TransFrameNet:Location of light
bright.a 🔎
- It was abrightkirkascolddaypäiväin April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
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- Blotches of orange and electric blue energyLäiskät oranssia ja sähkönsinistä energiaacoruscatedhäikäisten, mantling the monster in wraiths of electromagnetic disease.
- The next dayMintonMinton, in marvellous form andcoruscatinghäikäistenwith witälyllään, took a crowd of friends to the Gargoyle for a New Year's Day lunch.
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- It was sunset, andan orange and gold landscapeoranssi ja kullanvärinen maisemaof cloud and skyflamedroihusiin the westlännessä, but they were barely aware of it.
- At nightthe beachesrannoillaflamedroihusivatwith bonfiresnuotiotuletlit to extract lime from the coral, which was then mixed with coconut oil to form the white cement with which the hulls were caulked.
- His turbanHänen turbaaninsa,flamingräiskyenwith colourvärejä, shows plainly how great the blunder has been.
- as tall as a palm tree and perfectly black [with]one eyeyksi silmä,whichflamedroihusilike a burning coalpalavan hiilen tavoinin the middle of his foreheadkeskellä hänen otsaansa.
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- He wasn't sure he had been so keen simply because as an Opposition backbencher he was flattered to be in demand, or simply becausehis eyeshänen silmänsäflaredroihusivatand his knees tingled every time he saw her.
- Stephen's eyesStephenin silmätflaredroihusivatangrilyvihaisina.
- Her eyesHänen silmänsäflaredroihusivatwith shock and resentmentshokista ja mielipahasta.
- Her eyesHänen silmänsäflaredroihusivatat the stinging insultpistävästä loukkauksesta, only too aware that he outstripped her professionally.
- Dot saw howthe gold patterns on the coverkannen kultakoristeetcaught the flicker from the fire andflaredroihusivatlike Very lightskuin oikeat valot.
- Fincara cried, andlightvaloflaredroihusiover themheidän päälläänthe woman's laughing face, and Adam's burning blindness.
- A lightValoflaredroihusibrieflylyhyestiat the side of the furthest cartetummaisimman kärryn sivulla, and then a torch flew through the air over the target.
- A vivid lightKirkas valoflaredleimahtioutsideulkona, bright enough to penetrate the heavy curtains.
- Beyond the doorwayKäytävän takanathe dim lighthimmeä valoflaredleimahtisuddenly, illuminating the fleeing rats with an unearthly orange glow.
- Now the horizon was brighter, withlittle curling lightspienten kiertyvien valojenflaringleimahtaessainto the glowhehkuun.
- There suddenly seemed to be nothing between them exceptthe hatredviha, jokaflaringroihusiin Ursula's eyesUrsulan silmissä.
- `I think you are acquiring the Samhailt, Raynor, ``she said, and sawsudden delightyllättävän ilonflarevälähtävänin his eyeshänen silmissään.
- FuryRaivoflaredleimahtiin her eyeshänen silmissään.
- `I am sure that was so, ``Corbett replied drily, regretting the quip as soon as it was uttered, noticingthe hostilityvihamielisyydenflarevälähtävänin the Prince's light blue eyesprinssin vaaleansinisissä silmissä.
- The trunks of the gum trees soared bright pink,the tack room windowssatulahuoneen ikkunatflaredleimahtivatcrimsonkarmiininpunaisiksiand all the birds in the world seemed to be singing for joy.
- For an instant,the plate glass all around themtasolasi kaikkialla heidän ympärilläänflaredleimahtiblue-whitesinivalkoiseksi, the building shook as the pain of a Darkfall strike stabbed into their ears again.
- No, not expressive any more, Guy acknowledged, asthe candlekynttiläflaredleimahtibrieflylyhyestiin a gust of air from the open windowavoimesta ikkunasta tulevassa ilmavirrassa.
- Just when his eyes were adjusting to the gloom, the novice ahead of him threw open a door, and Gabriel emerged intopale but blinding sunlightvaaleaan mutta sokaisevaan auringonvaloon, jokaflaringleimusiin lowthrough the window of the gallerygallerian ikkunan läpi.
- The spaghetti sizzled in the saucepan,the toastleipäflaredroihusibeneath the grillgrillissä.
- Later a storm breaks over the hotel;lightningsalamaflaresleimahtaaabove the mountains across the lochvuorten yllä järven luona, and the windows rattle as the thunder booms.
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- Of course, there are a number of other phenomena, such as lightning and reflections of sunlight off tumbling satellites and orbiting debris, that can also giveflashessalamoitain the skytaivaalle.
- Lawrence grunted, and the camera bulb flashed again, immediately answered by a fizzlingflashvälkeof blue-white electricitysinivalkoisen sähköisyydenin the skytaivaallaand a rumbling of thunder.
- He could see theflashessalamaton the far horizon beyond the citykaukana horisontissa kaupungin takana.
- `But nothing prepares you for the blindingflashvälkkeeseenof flaresvaloammustenand the noise of the thundercrackers as you run on to the field.
- Seeing theflashvälkkeenof angerkiukunin Drew's eyesDrewin silmissä, Bas tactfully enquired after the baby.
- The dailies would clock him every now and then, leaving his flat and cowering under aflashvälkkeenof camera lightkameran valon.
- FlashesVälkkyvätof lightvalotin the forestmetsässä, which Julien assumed to be stars low in the sky, prove to be the eyes of watching beasts: wild cats, squirrels, owls, parrots and monkeys.
- Aflashvälkeof lightningSalamanand a peel of thunder heralded torrential rain and a squally wind.
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- His eyesHänen silmänsäflashedvälkkyivätand he presented his elegant moustaches.
- He could not sit still, and hurried up and down his small cell, gasping with terror,his eyeshänen silmiensäflashingvälähdellessäwith hate and angervihaa ja kiukkua.
- Ixora stared up, her body in darkness,her emerald eyeshänen smaragdinvihreät silmänsäflashingvälkkyivätwildlyvillistiin a single sidelong strip of daylightpäivänvalon yksittäisessä vaivihkaisessa säteessä.
- Their gutting knivesHeidän perkausveitsensäflashingvälkkyivätin time to the musicmusiikin tahdissa.
- Then thunder roared andlightningsalamaflashedvälkkyi
- AngerKiukkuflashedvälähtiin his eyeshänen silmissään.
- SomethingJokinflashedvälähtipale-mauvehaalean malvanvärisenäin the side of her teethhänen hampaidensa sivussa.
- The woman turned a dial on the TV set andthe screennäyttöflashedvälkkyibluesinisenä.
- He knelt beside her and she sawconcernhuolenflashvälähtävänacross his featureshänen kasvoillaan.
- `Now, ``he said, producinghis swordmiekkansa,whichjokaflashedvälkkyiin the evening sunlightilta-auringossa, `let me show you.
- Damian chosea huge square-cut emerald set in platinum thatvaltavan neliönmuotoisen smaragdin platinasormuksessa, jokaflashedvälkehtilike green firekuin vihreä tuliagainst her fingerhänen sormeaan vasten.
- He sawRatagan's axeRataganin kirveenflashkimaltelevanlike a starkuin tähtiand bury itself in a hairy snout, splintering black blood.
- Sensing her disbelief grow and surround him,hehänflashedvälähteliwith petulant angerkärttyistä kiukkua.
- His teethHänen hampaansaflashedvälähtivätwhitelyvalkoisinaas he glanced up from his task.
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- Matilda looked right back into theflashingvälkkyviineyessilmiinof this infuriated female giant and said with total calmness, `I have not moved away from my desk, Miss Trunchbull, since the lesson began.
- Fierceflashingvälkkyväteyessilmät, and how he would pace the floor and curse.
- Nor was she amused by helicopters withflashingvälkkyvätlightsvalotlanding like fireflies at all hours, nor the deafening boom of all-night recording sessions.
- You see it in the neon strips that colour the city, theflashingvälkkyvätlightsvaloton every corner.
- He sat cross-legged on his bench in front of the wheel, a piratical figure with an Errol Flyn moustache, a fancy turban which trailed down over one shoulder, brightly dark eyes and aflashingvälkehtiväsmilehymy.
- But theflashingvälkehtivägrinirvistysand the warm Leeds dialect of `Eay, Nora luv! ``were pure Daniel.
flicker.n 🔎
- Itis but the momentaryon pelkkä hetkellinenflickerlepatusof a candlekynttilänin the darkpimeässä.
