- As God's ultimate judgementShehänpunishes the evil forces byannihilatingtuhoamallathemheidät.
- HeHänetis programmed to retrieve the missile andannihilatetuhoamaanyousinut.
- The Viet Cong temporarily overrun the camp, buttheyheidätare<empty>annihilatedhävitetäänby fire from `Puff the Magic Dragon ``, an AC-47 gunshiptulittamalla 'Lohikäärme Puffilla', AC-47-taisteluhelokopterilla.
- The nadir was reached when at Bannockburn in 1314the English armyenglantilaisen armeijanwas<empty>annihilatedtuhosivatby the Scots under Robert Bruceskotit Robert Brucen johdolla.
- Lastly, the sad record of colonialism in the far north-east includes the name ofthe Aleutsaleuttien,whojotkawere largelysuurimmaksi osaksiannihilatedhävittivätby the Russiansvenäläisetduring the latters' trans-Pacific adventure in pursuit of sea-otter furs.
- TheyHeidäthad beenoliannihilatedtuhottuby stealthvarkain, it was rumoured, or even by sorcery.
- As it is, however,his armyhänen armeijansahas beenonannihilatedtuhottuand the fugitives will probably be slaughtered by peasants before they can reach a place of safety.
- He went and denounced the wicked city, saying that like all other wicked cities of the Eastern Mediterraneanitsewas aboutto be<empty>annihilatedtuhottaisiin.
- Perhaps the most impressive sight was the remainder ofRas Lul Seged's armyRas Lul Segedin armeijasta,whichjokahad been almostoli lähesannihilatedtuhottuin a furious battle and the Ras himself killed.
- Khrushchev's dry comment on the Soviet lack of `overkill ``was: `What good does it doto<empty>annihilatetuhoamisestaa countrymaantwice?
- In the end, he said that he was the only survivor ofa four man crew of Killer-type androidsnelimiehisen tappajatyypin androidinsent hereto<empty>annihilatetuhoamaantwo criminalskaksi rikollistaand return an object to his controllers.
- KAMALA:The man mountain whoMiesröykkiö, jokaannihilatestuhoaaall who get in his waykaikki, jotka menevät hänen tielleen
- A woman tractor driver, Ms G. Serzhantovich, said: `I consider that the formation of an independent Lithuanian Communist Party will lead toitssenannihilationtuhoon.
- The optimism of 1959 which runs through them is quite breathtaking at this distance in time: `Some experts insist on talking as if the only choices were immediate surrender, immediate preventive war or eventualworldmaailmanlaajuinenannihilationtuho, ``Kahn declared.
- So too the yawning depths of the wave, even while threateningannihilationtuho, hold out the promise of rebirth.
- For some, having experienced the realities of such a love and having lost it, there is totalannihilationtuhoutuminenof the selfitsenand a feeling of total abandonment.
- Yet it is this deadly logic of deterrence that condemns the world to live under the shadow of the threat ofnuclearydin-annihilationtuhon.
- AndI<empty>suppose we'd better go andasphyxiatetukehduttaaourselvesitsemmeup at the sulphur springsrikkilähteiden luona.
- Every so oftenAina silloin tällöin,the fumes from an unpredictable cocktail of effluentsodottamattomien päästöyhdistelmien kaasutasphyxiatestukehduttavata luckless sewer workerepäonnisen viemärityöntekijän.
- Wemeidät'll get<empty>asphyxiatedtukehduttavatfrom the diesel fumesNämä dieselkaasut.
- Sulphur hexafluoride itself is harmless except in a confined space, whereitsedisplaces oxygen andcanvoiasphyxiatetukehduttaapeopleihmisiä.
- Maybeshehänwas hopingto<empty>asphyxiatetukehduttavansahimhänetwith carbon monoxide fumeshäkäkaasuilla.
- The relentless, time-consuming nature of his workHänen työnsä säälimätön, aikaa vievä luonneliterallykirjaimellisestiasphyxiatestukehduttaathe self-reflective side of his personalityhänen persoonallisuutensa itseheijastavan puolen.
