spot.n 🔎
- After all, you don't want to be rooted to thespotpaikkaanin front of a microphonemikrofonin edessä olevaan-- you want to perform!
- I know thespotpaikanin DealDealissa? only a few miles from us.
- Joachim eventually broke away from the Cistercians and retired to alonelyyksinäiseenspotpaikkaanin CalabriaCalabriaan,where disciples gathered around him and he was given papal permission to found his own congregation.
- The site of Harveys' Foundry in Foundry Squareis anonhistorichistoriallinenspotpaikkain industrial terms.
- The International Atomic Energy Agency's marine environment laboratory says that parts of the Gulf are cleaner than they were before the war, although there are still heavilycontaminatedsaastuneitaspotsalueita.
- `This looks like as good aspotpaikaltaas any, ``Matthew decided.
- The sea is as crystal clear as anyspotpaikkain the CaribbeanKaribianmerelläyou might care to name.
- The most feasible way to reduce the number of visitors to one area is to open up morescenicluonnonkauniillespotspaikoilleand footpaths in another.
- He thought of a survey after the North-East came eighth in a list of 11 favouritetouristturisti-spotskohteenin BritainBritanniassa.
- 3 Just a little further on, a Cornmill entrance (service bay), potentially avery dangerouserittäin vaarallinenspotkohde.
- Both need a shady, sheltered,moistkosteanspotpaikanin the gardenpuutarhasta.
- In such conditions, all theshelteredsuojaisatspotspaikatget overcrowded, and there is usually too much colour in the water.
- She was driven several miles to asecludedsyrjäiseencountrymaaseutu-spotkohteeseenand assaulted for an hour.
- Gregory's, for those on shore holidays, is in aquiethiljaisessaspotkohteessaright on a good swimming beachaivan hyvän uimarannan lähellä.
- They all like a dryish soil in full sun; in rich conditions or inshadyvarjoisissaspotspaikoissathey tend to grow too lush and produce too few flowers.
zone.n 🔎
- In Managua, there was some in-migration fromruralmaaseudunwarsota-zonesvyöhykkeiltä, particularly in the mid-1980s, straining infrastructure and social services, including education.
- According to Soviet commentaries the United States' commitment to these bases underlay its warnings to the ASEAN countries against pursuing the idea of anuclear-freeydinvapaastazonevyöhykkeestäin Southeast AsiaKaakkois-Aasiassa.
- This small Caledonian gabbroic intrusion containsilmenite- and titanomagnetite-enrichedilmeniitillä ja titanomagnetiitillä rikastettujazonesvyöhykkeiltäin part of an east-west trending complex close to the contact with an earlier acid granophyre body.
- The heart of Paris, around the Louvre and the Hotel de Ville, would be entirely reorganised withpedestrianjalankulku-zonesalueisiin, one-way systems and extra bus routes.
- NOAA-7 covers Japan's 200-mile (370-km)fishingkalastus-zonevyöhykkeenfive times a day.
- There would be freedom of movement between thezonesalueidenand limited settlement rights.
- Cu -Ni sulphide mineralisation was discovered near Huntly (LittlemillLittlemillinzonealue) and Ellon (Arthrath-Dudwick zone) in Caledonian norites contaminated by pyritic and graphitic Dalradian sediments.
- Conventional welding gives you avery largeerittäin suurenheat affectedlämmön vaikutus-zonealueenand that can distort the material or alter its properties in some way and potentially damage or weaken a structure.
- But feminist groups fighting for the right of women soldiers to be incombattaistelu-zonesalueillacriticised the figures.
- Somerset then cleared abufferpuskuri-zonevyöhykeeast of the Fish riverFish river -joen itäpuolelle; but a later decision to allow a military settlement there ensured further conflict.
- Sites would also need to be chosen so that, if wastes did escape, currents would not carry radioactive material too swiftly intozonesalueilleof human activityihmisten toiminta-.
- During the pressing operation, the first juice to emerge from a grape is called the cuvée and it comes from thecentralkeskus-zoneosastaof pulphedelmälihan.
- More reference material is to be found in the 1991 Almanac which gives useful charts and lists of celestial events, units of weights, holidays,worldmaailmanlaajuisistatimeaika-zonesvyöhykkeistäand so on.
- Anargument-freeriidatonzonevyöhykewas to be established in the Cabinet Room.
- The environmental factors which produce arrested larvae insubtropicalsubtrooppisillazonesvyöhykkeilläare not yet known.