- The car gave a roar, then slowly moved out of the garage; the dim side-lights showed a paleflickerliikahduksenon the back of the housetalon takaosassa, then swung around for an instant on to the gardens.
- The light now dies down to a mereflickerlepatukseksiof `fire ``tulen, appropriate enough considering the onslaught of death imagery with `death-bed, `ashes ``, `expire and perhaps, again, `consumed ``.
- He glanced quickly at Edward and Corbett saw theflickerhäivähdyksenof annoyancesuuttumuksenon the Prince's faceprinssin kasvoilla.
- He stared dully at the hole he had blasted with his shotgun, and saw the redflickerlepatuksenof flamesliekkienbeyond the dooroven takana.
- She looked up then and saw aflickerhäivähdyksenof doubtepäuskonin his dark eyeshänen tummissa silmissäänand then it was gone and he shrugged.
- She could see aflickerlepatuksenof firetulen, Wynne-Jones's fire.
- The heavens start grumbling with distant thunder and a gentleflickervälähdyksenof lightningsalamanflits behind the clouds.
- Aflickervälähdysof lightValonshowed in the heavy-lidded eyes.
- There was noflickerhäivähdystäof emotiontunteenin the dark eyesTummissa silmissä.
- There was the slightestflickervälähdysof lightvalondeep within his sapphire eyesSyvällä hänen safiirinvärisissä silmissään, but when he spoke, his voice was as chill as hers.
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- The latter's lower lip stuck out andher eyeshänen silmänsäflickeredvälkähtivät.
- The tall hard-faced woman stood by the fire, watching thesmall flamespienten liekkienflickerlepatustaon the dying coals, and then, with a deliberate effort of will, she dismissed the thoughts and memories.
- AngerKiukkuflickeredvälkähtiin his eyeshänen silmissään.
- The answerphonePuhelinvastaajaflickersvilkkuuredpunaisenafrom the centre of the carpetmaton keskeltä; hesitantly I push the button.
- She moved to the stairs and stood for a moment in the silence of the hallway,the candlekynttilänflickeringlepattaessain her handhänen kädessään.
- Benjamin pointed tothe firetulenflickeringlepatustain the great hearthsuuressa takassa.
- Jailedshadowsvarjotflickeredlepattivaton the wallsseinillä.
- The fireTuliflickeredlepattiabout the walls of the roomhuoneen seinissä, but the wind was howling outside, lashing snow against the window and darkening the afternoon.
- On clear nights these same skies held us spellbound asNorthern Lightsrevontuletflickeredvälkehtiväteerilyaavemaisestiand changed colour like some celestial cinema curtain.
- Behind her the door crashed open, flung against the wall with a force that rattled the windows and sentthe candleskynttilätflickeringlepattamaanwildlyvillisti.
gleam.n 🔎
- Thegleamkimallusof insulating oileristysöljynshone bright on the prominences of his face, dimming and brightening again as she moved past him to hunker down at his side.
- Silhouetted against thegleamkimallustaof the watervedenhuman figures moved about.
- Round the corner from the old jail, the Royal Hotel boasted a well inside the bar, the top covered by glass and the stone walls curving down into darkness and revealing a tinygleamkimalluksenof waterveden.
- When they moved into the open countryside he saw fields and hedges, thebroadlaajagleamkimallusof a riverjoen.
- There was thewhitevalkoinengleamkimallusof boneluunas he smiled.
- ``Dear Miss Adeane, and once again she saw thatunpleasantepämiellyttävängleamvälkähdyksenof white teethvalkoisten hampaidenagainst his dark facehänen tummia kasvojaan vasten.
- The night-light, burning steadily in its saucer, was unnecessary,itssenyellowkeltainengleamhohdeextinguished by the moonlight which streamed through the uncurtained windows.
- Mrs Bean's eyes held agleamkiilto-- faintly malicious -- of humour.
- Then Mr Plummer, a suddengleamkiiltoin his eyesilmissään, said, `How about a game of billiards, old chap?
- Her voice faded away at thesardonicironinengleamkiiltoin his eyessilmissään.
- This time there was no denying thespeculativespekulatiivistagleamkiiltoain his eyehänen silmissäänas he studied her figure through the folds of the towelling robe.
- With amadhullugleamkiiltoin his eyesilmissään, Pansy lobbed a small chunk of brown rock into the crucible.
- He had already removed his jacket in the cloying warmth of the office but his white shirt was immaculate and as he reached across the desk Tom caught thegleamkiillonof gold cufflinkskultaisten kalvosinnappienagainst the stiff white cuffsjäykkiä valkoisia kalvosimia vasten.
- When you look at the beauty of the binding, and see thegleamkiillonof the 22kt gold22 karaatin kullaninlaid on the spineupotettuna selkään!
- One rose, two roses, three roses … and, at the heart of the third rose, agleamvälähdysof lightvalon.
- I turned away, no longer able to face the eyes that looked at me so coldly in thegleamvälähdyksessäof the dashboard lightkojelaudan valon.
- There were huge boots, great sweeps of trouser, a mountain range of jacket and, far above, the distantgleamvälähdysof electric lightsähköisen valonon a bald headkaljussa päässä.
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- `Was your action pure stupidity- ``He sawSimon's eyesSimonin silmiengleamleimuavanwith hatredvihaaat him.
- Evenin this violet lighttässä violetissa valossahis skinhänen ihonsagleamshehkuucopperykuparinvärisenä.
- He could see the bridge now,its stonessen kiviengleaminghohtavansilverhopeisinaand the hart's tongue ferns between them like shivering slivers of metal.
- His great shoulders shook andhis teethhänen hampaansagleamedloistivatwhitevalkoisinaagainst a dark red beardtummanpunaista partaa vasten.
- The treePuuwasgleaminghohtigreenvihreänäwith new foliage that had broken out from the charred branches of the first encounter between the English and the islanders.
- The stretched, polished skin over the lofty cheek-bones andthe finely moulded foreheadterävänmuotoinen otsagleamedloistigoldenkultaisena, the pits of the eyes were black but bright.
- Just inside, where the old motor bike had been, there werefresh oil patches, purpley-blue splodges thattuoreita öljyläikkiä, violetinsinisiä tahroja, jotkagleamedloistivatwetlymärkinäin the watery sunlightvetisessä auringonvalossa.
- It was as though a white cloak had been thrown over the entire countryside,a cloak whichvaippa, jokagleamedhehkuibeneath an enormous ghostly-white moonvaltavan kummituksenvalkoisen kuun alla, robbing the night of its darkness.
- Her rich brown hairHänen paksut ruskeat hiuksensagleamedkiilsivätbeneath the widow's veillesken hunnun alla; the bone structure of her face was overlaid with a suitable pallor, but no outward sign of grief.
- Lines of humour fanned out from his mouth, andhis teethhänen hampaansagleamedloistivatwhitelyvalkoisinain the darknesspimeydessä.
- HumourHuumorigleamedvälkkyiin the dark grey eyeshänen tummanharmaissa silmissäänas he understood her.
- Her hairHänen hiuksensagleamedkiilsivätlike a hastily polished brass potkuin hätäisesti kiillotettu messinkiastia, its tiny dents reddish brown.
- His naked skinHänen alaston ihonsagleamedvälkehtilike goldkuin kultain the morning sunaamuauringossa.
- She wore her hair low on the nape of her neck, its weight giving fragility to the long, slender throat,the chignon itselfnuttura itsegleaminghohtilike spun silverkuin kehrätty hopea.
- Mama Sipcott's butter sauceÄiti Sipcottin voikastikewas<empty>gleaminghohtion her chinhänen leuassaanand she looked very beautiful.
- Her golden wedding bandHänen kultainen vihkisormuksensagleamedvälkehtion the shelfhyllyllä.
- Full of sky,the landscapemaisemagleamsvälkehtiiwith distant waterkaukaisen veden mukana.
- Despite all, he was able to grin,his white teethhänen valkoiset hampaansagleamingloistivatthrough the shaggy beardtakkuisen parran läpi.
- The same antique platesSamat antiikkilevytgleamedloistivatbehind the glass doors of a walnut cabinetsaksanpähkinäisen kaapin lasiovien takaa.
- Lally gasped and coughed, she even spat,her teethhänen hampaidensagleamedloistaessaagainst the mudmutaa vasten.
- The dark eyes that swept over her were shadowed by heavily mascara-darkened lashes which contrasted withthe white teethhänen valkoisiin hampaisiinsa, jotkagleamingloistivatfrom behind brilliantly red lips which were too thin for real beautyupeanpunaisten huulten takaa, jotka olivat liian ohuet, jotta hän olisi ollut todellinen kaunotar.