- One of its characters from real life is Squeaky Fromme, she who tried to assassinate President Gerald Ford, who sings a duet with John Warnock Hinckley, the would-beassassinsalamurhaajaof President Ronald Reaganpresidentti Ronald Reaganin.
- Execution of allegedassassinsalamurhaajanof Abu IyadAbu Iyadin
- He was murdered in 1969 andhishänenassassinsalamurhaajansadid not hesitate to put the blame on the `big men ``.
- Mr Heseltine, seen by many Tory faithful asMargaret Thatcher'sMargaret Thatcherinassassinsalamurhaajana, was never going to get a good reception in his first post-coup party speech.
- You'reolethishänenassassinsalamurhaajansa.
- Coetzee methishänenassassinssalamurhaajansain a bar around about ten o'clock.
- Bobbie and MarieBobbie ja Marie, I said, were plottingto<empty>assassinatesalamurhaavansasomebodyjonkunfor political reasonspoliittisista syistä.
- Allow myself to be spirited off to Germany whereIminäassassinatesalamurhaanHitlerHitlerinat the first opportunity?
- The president, meanwhile, stood high in the public opinion polls after the attemptto<empty>assassinatesalamurhatahimhänetat the end of March.
- The Executive CommitteeHallituspronounced a sentence of death on the Tsar himself and, after repeated attempts, succeeded inassassinatingsalamurhaamisessaAlexanderAleksanterinon a St Petersburg streetPietarin kadullaon 1 March 18811. maaliskuuta 1881.
- Gen. Oufkir was a former Defence Minister who reportedly committed suicide shortly after leading an attempt in August 1972to<empty>assassinatesalamurhataKing Hassankuningas Hassanby shooting down the royal jetampumalla kuninkaallinen lentokone alas[see pp. 25485-86].
- More right-wing plotsLisää oikeistosiiven juoniato<empty>assassinatesalamurhaamiseksileaders of the African National CongressAfrikan kansalliskongressin johtajien, including Joe Slovo and Winnie Mandela, were reported.
- MandelaMandelanwasto be<empty>assassinatedsalamurhataby a sniperTarkka-ampujaon his return from abroad in mid-July.
- They fearshehänetwas<empty>assassinatedsalamurhattiin,because of her studies with indigenous and displaced peopleskoska hän oli tutkinut alkuperäisiä ihmisiä ja pakolaisia.
- The premier's downfall was widely predicted beforehehänetwas<empty>assassinatedsalamurhasi,by an anarchistanarkistibut with possible police complicity, in September 1911.
- In the run-up to the 1990 presidential electionsSendero LuminosoSendero Luminosoreportedlyassassinatedsalamurhasiseveral parliamentary candidatesuseita parlamentaarisia ehdokkaitaand bombs were planted in public places, causing several casualties.
- In July 1914,after Serbian nationalistsserbinationalistienhad<empty>assassinatedsalamurhattuathe Habsburg heir apparentHabsburgin lähimmän perillisen, the Austrian government resolved to crush the Serbian menace once and for all.
- A constable was shot dead yesterday in Alexandra, a Johannesburg township, bringing to 42 the total ofSAP menSAP-miestä, jotka onassassinatedsalamurhattuon active dutyheidän ollessaan työvuorossaso far this year.
- In 1921ErzbergerErzbergerwas hounded from public life by the right andassassinatedsalamurhattiin.
- Buton 21 June 120821. kesäkuuta 1208Philip of SwabiaFilip Schwabenilainenwas dead,assassinatedsalamurhattua hänet,apparently for personal reasonsilmeisesti henkilökohtaisista syistä,by the count of Bavaria, Otto of WittelsbachBaijerin kreivin, Otto of Wittelsbachin.
- 25 (From left to right: a) Julius Caesar, portrayed on a coin minted at Rome in 44 BC, the year ofhishänenassassinationsalamurhansa.
- Theplotterssuunnittelijatofmy husband'smieheniassassinationsalamurhanshould be brought to court.
