TransFrameNet:Perception body
ache.v 🔎
- Her backHänen selkäänsäwas<empty>achingsattuibadlypahastinow and she viewed the steep climb with some dismay.
- SheHänachedkaipaustainsidetunsi sisällään, a sensation that had once been very familiar, but which she had deliberately suppressed over the last four years until she had almost forgotten what it had felt like.
- I got wearily to my feet,muscleslihaksetachingkipeinäfrom the effects of drink and walkjuomisesta ja kävelystä.
- Fran smiled,her facehänen kasvojaanachingkivistivätfrom the effort it cost to make the lie seem like the truthja ne ponnistelut, joilla hän yritti saada valheen näyttämään totuudelta,.
- HeHäntäachedsattuiin odd partskummallisiin paikkoihinand his cuts stung with the disinfectant Cally had used.
- The muscleslihaksiaachedsärkiin his thighs and calvesHänen reisiensä ja pohkeidensa.
- Too much had happened today to let her mind rest, althoughher bodyhänen kehoonsaachedkoskiwith fatigueväsymyksestä.
- Two hours later she was still awake,her bodyhänen kehonsaachingkaipasiwith its needstarpeitaan, her brain a whirling turmoil.
- HeHäntäachedkoskiabout the head and bodypäähän ja kehoon.
- Maggie's eyes and backMaggien silmät ja selkäare<empty>achingsärkivätlike hellhelvetillisesti.
- Culley's teethCulleyn hammastaachedsärkislightlyhiemanalong the line of the gumienrajasta; he imagined he could feel the air trickling through his lungs like snow-melt in a delta.
- Every muscle in our bodiesKehojemme jokaista lihastaachedsärkiunder the strainrasituksesta.
- Big drops hammered the side of his head andhis facehänen kasvojaanachedkivisti,from being clenched to keep the water out of his eyeskun hän oli pingottanut niitä pitääkseen veden pois silmistään.
- She might be so bored thather jawhänen leukaansaachedkivisti,from trying not to yawnkun hän yritti olla haukottelematta,, but Nicolo -- Nicolo looked as if he were about to explode.
- Blood was spouting from cuts on my right hand, andmy left footvasenta jalkaaniachedsärkia bithiemanand felt strange -- no more.
- My armKättäniachedsärkiafterwards.
- My headPäätäniachedsärkidullyhiemanand altogether I wasn't at my best.
ail.v 🔎
- Late in 1915, in a letter to Woodward, Dawson reported thathehänwas<empty>ailingkärsifrom an `anaemic condition ``, which did not improve"aneemisesta tilasta", joka ei parantunut.
- The Civil War brought grave troubles; White had to flee to London to escape the wrath of Cavaliers, andhehänwas old andailingvaivainenwhen he returned.
- After bitter boardroom feuding, Conran leftStorehouseStorehousen, by thenailingkärsi pahoista ongelmista, in 1990.
- Always the strong one, neverailingsairaalloinenlike her sistersniin kuin siskonsa, and so happy with her three little children.
burn.v 🔎
- His faceHänen kasvonsaburnthehkuivatlike a brandkuin kekäleAs the black cascade of perfume came tumbling over his breast; And he kissed its waves in the moonlight,
- His eyes glittered like steel in the moonlight, and she felther skinihonsaburnkihelmöivänbeneath the imprisoning band of his fingersmiehen vangitsevien sormien käsittelyssä.
- She tried to pull away, and as she did so,the skinihoaburnedpolttiand a sickening pain shot up towards her elbow.
- The throat burns like coals of fire;the skinihoaburnspolttavatin scarlet fevertulirokkoand inflammations; gastritis burns.
- Her fleshHänen ihoaanburnedkihelmöiwhere he touched itsieltä, mihin mies kosketti häntä.
- Evelyn went cold inside andher skinhänen ihoaanburnedkihelmöiall overjoka puolelta.
goosebump.n 🔎
- It always gaveAnneAnnengoosebumpskananlihalle, especially when the unidentified male voice answered the girls' plea for Mr Sandman to bring them a dream with a drawn-out, ever-so-slightly creepy `ye-e-es?
- I said loudly and desperately, wondering if my father could seemyettä olingoosebumpskananlihalla.
- The room was not very warm andshehänfeltgoosebumpskananlihallaon her armskäsiensä olevan.
hurt.v 🔎
- `Don't make a fuss,Iminuundidn'teihurtsattunuta bityhtään, ``said Granny Morkie, cheerfully, as she examined his leg.
- `Christ,Iminuunhurtsattuueverywherejoka puolelle.
- His armHänen käsivartensawastuntuihurtingkipeältäbeneath its bandagesiteen alla.
- At lunchtimeDot's earsDotin korviabeganhurtingsärkeäinside her headpään sisältäas though they were filling with hot fireaivan kuin ne täyttyisivät kuumalla tulella.
- If things weren't going badly enough,her feethänen jalkojaanhurtsärkiinside new shoesuusien kenkien sisällä, and then he showed up.
- I was able to breathe only with the utmost difficulty, andmy armkäsivartenihurtkipeälike helloli helvetillisen.
