and typically cost a company fifteen to twenty pounds per head every year.
Some say
saaneen alkunsa in Greece or Turkey
Kreikassa tai Turkissa as a tourist stunt.
alkunsa saaneena , the Qur'an is estimated to sell for £100-150,000 ($180-265,000).
One yellowy hank was swiped forward from the nape of his neck, while
from his luxuriant left sideburn
hänen paksusta vasemmasta pulisongistaan .
The perithecia of these species have long, often
multicellular `horns ``that
monisoluiset 'sarvet', jotka just below the openings of the perithecium
juuri kotelosienen aukkojen alapuolelta .
The fish was of course a familiar ecclesiastical emblem,
ollen peräisin with the cryptogram of the early disciples
varhaisten opetuslapsien kryptogrammeista , and then elaborating on the analogy of `fishers of men ``.
Other debates and ideologies,
jotka ovat peräisin both from state apparatuses and from capital
sekä valtion koneistoista ja pääomasta , talked of affluence and a consumer spending boom, and more education was seen as part of the route to yet greater affluence.
Some energy from point Q is also detected by the sensor as if
, due to scattering at S1.