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- yesterdayeilenruled out posthumouspardonsanteeksipyyntöjäfor more than 300 British soldiers executed for cowardice and desertion during the First World Waryli 300 brittisotilaalle, jotka teloitettiin pelkuruudesta ja sotilaskarkuruudesta ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana.
- Noah ClaypoleNoah Claypolellewas given a freepardonarmahdusfor telling the police about Faginhänen kerrottuaan poliisille Faginista.
- Kim Hyon Hui, 27, a convicted North Korean saboteurKim Hyon Hui, 27, tuomittu pohjoiskorealainen sabotoija, received apardonarmahduksenon April 1212. huhtikuutawhich exempted her from the death penalty.
- ThomasThomashad received apardonarmahduksenin the previous Aprilviime huhtikuussa, just one week after Barnet, which implies a Neville connection.
- `I could not get apardonanteeksiantoafor SimonSimonille, you know that, Brother, but I showed him one last mercy.
- During their lives faithful Roman Catholics are taught thatby certain sacramentstietyillä sakramenteillaa personhenkilöstäbecomes a Christian, obtains ongoingtulee kristitty, ja hän saa jatkuvanpardonanteeksiannonfor sinssynneilleenand is prepared for the life hereafter.
- He was later filled with remorse for this, saying `I wouldIminäwere assured ofpardonanteeksiannostafor that sinsille synnille, though on that condition that this right hand were cut off.
- In his acceptance speech, he called on industrialised countries to take steps to reduce worldwide demand for cocaine,also ruled outpardonsarmahduksiafor drug traffickershuumeiden salakuljettajille, and said he'd maintain extradition agreements.
- A generalpardonarmahdusfor all remaining political prisonerskaikille jäljellä oleville poliittisille vangeille,announced on March 12joka julkistettiin 12. maaliskuuta, was followed by the release of 175 people by March 17.
- His pledge came aftergave a dramatic specialpardonarmahduksento former Defence Secretary Caspar Weinberger and five top aides of former President Ronald Reaganentiselle puolustusministerille Caspar Weinbergerille ja viidelle entisen presidentin Ronald Reaganin huippuavustajalle.
- He intercedes on behalf of the people, andhehänwins somepardonanteeksiannon.
- , has also promisedto<empty>pardonarmahduksenany accomplice with informationkaikille rikoskumppaneille, jotka antavat tietoja.
- PardonsArmahduksetwent alsoto 64 left-wing guerrillas64 vasemmistosiiven sissille, but not to Mario Firmenich, founder of the Peronist guerrilla group, Montoneros, who is serving 30 years for murder.
- The clan chiefs who had taken part against the KingKlaanipäälliköille, jotka olivat osallsituneet kuninkaan vastaiseen toimintaan,were offeredpardonsarmahduksiaon condition that each took an oath of allegiance to King William before 1st January, 1692sillä ehdolla, että jokainen vannoi uskollisuuden valan kuningas Viljamille ennen 1. tammikuuta 1692.
- Patricia Cahill and Karyn Smith, who were jailed for drugs smugglingPatricia Cahillille ja Karyn Smithille, jotka vangittiin huumeiden salakuljetuksesta, have been given a royalpardonarmahduksen.
- The command and disposition of the armed forces and minor domestic acts of government, such as the granting ofpardonsarmahduksienand honours, were also held to be outside the sphere of statutory authorization.
- `You wouldn't believe how sexy that skirt is blowing around like that, ``Mandy said michievously, now thatshehänelle'd been granted herpardonarmahduksensa.
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- The Greek prime minister, Mr Constantine Mitsotakis, looks downright incompetent: at first he saidwould<empty>pardonarmahtaisithe guilty mensyylliset miehet, then took that back and said he would merely release them.
- Cahill is pinning her hopes on,regularlypardonsarmahtaalong-term prisonerspitkäaikaisvankejaon his birthdaysyntymäpäivänään.
- have forgiven your people's sins andpardonedanteeksiantanutall their wrongskaikki heidän vääryytensä.
- BramptonBramptoninwas finallylopultapardonedarmahtiin 1489vuonna 1489.
- In July 1583Heinäkuussa 1583escaped to St Andrews, and set about destroying his tormentors orpardoningarmahtaakseensomejoitakinin return for abject submissionpalkintona nöyristelevästä antautumisesta.
- On Sept. 1, 1989, the government wrote off Argentina's $300,000,000 arrears in payments for Bolivian natural gas in return forpardoningannettua anteeksiBolivia's $800,000,000 bilateral debtBolivian 800 000 000 punnan kahdenvälisen lainan.
- In advance of their exchange,theyheidätwere<empty>pardonedarmahtiyesterdayeilen.
- In July 1266Heinäkuussa 1266hehänetwas<empty>pardonedarmahtifor his past trespasseshänen aiemmista rikkomuksistaan.
- The Bourequat brothersBourequatin veljekset-- three French citizens who had been imprisoned without charge for over 17 years --were<empty>pardonedarmahtion Dec. 3030. joulukuutaand returned to France on Jan. 3.
- Scott's Captain Waverley, as a southern Whig, is momentarily infatuated with the Jacobite Highlands, buthehänreturns south andishänetpardonedarmahdetaanfor his treasonmaanpetoksestaan.
- The revolt was not purely one of the agricultural classes, althougha substantial number of thosemerkittävä määrä heistäpardonedarmahdettiinfor participation in itsiihen osallistumisestaare described as `husbandman ``or `labourer.
- Some victims were resuscitated after being hanged,othersmuutreprieved andpardonedarmahdettiinafter mishaps with faulty traps or frayed ropesviallisten ansojen tai rispaantuneiden köysien aiheuttamien vahinkojen jälkeen.
- In 822Vuonna 822,sought reconciliation with his half-brothers,pardonedarmahtithe rebels of 818vuoden 818 kapinalliset, and restored Abbot Adalard and probably Wala to favour.
- TouvierTouvierhad been sentenced to death in absentia in 1946 and 1947 butwashänetpardonedarmahdettiinin 1971vuonna 1971.
- On 15 May 166015. toukokuuta 1660WillysWillyswas condemned butpardonedarmahdettiin,on condition of never again coming into the king's presence or entering the verges of the courtsillä ehdolla, ettei hän enää koskaan palaisi kuninkaan tai oikeuden lähelle.
- But thanks to Mr Wolfe's efforts and his work with The Northern EchoEvansEvanswas<empty>posthumouslykuoleman jälkeenpardonedarmahdettiin.