a couple of times
muutamia kertoja ,
in later years
myöhempinä vuosina ,
during conversation
keskustelun aikana , but the papers were never produced at the time.
The idea of the still image is
several times
useita kertoja both in this and in the preceding chapter
sekä tässä että edeltävässä luvussa .
, its specific content will be superseded in a few years; but in meantime the book may be able to rescue some future Nobel laureates from becoming otherwise lost in cyberspace.
now and again
silloin tällöin when he's writin'
kirjoittaessaan .
the need for systematic training of bilingual service providers
tarpeen kaksikielisten palveluntarjoajien järjestelmälliselle koulutukselle .
that there is no substitute for good planning
että hyvää suunnittelua ei korvaa mikään .
that one must distinguish between economic efficiency and cost-cutting
että on erotettava toisistaan taloudellinen tehokkuus ja kustannusten leikkaaminen .
No, I'd never heard
, ``said Mrs Frome.
in the columns of the daily press
päivittäisten lehtien kolumneissa .
even in the archive tablets, where the preoccupation is with lists of offerings and the deities and sanctuaries to which they were dedicated
edes arkistokivissä, joissa kiinnostus kohdistuu tarjontaluetteloihin sekä jumaliin ja pyhätöihin, joille ne oli omistettu .
she was speedily put right: Pen was all his father, lacked entirely the characteristics of those other Barrett males.
in your commentary on African democracy
Afrikan demokratiaa koskevassa kommentissasi, (
that Botswana is the only democratic former British colony in Africa
että Botswana on ainoa demokraattinen Britannian entinen siirtomaa Afrikassa .
I'll post news if
on the 5 o'clock news
viiden uutisissa .
on 29 April 1819
29. huhtikuuta 1819 , but diplomas appeared on 7 July 1819.
in the section on Concentration
keskittymistä käsittelevässä osiossa ,
a good time-table of study can take the place of motivation until such motivation develops of its own accord
hyvä opiskeluaikataulu voi korvata motivaation, kunnes motivaatio kehittyy itsestään .
she put her forefinger and thumb together in a circle and made the universal sign for self-abuse.
Three of the initial four wordings
Kolme neljästä alkuperäisestä sanamuodosta, jotka could be so described: rogo, peto, and volo all have the flavour of a wish of the deceased communicated to the trustee.
by the hon. Gentleman
Arvoisan herran has never been put to me and I did not see the article to which he referred.
laryngitis as one of the symptoms
kurkunpäätulehduksen yhdeksi oireeksi ?
On this occasion
Tässä tapauksessa would like
your Guild is only 14 years younger than the Diocese itself
että kiltasi on vain 14 vuotta nuorempi kuin hiippakunta itse .
hienotunteisesti .
to Detective Furness
etsivä Furnessille .
No need
, though.
So unlike the attitude of his equally famous French contemporary
Toisin kuin hänen yhtä kuuluisan ranskalaisen aikalaisensa asenne :
nine years earlier
yhdeksän vuotta aikaisemmin ,
his real dad
hänen oikeaa isäänsä in front of Luke
Luken edessä .
Public sector workers in France and the United Kingdom
Ranskan ja Ison-Britannian julkisen sektorin työntekijät .
The media campaign
mediakampanja should be put in into operation immediately.
the tolling of a bell
kellon soiminen ; we say that a bell `tolls ``when it sounds one repeated single note.
a change of clothing
vaatteidenvaihtoa .
can not have been the national fast on the Day of Atonement for all Jews kept this fast.
that they were in the forest to hunt for the unicorn
että he olivat metsässä metsästääkseen yksisarvista, he had flung Allen into the stream.
At this point, do not edit
any field
mitään kenttiä, joita not
you among the people she should contact
sinut niiden henkilöiden joukossa, joihin hänen pitäisi ottaa yhteyttä , simply that.
Two reports from Oberammergau heavily criticized the German leadership, implicitly including Hitler even though
at the mouth of the river Ems, coalification obviously is not yet in equilibrium with the present depths and rock temperatures, it is still going on
Ems-joen suulla hiillytys ei selvästi ole vielä tasapainossa nykyisten syvyyksien ja kivilämpötilojen kanssa, se etenee edelleen .
Kiwi fruit, nor
and they definitely hadn't warned him about the pine kernels.