TransFrameNet:Measure duration
century.n 🔎
- But by that time therehad beenoli olluttwokahdencenturiesvuosisadanof strife between Empire and Papacyriita keisarikunnan ja paavinvallan välillä,and the Empire no longer had any special connection to the City of Rome.
- CenturiesVuosisatojenof farmingmaanviljelyhave shaped our countryside.
- AYhdencenturyvuosisadanof saving seed from the best plantssiementen tallentaminen parhaista kasveistahas led to continuous improvements.
- The Atlantic states, Portugal, Spain, France and Great Britain, hadcenturiesvuosisatojenof national unitykansallinen yhtenäisyysbehind them.
- There are numerous additional examples of this kind, whichthirteenkolmentoistacenturiesvuosisadanof Romanised Pauline orthodoxyroomalais-paavalilainen puhdasoppisuushave not been able to eradicate.
- The medal was backed by a small oval of wood, polished smooth bycenturiesvuosisatojenof wearkulutus.
- It is easy to criticise the government's decisions: afterayhdencenturyvuosisadanof inertiapysähtyneisyyden, making changes in London was always going to be difficult, and Mrs Bottomley deserves credit for getting the process started.
- Behind this trade laytwokahdencenturiesvuosisadanof growth in Europe's Atlantic tradekasvu Euroopan Atlantin-kaupassaby the leading colonial and slave-trading ports, Bristol, Glasgow and Liverpool.
- ThreeKolmencenturiesvuosisadanof colonialismkolonialismiwere then imposed on the peoples seized from Africa to work on its plantations.
- The tunnels were built in the reign of George the third … but engineers say they've stood up totwokahdencenturiesvuosisadanof wearkulutustaremarkably well.
- In this simple contrast is reflectedayhdencenturyvuosisadanof changemuutos.
decade.n 🔎
- Reporting on thedecadevuosikymmenestäof changemuutoksenfollowing the 1971 Census, the CES found: first, in those areas under consideration, there has been a population decline of 20 per cent, whereas the population at large has grown.
- An<empty>InvestmentInvestointienDecadevuosikymmenfor Britain will start with the immediate introduction of enhanced investment allowances (see page 9).
- In his end-of-year review in December 1989, the Director-General, Edouard Saouma, described the 1980s asa<empty>``lost development'menetettynä' kehityksendecadevuosikymmenenäfor many Third-World countries.
- A<empty>decadevuosikymmenof economic stagnationTaloudellisen lamaantuneisuudenhas forced families to turn schoolchildren into breadwinners.
- BREAKINGtwokahdendecadesvuosikymmenenof silencehiljaisuudenin the Soviet media, one of Russia's most distinguished writers has denounced the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 as `collective murder ``.
- The pasttwokahdendecadesvuosikymmenenof database developmenttietokantakehityshave been rather boring.
- In 1988, afterayhdendecadevuosikymmenenof wranglingriitojen, the surfing year would finally culminate with the Hawaiian Triple Crown.
- `Afterseveraluseidendecadesvuosikymmentenof declinevähentymisen, cinema-going is enjoying something of a renaissance.
- To achieve industrial competitiveness normally requiresdecadesvuosikymmentenof persistent activitysinnikästä toimintaa, not just a few years, but it can be thrown away very quickly and very easily.
- A silent handshake across the joined lines, over 1.5 kilometres from base and at a depth of 30 metres, concluded overayhdendecadevuosikymmenenof searchingetsimisen.
- Although this project failed to come to fruition even with Apple behind it -- it was to lead us indirectly intomore than aylidecadevuosikymmenenof adventuringseikkailuunin some of the most remote regions of Indonesia.
second.n 🔎
- There were1212secondssekuntiaof overtimejatkoaikaaremaining as Alexander, the only starting Briton on the Monarchs roster, stepped up but his kick was about two feet wide.
- I stood in the gloaming for the longest3030secondssekuntienof my lifeelämäniwhile someone looked for a light switch.
- On release in the States last month,4242secondssekuntiaof screen violencekuvaruutuväkivaltaahad been trimmed from the movie, adding to its critical notoriety.
- The teacher, Beth, reciteselevenyksitoistasecondssekuntiaof poetryrunouttaonce they are quiet.
- There were even more empty seats as the game ticked into the last minute, whichwasoli6060secondssekuntiaof magic, madness and mayhemtaikaa, hulluutta ja sekasortoa.
- In the dyingsecondssekunneissaof the matchottelunJason Murtagh grabbed his side a share of the spoils with a brilliant dipping volley which flew into the top corner of the Cookstown net.
- `And I've loved everysecondsekuntiaof itsiitä.
- He then gainedsomejoitakinextrasecondssekuntejaof recuperationtoipumiseenby tying up his laces.