- He had learned to bear their ridicule without so much as a tear, but the names Sweetheart called him when she was really angry could makehis bodyhänen kehonsahurtsattumaanlike a bad pain on the insideikään kuin hän tuntisi pahaa sisäistä kipua.
- Her headHänen päätäänhurtsärki,with trying to make sense of itkun hän yritti saada asiasta tolkkua.
- ItSitähadn'tei olluthurtsärkenytbefore.
- Deep insideSyvällä sisimmässäni,Iminuunhurtsattuidreadfullykamalasti.
itch.v 🔎
- His headhänen päätäänwas<empty>itchingkutittitoo muchliikaafrom the dreadful old grey wigKammottava vanha harmaa peruukki.
- Now he stood near the door with his hands clasping each other behind his back andhis scalphänen päänahkansaitchingkutisifuriouslyraivoisastiin the heatkuumuudessa.
- It was so hot that Perdita would have liked to have worn shorts or a dress, buther mosquito biteshänen moskiitonpuremansahad come up in huge red bumps and were oozing anditchingkutisivatlike madmielettömästi, so she settled for her pale pink jeans and a dark blue shirt.
- TheyHelit smoky fires at night to keep them at bay, butwere soonpianitchingkutittaa heitäwith bitespuremat alkoivat.
- The flanks of his handsHänen kädensyrjänsäitchedkutisivatwith imagined dirtkuvitteellisesta liasta.
- For this, he was completely undressed -- which makeshis bodyhänen kehonsaitchkutiamaanto the point of agonytuskallisen paljon-- and placed in a UV cabinet, his arms held above his head to stop him scratching.
- Her bodyHänen kehonsaitchedkutisiconstantlyjatkuvastiand salt crystals from the drying of perspiration clung to the hair of her armpits and rimed her skin.
- Kate could feel it in her head, in her hair and eyes, under her eyelids, down her bra and in her pubic hair;shehäntäitchedkutittieverywherejoka puolelta.
- It was as ifhis whole bodyhänen koko kehonsawasolisiitchingkutissutunbearablysietämättömästi.
- Within hours, whilehehänitchedkutisiand writhed, the tissue was beginning to expand within him, hardening externally, invading his nervous system with internal tendrils.
- She had also noted patches of discoloured skin on the inner aspect ofboth ankles whichmolemmissa nilkoissa jotkaitchedkutisivat.
- The ears are thickened, they're cracking, they're bleeding,theyneitchkutiavatand they hurt; she almost scratched a hole on the outside of her ear because it hurt so much.
prickle.v 🔎
- She feltherselfsai hänetpricklekihelmöimäänat his toneMiehen äänensävy.
- I could seeyousinutwere<empty>pricklingkihelmöimäänfrom head to footpäästä varpaisiinwith some kind of emotion towards mejokin tunne minua kohtaan sai.
- His damp back plucked at his shirt, andhis legshänen jalkansaprickledkihelmöivätin the heavy trousersraskaissa housiissa.
- Where he had touched hersiitä paikasta, johon mies oli koskettanut häntäher scalpHänen päänahkansawas<empty>pricklingpistelilike a porcupinekuin piikkisika.
- Though she had been quite a successful model herself Arlene had never reached those giddy heights — the thought that now a pupil and protégé of hers might achieve it madeherhänetpricklekihelmöimäänwith excitementinnostuksesta.
- She had dozed off in her chair: stale saliva rotted on her tongue andher cheekshänen poskensaprickledkihelmöivätwith unaccustomed heatlämmöstä, johon hän ei ollut tottunut.
- Vaguely disappointed, the detective sat by the steamed-up window, attracting the occasional glance from the groups of sullen men at the Formica tables,his nosehänen nenäänsäpricklingkihelmöiwith pleasure at the smell of frying baconpaistetun pekonin miellyttävä tuoksu.
- My eyessilmiänipricklepolttavatwith tearsKyyneleet, and I have to stop myself from waking her up to remind her of my love.
- Her skinHänen ihoaanwas<empty>pricklingpisteliuncomfortablyepämiellyttävästi.
- I feltmy eyessilmienipricklekirvelevän.
- Chas felthis hairhiuksiensasuddenlypricklekihelmöivän,as if it was full of nitsaivan kuin ne olisivat täynnä täitä.
smart.v 🔎
- He pushed past them frantically,his eyeshänen silmiäänsmartingkirvelifrom the dustpöly.
- The Christian soldiers spent a thirsty and sleepless night,their eyesheidän silmänsäsmartingkirvelivätfrom the smoke which blew into their camp as the enemy systematically set fire to the dry scrub around themsavusta, jota levisi heidän leiriinsä, kun vihollinen järjestelmällisesti sytytti palamaan heitä ympäröivän kuivan pensaikon.
- She blinked artificial eyelashes overwide, brown eyes thatsuurissa, ruskeissa silmissään, joitaweresmartingkirvelifrom the vanity of contact lenses.piilolinssien turhamaisuus
- To be honestIminua'm stillyhäsmartingkirvelevätfrom the various wounds she inflictedhänen aiheuttamansa monenlaiset haavat.