- But in 10 short years at the turn of the century all this changed and the `common, innocent, friendly ``house fly was subjected to the most vicious ofcharacterhahmojenassassinationssalamurhista.
- Theassassinationsalamurhaof the Chamoun familyChamounin perheenraised questions about the ability, or the readiness, of the Syrian forces to impose law and order in the East.
- I would prefer not to have my guy stand up and say I may have been involved in anassassinationsalamurhaan.
- It was the scene of a failedassassinationsalamurha-attempton the royal couplekuningasparinat a charity concert nine years ago.
- In September 1961 de Gaulle survived anOASOAS:nassassinationsalamurha-attempt at Pont-sur-Seine.
- And another executioner earned the crowd's ecstatic applause whenhehänbeheadedmestasitwo criminalskaksi rikollistawith one blowyhdellä laukauksella!
- A true professional,hehänbeheadedmestasihis victimsuhrinsawith unhurried expertisekiireettömällä ammattitaidolla, a credit to his calling.
- As Franz entered in his diary in 1576: `Hans Payhel, who committed three murders; two years ago I cut off his ears and flogged him; todayIminäbeheadedmestasinhimhänetat Forcheim.
- The rebel lordKapinallinen lordiwas<empty>beheadedmestattiintwo months laterkaksi kuukautta myöhemminat YorkYorkissa.
- Whenbeheadingmestattiinthe Comte de LallyComte de Lallyin 1766vuonna 1766, the blade cut into the victim's jaw and cheek, breaking his teeth.
- TheyHethrew him to the ground andbeheadedmestasivathimmiehenin front of his sontämän pojan edessä.
- Hehänetwas<empty>beheadedmestasivatby themHe, and replaced by an adherent of the Lords Ordainers.
- Agnes Rossnerin, who smothered and throttled her companion in order to steal some money,Agnes Rossnerin, joka tukehdutti ja kuristi toverinsa varastaakseen rahaa,was<empty>beheadedmestattiinby the swordmiekalla`because she was a poor creature and had a wry neck ``koska hän oli köyhä olento ja hänellä oli kiero kaula".
- By 1646, the Royalists were defeated andKing Charles Ikuningas Kaarle Iwas charged with treason against the peoples parliament andwashänetbeheadedmestattiinat WestminsterWestminsterissäon 30th, January 164930. tammikuuta 1649.
- When the clumsy plotting of the Queen of Scots against Elizabeth finally exasperated the English beyond endurance,MaryMarywas<empty>beheadedmestattiinat FotheringhayFotheringhayssa.
- Under Islamic law,rapists, murderers and drug traffickersraiskaajat, murhaajat ja huumeiden salakuljettajatare<empty>beheadedmestataanin publicjulkisestiwhile convicted thieves have their hands amputated.
- Two Pakistani drug traffickersKaksi pakistanilaista huumeiden salakuljettajaawere<empty>beheadedmestattiinyesterdayeilenin the eastern city of Dammam, Saudi Arabia,Saudi-Arabian itäosassa sijaitsevassa Dammamin kaupungissafor smuggling heroin into the kingdomheidän salakuljetettuaan heroiinia kuningaskuntaan, the Interior Ministry announced. -AP.
- The most powerful were imprisoned;traitorsmaanpetturitwere<empty>beheadedmestattiinand Catholic landowners like the Roscarrocks were fined so heavily that they were forced to sell property and make do with fewer and fewer servants.
- The Encomiast hashimhänetbeheadedmestaamaanby Earl EricEarl Ericinpersonally, while Florence says that he was killed in London at Christmas 1017 and that Cnut ordered the corpse to be left unburied.
- Although Anne Boleyn gave birth to Princess Elizabeth at Greenwich, in September 1533, there was no son forthcoming and Henry VIII became convinced that she had another lover, so he hadherhänetbeheadedmestauttion 19th19. päivänä.