- The furniture was a trifle heavy for her taste, butits woodsen puugleamedhehkuibrightlykirkkaastiand the deep blue hues of the rugs were softly reassuring.
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- And as a finishing touch, the edge of each plate is hand-decorated with agleaminghohtavallarimreunuksellaof 22 carat gold.
- In the centre of the pulsing greyness was agleaminghohtavaobjectesineonly millimetres square.
- She was holding a candle and her eyes shone in its light and hergleamingkiiltäväthairhiuksensafell like silk on her shoulders.
- He stared at her intently, his gaze flashing over her long,gleamingkiiltävienhairhiustensa, narrowing on her face and seeing the antagonism mixed with fascination.
- He stepped back into the bathroom, pressed the littlegleamingkiiltäväächromekromi-lever, and moved hurriedly away from the sound of rushing water.
- Brough Superior,gleamingkiiltävämetalmetallinen-- leather seat manly -- sit astride feel it throb.
- The Steamatic's powerful cleansing action not only leavesyour tilestiiletgleaminghohtaviksi.
- An enormous powder blue carValtava puuterinsininen auto,gleaminghohtavanaand new, its plentiful chromium winking in the sunlight, was drawn up in front of the house and against it leaned a man in a white suit.
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- For it was day, and theglimmerkimallusin the skulls' eyespääkallon silmissähad dimmed.
- There was aglimmerkimallusof amusementhuvittunutin his dark eyesHänen tummissa silmissäänas he slid his fingers down to the pulse drumming wildly at the base of her throat.
- When his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, he distinguished thepulsingvärähtelevänglimmertuikkeenof the starstähtienabove the glare of the streetlightskatuvalojen loisteen yläpuolella.
- I was sick to counter it, since I saw aglimmertuikkeenof enjoymentnautinnonin his eyehänen silmissään; he had said it all before, and liked saying it.
- He looked across the sea: afaintheikkoglimmerhohdeof pale lightkalpean valonwas rising in the midnight-blue sky.
- But through the murk there was afaintheikkoglimmerhohdeof lightvalon-.
- Finally, breathless with rage and exertion, Gentle let go his hold, and threw Pie back, stepping away from the creature with aglimmerhohdeof superstitiontaikauskoinenin his eyessilmissään.
- Accidents more commonly occur in dark stables than those that have aglimmerhohdettaof lightvalon-.
- He opened the front door and stood for a moment on the step looking at theglimmerhohdetta,of lightvalon-touching the pale dome of the churchjoka kosketti kirkon haaleaa kupoliaand the glow of the city thrown up against the sky.
- I began to see atinypikkuruisenglimmerhohteenof lightvalon-.
- All was dark except for atinypientäglimmerhohdettaof red lightpunaisen valon.
- No sign of the cordillera, noglimmerkajoaof sunauringon-, and the Pacific invisible somewhere away to our left.
- Aglimmerkajoof sunAuringon-, the first they'd seen for days in a chillier than average English summer, was gilding the meadow-sweet creamy-white in the tangled hedgerows.
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- The atmosphere is transparent and uncommonly vibrant;the surfacepintaseems to flicker orglimmerhohtavan.
- In the sacred groveyour white mosquevalkoinen moskeijasiglimmeredhohtimysticallymystisestiand the creepers were bowed down with flowers.
- Beady eyesNappisilmätglimmerkimaltavatthrough the foliagelehtien läpi, now and again bright shafts of sunlight penetrate the thick green canopy and hundreds of flowers turn their heads towards the source.
- Asitseglimmeredhohtiwith reflected lightheijastunutta valoa, I recognized it.
- He stared down at her,his eyeshänen silmänsäglimmeringkimalsivat, his body taut over hers.
- The agony of years was held in those short staccato sentences, andtearskyyneleetglimmeredkimmelsivätin her tawny eyeshänen kellanruskeissa silmissäänwith the pain of confession.
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- At first, all he could seewas theoliglintvälkeof watervedenand the dark outline of the Isle of Wight, across the Solent.
- I waded out, concentrating on casting towards the weeds, where I had seen a good fish rise, when aglintvälähdysof whitevalkoistaunder the waterveden allacaught my eye.
- Leonie noticed aglintvälähdyksenof angerkiukunflash through the Cap's eyes.
- Among the willows I caught aglintvälähdyksenof bluesinistä, and then saw Ninian, who must have been up early after all, stooping over something at the edge of the stream.
- From both there was aglintvälähdysof recognitiontunnistavaand Betty said, `hello, Sheena.
- One evening as you came into your room you caught sight of a redglintvälähdyksenwithin the wallseinällä.
- Barton saw a fewmetallicmetallistaglintsvälkähdystäat great distance.
- But ah, there's the gunmetalglintvälähdys,I seek.
- For a split second the friendliness disappeared from Marianne's eyes to be replaced by acalculatinglaskelmoivaglintvälähdys.
- `I suppose so, ``she admitted reluctantly, eyes carrying ateasingkiusoittelevaglintvälkeas she lifted them to his.
- Lucenzo had aglintkiiltoin his eyessilmissäänwhich told her she could be in trouble.
- Hickery Holler came into the world 6 weeks ago, but the sad little spider monkeyhad never been aei ollut koskaan ollutbrightkirkkasglintkiiltoin his mother's eyeäitinsä silmissä.
- Portillo, however, has aglintkiiltoin his eyesilmissään.
- With animpishilkikurinenglintkiiltoof mischiefkujeilunin her eyesilmissäänthe Muse of History looked down and watched the American Marines assault Grenada.
- `Your father didn't warn me quite what a striking young woman you had grown into, ``the Princesse said in English with awryovelaglintkiiltoin her eyesilmissään.
- `An asymmetrical spinnaker is on order, ``said Mary, with anexcitedinnostunutglintkiiltoin her eyesilmissään.
- She stopped to peruse the plans once more, agreedyahneglintkiiltoin her eyessilmissään.
- `Some bastard will pay for this! ``he hissed, theglintkiiltoof madnesshulluudenin his eyessilmissään.
- His frowning gaze swept over her and there was aglintkiiltoin the blue eyessinisissä silmissäthat might have been intimidating if she weren't so angry.
- `I'm -- fond of Travis -- very fond, ``she stated, then caught thedangerousvaarallinenglintkiiltoin her employer's eyetyönantajansa silmissäthat assured her that her prevarication wasn't going down too well.
- The harvest had been gathered and she was vaguely conscious of theglintkiillostaof the sunauringonon the gold and brown stubblekullan- ja ruskeanvärisessä parransängessä.
- Meredith caught theglintkiillonof goldkullan-in the threadlangasta.
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- His face was flushed,his eyeshänen silmänsäglintingvälkehtivätwith excitementjännityksestä; he seemed to be having difficulty breathing, too, and he spoke so rapidly that he slurred his words.
- `You see -- we didn't wake the children, after all, ``Ross drawled,his eyeshänen silmänsäglintingvälkehtivätwith amusementhuvittuneinaas he gazed warmly down at the soft figure in his arms.
- Hands still held to her mouth,tearskyyneleetglintedkimmelsivätin her frightened eyeshänen pelästyneissä silmissään.
- She shook her head,the dark hairtummien hiustenglintingvälkehtiessäwith moisturekosteina, her eyes turned to me and searching mine.
- A dangerous lightVaarallinen valoglintedvälkehtiin his eyeshänen silmissään, small lines flared around the corners of his mouth, and his colour was slightly heightened.
- `Men, ``he repeated,sardonic amusementivallisen huvittuneisuudenglintingvälkehtiessäin his eyeshänen silmissään.
- The wet stoneMärkä kiviglintedvälkehtiyellow with a reflection of the embankment lights abovekeltaisena heijastaen pengerryksen valoja yläpuolelta.
- He laughed,his teethhänen hampaansaglintingloistivatwhitevalkoisina, `Very well, my treasure, but the answer's still the same.
- The other laughed, a swift recovery,white teethvalkoiset hampaatglintingloistivatin the brown faceruskeilla kasvoilla.
- He stood up,sunlightauringonvaloglintingvälkehtiin his sun-bleached hairhänen auringon valkaisemissa hiuksissaan.
- I wondered if she might ever get frostbite; I was sure I could seelittle crystals of icepieniä jääkristalleja, jotkaglintingvälkehtiväton her faint moustachehänen ohuissa viiksissään.
