that a dryad was so linked to her tree that she suffered wounds in sympathy
että puunhenki oli niin kiinnittynyt puuhunsa, että se sai sympatiahaavoja
that the appropriate question for predicate qualifiers is how
että sopiva kysymys predikaattimääreille on miten ?.
Looking back wistfully three decades later
Katsoen takaisin kaihoisasti kolme vuosikymmentä myöhemmin ,
that during the summer months the Office followed the Law Courts in observing what were called `vacation hours ``
että kesäkuukausina toimisto seurasi oikeusistuinta ottaessaan huomioon 'lomatunnit' .
what they did last week
mitä he tekivät viime viikolla , let alone last year.
At this moment it was difficult
how quiet, calm and determined she had been
miten hiljainen, rauhallinen ja päättäväinen hän oli ollut .
They do know that
seeing him
nähneensä häntä .
ripping the mask off to breathe more freely of bottled air
repineensä naamion pois hengittääkseen vapaammin pullotettua ilmaa .
Deaf people
Kuurot ihmiset , too, seem sensitive to the same patterns but
as effectively
yhtä tehokkaasti with overt speech rehearsal
julkisissa puheharjoituksissa .
University undergraduates
Yliopiston opiskelijat listened to a list of words and were required
as many of these words as possible in any order they wished
mahdollisimman monta sanaa heidän haluamassaan järjestyksessä ,
either immediately or after a delay
joko välittömästi tai viiveen jälkeen .
Like actors remembered as great for just turning up,
as gigantic, vivid images
jättimäisinä, elävinä kuvina when they were probably just spectral smudges.
He was a very physical person and
as a child lying on his chest
kuinka lapsena makasin hänen rinnallaan .
were asked to rate the passage for comprehensibility and
as much of it as they could
siitä niin paljon kuin he pystyivät .
if they'd always looked so intensely inviting
olivatko ne aina näyttäneet niin voimakkaan kutsuvilta .
And do
whether any of the statuettes had been removed or disarranged
oliko mitään pienoisveistoksia viety tai siirretty ?
his futile attempts to pull together the shreds of his old life
tuloksettomat yrityksensä saada entisen elämänsä langat järjestykseen as if nothing had happened
aivan kuin mitään ei olisi tapahtunut , his tangled emotions, the trouble at school.
Yet last night, s
fringed singer John
hapsuinen laulaja John with starry eyes
kirkkain silmin ,
`We sold out Leicester University
'Me myimme Leicesterin yliopiston .
with a sense of shock
järkyttyneenä the queen-dowager's words, her uneasy reference to Richard of Gloucester, when commanded to relinquish her younger son
leskikuningattaren sanat, hänen vaikean viittauksensa Richard of Gloucesteriin, kun hänet oli määrätty luopumaan nuoremmasta pojastaan .
Nevertheless, he was not an enthusiast for the work of the WEA and
only one exchange in their discussion
vain yhtä sananvaihtoa heidän keskustelussaan with any pleasure
mielihyvällä :
in his teens being summoned to Cherwell for dinner parties when a Cabinet minister might say to Lord Beaverbrook: `What do you think of Germany?
kuinka hänet teini-ikäisenä kutsuttiin Cherwelliin päivällisille, joissa hallituksen ministeri voisia sanoa lordi Beaverbrookille: 'Mitä mieltä olet Saksasta?'
There was no longer any carpet underfoot -- merely drugget,
a material
materiaali, jonka from nineteenth-century novels dealing with servants' quarters
1800-luvun romaaneista, jotka käsittelivät palvelijoiden asuntoja .
the name from her carpet book
nimen mattokirjastaan : `Only to be visited if money is no object and you know exactly what you are looking for.
We just sat and nattered, about
various Christmas holidays
erilaisista joululomista, joita from our individual childhoods
omista lapsuuksistamme .
, but I didn't take much notice.
They notice that, even more puzzlingly,
may stumble in reading aloud and yet
with accuracy and insight
tarkasti ja oivaltaen .
how I ended up with Derek
miten päädyin yhteen Derekin kanssa -- if that was his real name.
One point was computed for each
letter that
kirjaimelle, joka in the correct place
oikeassa paikassa .
At least,
the bits that
pätkät, jotka were about Anne, but behind the dreams, somewhere at the edges of my mind, an image of Poppy seemed to be lurking.
Both recall and recognition for the central colour detail was unaffected by condition, but
the peripheral detail
lisätiedot was
recognized and
in the neutral condition
neutraalissa tilanteessa and
in the arousal condition
kiihtyneessä tilassa .