- Margaret, Countess of Salisbury,Margaret, Salisburyn kreivitär,after having been sentenced without trial and harshly imprisoned in the Tower of London for two years,was<empty>brutallyraa'astibeheadedmestattiinon Tower GreenTower Greenissäon 27 May 154127. toukokuuta 1541
- I sawhereticstoisinajattelijoidenbeheadedjoutuvan mestatuiksi, martyrs burned at the stake, Mexicans massacred, gooks machine gunned, Indians annihilated; and strolled home happy.
- Young Lord DerwentwaterNuori lordi Derwentwaterwas<empty>latermyöhemminbeheadedmestattiin, but Thomas Forster escaped from prison to France, where he died in exile.
- In the upper section he is prepared forhishänenbeheadingmestaukseensaand there is a fine Salome; below, in the vase of the pulpit, the saint preaches and baptizes Christ in the River Jordan.
- After 1600, there was a pause before the same issues emerged even more violently in the Civil War and led to thebeheadingkaulan katkaisuunof the kingkuninkaan.
- `Derby ``matches were, consequently, lessblood-bathsverenvuodatustabetween warring factionssodassa olevien siipien välilläthan the turbulent prelude to merciless intra- family taunting.
- Mubarak told the London-based Al-Hayat he was willing to take Saddam in as a political refugee ``if this means a solution to the problem of the Iraqi people and would prevent ablood-bathverilöylynin IraqIrakissa.
- A special law then will be adopted to open the way for the two ex-presidents and aides to be prosecuted in connection with theKwangjuKwangjunblood-bathverilöylyn, they said.
- Fleeing the slaughter, he hid himself in Hamilton Kirk where: `A number of other fugitives following him into the church were pursued bythe dragoonsrakuunat,whojotka, regardless of their cries for mercy,butcheredlahtasivatthemheidätin the sacred place.
- TheyHebutcheredlahtasivatmy fatherisäni.
- Scientists believe remains dug up in a Siberian forest could be those ofthe last Russian Tsar and his familyVenäjän viimeiselle tsaarille ja hänen perheelleen,whowere<empty>butcheredmurhasivatby rebel guardskapinallisjoukotafter the 1917 communist revolution.
- Shehänetwas<empty>butcheredmurhasiat the wheel of the vehicleajoneuvon renkaan luonaby her attacker who hung through the passenger windowHänen hyökkääjänsä, joka roikkui matkustajan ikkunasta, repeatedly slicing her with the panga.
- Millions of menMiljoonia miehiähad beenolibutcheredlahdattuduring the first World Warensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana, and in post-war years, the ratio of births, as I understand it, was four to one in favour of baby girls.
- At least300 Muslims300 muslimiawere<empty>butcheredlahdattiinin this waytällä tavalla; an equal number of Christians probably met the same fate.
- I suppose he hopesthe pathologist whopatologin, jokabutchersavaaherhänetwill find skin tissue under her nails.
- SomeJotkutwere dragged out of their cars andbutcheredlahdattiinby angry crowdsvihaisten joukkojen toimestain the streetkadulla.
- It was born of fear for her grandfather, he thought as he returned tohis<empty>butcheryverilöylyynof the President's shotgunpresidentin haulikon.
- Even Mr Murray, who appeared on television to condemn Peking foritssenbutcheryverilöylystä, has since acknowledged that `at the end of the day, we have to live with these guys.
- Then he clutched it and reeled back to his car, losing his balance in the mud, almost falling into the midst ofhishänenbutcheryteurastuksensa.
- But in the two decades since thismindlessjärjettömänbutcherylahtaamisenno one has been made to answer for a crime which sent shockwaves far beyond the shores of Ulster.
- Thus, just at the moment when the Battle of Verdun was about to enter its grimmest phase, the one man on the German side who could have put an end to thebutcheryverilöylyllewas impotent to do so.
- The organisers say it is not just a reaction to the recentcarnageverilöylyynin WarringtonWarringtonissa.
- They were in the trenches by Christmas 1915 and eventually, from July 1916, in thecarnageverilöylyssäof the SommeSommen.
- Freezing fog shrouded a horrific trail ofcarnageverilöylyjenon Britain's roadsBritannian teillä, with hundreds of people maimed.
