TransFrameNet:Measure by action
- `There's poor Archie, he canna dae a han's turn for himsel', and I've to earn everybitepalao' breadleivän-he eats.
- The eternal enigma for the cocktail party host or hostess is what to give the guests that is different and can preferably be eaten inoneyhtenäbitepalana.
- He took alastviimeisenbitepalanof cheese and biscuitjuustoa ja keksiäand still looked hungry.
- Lisa dived in hungrily, spreading butter and honey on a croissant, and reflecting as she washed down thefirstensimmäisenbitepalanwith coffee that it was even more delicious than it looked.
- I never had anotherbitepalaa.
- Susan watched him take a largebitepalanof a Luctian yeast cakeLuctianin hiivakakkua.
- It adds a boldsplashtäplänof colourväri-to all kinds of snacks, and turns everyday items into original-looking and great-tasting treats.
- The yellowsplashtäpläof paintmaali-showed up hundreds of metres away in the bright sunshine.
- The product is, of course, caustic and any spills orsplashesroiskeetmust be rinsed with plenty of water.
- Stephen asked Christina for asplashtilkkaaof rumrommi-in his lime squash and Michael Stein followed suit.
- `With just asplashtilkkaof lemonadelimonadi-.