Many Conservatives
Monet konservatiivit the disarray into which the Macmillan administration had plunged after its striking election victory in 1959
sekasorron, johon Macmillanin hallinto oli syöksynyt vuoden 1959 hämmästyttävän vaalivoittonsa jälkeen .
Basil Peacock
Basil Peacock him having a specially made iron club which fixed into his partial right arm, and was adjustable for loft by manipulation between his feet
että hänellä oli erityinen rautamaila, joka kiinnitettiin hänen osittaiseen oikeaan käteensä ja jota pystyi säätämään lyöntiä varten jalkojen välissä .
Then finally, Paul Reichmann saw the opportunity he had been waiting for in London,
from the days when he studied there as a young man
päiviltä, jolloin hän nuorena miehenä opiskeli siellä .
That fancy soon passed when
why he was there
miksi hän oli siellä .
As he went over the events of last Saturday night once more
Kun hän kävi läpi viime lauantai-illan tapahtumat vielä kerran, the complex thudding of the expertly played drum, and his rush into the derelict asylum out-building
osaavasti soitetun rummun monimutkaisen rummutuksen ja kiireensä ränsistyneeseen turvapaikkarakennukseen .
As for Carol herself,
was quite prepared
if it meant that it would help to convict the rapist
jos se tarkoitti, että se auttaisi tuomitsemaan raiskaajan .
Perhaps more bizarre
Ms Haddad's
neiti Haddadin that her husband `spanked ``her `22 times on her `22nd birthday ``
siitä, että hänen aviomiehensä 'läimäytti häntä 22 kertaa hänen 22-vuotissyntymäpäivillään' .
Such inconsistencies make it clear that the age-regressed person is not actually functioning at the suggested age level, nor
muistikuvansa truly accurate
täysin tarkka .
Two other grandmothers who came on regular visits, one `very generous and the other an eloquent `martinet ``, died too soon to leave more than a
In appearance everything had been altered since then, and -- so far as looks went -- much for the better, but nearly everything he cared about most was enshrined in these
muistikuviin .
She looked up and stared at Melissa in
I have naturally been very careful not to discover anything about it, but I have a feeling that she has commissioned little tributes from friends and
from my sisters
siskoiltani .
of grandparents
Isovanhempien thus appears strongest between women: granddaughters remembering grandmothers.
I wanted to take an event, an experience from my own past, and re-examine it through the
of someone else
jonkun muun .
is a gesture he made when getting me to describe my fiancée.
Perhaps illness had dulled
I haven't the
of anything like it
mistään sellaisesta .
I have a
muistikuva siitä, that Donald Wilson at first sniffed at Verity Lambert's `independent ``ways.
Gedge disagrees with
muistikuvasta of the letter
kirjettä koskevasta .
With a
of the morning's operation
aamuisen toiminnan , Jean wondered at the number of things Caesar had named after him.
`I'm a Time Lord,
? ``he whispered back, keen to make sure none of the others overheard him.
`If she could sniff something she would, ``
'Jos hän voisi impata jotakin, hän tekisi niin,' Brian Crowley, Kirsty's foster dad
Brian Crowley, Kirstyn kasvatusisä .
on waking up in the morning
herätessään aamulla because they ``really don't dream, or is it because they fail to remember them?
All answers
Kaikki vastaukset in the mothers' own words
äidin omin sanoin .
Many of these men
Monista näistä miehistä became local characters, if only
heidät muistettiin for their nicknames and their prowess in drinking
lempinimistään ja kyvystään juoda .
It can be surprisingly hard
quite obvious things
melko itsestäänselviä asioita .
I talked and talked that night
Puhuin ja puhuin sinä yönä ,
about all sorts of things
kaikenlaisista asioista .
The drive was much longer than
, and by the time she reached the lane, her sandals had grit in them, and her hair was quite wet.
with pleasure
mielihyvällä .
As it turned out, the police officer concerned told us that, provided
the details
yksityiskohdat, jotka under hypnosis
hypnoosissa, tallied precisely with the details she had given immediately after the crime, there would be no problem.
It was
the next hour or two that
seuraava tunti tai kaksi, jotka with such intensity
erittäin tarkasti .
His father was the same, and his father before him, as
When the cup was broken,
it being on the table
sen olleen pöydällä , but when it was on the table, they would not remember it being on the floor.
She said: “
very clearly
hyvin selvästi, because they were such a beautiful couple
koska he olivat niin kaunis pari .
