TransFrameNet:Medical professionals
- We therefore suggest that you consult yourfamilyoma-doctorlääkäriisifor further advice.
- Later, when I consulted on another matter aBritishbrittiläistädoctorlääkäriä,who has been in Kampala some thirty years, he stated that he `never advises patients to take mefloquine.
- He lied to her about thecompanyyrityksendoctorlääkärille, saying he had seen him that afternoon and that the doctor had advised a complete rest for a fortnight because he had been overworking.
- Within an hour of Mr Crumwallis's telephone call to theschoolkoulundoctorlääkärille, the police were in residence at Burleigh.
- Medical students in his boat tried to help him, and alocalpaikalliselledoctorlääkärillewas called but there was nothing they could do.
- This is called Reynaud's Phenomenon, after theFrenchranskalaisendoctorlääkärinwho first described it in the thesis for his medical degree in 1862.
- Last year a team at the University of Pittsburgh unveiled a medical artificial intelligence project called Internist, which could beat mostdoctorslääkäritat diagnosing internal diseases.
- Do not accept pills or medicines from anyone but your own doctor or thedoctorlääkäriltäat the clinicklinikan.
- Onewas aolijuniornuorempidoctorlääkäriat a London hospitalLontoon sairaalassawith pale skin and frizzy hair.
- Nigel plans to make this equipment available to the public by askingdoctorslääkäreitäin the townkaupunginto refer patients to him.
- The research unit collates information on communicable diseases and respiratory tract infections from a network of 228familyoma-doctorslääkärinin 62 practices across England and Wales62 vastaanottoasemalla ympäri Englantia ja Walesia.
- DoctorsLääkäritin West Cumbria health districtLänsi-Cumbrian terveydenhoitopiirissäcould recall only seven cases in 14 years.
- Dr Brunt,the Queen'skuningattarendoctorlääkäriin AberdeenAberdeenissä, treated her in 1986 after the fishbone scare.
- Now I knew what thedoctorlääkäriat the Centrekeskuksenthought of me, and he wasn't far wrong.
- `I am twenty-three years old, ``Miss Honey said, `and when I was born my fatherwas aolidoctorlääkäriin this villagetässä kylässä.
- Editor, -- Ellis Field suggests that increasing the number of consultants to help reducejuniornuorempiendoctorslääkäreiden' hours would alter the nature of senior posts for the worse and advocates a substantial increase in junior staff.
- ThedoctorsLääkäritsaid that Karen's body was still a little radioactive, but Drew and Paula were all right.
- A FORMERNational Health Servicekansallisen terveyspalvelundoctorlääkäritrying to build up a private holistic treatment practice yesterday lost his Appeal Court challenge to a General Medical Council rule against advertising.
- He's probably aon todennäköisestijuniornuorempidoctorlääkäri, come to take details.
- I was preparing to depart from the hospital when theBritishbrittiläinennursesairaanhoitajaentered my suite in a white glow of anger.
- I know I'm in trouble when the beautifulPhilippinofilippiiniläinennursesairaanhoitajaI met in Dr McKenzie's consulting room takes my hand and says, `Hold tight and scream if you want.
- PATIENT care is suffering while nursing posts remain vacant across the province, according tolocalpaikallistennursessairaanhoitajienin a new survey published at the weekend by the Royal College of Nursing and Nursing Standard.
- LYNNE Humes has taken time off work as astaffhenkilöstö-nursesairaanhoitajanaat Darlington Memorial HospitalDarlington Memorial -sairaalassato start a family, and her son Anthony was born in January.
- She hurried from the dining-room, squeezing past a group ofnursessairaanhoitajiengazing at the day's menu on the board.
- SWINGING in the hammock on the geranium-scented patio, Lili could hear thenursesairaanhoitajanarguing at the front door.
- I REFER to your report on the lack of aspecialistasiantunteviendiabeticdiabetes-nursesairaanhoitajienat Darlington Memorial HospitalDarlington Memorial -sairaalassa(Echo March 4) and the repetitive cry of no money.
- Nursessairaanhoitajiaat the infirmaryOsastonhave just been praised by the Audit Commission for their work on discharge planning, and a group of sisters in the orthopaedic unit confirmed that they had long taken this seriously.
- She's aonnursesairaanhoitajanaat the hospitalsairaalassa. ”
- `There's anursesairaanhoitajahere at the moment, but you are the person …
- AnurseSairaanhoitajatravelled to Iona from England, in search of some `balance ``to her work with AIDS patients.
- The idea for the branch came from fournursessairaanhoitajaltaat South ClevelandSouth ClevelandinHospital.
- An inquest has been opened and adjourned on anursesairaanhoitajallefrom Gloucestergloucesteriläisellewho was killed by terrorists while on holiday in Egypt.
- The involvement ofseniorvanhempiennursessairaanhoitajienfrom the health authority has enabled staff in nursing homes to articulate their training needs
- A NHSME report says thatdistrictpiiri-nursessairaanhoitajatare doing the same job as D- and E-grade community nurses.
- Thechildren'slastennursesairaanhoitajahas never seemed to grasp
- ThetriagePäivystävänursesairaanhoitajais always qualified and experienced, but it doesn't hurt you to see how it's done.