Two of his apologies in Africa
Kaksi hänen pahoitteluaan Afrikassa .
Only by
our financial goals
taloudellisiin tavoitteisiimme by December 31
31. joulukuuta mennessä can we be sure that necessary repairs, art exhibitions and educational programs continue to meet your expectations.
It is likely that
those L1s that
ne L1:t, jotka this definition of 3' intact
tätä 3' intaktin määritelmää are distantly related to L1.
These agencies were working with their contractors (who provided the electronic applications for the automated employees travel system) in moving towards
Getting a federal government's priorities in proper perspective, one member of parliament bemoaned the cultural center as ``50 years ahead of its time-that's how long it'll take the
the 500 percent cost overrun
500 prosentin kustannusylitys .
need Your help
However, the school does have
specific needs
tiettyjä tarpeita , some quite visible and others somewhat subtle,
by legislative appropriations, student tuition and fees
lainsäädännölliset määrärahat, opiskelijoiden lukukausimaksut ja muut maksut .
Of the 238 patients with synovitis of recent onset in the cohort,
RA criteria
RA:n kriteerit , 102 (96%) of whom met the criteria on their initial visit.
Of the 238 patients with synovitis of recent onset in the cohort, 106 (45%) met RA criteria,
102 (96%) of whom
joista 102 (96%) on their initial visit
ensimmäisellä käynnillään .
At the time of our review
Arviointimme aikana ,
the Logistics Center
logistiikkakeskus was on track
or exceed
These requirements
Nämä vaatimukset in GeneChip experiments
GeneChip-tutkimuksissa .
For each comparison, normal and deficient, 14 probe sets were found to be significantly different between the 2 ?g and 10 ?g samples, which is a false positive rate of
0.4% of the probe sets that
0,4 % näytesarjoista, jotka the ``detection filter
'havaintosuodatinta .
Estimated facility cost and schedule issues receive increasingly intense review during the design phase so that the owner has a high level of confidence prior to bid that
the performance, quality, cost, and schedule objectives defined during the conceptual planning phase
tehokkuus-, laatu-, kustannus- ja aikataulutavoitteisiin, jotka määriteltiin konseptuaalisen suunnittelun vaiheessa, .
will strive
the Congress' needs
kongressin tarpeet within available resources
käytettävissä olevilla resursseilla and exercise the independence necessary to guarantee that its products and work conform to professional standards and the agency's core values of accountability, integrity, and reliability.
and we went down uh to Saint Edwards and interviewed and it
just kind of
her criteria
hänen kriteerinsä it's a school of about twenty five hundred undergraduates on a gigantic big campus and it's in Austin's a nice city