- A tall woman in a loose blue calico wrap,her ankles and wristshänen nilkkojensa ja ranteidensaglintingvälkehtiessäwith goldkultaisinain the sunauringossa, squatted on the dusty ground.
- She looked atthe coinskolikoita, jotkaglintingvälkehtivätagainst his palmhänen kämmenellään, then at him.
- The brief smileLyhyt hymyglintedvälkähtiagain.
- Ruby, however, meant to walk the opposite way and glided proudly up Fleet Street, purple headscarf bobbing andgold hooped earringskultaiset korvarenkaatglintingvälkehtivätcruellyjulmasti.
- She went over to the shelf where she had left her drink, and stared down in dismay at the overturned glass,the shards of crystalkristallinsirpaleidenglintingvälkehtiessäwickedlyrajustiup at her in the dim light.
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- Beneath her, hills grew into majestic mountains anda lakejärviglistenedkimmelsiin early morning lightaikaisen aamun valossa.
- He stood straighter in the water,his broad chesthänen leveän rintansaglisteningkimallellessawetlymärkänäin the multicoloured lightmonivärisessä valossa.
- Another was of the château,the water of the lakejärvivedenglisteningkimallellessain the evening sunilta-auringossa.
- Its paintSen maaliglistenedkimmelsiblackmustana.
- ItSeglistenedkimmelsiin his fingershänen sormissaanas he bent to study it.
- Presently a window was opened and framed a sharp white peak which seemed to be hanging almost directly overhead;itseglistenedkimalsilike a great diamondkuin suuri timantti.
- Opposite were the elegant backs of Victorian houses, their grey bricks swelling into bow-windows,the roof-tileskattotiiletglisteningkimaltelivatlike wet flintkuin märkä piikivi.
- TearsKyyneleetstillglistenedkimaltelivaton one of her cheekshänen poskellaan.
- In the gardensthe grassruohoglistenedkimalteliwith dewkasteesta, which left imprints where the soldiers' feet had passed.
- Her dress, cunningly draped around her plump figure, made her look almost voluptuous; and over her shoulders was carelessly thrown her Persian lamb coat, which madeMrs Frizzell's eyesrouva Frizzellin silmätglistenvälkkymäänwith envykateudesta.
- He looked at the hand -- pale and elegant, with prominent knuckles,the nailskynnetglisteningloistivatwith red varnishpunaisesta lakasta.
- A film of moistureKostea kalvoglistenedkimalteliacross his foreheadhänen otsallaanas he sweated under the lights and he dabbed at it with a handkerchief.
- The caviareKaviaariglistenedkimaltelibetween Himmler's teethHimmlerin hampaiden välissä.
- The pavementsKatukivetglistenedkimaltelivatbeneath the yellow lamplightkeltaisten katuvalojen alla.
- We all moved out of the church down tothe lake whichjärvelle, jokaglistenedkimmelsibrightlykirkkaasti, though the island itself was still mist-shrouded.
- Her eyesHänen silmänsäglistenedkimmelsivätsoftlypehmeästi.
- The tramp looked up and glared maliciously back; he was sucking on a chicken bone andthe stubble of his beardhänen parransänkensäglistenedkimalteli.
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- A stream of laser light, almost invisible in the near-vacuum, played across the creature's head andglisteningkiiltävänbodyvartalon.
- These pleasantries were thrown out broadcast to the sisters, but hisglisteninghehkuvaeyesilmänsäwas roving all the time towards Sophie.
- We cling to the earth, withglisteningkiiluvineyessilmin, pierced afresh by the tree's cry.
- Here the rocks and pebbles on the Ocean's floor are the sameglisteningkiiltävätcoloursvärit, permanently etched because they can never dry.
- The 3 main parties regard Cheltenham as aglisteningkiiltävänäprizepalkintona, although the Tories and the Liberal Democrats say it's a two horse race.
- The man in the shadows wavedsomethingjotakingreen andglisteningkimaltelevaa, and the waft of entrails touched the cat's sensitive nostrils and made it sit up and watch the stranger.
- However, despite being photographed inglisteningkimaltelevanblack and whitemustavalkoisena, its meaning remains murky and it is more of an endurance test than a movie.
- After breakfast he drove his hired car, aglisteningkiiltäväMercedesMercedes, out into the island.
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- It seemed to Joan that the wedding-ring was burning her finger;itsecaught the light,glisteringkimallellenbrightlykirkkaastias if wishing to draw attention to the fact that it was embellishing an alien hand.
glitter.n 🔎
- He looked down it, past the beautiful white shuttered houses to the bay in the distance, and thebluesinistäglittervälkettäof the seameren.
- The General saw theglittervälkkeenof sunlightauringonflashing from the brass decorations of the muskets.
- And he saw, too, narrowing eyes that were used to singling out detail at great distance, the betrayingglittervälkeof sunlightauringonupon arms, below him in the copses of the valley.
- It was dark now, the sky a velvet-soft black, but as she watched the moon came out and changed the colour of the sky, caught theglittervälkähdyksenof icejäänand dimmed the stars.
- Above theglitterkimalluksenof the diamondstimanttien, she saw the words `Flint Investments Ltd.
- `True, ``he mocked softly, amercilesssäälimätönglitterkiiluntain his eyessilmissään.
- She knew he watched her, and with a pronouncedglitterkiiluntain his blue eyessinisissä silmissään, which boded ill, but she didn't care.
- With a muffled shriek, she pushed at his weight with her hands and knees, half laughing as he squashed her flat again and controlled her flailing arms with aglitterkimallusof laughternaurunin his eyessilmissään.
- Her eyes were adjusting to the darkness, and now she could see that he had folded his arms over the enticing broadness of his chest and was watching her with achallenginghaastavaglitterkimallusin his eyessilmissään.
- `Wait, ``Mildred warned as she saw theglitterkimalluksenof anticipationodottavanin Medmelton eyesMedmeltonin silmissä.
- Theglitterkiiluntain his hooded eyeshänen puoliavoimissa silmissäänmade it impossible for her to hazard even the wildest guess at what he was thinking.
- There was a warningglitterkiiluntaof laughternaurunin his eyesHänen silmissään, and casually he dropped his cigar to the terrace and ground it out under his heel, then moved a fraction closer to her.
glitter.v 🔎
- His eyesHänen silmänsäglitteredkimaltelivatfiercelyrajusti.
- Her eyesHänen silmänsäwere<empty>glitteringkimalsivatthrough her lasheshänen ripsiensä lomasta.
- In the dim lightHaaleassa valossathe gold and strong colourskultaiset ja voimakkaat väritglitteredkimaltelivatand glowedwith rich intensityvoimakkaasti.
- JealousyMustasukkaisuusglitteredkimalteliin Okawi's eyesOkawin silmissä.
- AngerKiukkuglitteredkimaltelicoldlykylmästiin his eyeshänen silmissään.
- Their wellsNiiden alkulähteetwere crammed with cone helmets andglitteredkimaltelivatwith shield-hoops and the faggoted filaments that were spearskilpien vanteissa ja sidotuissa kuiduissa, jotka olivat keihäitä.
- Ahead of herHänen edelläänglitteredkimaltelivatthe tracks of Frere's previous solitary excursionFreren edellisen yksinäisen retken merkit.
- That removed the sight ofthe gold-leafed cupolakullatusta kupolista,that traditionallyglitterskimalteleeabove Grand Central StationGrand Central Stationin yläpuolella.
- The men are so lovely, enormous and gentle, brown as amber -- enormous black eyes andstiff bristly black hairjäykät ja karheat mustat hiukset,which spurts off their foreheads like solidified jet andglitterskimaltelevatbluesinisinäin the sunshineauringonvalossa.
- `I'm a spider, ``she told the man beside her, andher smilehänen hymynsäglitteredvälkehtirecklessholtittomastilike a knife.
- One small colony remained all the time on their beach, an isolated solitary place of grey pebbles below greenish breakwaters; high above themthe blind-eyed office blockssokeat toimistokorttelitglitteredvälkehtivätpink and yellowpinkkinä ja keltaisenain the sunauringossa.
- The trail he was on led down to another valley, running at right angles to this one and bifurcated bya tumbling mountain stream thatvirtaava vuoristopuro, jokaglitteredkimalteliin the afternoon suniltapäivän auringossa.
- GlitteringKimaltaenin the desert sunerämaan auringossa, some of the lakes have been specially reserved for tourist enjoyment, combining warm waters for bathing and, naturally, no shortage of golden sands.
