskeuduttua-- but the respite was to be brief.
- The rainSadehadoliceasedlakannutvery suddenlyyhtäkkiä.
- For He makeththe stormmyrskynto<empty>ceaselakkaamaanso that the waves thereof are still …
- FinallyLopulta,in 1940vuonna 1940,freight trafficrahtiliikenneceasedlakkasiand the track was removed in 1941.
cessation.n 🔎
- This phenomenon may be defined as the temporarycessationkeskeytymisenäin development of a nematodesukkulamadon kehityksenat a precise point in its parasitic developmentsen parasiittisen kehityksen määrätyssä vaiheessa.
- This probably saved the structure from even worse decay following thecessationlakattuaof commercial millingkaupallisen myllytoiminnanat the start of the First World Warensimmäisen maailmansodan alkaessa.
- Aftercessationlakattuaof therapyhoidonthe serum HBeAg and HBV-DNA levels in these patients rebounded to baseline levels (Fig 3).
- He believed that reality was best approached through work oritssencessationlakkaamisen, whether in the shape of miners in the Borinage, labourers digging streets in The Hague, the poor waiting submissively in long lines in soup kitchens, or old men in broken top hats walking through the gates of almshouses.
- The probability ofsmokingTupakoinnincessationlopettamisenincreased by 40% if a person smoked less than 10 cigarettes per day.
- Theabruptäkillinencessationlakkaaminenof the draughts blowing into the roomHuoneeseen puhaltavien ilmavirtojenwas a welcome relief, although Isabel was so chilled by now that she was conscious of no great change in the temperature.
- Brazil called it a step backward in international relations and Mexico called for animmediatevälitöntäcessationlopettamistaof hostilitiesväkivaltaisuuksien.
- At thecessationtauottuaof hostilitiesväkivaltaisuuksienin 1945vuonna 1945, the works got back to its pre-war role.
- The previous day President Ranasinghe Premadasa had refused to extend theseven-dayseitsemän päivän mittaistacessationtaukoamistaof hostilitiesväkivaltaisuuksienwhich the government announced on Jan. 3 in response to the LTTE's initiative.
discontinuation.n 🔎
- In general Parker Morris standards and yardstick limits made the development of small numbers of houses in rural locations very uneconomical, and, in response to this and other criticisms,theirniidendiscontinuationlakkautuswas announced in January 1980; instead, cost estimates and project details were to be submitted directly for Department of the Environment approval.
- This assures us that the continued supply is of normal quantities required anyway, but it also makesdiscontinuationlopettamisestaof supplytoimitustena positive harm rather than a refusal to help.
- Relatively lateverrattain myöhäinendiscontinuationlopettaminenof treatmentHoidoncould be a reason for the unfavourable outcome in some cases.