A betrayal which had secured their dismissal from
Mr Ben Braithwaite himself who
itseltään herra Ben Braithwaitelta, joka as troublemakers with no hope of employment anywhere in Frizingley
häiriköiksi, joilla ei ollut toivoakaan löytää töitä Frizingleystä .
The intention had been to
as a `hoarder ``as well as the `milk snatcher
'hamstraajaksi' ja 'maidonryöstäjäksi' , but most of us thought this seemed an eminently sensible thing for her to have done.
CHELSEA legend Ron Harris
CHELSEA-legenda Ron Harris and told him: `The hard men of yesteryear would have eaten you for breakfast!
POMPEY boss Jim Smith
POMPEY-pomo Jim Smith striker Paul Walsh
hyökkääjä Paul Walshin after he was sent off in their ill-tempered Anglo-Italian Cup tie victory at Fratton Park
sen jälkeen, kun hänet poistettiin vihaisesta anglo-italian cupin voitokkaasta ottelusta Fratton Parkissa .
Mr Major's handling of the whole Maastricht issue
herra Majorin käyttäytyminen Maastrichtin asiassa a total shambles
täydelliseksi sekasotkuksi .
The astonishing attack came as
enraged creditors
raivostuneet velkojat the disgraced coach chief
häpäistyn valmennuspäällikön `scum, a `cheat ``and a `fraud.
'roskaväeksi', 'petturiksi' ja 'petokseksi'
SUNDAY trading laws
sunnuntain aukioloaikalait by Darlington councillor Bill Dixon
DARLINGTONIN kunnanvaltuutettu Bill Dixon .
a nosy parker
uteliaaksi pysäköijäksi by some of his Abingdon neighbours
Joku hänen Abingdonin naapureistaan .
Pits protesters
Pitin protestoijat `spoilt children
'hemmotelluiksi lapsiksi'
Other internal Scottish Region expresses to Aberdeen and Inverness also became part of the Provincial empire, even though
their carriages
heidän vaununsa `InterCity ``
'InterCity-vaunuiksi' for many years after sectorisation
monta vuotta vyöhykejaon jälkeenkin .
by furious boss Billy Bonds
RAIVOKAS pomo Billy Bonds after being sent off for swearing at a linesman at Oakwell
sen jälkeen, kun hänet oli poistettu kentältä hänen kiroiltuaan linjatuomarille Oakwellissä .
FURIOUS homebuyers are set to sue the builder of their luxury estate after paying £100,000 for
no better than SANDCASTLES
The vehicle owners' pressure group Stichting Weg
Ajoneuvojen omistajien painostusryhmä Stichting Weg `impractical, unreasonable and inequitable ``
'epäkäytännöllisiksi, älyttömiksi ja epäoikeudenmukaisiksi' .
The conservative journal American Spectator
Konservatiivinen aikakauslehti American Spectator `the Winnie Mandela of American politics ``
'Amerikan politiikan Winnie Mandelaksi' .
Tassi was jailed but by then the slander of Artemesia's name was complete:
, later married off to a stranger and banished from Rome.
THE EC is today expected to announce the release of funds to repair
a North Wales road bridge
Pohjois-Walesissa sijaitsevan tiesillan, joka a potential death trap for children
potentiaaliseksi kuolemanansaksi lapsille .
passion killers
intohimon tappajiksi .
The deviant is one to whom that label has successfully been applied; deviant behaviour is
behaviour that
käyttäytymistä, jonka (Becker, 1963, p. 9)
As mentioned,
many people who break laws
monia ihmisiä, jotka rikkovat lakeja, are never found out and
are thus not
eikä heitä siksi .
relinquished the parents of their last shred of moral obligation to their son; even managed to convince them that in the end none of it was their fault.
Never before had
gone so far and
an alcoholic
alkoholistiksi .
As status is a relative quality, for many of us,
conscious awareness of
`low-status ``
'alhaisempaan asemaan' usually depends on the people and the situation.
It could be argued that such questions are of little value as
may be unwilling
as being in poor health
huonokuntoisiksi .
Some critics
Jotkut kriitikot such shows
sellaiset ohjelmat a huge con
suureksi vedätykseksi but, according to Arts Centre spokeswoman Alison Lister, the display has received a warm welcome in Darlington.
Henry was not
the miser which
saituri, miksi later historians
myöhemmät historioitsijat .
First, there is no point in
children, progress, teacher or school
lasten, edistymisen, opettajan tai koulun as `unsatisfactory ``
'epätyydyttäväksi' unless this goes hand in hand with the means to bring about improvement.
How can pupils be categorized and what are the consequences of perceiving,
and responding to
in certain ways
tietyillä tavoilla ?
For example, when troubles blew up at the Heath Town Estate in the Midlands they were immediately compared with Broadwater Farm and
in the way the media treated the incident.
in a way that would sort of help yourself more
tavalla, joka tavallaan auttaisi sinua enemmän ?
A third criterion for
is relative neutrality of meaning.
Not one for the purists, they said …
the drop-out Prime Minister
keskeyttäneeksi pääministeriksi .
It was an unsuitably domestic scene for
Dame Barbara, 91, hit out at
a survey which
tutkimusta, joka Britain's 34th richest woman
Britannian 34. rikkaimmaksi naiseksi .
Yet what degree of commitment should we expect from someone before
, but not all of them had any great desire to raise hell and make headlines.