- One minute he was at the table and the next he was threading his way between the dancers, leaving Geoffrey asleep with his cheek resting on a bread roll,bits of tinselhopealangan palastenglitteringkimaltaenin his hairhänen hiuksissaan.
- Isobel snapped openher ornate handbagkoristellun käsilaukkunsa,whichjokaglitteredkimaltelilike a chandelierkuin kattokruunu.
- In the daytime the view from the huge windows on the south side was smog, but when darkness hid the mass misdemeanours of the city,Los AngelesLos Angelesglitteredkimaltelilike a fairy kingdomkuin keijujen valtakunta.
- Her fine red hairHänen ohuet punaiset hiuksensaglitteredkimaltelivatlike goldkuin kultain the watery sunlightvetisessä auringonvalossa.
- Swift and deadly, they are armoured in shining silver and armed withwhite lances with diamond-hard tips whichvalkoisilla peitsillä, joissa oli timantinkovat kärjet ja jotkaglitterkimaltelivatlike starskuin tähdet.
- Pearl chokersHelmikaulanauhatglitteredkimaltelivaton every female neckjokaisen naisen kaulalla; huge diamonds flashed in the strobe lights.
- Almost opposite the bridge was one of the poorest streets in town,its uneven cobblestonessen epätasaisten mukulakivienglitteringvälkehtiessäwith broken glassrikkonaisista lasinsirpaleista, its gutters clogged with litter.
- The moon was full, the dark waters of the oceanglitteringvälkehtiessäwith silver light, and the heat was stifling.
- Andhis eyeshänen silmänsä-- piercing, vividly blue, andglitteringvälkehtienwith a light that she was yet too young to understandvaloa, jota hän oli vielä liian nuori ymmärtämään, but which called to something very feminine within her.
- SomethingJokinglitteredkimalteliwith a golden sheenhohtaen kultaisenabetween his lipshänen huultensa välissä.
- The skyTaivaswas clear andglitteringvälkehtiwith icy starsjäisistä tähdistä.
- The long moist furrowsPitkät kosteat vaotof the new-turned soilglitteredkimaltelivatunder the pale February sunhaalean helmikuun auringon alla, contrasting with the gold stubble fields and the grassy pastures where sheep clustered around their feeding troughs.
- Crystal chandeliersKristallikruunutglitteredkimaltelivatbrightlykirkkaastiabove a marble floormarmorilattian yläpuolella; a quartet of musicians played music -- real music, Nicolo thought, incongruously, not the brain-frying stuff they'd played during the fashion show.
- I turned to share the wonder of it, but she was gazing up at the bloom of flame surging from the chimney's mouth, and beyond wherethe evening-stariltatähtiglitteredtuikkiagainst the deepening blue skytummenevan sinisellä taivaalla.
- A diamond tie pinTimanttisolmioneulaglitteredvälkehtiat his throathänen kaulallaan.
- All around him rode many squadrons of Rajput cavalry whosearmouraseetglitteredvälkehtivätfrom afarjo kaukaa.
- The tablePöytäin the corner of the terraceglitteredvälkehti, an unexpectedly formal island of glass and silver in the darkness.
- In the morning he found a stone the size of the palm of his hand,a smooth stone thatsileän kiven, jokaglitteredkimmelsiand looked precious.
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- The old man with the skinny hand andglitteringloistavaeyesilmä, the ancient mariner, was telling his tale in the past tense.
- A fool with aglitteringvilkkuvaeyesilmädreaming of a golden paradise beyond the western edge of things.
- His voice was low and controlled, but his hands were clenched at his sides and hisglitteringvilkkuvateyessilmänsäwould have frozen hell-fire.
- The other was shorter, big-chested, with black hair, black chin and deepset,glitteringvilkkuvateyessilmät.
- SINCE the presidential campaign, when Al Gore banged on about about aglitteringupeastanew `information superhighwaytiedon supervaltatiestä``, few topics have generated as much fevered chatter.
glossy.a 🔎
- GlossyKiiltävätsurfers'hairhiukset, eyes blue as a robin's egg and a dreamy far-off ocean at dawn.
- `What did he want? ``asked Sergio, spreading her light,glossykiiltäviähairhiuksiaan,that he loved across his knees.
- There was the dark-eyed, slant-featured look of the ancient lost Royal Houses of Ireland in several of them, theglossykiiltäväthairhiukset,that might easily have been fur in others.
- Would she want to know about the flowering of the pink camellia and itsglossykiiltävätleaveslehdet, about the goat running away, about the double-yolked egg?
- Hectographic carbon paper is placed with its coated surface upwards and theglossykiiltäväsurfacepintaof the special paper is placed down on to it.
- Their thin black moustachesHeidän ohuet mustat viiksensäwereoliglossykiillotettuwith colognekölninvedellä, which wafted sickeningly behind them as they strolled to their offices.
- While the under Reichsminister was dressed immaculately in a conservative double-breasted suit with a pearl-white shirt,his dark hairhänen tummat hiuksensabrushed back andglossykiilltävinäwith brilliantinebriljantin-, Hencke made a miserable sight.
- She drove an immaculatelyglossykiilltäväägreen Beetlevihreää kuplavolkkaria.
- Melwas' right hand was a blur ofglossykiilltävääbloodverta.
glow.n 🔎
- Somewhere out to sea the beam of the lighthouse appeared intermittently as a mistyglowhehkunain the skytaivaallaand the fog-horn was sounding.
- The only important thing, as far as she was concerned, was the gleaming silveryglowhehkuin his hooded grey eyeshänen puoliavoimissa harmaissa silmissään, and the warmth of the hard body pressed so closely to her own.
- She would have experienced thatglowhehkunof virtuehyveellisenwhich is so conducive to easy dieting.
- MASCOT: The badge that brings aglowhehkunof prideylpeydento Jag owners everywhere
- Theglowhehkuof the bonfireNuotionoutlined her in gold.
- Susan switched on the bedside lamp, a pinkglowhohdeunder its frilled shaderöyhelöisen varjon alla, and reaching for her dressing-gown, shuffled sleepily to the bathroom next door, and then to the nursery.
- She turned towards the dimglowhohdettaof the firetulenin the gratearinalla.
- Yes, there it was again, undoubtedly a dimglowhohdeof lightvalonin the two small windows of the oldest part of the Cathedralkatedraalin vanhimman osan kahdessa pienessä ikkunassaat two fifteen in the morning.
- His shirt hung open as he sat again, and Theda's eyes were riveted to the long column of his neck, the goldenglowhohdeof his chesthänen niskansabelow it.
- When she just kept on looking at him he threaded his hands in her hair and let it drift through his fingers, watching the deep redglowhohdettain the lightsvalojen.
- In pursuance of this last, they waited until the first yells and screams sounded from the unhappy village, followed quickly by theglowhohdeof firetulen.
- The streets were thronged all day with compulsive shoppers, intermittently spattered with hard-driven rain and tinted by theglowloisteof festive lightingjuhlavalaistuksen.
- We heard several loud explosions, then saw the enormousglowloisteenof firetulen.
- He was approaching the track leading to the bell tower, a dark grim silhouette in the moonlight, when he saw a greatglowhehkunof lightvalonto his right in the distance.
- As they neared the Workshops, Fenella heard the continuous thrumming of the Looms and saw the pulsating redglowhehkunof the furnacesuunien.
- I remember lying in bed and the only thing I could seewas the dimoli himmeäglowhehkuof the light bulblampunon the ceiling.
- With onlythe fire'stulenglowhehkuand the light from the lamp on the table remaining, he stretched out on the sofa, the tumbler between his hands bobbing gently on his domed belly.
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- The anger in his face madehis eyeshänen silmänsäglowhehkumaan, reminding Athelstan of the figure of St John the Baptist in a mummer's play.
- Once she came in about 4pm when I was on duty,facekasvotglowinghehkuenfrom the blustery west windmyrskyisestä länsituulesta, and said eagerly, `I see the flare path's all lit up.
- She turned andher pale facehänen kalpeat kasvonsaglowedhehkuivatwith colourväriä.
- Maggie's faceMaggien kasvotwas<empty>glowinghehkuivatpinkvaaleanpunaisinaand she was glad that Ana could not see her.
- In these superb light conditionsits deeply forked tailsen syvän kaksihaarainen häntäglowedhehkuia rich chestnutsyvää kastanjansävyä.
- In the late afternoon lightMyöhäisen iltapäivän valossa,the banksrantatörmätglowedhehkuivatwith colourväriä.
