- The herringSilliwould be<empty>cannedtölkitettäisiininstead of pickled.
- Mussels and oystersSimpukat ja osteritare usuallytavallisesticannedtölkitetäänin cotton seed oilpuuvillansiemenöljyynwhich is very strong, so they should be well rinsed before use and, if necessary, tossed in a little olive oil to restore their flavour.
- A large shipment ofsardinessardiinejacannedtölkitettyjäin TangierTangierissawas sold to representatives of the British Consulate by Hollander.
- Of course there was nothing to guarantee thatthe soupkeitto, jotayousinäwereolitcanningpurkittamassa,would measure up to the quality or taste of Mother's, nor that other soup canners would not make the same sales appeal.
- I would eat tinned vegetables, being sure to drinkthe water in whichvettä, johontheynehad beenolicannedsäilötty, and I would conserve body fluid by eating little or no protein.
- Nowadays,baconpekoniis<empty>curedsäilötäänby injecting fresh pork with brineruiskuttamalla suolalientä tuoreeseen porsaanlihaan, or soaking it in bring which contains permitted nitrite and nitrate preservatives.
- The Bayonne isa raw hamraakakinkku,curedjoka on säilöttyat Orthez in south-west FranceOrthezissa Lounais-Ranskassa.
- They were tasteless things, at the best of times -- obscene, if you considered thatthe herringssilakathad beenolicuredsäilöttywith their innards still inside themsisälmyksineen.
- `HeHäncouldn'tei pystyisicuresäilömääna side of baconpekonia, ``muttered Jackie.
- But after extracting the bone from the streamtheyhecuredsäilöivätitsenin jading substanceskäsittelyaineiden sekaan.
- Ifthe legreisipaistiis<empty>curedsäilötään,while it is still attachedkun se on vielä kiinni ruhossa, it is technically a gammon -- hence the confusion caused by the term `gammon ham ``.
- Made from fine-cut beef and pork,this salamitämä salamiisoncuredsäilöttynaturallyluonnollisestiin saltsuolaanand then left to mature for three months in a controlled but draughty atmosphere.
- Concrete is a good choice, but make sureitseison suoritettufullyperusteellinencuredjälkihoito,to avoid chemicals leaching into the waterjotta kemikaaleja ei huuhtoutuisi veteen,and seal it with a polypaint sold for ponds.
- OthersMuutare injected andcuredsäilötäänin brinesuolavedessäand allowed to hang dry and mature.
- The city not only has its own traditional dolphin stew, but also a dish known as iruka kuroshioboshi,dried dolphin meatkuivattua delfiininlihaa,curedjoka on säilöttyto the consistency of leathernahkaisen tuntuiseksi.
- The house was built by an Edwardian doctor using only the best materials --oaktammeacuredkuivattuafor eight yearskahdeksan vuoden ajanfor the lower rooms' panelling, fine teak for the window frames and mahogany for the fireplace.
- For elaborate structures stick rocks together with silicone sealant, but letitsencurekuivuacompletelykokonaanbefore putting it into your tank water.
- The multi-layered cerecloth implies thatshehänetwasoliembalmedpalsamoituin a manner similar to that of her husbandsamaan tapaan kuin aviomiehensä.
- W.J. White confuses matters more by saying that `the body of Elizabeth IElizabeth I:n ruumiswas sooli niinpoorlyhuonostiembalmedpalsamoitu,that during the funeral the coffin exploded, owing to the accumulation of the gaseous products of decomposition ``.
- HeHänembalmedpalsamoia childlapsenin 1717vuonna 1717so skilfully thatniin taitavastihe deceived Peter the Great, who thought the infant was alive yet in a state of normal repose.
- Whatever the circumstances -- and they are conflicting --WhiteWhiteacquired Hannah Beswick's body andembalmedpalsamoiherhänet,almost certainly by methods recommended by William Hunter, his former tutorlähes varmasti entisen opettajansa William Hunterin suosittelemilla menetelmillä.
- It seems most odd that a genteel seventy-year-old spinster, or her executors, would want to havethe bodyruumiinembalmedpalsamoivanby a newly hatched 29-year-old surgeonvastavalmistuneen 29-vuotiaan kirurgin.
- At the opposite end of the graven floor, a second mighty bowl held darker balls, composed no doubt ofthe bodily secretions of the third degreekolmannen asteen ruumiineritteistälikewiseembalmedpalsamoituinain ambermeripihkaan.
