- The 30-year-old London Scottish flanker will be returning to the UK to undergoexploratorytutkimus-surgeryleikkauksenon the injury to his left knee.
- Thisexploratorytutkimus-projectprojektiexamines the marketing procedure undertaken by a number of software houses.
- This is anexploratorykoe-studytutkimus.
- The six themes are at unequal stages of development in that some have already been broken down into specific research projects whereas others are at amorevieläexploratoryselvitys-stagevaiheessa.
- Subsequently somemore<empty>exploratorytutkivampiaanalysesanalyysejaare reported.
- This initial stage of the projectTämän projektin ensimmäinen vaiheisonexploratorytutkimuksellinenand comprises approximately thirty in-depth interviews with marketing managers, computer software houses, and computer manufacturers.
- After theexploratorytutkimuskaudenperiod of 18 months18 kuukauden, we hope to proceed by mid-1993 with full development, leading to a first order by the mid-1990s.
- ``Aesthetics in theseexploratorytutkimus-notesmuistiinpanoissais not confined to art, not even to ``art as a whole.
- It had been hoped thatan emphatic victory in New South Walesylivoimainen voitto New South Walesissawould lay thegroundworkpohjatyönfor a conservative victory at the next federal election, due by March 1993konservatiivien voitolle seuraavissa liittovaltion vaaleissa maaliskuussa 1993.
- MyMinunjob was to prepare thegroundworkpohjatyöfor a revolutionary new financial productuudelle vallankumouksellista taloustuotetta varten.
- The groupRyhmäis in talks with National Grid to establishgroundworkperustanfor a new telecoms allianceuudelle teleyhtiöiden liitolle.
- In short,wemeprovide thegroundworkpohjatyön, the teamwork and the network.
- Once oxygen and nitrogen appeared, thegroundworkperustawas laidfor the beginnings of vegetationkasvillisuuden alulle.
- That enabled a considerable amount ofgroundworkpohjatyötäfor the valuation exercise to be undertaken over the summerarviointiharjoitukselle, joka oli määrä toteuttaa kesän aikana.
- ThepoliticalPoliittinengroundworkpohjatyöfor changemuutoksellehad been laidby the ``realistic rents policy applied to the public sector by the Housing Subsidies Act 1956"realististen vuokrien" politiikassa, jota oli sovellettu julkiselle sektorille vuoden 1956 Housing Subsidies Actin myötä.
- Wemehavealreadyjodone some of thegroundworkpohjatyötäfor the new taxuuden veron puolesta.
- The projectProjektinis intended to lay thegroundworkperustafor a subsequent full-scale studymyöhemmälle täysimittaiselle tutkimukselle.
- However, like the mammals and the birds,the flowering plantskukkivat kasvitcertainly originated, and probably did much oftheir<empty>evolutionaryevolutionaaristagroundworkperustaansa,during the Mesozoic and especially the Cretaceousmesotsooisen kauden ja liitukauden aikana.
- An obvious answer is to have thisbasicperustavangroundworkpohjatyöndoneby a much smaller group who would meet more regularly and for longer periods at a stretchpaljon pienempi ryhmä, joka tapaa säännöllisemmin ja pitempiä aikoja kerrallaan.
- Thegroundworkperustaof this changeTämän muutoksenwas substantially completed by the turn of the century.
- Thegroundworkperustaof the veterinary arteläinlääketieteenwasmedical sciencekoululääketieteessä; farriery was no art, but a mere practice, habit or routine.
- By Spring 1963Kevääseen 1963 mennessä, thegroundworkpohjatyöof restructuring the BBCBBC:n rakenneuudistuksenhad been done.
- `Before we retroscend allow me a fewprefatoryalustaviaremarkshuomioitaon your pants.
- In aprefatoryAlustavassanotemuistiinpanossa`To the Reader ``she claimed that her relations were the only people likely to read what she had written.
- Three furtherprefatoryalustavaaremarkshuomiotaare necessary.
- Smart went further than any of his predecessors in this attempt to provide, according to hisprefatoryalustavannotemuistiinpanonsa, a version `Adapted to the Divine Service ``.
- ThepreliminaryAlustavachatkeskusteluwhich usually prefaces the interview proper is intended to break the ice and give both sides a chance to size each other up.
- Couples who wish to adopt a child are likely to find that conditions of acceptance are strict, andpreliminaryalustavatpreparation and training sessionsvalmistelu- ja koulutusistunnotprolonged and stringent.
- Here we give averyhyvinpreliminaryalustavandiscussionkäsittelyn.
- PreliminaryAlustavaworktyöbegan last September following the appointment of two countryside officers who are employed full time on the project.
