In association with this trend, there was renewed attention to longstanding evidence on the
, in association with government restrictions on the growth of Health Service spending.
It hangs around in the system as toxic waste,
a condition whose
sairaus, jonka detrimental
on our health
terveyteemme is accepted but not yet fully explored.
Its main conclusion is that there
on the health of local people
paikallisten ihmisten terveyteen , and that the only significant problems resulted from psychological factors, notably stress.
Its aim is to provide fresh evidence and new insights into the way policy was conducted, and
These policies
Näillä käytännöillä had
on the Italian birth rate
Italian syntyvyyslukuihin in the period 1930 -1932, and between 1933 and 1937 not a single department showed a rise in fertility (Glass).
The early life of a child and the attitudes of those around him
Lapsen varhaisella elämällä ja hänen läheisten ihmistensä asenteella häntä kohtaan can have a
upon his adult emotional state
hänen henkiseen tilaansa aikuisena .
The inhibitors might therefore be causing amnesia not because they prevent protein synthesis but because of
on increasing amino acid levels
lisääntyviin aminohappotasoihin .
With respect to morbidity and mortality, the 1984 Conference adopted recommendations concerning the
of healthful childbearing patterns
terveellisten synnytysmallien on the health of mothers and their children
äitien ja heidän lastensa terveyteen .
It has been assumed that inhaled NO exerts
and that there are no extrapulmonary effects.
Now, under the
, the tendency to reinstate the more sensuous aspects of painting grew stronger.
`I put you under the
of a powerful Viking spell which ensured you would be faithful to me
voimakkaan viikinkitaian, joka varmistaa, että olet uskollinen minulle, .
The absence of such a universally adopted standard whereby
the human conscience
ihmisen omatunto could have been developed to have a
on human behaviour
ihmisten käyttäytymiseen , has been the cause of much failure in efforts to administer justice.
If Gough can dominate Chapman then Rangers will be well pleased because this face-to-face test of nerve,
strength and skill
voimilla ja taidoilla will have a
on the outcome
lopputulokseen .
But it is
the voice of Pearl investors which
Pearlin investoijien ääni, jolla will have
on the outcome
lopputulokseen and they should keep quiet for the time being.
Team dynamics
Ryhmädynamiikalla also have an
on the outcomes and the contribution of members
tuloksiin ja jäsenten osallistumiseen .
An Italian scholar has tried to trace
by noting how many times he quoted them.
Frontman Glenn Kingsmore -- lead vocalist and bassist -- affirms that, `
had a
The domination of acute services and the parallel increases in high-tech medicine
Akuuttipalveluiden hallitsevalla asemalla ja samanaikaisella huippulääketieteen kasvulla have
on people's expectations of what is appropriate and possible in health care
ihmisten odotuksille siitä, mikä on sopivaa ja mahdollista terveydenhuollossa .
So the null hypothesis that the γ coefficients are all zero can not be rejected, and therefore
neither the current nor the lagged DM's
ei nykyisillä eikä edellisillä DM:illä appear to have
on the rate of unemployment
työttömyystasoon .
The Orphic idea of Chronos
Khronoksen orfinen idea ,
may have had an
on Pythagoras
Pytagoraaseen , seems rather like the Iranian idea of Zurvan akarana.
These factors
Näillä tekijöillä may have a
; they have no bearing at all on hierarchical layers.
Though it claimed some
upon the councils of action in the North East and in London
toimintapäätöksiin koillisessa ja Lontoossa , its impact was minimal.
Television and radio
Televisiolla ja radiolla in particular have an
upon the attitudes and preferences of worshippers
palvojien asenteisiin ja mieltymyksiin, and their power is not to be ignored.
Inspired by the example of Mussolini's achievements and the promise of Adolf Hitler,
upon British political life
Britannian politiikassa .
Trade unions exerted a
upon the Labour Party
työväenpuolueeseen , especially after the introduction of the new Labour constitution of 1918.