- Isay was beside him, wreakingcarnageverilöylynwith his staffhenkilöstönsä kanssa.
- US and Belgian forces landed at the of Kismayu yesterday, scene of some of the country'sworstpahinclanklaanien välinencarnageverilöyly.
- Britons tell of escape fromjet crashlentokoneturmancarnageverilöylystä
- In years past this contest was unregulated and often resulted in the destruction of large parts of Altdorf and widespreadcarnageverilöylyihinamongst the civilian populationsiviiliväestön keskuudessa.
- Desperate ways to achieve desperate means Alan Murray charts the IRA's strategy of usingciviliansiviili-carnageverilöylyjäto further its message and looks at its possible next moves
- The UAs covered extra-judicial executions (EJEs), death threats, torture and `disappearances ``in Colombia, Peru, Brazil, India and the Philippines; attacks on street-children in Guatemala; and amputation sentences andcrucifixionristiinnaulitsemisenin SudanSudanissa.
- Thecrucifixionristiinnaulitseminenof JesusJeesuksenwas no naive rejection of the reality of evil, but a confrontation with evil that destroyed it.
- Jesus may not have supported a particular party line, but His criticism of the political-religious leaders of His day led toHisHänencrucifixionristiinnaulitsemiseensaon a Roman gibbetroomalaisella ristillä.
- Are we not presented in the stories ofChristKristuksen's passion andcrucifixionristiinnaulitsemisestawith a picture of God at men's (and it is men's, not women's) mercy?
- CrowCrowcrucifiedristiinnaulitsia frogsammakonunder a microscopemikroskoopin alle, he peered into the brain
- In the dark agesPimeällä keskiajallapeople like EdwardEdwardin kaltaiset ihmisetgotjoutuivatcrucifiedristiinnaulituiksior burned as witches.
- By A.D. 48-9Vuoteen 48-9 jKr. mennessä,the Roman Governor of JudaeaJuudean roomalainen kuvernööriwas seizing andcrucifyingristiinnaulitsiboth Zealots and Nazareanssekä selootteja että nasarealaisiaindiscriminatelysummittaisesti.
- According to Luke, Jesus said this ashe<empty>wasjoutuessaancrucifiedristiinnaulituksi.
- It waspeople like this whotämänkaltaiset ihmiset, jotkacrucifiedristiinnaulitsivatJesusJeesuksen,because they hated the mercy he showed to the common peoplekoska he vihasivat hänen tavallisille ihmisile osoittamaansa armoa.
- So Peter Abelard could argue thatthose whohe, jotkacrucifiedristiinnaulitsivatChristKristuksen,had not sinned because they genuinely believed that they were acting rightly.
- The present sale includes an impression of `ChristKristuksestacrucifiedristiinnaulittunabetween two thieveskahden varkaan välissä: `The Three Crosses ``(iii/v, est. £150-200,000; $265-354,000).
- And, of course, Christians remember Jerusalem becauseChristKristuswas<empty>crucifiedristiinnaulittiintheresiellä.
- It waspeople like this whotämänkaltaiset ihmiset, jotkacrucifiedristiinnaulitsivatJesusJeesuksen, because they hated the mercy he showed to the common people.
- A bitter poem from the end of the war saw the statesmen meeting at Versailles to agree to a peace treaty asthose whoheille, jotkacrucifiedristiinnaulitsivatChristKristuksenanew.
- ``Mr Kinnock and Mr Ashdown are preparing for Britain adeadlytappavaapolitical cocktailpoliittista cocktailia.
- Each year, 400 British babies are born with cystic fibrosis, our most commondeadlytappavahereditary diseaseperinnöllinen tautimme.
- The narrowness of vision that Morrison and Low pinpoint is actually not unlike that of Skinner (referred to earlier in this chapter), which Chomsky attacked tosuchsellaiselladeadlytappavallaeffectvaikutuksella.
- AdeadlyTappavananerve poisonhermomyrkkynä, it was once used as an animal poison but is now banned on the grounds that it kills with extreme cruelty.