- She had intended to spend the day working on apreliminaryalustavaaplansuunnitelmaafor her novel, taking advantage of Philippe Bonard's invitation to use his library.
- ThepreliminaryAlustavastepvaiheto any change of educational practice as to how pupils are introduced to and learn about industrymille tahansa koulutuskäytännön muutokselle, joka koskee sitä, kuinka oppilaat perehdytetään teollisuuteen ja kuinka he saavat siitä tietoa,should involve direct experience and regular industrial updating for teachers.
- The magistrate set apreliminaryalustavanhearingkuulemistilaisuudenfor next Tuesday and ordered Pickett held without bond.
- After the usualpreliminariesesivalmistelujenand courtesies from the Chair, the Minister of Transport outlined the Government's proposals before the Chairman threw the subject open for discussion.
- Without anypreliminariesesivalmistelujahehänbegan interrogating Dad.
- Watching this violation of the body's orifices,preliminariesesivalmistelujato the scientific brutality to followsitä seuraavalle tieteelliselle julmuudelle, had always made him feel uncomfortably like a voyeur.
- Sometimes, as with Kant,a period of more or less authoritarian government under an enlightened princeenemmän tai vähemmän autoritaarisen hallituksen kausi valistuneen ruhtinaan alaisuudessawas seen as a necessarypreliminaryesivalmistelunato the introduction of a more liberal and representative form of ruleliberaalimman ja edustuksellisemman hallintomuodon käyttöönotolle.
- The introduction ofa unified rouble exchange rateruplien yhtenäisen vaihtokurssin, due on July 1 as apreliminaryesivalmistelunato full convertibilitytäydelle vaihdettavuudelle, appeared to have been postponed.
- Ashe became a monk at Christ Churchhän ryhtyi munkiksi Kristuksen kirkkoonas apreliminaryesivalmisteluna, it looks as though Cnut did not feel able to ride roughshod over the church of Canterbury.
- A necessarypreliminaryennakkotoimiisto clarify the meaning of the term `rule ``määrittää, mitä tarkoitetaan termillä "hallinto".
- Therefore, an essentialpreliminaryesivalmisteluto serious work on the Abbey archivesluostarin arkistojen vakavalle tutkimukselleisthe compilation of a separate index of records at the Abbey that relate to the early modern periodluostarissa oleva kokoelma erillisiä tietuehakemistoja, jotka liittyvät varhaismoderniin aikaan.
- For himitsewas aolitediouspitkällinenpreliminaryennakkotapaus siitä,to discovering whether he had something truly in common with another human beingonko hänellä tosiaan jotain yhteistä toisen ihmisolennon kanssa.
- Description of social conditionsSosiaalisten olosuhteiden kuvauswas aolipreliminaryesivalmisteluato political reformpoliittiselle reformille.
- PreparatoryValmistelevattalkskeskustelutfor the treatysopimusta vartenstarted in 1994 and were completed last month in Osaka, Japan, when Keating and Suharto met at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum summit.
- Personal deputies of the leaders who will attend the summit held apreparatoryvalmistelevanmeetingkokouksenin Canada recently to exchange views on the topics of discussion and a draft of the economic statement, they said.
- The salvage crew had been doingpreparatoryvalmistelevaaworktyötäfor pumping Sea Empress' cargo of light North Sea crude into other vesselspumpatakseen Sea Empressin kevyen Pohjanmeren raakaöljylastin muihin aluksiin.
- Other Asian officials attending thepreparatoryvalmistelevaanmeetingkokoukseenhere agreed.
- Military officers from Syria and Israel are to resume talks in Washington in mid-June, and U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher is expected in the region on June 7 forpreparatoryvalmisteleviameetingskokouksia.
- But at the same time, we are in thepreparatoryvalmistelu-phasevaiheessafor a pulloutvetäytymisen.
- Somepreparatoryvalmisteleviastepsaskeliahave been taken.
- The officials were scheduled to meet again Saturday morningViranomaisten on määrä tavata uudelleen lauantaiaamuna, part of a regular series of consultations andpreparatoryesivalmistelujato the G-7 summit June 15-17 in Halifax, Nova ScotiaHalifaxissa, Nova Scotiassa kesäkuun 15.–17. päivinä järjestettävän G-7-kokouksen.
- At the Africanpreparatoryvalmistelu-meetingkokouksessafor the Beijing conferencePekingin konferenssin, 15 women's peace groups showed up from such war-ravaged lands as Sudan, Liberia, Mali, Somalia, Rwanda and Burundi.
- The Pentagon reported Thursday shifting of tanks and artillery and other ``reallytodellisiapreparatoryvalmistelujamoves by Saddam Hussein's armed forcesSaddam Husseinin sotajoukkojenafter the defection to Jordan.