- Have you oils and spices formyminunembalmingpalsamointiani?
- (This was the purpose of theembalmingpalsamoinninof Lenin's corpseLeninin ruumiinand the removal of his organs for research.)
- Ruysch, a member of the Royal Society, devised an arterial technique forhumanihmistenembalmingpalsamointiin; although a master of the art he was extremely secretive and never divulged his recipe.
- But Hunter must surely have known that Van Butchell, famed for his eccentricities, had no intention of burying his wife once theembalmingpalsamointihad been done.
- However, in the 1890s an attempt was made by the trade to introducearterialvaltimoidenembalmingpalsamointias practised in the United States, the leading campaigners for this being the funeral furnishing firm of Dottridge Brothers.
- You would not believe the amount of fluid used, itwas truetodellistawaterlessilman vettä tapahtuvaaembalmingpalsamointia-- fascinating.
- Scientists have examined the mummies, but can't explain what produced themummificationmuumioitumisen.
- Even experts were taken by surprise by the near-intact coffins, and thenaturalluonnollisestamummificationmuumioitumisestaof the bodiesruumiiden, which was due to the favorable micro-climate of the crypt.
- Another prescription called for the hand to be drained of blood and dried in a pot containing salt and saltpetre, to dry andmummifymuumioimiseksiitsen.
- For all his earlier squeamishness,BloxhamBloxhamhad done well, returning Dowd's guts into the bowel of the carcass, andmummifyingmuumioimallathe whole sorry slabkoko ruumispöydänin plastic and tapemuovilla ja teipillä.
- In the second room layIsidora herselfIsidora itsemummifiedmuumioitunabut unwrapped,in a long glass casepitkään lasivitriiniin.
- That suggeststhe corpseruumiswasolimummifiedmuumioitunut--- a process that extracts 50 percent of the body's weight.
- The capersKapriksetare usuallytavallisestipickledsäilötäänin a white wine vinegarvalkoviinietikkaanto preserve them<empty>.
- The herringSilliwould be canned instead ofpickledsäilöttäisiin suolaliemeen.
- The headpääwas thenSittenpickledsäilöttiinin a ten-foot long tin boxkolmen metrin mittaiseen metallilaatikkoon, and the rotting body returned to the ocean.
- TheyHecatch them andpicklesäilövätthemneor pin them on cards; they put them in various sorts of cages and study their responses to different environments and different stimuli …
- MostSuurin osaare plucked andpickledsäilötäänfor sale as the ``ambelpoulia delicacymyytäväksi "ambelopoulia"-herkkuna.
- The salt must be rubbed or soaked into the meatto<empty>preservesäilyyitse.
- As salt would have been a precious commodity, all their meat had to be air-dried in orderto<empty>preservesäilyisiitsefor the winter monthstalvikuukausien ajan, and this was done by the use of cleits.
- Although deep-freezing has revolutionised the wayfoodruokaais<empty>preservedsäilötään, with some kinds of fish I still prefer the old method of salting and sun drying.
- Sometimesbodiesruumiitare<empty>preservedsäilyvätthrough mummification or in waterlogged depositsmuumioitumalla tai vetisissä kerrostumissa, but more often only skeletons survive.
- Some dietary components such as bread,foodruokapreservedsäilöttywith sulphur dioxiderikkidioksidilla, and alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine and cider are rich in sulphate.
- HeHänthen was responsible forsaltingsuolaamisestathe venisonhirvenlihanand packing it in barrels, and keeping it safe until required, or sending it wherever the king wanted it.
- Butter and cheese were made on practically every farm and eventhe cottagermökkiläinenkilled andsaltedsuolasihis own baconoman pekoninsa.
- Half-way down these walls, one of which backed onto the bathroom, slightly below waist-height there was a wide slate slab on whichthe pigporsasusedto be<empty>saltedsuolattiin,to preserve it through the winterjotta se säilyisi talven yli.
- SomeJotkutwere<empty>saltedsuolattiinand storedin brinesuolaliemeenin stoneware jarskivikeraamisiin purkkeihin, some were laid between rushes and turned daily until ripe for eating.
- But the apples were wrinkled from long storage, andthe meatlihahad beenolisaltedsuolattuto preserve itsen säilömiseksi.