- DeadlyKuolemanvaarallisetsnakeskäärmeet, dangerous jungle and swollen rivers -- what more could a humble daredevil want?
- The western diamondback rattlesnake is considered to be one ofthe mostkaikkeindeadlytappavimmistasnakeskäärmeistäin the USA.
- In galleries across the city, needles were passed indiscriminately from arm to arm, and along with each hit went thedeadlytappavavirusvirus.
- My leaving Lula caused quite a scandal in Berlin; butthat period with herse aika hänen kanssaancould have beenolisi voinut olladeadlykuolettavafor meminulle.
- The effects of large fortnightly/monthly water changesSuurten kahden viikon/kuukauden välein tapahtuvat veden muutosten vaikutuksetcan provedeadlykuolettaviato angel and butterfly fishkuukeisarikaloille ja kuuperhokaloille,by upsetting their stable environmentkoska ne järkyttävät niiden vakaata ympäristöä.
- Or else, which is more probable,the infectiontulehdusisonparticularlyerityisendeadlytappavato rabbitsjäniksille.
- Though less heavily armoured than the human knightstheyheuse their greater speed well andareovatevery bit asaivan yhtädeadlytappaviain combattaistelussa, catching their foes off guard with quick flanking moves and pursuits.
- `If adeadlytappavabeastpetowas coming for you, what would you do?
- More than 3,800 people have died sincedeadlytappavaagaskaasuaescaped from a pesticide plant managed by an Indian subsidiary of Union Carbide.
- It was almost impossible anyhow because this was not the glamorous anddeadlytappavacreature of her imaginationolio hänen mielikuvituksestaan.
- By 1958, both the United States and the Soviet Union had carried out test explosionswith single bombsyksittäisillä pommeilla, jotka olivatat least a thousand times morevähintään tuhat kertaadeadlytappavampia.
- Rudyard Kipling's observation that `the female of the specieslajin naarasisonmorevielädeadlykuolettavampithan the malekuin uros``is true in the case of the black widow spider.
- POLICE are racing against time to findfive stolen canisters of rodent poisonviisi varastettua kanisteria jyrsijämyrkkyä, joka onsoniindeadlytappavaa,it can not be handled without breathing apparatusettei sitä voi käsitellä ilman hengityslaitetta.
- A federal magistrate informed Pickett of the charges against him --assaulting a federal officer with adeadlytappavanweaponaseen, which carries a maximum 10 years in prison.
- If there was any justice in the worldhehänenshould reallypitäisi todelladecapitatemestatahertämäwith a spadelapiollaon Wimbledon CommonWimbledon Commonillain full view of her therapy class.
- ChristieChristie, a private in the Ulster Defence Regiment, nearlydecapitatedmestasiher victimuhrinsain the attackhyökkäyksessä-- a desperate bid to hang on to the affections of dashing Royal Signals officer Captain Duncan McAllister.
- Unshielded, and with real blades,the strokeiskuwould haveolisidecapitatedmestannuthimhänet.
- Another erring headsman, Meister HansToinen erehtyväinen päämies, Meister Hans, guilty of treason, suffered the indignity ofbeingjoutumisendecapitatedmestatuksiby his own assistantoman avustajansa toimestain 1479vuonna 1479.
- Then, as the whole village looked on,Richard CarewRichard Carewdrew his sword anddecapitatedmestasithemheidätone by oneyksitellen.
- HeHänetwas found guilty of high treason anddecapitatedmestattiinby two blows of the axekahdella miekaniskullaon Tower Hill, LondonLontoon Tower Hillissä,on 20 February 155420. helmikuuta 1554
- There must at least be a possibility thatPenda'sPendandecapitationmestausby OswiuOswiun suorittamawas an avenging of Penda's earlier dismemberment of Oswald's Gody.
- RatsRotatfed the low calcium (25 ol/g) and phosphate (75 ol/g) control diet or this diet supplemented with either 200 ol/g calcium or 200 ol/g calcium and phosphate were killed bydecapitationmestaamallaon day 14 between 10.00 and 12.00 am14. päivänä kello 10:n ja 12:n välillä.