- The inside of his handshänen käsiensä sisäpuoltasmartedpolttiunder the heat of itSen kuumuus.
- Then everything came back in a wave of anguish and she ducked her head under the water and made herself hold her eyes open untiltheyniitä alkoismartedkirvelläwith paintuskallisesti.
- `Suicide seems unlikely, ``reflected Auguste dully,eyessilmätsmartingkirvellenwith tirednessväsymyksestä.
- After a moment's hesitation she lay back, plunging her head deep in the water before shampooing her hair with the gel, gasping asher woundhänen haavaansasmartedkirvelihorriblykamalasti.
- Her headHänen päätäänsmartedkirvelipainfullytuskallisestiwhere several strands of hair had been wrenched out by her violent strugglespaikoista, joista oli irronnut useita hiustuppoja hänen rajun ponnistelunsa seurauksena, the fragile material of her shift had torn further, and she was shaking uncontrollably and unable to stand upright.
- JacksonJacksoniawas stillyhäsmartingkirveliwhen he returned to the station in the city centre.
- There was silence, andhis eyeshänen silmiäänsmartedkirveli.
sting.v 🔎
- I<empty>'m<empty>stingingpolttaaall overjoka puoleltawith sunburnAuringossa palanutta ihoaniand I can't even move my head to look at my wrist-watch without getting cramp in my neck and shoulders.
- Scott moved a pace towards her,his facehänen kasvojaanstingingkirpaisifrom the blowiskusta, his eyes bulging wide.
- John's faceJohnin kasvojastungkirpaisifrom the blowiskusta, he was speechless.
- He smiled;his broken teethhänen katkennutta hammastaanstungkirpaisiin the icy windjäisessä tuulessaand he clapped a hand to his mouth in pain, his eyes watering.
- The whites of his eyesHänen silmiensä valkuaisetstingpistävätlike fresh frostkuin kirpeä pakkanen.
- Her foot in its canvas tennis shoeHänen kankaiseen tennistossuun puettua jalkaansastungkirpaisilike madmielettömästibut to her surprise the bolt had moved a little.
- Her eyeshänen silmiäänstungpolttivatwith tearsKyyneleet.
tickle.v 🔎
- The end of my teddy-tailKikkelini päätäis<empty>ticklingkutittaalike madmielettömästi, but it is not-nice for boys to scratch down below.
- My feetJalkojaniticklekutittaawith the marching rhythm.
- He laughed softly, and ittickledkutittiup her spinehänen selkäpiitään.
tingle.v 🔎
- I feel excited andIminuatinglekihelmöieverywherejoka puolelta.
- `Absolutely, ``saidJeanJean,whose lips and fingersjonka huulet ja sormettingledkihelmöivätslightlyhieman,at the opportunity to say as muchkun hänelle tarjoutui tilaisuus sanoa näin paljon.
- The blood of my forefathers, all men of the seaEsi-isieni ja kaikkien merimiesten verta…tingledkihelmöiat the very thoughtjo tästä ajatuksesta. ”
- When he tucked in strands of dark curly hairher skinhänen ihonsatingledkihelmöiat his touchmiehen kosketuksesta.
- He sat forward and placed his hand on the pad,his palmhänen kämmentäänstilltinglingpolttelifrom the effects of the shockja isku.
- `IMinua'm stillyhätinglingkihelmöifrom head to toepäästä varpaisiin.
- Her hand rose toher lipshänen huulilleen, soft and stilltinglingkihelmöivätfrom the hard pressure of his possessive mouthhänen omistushaluisen suunsa kovasta paineesta.
- Ronni could feelher skinihonsatinglekihelmöivänfrom her scalp to her toespäästä varpaisiin.
- Berdichev shivered but stood straighter,his skinhänen ihonsastilltinglingkihelmöifrom the showersuihkun jäljiltä.
- Vologsky was alert immediately, the tensions now on the surface,his nerve-endingshänen hermopäätteensätinglingkihelmöivätwith anticipation and fearodotuksesta ja pelosta.
- Iminäjerked back,tinglingkihelmöidenwith fearpelosta, feeling it peel off like a strand of elastoplast.
- My faceKasvojaniwas<empty>tinglingkihelmöiwith fearpelostaand I felt in imminent need of a toilet-roll.
- The sound of the slap surprises her, she dropsher handkätensä,tinglingkihelmöiwith the force of itsen voimasta.
- Her head spun andher left armhänen vasenta kättääntingledpistelipainfullytuskallisestiwith pins and needles<empty>.
- I couldn't move my arms or legs,my bodykehoanitingledkihelmöiall overjoka puoleltaand I had a terrible splitting headache.
- Eventhe extremities of her limbshänen raajojaanwere<empty>tinglingkihelmöipleasurablymiellyttävästi, a subdued kind of electricity running through her entire body.
- Her footHänen jalkaansabeganto<empty>tinglepistelläand she shifted her position.
- HeHäntäactuallytingledkihelmöi,where she touched himsieltä, mihin nainen kosketti häntä.
- Her elbowHänen kyynärpäätäänwas<empty>tinglingkihelmöiwhere he was touching itsieltä, mihin mies kosketti sitä.