- Make sure your body is fit to bare this summer by following our routine forsmooth, firm skin thatsaadaksesi sileän ja kiinteän ihon, jokais<empty>glowinghehkuuwith healthterveyttä.
- She hassmooth, soft skin whichsileä, pehmeä iho, jokaglowshehkuusoftlypehmeästias though a candle were just below the surfaceaivan kuin kynttilä juuri pinnan alla.
- In a black tracksuit, and well-worn trainers, dark hair tousled,his tanned skinhänen ruskettunut ihonsaglowinghehkuifrom the exerciseliikunnasta, he looked overwhelmingly attractive.
- Polonium is a strong alpha emitter, however, until the Americans made an atomic bomb, no one had ever used polonium in any appreciable amount; it was so radioactive thatitseglowedhehkuiin the darkpimeässä.
- Again she caught sight of Alec, waiting in a doorway,his cigarhänen sikarinsaglowinghohtiredpunaisenain the darkpimeässä.
- As they left the confines of the city and started on the long straight empty road to Samana,the sunaurinkowas<empty>glowingpaistoiruby-redrubiininpunaisenabehind the dark wooded hillstummien metsäisten mäkien takana, the sky translucent delicate silk.
- The two men wended their way over the allotment, treading warily and taking great lengths to avoid those areas wherethe strange symbolsoudot symbolitlayglowinghehkuenfaintlyvaimeastiin the moonlightkuunvalossa.
- SpittalsSpittalin' handsglowedhehkuivatfrom the diligent rubbing he was applying to themhänen hangattuaan niitä ahkerastias she came in through the door at ten o'clock.
- Edmund Blunden observes that Leapor has modelled her poem on Philips's, “ … butthe imitationmatkiminenglowshehkuuinto originalityalkuperäisyyttäwhen she comes to close quarters with her subject. ”
- A fireTuliglowedhehkuion the hearthtulisijassa.
- The night-lightYövaloglowedloistisoftlypehmeästion the top of the chest of drawerslipaston päällä.
- He walked to the old-fashioned kitchen range, wherered-hot coalspunaiset ja kuumat hiiletglowedhehkuivatbehind the bars of the grateritilän tankojen takana.
- A large sign swooped towards them out of the night,its messagesen viestinglowingloistaessaluminouslykirkkaanain the beam of the headlightsetuvalojen säteessä.
- SheHänstared at her sister, positivelyglowinghehkuenwith excitementjännitystä.
- The night sky was brilliant and the stars seemed to wink like precious stones against the velvet darkness;the streetskadut, carpeted by ice and hard snow, shimmered andglowedhehkuivatunder the pale moonlightkalpean kuunvalon alapuolella.
- She took it out and held it in front of her,the deep rich red materialsyvän- ja tummanpunaisen materiaalinglowingloistaessaagainst her skinhänen ihoaan vasten.
- In use, VR1 will be adjusted so that with no music playing,the l.e.d.ledglowsloistiwith about half its normal brightnessnoin puolella normaalista kirkkaudesta.
- Carbon-dioxide ice smoked all around, makinga freezing fog thatjäätävän sumun, jokaglowedhohtieerilyaavemaisestiwhere the rising sun was trapped in its skeins.
- With a star of very low initial mass, nothing more happens;the startähtiglowsloistaafeeblyvaimeasti, and then simply cools off until it has become dead.
- Pictures of Jesus and the Virgin withtheir heartsheidän sydämiensäglowingloistaessaredpunaisinawere extremely common in devout Catholic Ireland and much rarer in Protestant England, for example.
- They wore white military costumes in the style of musketeers; the fabric was impregnated withluminous paint whichkirkkaalla maalilla, jokaglowedhohtias they marched and countermarched in the stage blackout.
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- And, on looking into thelambencykimallustaof his hooded eyeshänen puoliavointen silmiensä, I could detect no whiting-out, no glaucoma or cataract.
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- He watched her over the rim of his glass,his eyeshänen silmiensälambentvälkkyessä, his mouth uptilted.
- Theirlambenttuikkivaglowhohdedanced over her sable-dark hair, touched her face briefly, then slid reluctantly away as she moved into the shadows between each one.
- Physically she resembled a smoothly groomed Pekinese with largelambenttuikkivillaeyessilmillä, a silken haired little bitch.
lustre.n 🔎
- `I may is well place before the dog over there the message of God as before those hungry millions who have nolustrekiiltoain their eyessilmissäänand whose only God is their bread.
- Prunella clearly had been disappointed, for thelustrekiiltoin her eyeshänen silmissäänwas not only because of the exciting story she had become involved in, but was also because she was keen to repeat some of the previous action of the day.
- `How much? ``he asked, still in a sort of trance, turning the brownlustrehohteenof her skinihonsainto Abyssinian maid and then the Queen of Pleasures.
- The sun illuminating the canopy of heaven, reflects itslustreloistettaanon the earth belowalla olevaan maapalloon, and gives a delicate distinction to every distance on the picture, and to every object its due place, in all the regular gradation of aerial perspective.
- Her hair lost itslustrekiiltonsa.
- The most famous tin-glazed pottery of Spain waslustrekiiltäväpotterykeramiikka; it was also exported and found its way into the wealthy households of medieval Europe.
- Teak oils leave the wood with a slight sheen;Danish oiltanskalainen öljywith anatural lowluonnollisen vähäisenlustrekiillon.
- The setting sun glowed at the bottom of her half-acre garden, lightly gildingthe fruit blossomhedelmänkukatwith apinkish-goldvaaleanpunaisen-kultaisellalustrehohteellaand reflecting a few faint rays from the greenhouse windows.
refulgent.a 🔎
- On their return Mr Mallory said Grace for a splendid, old-fashioned roast prepared byMrs Malloryrouva Malloryn,refulgentloistaenand perspiring in the kitchen.
- A nice man, he canvasses in anorak and crew-neck jumper; Cranston wears pin striped suit, Crombie overcoat andrefulgentloistavanblack shoesmustat kengät.
scintillate.v 🔎
- At first Daedalus thought of orbitinga huge phosphor-coated plastic sheet on whichsuurta fosforipinnoitettua muovilaattaa, jollathe solar-wind imageaurinkotuulen kuvatwould<empty>scintillatesäkenöidäon TV-screen principles.
- Starkisser's midnight-blue hull had metalflake embedded in its fibreglass so thatthe sleek boatkiiltävä veneseemedto<empty>scintillatesäkenöivänwith an internal and infernal dark blue lightsisäistä ja pirullista tummansinistä valoa.
- OverheadYläpuolellathe skytaivasstillscintillatedsäkenöi, but there was a film of green up there among the pinks and blues, an avocado tinge of beautifying city sickness …
scintillation.n 🔎
- Innumerable electricalscintillationskipinöitäplayed through the chaos of vapours, and at the same time that the ears were deafened by a frightful fracas.
- Typical observations were 300s in duration, giving an average signal-to-noise ratio of 500 at all frequencies, although the pulsar flux density varies greatly between observations because of interstellarscintillationkipinöinnin.
- Even when she closed her eyes they were still daggered by itsscintillationskipinöinti.
- Free carnitine was converted to C acetyl carnitine and measured in ascintillationtuike-counter.
sheen.n 🔎
- `You'll kill yourself! ``he whispered, his face so close to her, smelling the tawnysheenhohteenof her skinhänen ihonsa.
- The dustysheenkiiltoof the glassikkunanmade it stand out from the backing, made it look like a mirror into another room.
- Last night, Capt Sclater said: `Asheenkiiltoaof oilöljynhas been spotted near Gills Bay.
- Nothing was in my mind beyond vague, pleasant plans of a domestic sort, and the sight of the pinksheenhohteestaon the breast feathers of the doveskyyhkysten rintahöyhenissä, and the sleepy sound of their cooing.
- Is like thesheenkiiltoon swaying hairheiluvien hiusten
- Recipes for it varied, but the basic resultwas a coloured metallicoli värillinen metalli-sheenkiiltoon the surface of a potastian pinnassa.
- Tall for her age, she held her shoulders straight, her head, with its abundantsheenkiiltävienof hairhiustensa, high.
- There was a coldsheenkiiltoof sweathienon his foreheadhänen otsallaan.
- The open neck of his shirt was so close that she could see thesheenkiiltelevänof sweathienon his skinhänen ihollaan.
shimmer.v 🔎
- The rock face behind themKivinen rinne heidän takanaanwas silvered with moisture andshimmeredkimmelsilike a silken curtainkuin silkkiverho.