From this period onwards
adopted a distinctive dress and
for her lace mantilla, her plain sandals, and her austerely simple clothes
hänen pitsihunnustaan, yksinkertaisista sandaaleistaan ja vaatimattoman yksinkertaisista vaatteistaan .
what people will have to pay
mitä ihmisten on maksettava .
like I were only little
kuin olisin vasta pieni, but I remember these things you know.
West Brom should have thrashed Stoke really (based on their current form).
we did a few gigs
että teimme muutamia keikkoja .
when we were kids
kun olimme lapsia ?
where the money went
mihin rahat menivät , ``Saadoum quoted the official as saying.
`Your age has nothing to do with it, ``
said, and
to add, `Not that you look it.
lisätä 'Ei sillä, että näyttäisit siltä.'
? ``asked Jean.
to save it as plain text
tallentaa se pelkkänä tekstinä -you will get all sorts of interesting error messages if you don't.
listening to George Robey
kuunnelleensa George Robeytä .
The memory of that game brought Ginny back to Johnny Redburn:
the last time
viimeinen kerta, kun playing it
soittaneensa sitä, was when he and his wife came to stay in August 1964.
We fly across the world without a thought for Orville Wright, and
when taking their holiday snaps
ottaessaan lomasnapsejaan ?
(For example,
if you dream of having a novel published
jos unelmoit saavasi romaanin julkaistua ,
yourself scribbling away as an adolescent, or having a poem published in the school magazine, or simply reading novels
itsesi kirjoittelemassa nuorena, runosi julkaisemisen koulun lehdessä tai itsesi vain lukemassa romaaneja .
As one who knew her and her husband only a little
Hänet tunteneena ihmisenä ja aviomiehenään ,
her as a vivacious lady of beauty and charm who worked throughout her life for many good causes
hänet vilkkaana, kauniina ja charmikkaana naisena, joka työskenteli koko elämänsä ajan useiden hyvien tarkoitusten hyväksi .
Bristol students
Bristolin opiskelijat for his teaching
häen opetuksestaan .
from his hearing tests
hänen kuulotesteistään --
a quiet man
hiljainen mies .
There must be
dozens of people still alive who
kymmeniä edelleen elossa olevia ihmisiä, jotka the transmissions
kuljetukset from their youth or childhood in the early 1920s
nuoruudestaan tai lapsuudestaan 1920-luvun alusta .
this definition
tämä määritelmä by ``equating sf T with in your mind
'yhdistämällä' sf T mielessäsi .
for when a small boy, I was puzzled as to what Tylees could have to do with the sea
koska ollessani pieni poika ihmettelin, mitä tekemistä Tyleesillä voi olla meren kanssa .
from when I was a kid
lapsuudestani , back in the days when you don't remember me.
Jack too felt a painful void -- `
his old happy days, especially his puppyhood
entisiä onnellisia päiviänsä, etenkin hänen nuoruuttaan ,
``, and for Minto it was grief `as if for a human being.
In the UK
Yhdistyneessä Kuningaskunnassa the pre-take off checks
ennakkoshekit are standardised and
by the mnemonic CBSIFTCB
muistijonolla CBSIFTCB .
because they could swim in `Cleopatra's Pool ``, a large basin supplied by a spring
siksi, että he saivat uida 'Kleopatran altaassa', suuressa altaassa, johon tuli vettä lähteestä .
His late father Gordon Wood
hänen edesmenneen isänsä Gordon Woodin ,
by an earlier generation
Edellinen sukupolvi .
, like Thwaite, is a sleepy little place and
as the milkless village
maidottomana kylänä .
by the consultancy arm
Konsultointiosasto for many projects, including the successful completion of the aircraft hangars at St Athan, Cardiff, and the buildings at Lower Shakespeare Cliff for TML
monista projekteista, kuten onnistuneesta lentokonehallien valmistumisesta Cardiffin St Athanissa, ja TML:n rakennuksista Lower Shakespeare Cliffissä .
-- there are already large gaps in the tying in of facts and diagnosis.
the value of getting to know your lender and keeping them informed
mitä arvoa on sillä, että opit tuntemaan luotonantajasi ja pidät hänet ajan tasalla .
just seem
that she's about twenty-five or six, about five five, hundred and fifteen pounds all where they're supposed to be, hair that looks like somebody grabbed a handful of stardust and smoothed it over her head
että hän on noin kaksikymmentäviisi tai -kuusi, noin 1,6 metriä pitkä, 53 kiloa juuri oikeissa kohdissa, hiukset näyttävät siltä, kuin joku olisi ottanut kourallisen tähtipölyä ja tasoittanut sen hänen päänsä ympärille .
about all this
kaiken tämän from when he was living in the country
ajalta, jolloin hän asui maassa .