No doubt
but Peter Green, author of the definitive `Kenneth Grahame -- a Biography ``, believes the Fowey River to be the true setting of the tale.
In addition,
the structure of collective bargaining
kollektiivisten sopimusten rakenteella upon the role and locus of decision-making within employers' organisations themselves
päätöksenteon rooliin ja alueeseen työntekijöiden organisaatioissa .
There are many lesser examples around, of
people whose
ihmisistä, joiden upon policy making
politiikanteossa owes nothing either to any notion of representative government or to the cruder theories about pressure-group activity
As we might expect,
partisaaniudella upon image ratings
kuvien arviointeihin , and it became an increasingly powerful influence as the election approached.
`Next term I'm going to be teaching part of a course on the
, ``Loretta added, again to little response.
Analysis of variance was used for assessing any
on PEG absorption
PEG:n imeytymiseen .
The first group remained unmoved, the second group were more aggressive and the third group even more so, proving the
of aggressive acts
aggressiivisten tekojen on young children
pieniin lapsiin .
Birmingham newsagent, Daniel Clarke, said the main problem
on young people who committed crimes when “ out of their minds
nuoriin ihmisiin, jotka tekivät rikoksia ollessaan "sekaisin päästään ”.
of these factors
näiden tekijöiden on British animal preferences
brittien eläinmieltymyksiin are less obvious -- despite a certain amount of overlap between the British and world lists -- perhaps because the range of possible choices is far more limited.
This illustrates dramatically the
of the individual nucleons
yksittäisten nukleonien on the nuclear size
ytimen kokoon , but as yet no quantitative calculations have been able to reproduce the effect.
They called on parents, teachers, guardians and the youth themselves to do their best to curtail the
of the mass media
joukkoviestimien on their lives
heidän elämästään .
After 1954, and however virtuously reassuring it had been to teach bright Battersea boys, it was impossible to ignore the
of social class
sosiaaliluokan on educational achievement
koulutuksellisiin saavutuksiin .
But let us look at
Pre-campaign party identification exercised a
particularly strong
erityisen voimakasta on voting preferences throughout the campaign
äänestyskäyttäytymiseen koko kampanjan aikana and on final voting choices in the election itself.
Wilks (1983) argues that
linguistic theory
kielitieteellisellä teorialla has had
little direct
vain vähän suoraa on parsing techniques
jäsennystekniikoihin .
Before establishing the final protocol, various tissue fixation methods were compared to investigate
on staining intensity for both the PCNA and the BrdU protocol
värjäytymistehoon sekä PCNA- että BrdU-protokollissa .
Because of its widespread use in technical and scientific English in particular,
has had a
on similar registers in other languages through translation
samanlaisiin rekistereihin muissa kielissä käännöksien kautta .
In the years after the Twenty-One Demands Japanese governments tended to adopt a more indirect approach in their attempts to exert
It can not be overemphasized that many non-biological factors mitigate the
of fertility patterns
hedelmällisyyskaavojen upon health and mortality
terveyteen ja kuolleisuuteen .
Studies that have examined
on children's eating patterns
lasten syömistottumuksiin have shown that parents have a significant influence.
Michael Herd examines the
, exposing the tabloid papers for what they are, and identifying money as a recurring culprit.
Results reported by Marslen-Wilson, Tyler and Seidenberg (1978) using monitoring tasks also show that
the completeness of information in a clause
lausekkeen tietojen täydellisyydellä has an
on its processing
sen prosessointiin .
One of the
in this diffusion of European ideas
eurooppalaisten ideoiden leviämiseen was
the missionary movement
lähetyssaarnaajaliike .
However some organisational sociologists and humanistic psychologists working in applied fields have long acknowledged the
of personal styles and predispositions
henkilökohtaisten tyylien ja taipumusten on professional and organisational effectiveness
ammatilliseen ja organisatoriseen tehokkuuteen .