- Beneath their balconythe seamerishimmeredkimmelsibluesinisenä.
- The small shoal fishPienet kalaparvetshimmerkimmeltävätin the backgroundtaustalla.
- He was very aware of her body beside his, ofthe long legs thatpitkistä jaloista, jotkashimmeredhohtivatin the semi-darknesspuolipimeydessä, and of the smell of her perfume.
- It seemed he had been behind the same car for hours now -- a Jaguar whose iridescent blue reminded Dexter ofoilöljystä, jokashimmeringhohtaaon the surface of a puddlelätäkön pinnassa.
- The gouged rockKoverrettu kivishimmerskimmeltääwith crystalskristallien lailla.
- Every day he thought of Matthew, the small angelic face,the blue eyessiniset silmätshimmeringhohtivatwith innocenceviattomuutta.
- The white star-flowers of wild coffee spattered the banks andthe feathery ballerina skirts of kapokkapokista tehdyt hiuksenhienot balleriinamekotshimmeredhohtivatwith raindropssadepisaroista.
- She was surprised how bare the gardens had become, except for the lopsided apple tree in the lower orchard whose branches still carrieda crop of applesomenasatoashimmeringhohtivatlike tiny brassy moonskuin pienet messinginväriset kuut.
- Its silk hangingsSen silkkiverhotshimmeredhohtivat.
shine.n 🔎
- She turned and Cameron saw, under her arm, old Donald's face, eyes staring fixedly, his mouth drooping at one side, ashinehohtoof salivasyljenon his chinhänen kaulallaan.
- Meticulously differentiating between glutinous eyeball and brittleshinehohtoof finger nailkynsien, Freud works mimetically as surely as does Kelly.
- A good conditioner should promote the natural strength andshinekiiltoaof your hairhiuksiesi.
- Then there were the hot, spiced, yeast buns with theirshinekiiltoof sugarsokerinon toppäällimmäisenä.
- She would walk through the house, dressed to go out, relishing the silence, the order, theshinehehkuof polished woodkiillotetun puunin the sun.
- Cellulose is not proof against attack and it was reckoned that anew car'suuden autonshinekiiltowould be ruined in about two years.
- Now, the ball seems to retainitssenshinekiillonand the fast bowlers can use it for lengthier periods.
- The beautifulshinehohdeon his skinhänen ihollaanhad gone.
- When I had been in the attic long enough to have tidied and cleaned the cupboards, and put ashinekiillottanuton the ancient chest of drawers and wardrobeantiikkiset kaapit ja lipastot, I settled to knit Jean-Claude sweaters and socks.
- Therewas<empty>shinekiilsivätin the wings of her noseHänen nenänpielensä.
shine.v 🔎
- Nell emerged from the noise of the crowd and came across towards us, a clipboard clasped to her chest,her eyeshänen silmänsäshiningloistivat.
- `Thank you, my lord, ``she said,her eyeshänen silmänsäshiningkiiltäessäwith tearskyynelistä.
- He shook both my hands together,his good honest facehänen rehellisten kasvojensashiningloistaessawith happinessonnesta.
- She was young, less than twenty, he guessed, on the verge of full womanhood, with a handsome oval face andhealthy skin whichterve iho, jokashoneloistitranslucentläpikuultavanain the rainsateessa.
- The moonKuushoneloistioverheadtaivaallalike a new dimekuin uusi kolikko.
- NOBODY is sure of the distance to Betelgeuse,the red giant starpunaisen jättiläistähden, jokathatshinesloistaasobrilliantlykirkkaastiin the constellation of OrionOrionin tähtikuviossa.
- For much of its lifea startähtishinesloistaa,because of reactions in its core which convert hydrogen, the lightest of all the elements, into helium, the second lightestkoska sen ytimessä tapahtuu reaktioita, jotka muuttavat vetyä, kaikkein kevyintä alkuainetta, heliumiksi, joka on toiseksi kevyin alkuaine.
- A hundred thousand starsSatatuhatta tähteäshoneloistihard and steadykovasti ja vakaastiin an eternity of spacetaivaan ikuisuudessa.
- Christmas in a wild Welsh valley withthe starstähtienshiningloistaessaon top of the mountainsvuorten ylläand everyone singing and singing, the way they all sang in Wales; so beautifully, natural as birds!
- The starsTähdetshoneloistivatoverheadtaivaalla, remote but always with promise of something better than the brief rush of biological existence.
- As they drove back to Randall Lodge,the afternoon suniltapäivän aurinkostillshonepaistoimockingly brightivallisen kirkkaasti.
- But big golf today, as we know, isin AmericaAmerikassa,whereminnethe sunaurinkoshinespaistaa.
- She twirled and swayed around the room in a slow dance, her skirt billowing andher long hairhänen pitkien hiustensashiningloistaessabeneath the bright lightskirkkaiden valojen alla.
- The gleam of insulating oilEristysöljyn hohtoshoneloistibrightkirkkaastion the prominences of his facehänen kasvojensa ulkonemissa, dimming and brightening again as she moved past him to hunker down at his side.
- The lights of Alcatraz stood out like a ship in the bay, whileon the other sidetoisella puolellashoneloistivatthe twinkling lights of BerkeleyBerkeleyn tuikkivat valot.
- Bog grasssuoheinäton lower groundAlamaastossashoneloistivatorange, emerald green or goldoransseina, smaragdinvihreinä tai kullankeltaisina.
- Three small pools below the lip of the craterKolme pientä lampea kraatterin reunan alapuolellashoneloistiturquoiseturkoosinain the sunlightauringonvalossa.
- The duller buildings blended with the desert,but othersmutta muutshoneloistivatpink, blue and goldvaaleanpunaisina, sinisinä ja kullanvärisinä, edged with ornamental plasterwork in white.
- There was a copper kettle boiling on one hob and a china teapot on the other andthe stovehellashoneloisticleanpuhtaana.
- The room dived into darkness, shrinking Chesarynth's world tothe chairs and benchestuoleiksi ja penkeiksi, jotkashininghohtivatpalekalpeinain the moonlightkuunvalossafrom the window.
- There was no one in the glare of the sun in the village street, andthe brown earthruskea maapalloshoneloistiyellowkeltaisenaand the dogs and chickens sought the shade.
- He's a bewildered romantic;optimismoptimismishinespaistaabrightlykirkkaastiin his eyeshänen silmissään.
- A white sinkValkoinen pesuallasshoneloistiat the far endkaukaisemmassa päässä, some sort of covered porcelain bucket underneath it.
- Arty was sitting up in bed,his hairhänen hiuksensashininghohtivatfrom a liberal application of something that looked and smelled like perfumed vaselinehänen lisättyään reilusti jotakin, joka näytti ja tuoksui hajustetulta vaseliiniltaand came from a jar labelled Easi-Gro.
- ItSeshinesloistaaquietlyhiljaafrom the lubricating oilvoiteluöljystä.
- ``How brightKuinka kirkkainathose firesnuo tuletshineloistavatkaanin the darknesspimeydessä!
- It was an enormous bungalow, with a central block roofed ingreen tiles whichvihreillä tiilillä, jotkashoneloistivatin the moonlightkuunvalossa.
- She threw the hood back, revealinggold hair thatkultaiset hiukset, jotkashoneloistivatin the rainsateessa.
- My well-worn schoolboy shoes were polished untiltheyneshoneloistivatlike glasskuin lasi.
- The yellow skin freckled brownKeltainen iho täynnä ruskeita pisamiashoneloistilike the well-fingered ivories of a bar-room pianokuin baarihuoneen pianon paljon soitetut valkoiset koskettimet.
- `A fine night for a fight! ``the Hearthware leader said, his teeth flashing andthe bloodverenshininghohtaessaon his swordmiekassaan.
- Ahead of her,lighted windowsvalaistut ikkunatshoneloistivatthrough the duskhämärän läpi, and the air was filled with the scent of dying leaves, and moss, and the strains of music.
- Cupboards, surfaces, refrigerator, cooker,everythingkaikkishoneloistivatwith pristine cleanlinesstahratonta puhtautta, no clutter of any kind in sight beyond an electric kettle, a large cast-iron cookpot on the back of the wood-burning Aga.
- He had expected a butler or some obsequious manservant, at the least a maid or companion, to welcome them intoa roomhuoneeseen, jokashininghohtiwith silver and silk carpetshopeasta ja silkkisistä matoista.