- Even so, the finalfortyneljäkymmentäsecondssekuntiaof the filmelokuvanprovided a fascinating little coda on all that had happened.
- `Give me anothertwokahdensecondssekunninof silencehiljaisuusand I'll tell you!
time.n 🔎
- No wonder Liddy spendsso muchniin paljontimeaikaahoofing it on the roadkulkien kadulla.
- Woods said he won't spendmuchpaljoatimeaikaaworrying about not winning the Grand Slam this yearmurehtien sitä, ettei hän voittanut tämän vuoden Grand Slamia.
- Last fall and spring, Keogh said, he and his colleagues spentso muchniin paljontimeaikaaaddressing students' feelingskeskittyessään opiskelijoiden tunteisiinthat there was little chance to discuss the United States' policy in Afghanistan, for example.
- Physiologically, it takestimeaikaa,for liver and kidneys to correct metabolic acidosis following tissue dysoxiaennen kuin maksa ja munuaiset korjaavat metabolisen asidoosin, jota seuraa kudosten dysoksia.
- The patients were reminded thatimprovements with hypnosishypnoosin avulla aikaansaatavat parannuksetcan taketimeaikaa, and that with practice more improvement can be expected.
- And God knows he doesn't wastetimeaikaatalking about environmental problems soluble only by international cooperationpuhuessaan ympäristöongelmista, jotka voidaan ratkaista vain kansainvälisen yhteistyön avulla.
- I should have done more, and it makes it apparently I wastedtimeaikaa.
- Sarella ran a hand over her face, toying with the phone, then moving away out of range so that she hadtimeaikaato thinkajatella.
- I took early retirement from the College last year, so I havetimeaikaaavailablefor thistähän.
- He spendshishänentimeaikansadrunk on excellent local wines, fantasizing a very fulfilling populist Catharismjuovuksissa loistavista paikallisista viineistä unelmoiden erittäin tyydyttävästä populistisesta kataarilaisuudesta.
- Listed reasons (and number of patients) for missingexerciseliikunta-timeajalle{{{1}}}
- ItSetooksomejonkintimeaikaaand hard work, but with the help of Goodwill, Jerry was able to work out a payment plan with the prosecutor's office, find housing and conduct a more thorough job search.
- However, at least one general rule emerges from the cases we have studied: Thecyclekierros-timeaikaof a fast production facilitynopean tuotantolaitoksencan be no more than a week or two.
- And so I pretty well made sure, at the beginning of thatmeetingtapaamisen,whichjokawent on for quite a longtimeaikaa, that I wouldn't miss anything, so I took care of my bathroom needs beforehand.
- They'd scouted twenty-seven gates so far, and none had turned up anything worth theInsurrection'skansannousuntimeajan.
- Peter Scott's recent Lost Crusade, the memoir of a U.S. soldier who trained Cambodian mercenaries, is the most affecting book of any sort I've read in a longtimeaikaan.
- A retailer's decision about what to stock will depend on a variety of considerations, including the demand forecast for the product, the level of product availability it wishes to provide to customers, the frequency with which it will place replenishment orders, and the leadtimeaikato acquire replenishment unitstäydennysyksiköiden saamiseksi.
- Indeed thetimeaika,required to create all possible proteins at least oncejoka tarvitaan kaikkien mahdollisten proteiinien luomiseen vähintään kerran,is at least the ratio of possible proteins to the maximum number of reactions that can have occurred in the lifetime of the universe, or times the lifetime of the universe.
- Thus,enzymatic reactions or rearrangement of components in the cytosol could occursytosolin komponenttien entsymaattisia reaktioita tai uudelleenjärjestelyjä voi ilmetäforsomejonkintimeaikaaduring fixationfiksaation aikana.
- The use of modern design tools and information technology can collapse thedesignsuunnittelu-timeajanso that managerial decision-making becomes the longest step in the process — and even the time for that step can be shortened with information technology.
- The use of modern design tools and information technology can collapse the design time so that managerial decision-making becomes the longest step in the process — and even thetimeaikaafor that stepsen vaiheencan be shortened with information technology.
- IntimeAjan myötä,the kingdom of Babylon was overthrownBabylonian kuningaskunta kukistettiinand the Israelites were permitted to return to Jerusalem in 539 b.c.
- The ?rst tribes that came to this area brought skills and tools which improved the lot of the hunter, made farming feasible, and, intimeajan mittaan,gave rise to primitive industriesmahdollistivat alkukantaisten alojen kasvun.
- Iwas, for a longolin, pitkäntimeaikaa.
year.n 🔎
- A federal magistrate informed Pickett of the charges against him --assaulting a federal officer with a deadly weapon, which carries a maximum1010yearsvuottain prisonvankilassa.