TransFrameNet:Location in time
- i still have elderly parents alive so uh it takes a lot of effort to either get everybody called or written and settle on adatepäiväyou know that
- See, he can't tell you, but he does something like this, and then he has to know yourbirthsyntymä-datepäiväsi, your birth date, your age I don't know, something else and it, it works, I'm not kidding.
- See, he can't tell you, but he does something like this, and then he has to know your birth date, yourbirthsyntymä-datepäiväsi, your age I don't know, something else and it, it works, I'm not kidding.
- Pilgrimages are held on the 13th of every month, with the most important observances on thatdatepäivänäin May and Octobertouko- ja lokakuussa.
- The chart should plot logarithm of concentration on the vertical axis against thedatepäivääof the testtesti-or test number on the horizontal axis.
- The preamble to the final rule states that the rule is effective on thedatepäivänä,of publication in the Federal Registerjolloin se julkaistaan liittohallituksen rekisterissä,May 22, 199722. toukokuuta 1997, because CCC has determined that it is impracticable, unnecessary, and contrary to the public interest to delay the effective date of the rule.
- yeah you always end up in this conversion thing all the time so it's you it's almost like uh course this country isn't a dictatorship but you know it's like somebody said okay as of such and such adatepäivänä
- Much academic debate surrounds theexacttarkastadatepäivästäof the Trojan WarTroijan sodan, if indeed it ever took place.
- Antiviral use was not extensive, and thecurrentnykyisetstudytutkimus-datespäivätpreceded the introduction of zanamivir and oseltamivir.
- The Clear Skies Act further requires that, in addressing a petition submitted after enactment that requests a finding for any affected unit under the new trading programs, the Administrator must consider, among other factors, any emissions reductions required to occur by anyapplicablesopivinaattainmentsaavutus-datespäivinäfor any relevant nonattainment areas.
- DatePäiväys: Wed Dec 8
- The logs will contain initials anddatesyntymäajatof birth of the eligible stroke patientshyväksyttyjen aivohalvauspotilaiden, date of screening, sex, and race / ethnicity.
- The logs will contain initials and date of birth of the eligible stroke patients,dateajatof screeningkuvaus-, sex, and race / ethnicity.
- The first stage linked all records that matched exactly on first, middle, and last names; completebirthsyntymä-dateaikaan; and gender.
- After theeffectivevoimassaolo-datepäivänof standards promulgated under subsection (b)pykälässä (b) voimaan tulevien standardien, no owner oroperator shall cause any combustion turbine that is not gas-fired or coal-fired and that is a new affected unit to discharge into the atmosphere any gases which contain:
- Second, the Senate request asked EPA to assume a2002vuonna 2002startaloitus-datepäivänin running the technology and policy scenarios.
- The New York Times goes with a nationwide look at candidates' last-minute attempts to motivate voters, in a campaign that at thislatemyöhäisenädateajankohtana, the Times says, still lacks a national theme.
- This ``was proved false even before his book'spublicationjulkaisu-datepäivääby the war between NATO and Serbia (where the Belgrade McDonald's franchises were promptly vandalized).
- We have posted a full week's worth of material today (postmyöhemmäksidatepäivättyJuly 2323. heinäkuuta) and will resume our full publishing schedule a week from Monday (Aug.
- mydatepäiväniis the twelfth so if i charge something on the thirteenth then i don't get that bill till the end of the month and it's not due till before the twelfth of the next month so i can put off paying for something for free for two months
- Thisis probably anon todennäköisestiappropriatesopivatimeaika,for us to endjolloin voimme lopettaatodaytältä päivältä.
- This ensured that the cells were not confluent by thetimeaika,of collection for cell cycle analysisjolloin ne kerättiin solukiertoanalyysiin.
- She was the high school principal at thetimeaikaan.
- Yet Columbus (Columbo in Portuguese) returned six years later, by whichtimeaikaanevidence suggests that he had become an experienced sugarcane merchanttodistusaineisto osoittaa, että hänestä oli tullut kokenut sokeriruokokauppias.
- One method for improving targeting would be to require each garment to include a bar code label that shows the place andtimeajanof fabricationvalmistus-.
- At thesameSamaantimeaikaan, the team accurately reflected the social diversity that exists in France today.
- And so at thetimeaikaan,when Max was speakingkun Max puhui-- I believe that there were people who spoke in between she and Max Pell.
- Please call usanymihintimeaikaan tahansaat 1-800-545-6843.
- It was at thistimeaikaan,1864vuonna 1864,that the government initiated the practice of printing ``IN GOD WE TRUST on our coins and currencykun hallitus alkoi painattaa 'IN GOD WE TRUST' kolikoihimme ja rahoihimme.