- Her face was still very pale,the skinihoshininghohtiwith sweathiestä, but the eyes were almost normal now, the pupils no longer dilated.
- She lay on the bed and pulled the coverlet up over herself andthe golden Satankultaisen Saatananshoneloistaessabehind her closed eyeshänen suljettujen silmiensä takana.
- Behind him was a kind of triptych with ferny foliage, to the left and right, enclosing a watery space in whichrosy and silver fishpunaiset ja hopeanväriset kalatshoneloistivatbetween pond-weedsvitojen välissä.
- At first the child was rather afraid of Davis, whosescararpishoneloistiwhitelyvalkoisenaagainst the tan of his facehänen ruskettuneita kasvojaan vasten.
- At the shorter wavelength,the ringsrenkaatare lit up by the Sun's radiation andshineloistavatbrilliantlykirkkaasti; but methane in Saturn's atmosphere absorbs at this wavelength and so the planet itself is virtually invisible.
- She collapsed on the floor, among all the rubbish, laughed herself out to silence, and looked up into the attic, to seethe torchlighttaskulampunvalonshininghohtavantheresiellä.
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- But he's brilliant at old ladies, bright old ladies withshininghohtavateyessilmät.
- She leaned forward, with parted lips andshininghohtavineyessilmin.
- Only their terrible,shiningkiiluvateyessilmätwere alive -- and they were all staring at me, threatening me.
- She hadshiningkiiltävätblackhairhiukset, bright eyes and vivacious looks.
- Dick was the dayest person you ever saw,shiningkiiltäväthairhiukset, big smile, dimples, high tenor voice.
- Hollywood already has her marked as one of the hottest properties of the 1990s, ashiningloistavastartähtiequipped to inherit the mantle of Marilyn Monroe.
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- To her amazement it was ashinyloistavanred paperbackpunainen taskukirjacalled How To Succeed In Business.
- His grey hairHänen harmaat hiuksensawas<empty>shinykiiltelivätwith rainsateesta.
- But in the moonlight now it looks ashinykiiltävänblackmustalta.
- She looked ashen,her skinhänen ihonsashinykiilteliwith sweathiestä.
- Thick,shinykiiltäväthairhiuksetstyled casually by Guy Kremer at the French Connection salon
- Get your hair into fabulous shape for that special date with some greatshinykiiltävienhairhiustentips from Silvikrin.
- Who are these smart types in suits from Next and niceshinykiiltävätshoeskengätfrom Freeman Hardy Willis?
- Worshippers gaze reverently through temple windows, praying for offerings that adorn the altars to consumption;shinykiiltävätshoeskengät, gift-wrapped talcum powders, personal stereos, costumes and cars.
- Madge came to the door in a bedraggled dressing-gown, her hair twisted up in curl papers,her facehänen kasvonsashinykiiltelivätwith cold creamihovoiteesta.
- There werewaves of red facespunaisten kasvojen aaltoja, smiling andshinykiiltelivätin the lamplightlampun valossa, their mouths open as the men roared and sang.
- His breeches were made of whiteshinykiiltävästäsilksilkistäand so was his waistcoat.
- IT 'S A little late for all those lovely,shinyloistavilleChristmaspackagespaketeille-- all promise and ribbon and hope.
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- She waited until the governess had hurried from the room,her eyeshänen silmänsäsparklingsäihkyivätwith tearskyynelistä.
- The throneKruunuwas made of gold, andsparkledkimalteliwith a multitude of jewelsjalokivien runsaudesta.
- East and north, vastFlow Country peatlandsFlow Countryn suomaastosparklekimalteleeblue and silversinisenä ja hopeisenawith lochs and lochansmonine järvineen.
- She still had on the revealing silk blouse she had worn in the show, withstage jewellerynäytelmän korujensparklingkimallellessaat her throat and breasthänen kaulallaan ja rinnallaan.
- Behind their perimeter walls lie freshly laundered flowers,verdant grassvehreän ruohonstillsparklingkimallellessafrom the last showerviimeisen sadekuuron jälkeen, yew hedges in an ecstasy of precision clipping.
- She smiled,tearskyyneltenstillsparklingkimallellessain her eyeshänen silmissään.
- He came on, walking in the same direction as Rachaela,the dilute snowohuen lumensparklingkimallellessain his hathänen hatussaanlike sequinskuin paljetit.
- He loved the way she smelt, the atmosphere with which she surrounded you, the way she gestured,the ear-rings thatkorvakorut, jotkasparkledkimaltelivatin the lightvalossawhen she turned her head quickly.
- ItSesparkledkimaltelilike a Christmas treekuin joulukuusi.
- At last, dripping wet, withwatervedensparklingvälkkyessälike jewelsjalokivien laillaon her cheeks and foreheadhänen poskillaan ja otsallaan, and rivulets running from her hair, she stepped from the last stone on to the bank.
- Golden rays beamed down like spotlights, transforming the charcoal water to sapphire-blue and makingthe streaks of foamvaahtojuovatsparklekimaltelemaanlike sugar frostingkuin sokerikuorrutus.
- Now in that room at Fontainebleau so many years ago, I studied Francis but my eyes were drawn tothat bloody ring whichsiihen hiton sormukseen, jokasparkledkimaltelion the fourth finger of his left handhänen vasemman kätensä neljännessä sormessa.
- TearsKyyneleetsparkledkimaltelivaton her lasheshänen ripsillään.
- Wet blades of grass gleamed like so many tiny polished green spears in the early evening sunshine andthe gorse bushespiikkihernepensaissasparkledkimaltelivatwith diamond dropstimanttimaiset pisarat.
- This is a scene which calls for imaginative lighting The tree andits decorationssen koristeidenshouldpitäisisparklekimaltaaagainst darker backgroundstummempaa taustaa vasten.
- Far below,the seamerisparkledvälkehtiunder a shimmering haze of heatutuisessa kuumuudessa.
- As she did he saw the ring on the third finger of her left hand;the large diamondsuuri timanttisparkledkimaltelibrightlykirkkaasti.
- Evenin the thin winter lightohuessa talvivalossaher amethyst necklace in its fine golden settinghänen ametistikaulakorunsa ja sen kultaiset reunuksetsparkledkimaltelivatprettilykauniisti.
- Suddenlythe seameriwas<empty>sparklingvälkehtiand the golf course a glittering green.
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- Voices came from the battlements, and atwinkletuikeof steelteräksen.
- `'ations, ``said Pumpkin, with atwinklepilkettäin his eyesilmissään.
- She studied the sergeant with atwinklepilkeof amusementhuvittunutin her eyessilmissään.
- It'd give you and Vitor some time alone together, ``she added, with atwinklepilkeof her brown eyesruskeissa silmissään.
- And Beth walked between them, a smile in her heart, and atwinklepilkein her eyessilmissään.
- `I understand you, I believe, ``said the Earl, an unmistakabletwinklepilkein his eyesilmissään.
- She could see thetwinklepilkkeenin his eyehänen silmissään.
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- He was smiling at her,his brown eyeshänen ruskeat silmänsätwinklingtuikkivatwith amusementhuvittuneina.
- Her hair looked very red in the bright light from the kitchen, andher ear-ringshänen korvakorunsatwinkledkimaltelivateach time she moved her head.
- `I love watchinglightsvalojentwinklingtuikettaa long way away.
- Taczek took oft his spectacles anda gleampilketwinkledkimalteliin his facehänen kasvoillaan.
- I gazed upwards and could seea few starsmuutaman tähdentwinklingtuikkivanin the skytaivaalla, one seemed much brighter than the others.
- Over her shoulderthe starstähdettwinkledtuikkivatin the black skymustalla taivaalla.
- Standing side by side, looking out overthe gardenspuutarhoja, jotkatwinklingtuikkivatwith lightsvaloja, Sophie wondered why she felt remote from any romantic interest in her companion.
- His eyes, dark and set deep beneath a firm, unfurrowed brow, were sleek and watchful; one's first impression thattheynetwinkledtuikkivatwith a friendly mirthystävällistä hilpeyttäsoon vanished.
- I can seeher little gold necklacehänen pienen kultakaulakorunsatwinklingkimaltelevanlike a starkuin tähtiround her neckhänen kaulansa ympärillä.
- The lights at the docksSatamien valottwinkledtuikkivatmistilyutuisesti, and some of the larger craft at moorings carried lights, but for the most part the harbour was a broad plain of darkness.
- Once seated the audience would see the theatre ceiling as though it were open to the sky at night;starstähdettwinklingtuikkivatand a moon shining.