- The man fired a single bullet, and thedecapitationmestaaminenof St MichaelPyhän Mikaelinprevented him from suffering the same fate.
- Each animalJokainen eläinwas killedin the fed statesyötetyssä tilassabydecapitationmestaamalla.
- UrquhartUrquharthadolidispatchedtappanutthe animaleläimenwith a single blow of his rifle buttyhdellä iskulla aseensa perällä, instructing the gillie to bury the body well away from the house.
- In 1951 Desfourneaux was succeeded byAndrý Obrecht whoAndrý Obrecht, jokadispatchedsurmasiover thirty criminalsyli kolmekymmentä rikollistaduring his term of office.
- On duty of coursehehändispatchedtappoimany infamous criminalsuseita pahamaineisia rikollisia, murderers such as Vincent Walker, Fenian Joe Brady and Charles peace.
- In the meantime,all his friendskaikki hänen ystävänsähave beenovatdispatchedtappaneetby serial killerssarjamurhaajat, his dad, wrongly accused of the crimes, has killed himself and his mum has gone mad.
- A shotgun loaded with buckshot is the best weapon for anyone who has the unfortunate task ofdispatchingpäästää päiviltäa wounded leopardhaavoittunut leopardiin a confined space or thick cover.
- An extreme form of the second isthe Spanish fighting bull whichespanjalainen taisteluhärkä, jokaundergoes considerable pain beforebeingsendespatchedsurmaaby the matadorhärkätaistelija, even if this is skilfully done, and often it isn't.
- Until the Revolution and its single method of executionFranceRanska, like England,dispatchedsurmasiits upper class offendersyläluokkaiset rikollisetby means of decapitationmestaamallaand eliminated many common criminals by hanging.
- As in example, the Theban Crates flung all his possessions into the sea sayingIminähad ratherolisin mieluummindrownhukuttanutyousinutthan you should drown me.
- `The senator obviously just wantsusmeidänto<empty>drownhukuttavanhis childrenhänen lapsensa,so they can't embarrass him when the time comes to run for Presidentjotta he eivät voi nolata häntä presidentinkampanjan aikana, ``she told me next morning.
- FARMER 'S wife Mary WatsonMAANVILJELIJÄN vaimo Mary Watsondrownedhukuttautuiherself<empty>when she heard her husband had only six months to livekuultuaan, että hänen miehellään on vain kuusi kuukautta elinaikaa.
- Sadly,the creatureoliodrownedhukuttautuiitself<empty>shortly after his visitpian hänen käyntinsä jälkeenby attempting to attack its own reflection in a bucket of wateryrittämällä hyökätä oman heijastuksensa kimppuun vesiämpärissä.
- Orshehänmightvoisidrownhukuttaahimmiehenin the bathkylpyammeeseenor push him under a train.
- I'm the drummer the dragon boats arise from an ancient chinese legend abouta council official whovaltuuston virkailijasta, jokadrownedhukuttautui,himself<empty>because of the poor service the people were gettingkoska ihmiset saivat niin huonoa palvelua.
- In 1792, a similar rock-fall into Shimbara Bay, on the Japanese island of Kyushu, causedthree surges whichhyökyaaltoa, jotkadrownedhukuttivat15000 people000 ihmistä.
- IMinä'll just go anddrownhukutanZachZachin!
- He says all the trouble in this land is caused bytwo per cent of bastards whokaksi prosenttia äpäröistä, jotkashould have beenolisi pitänytdrownedhukuttaaat birthheidän syntyessään.
- Mr Bishop had one lot in his pocket whenhehängot<empty>drownedhukkui.
- The deerPeurawas<empty>drownedhukkuiin a lakejärveen.
- The first efforts to drain them began in the 1880s, but the main push came aftera hurricane in 1947vuonna 1947 tapahtuneen hurrikaanindrove floodwaters over Lake Okeechobee's southern edge,drowninghukuttaenmore than 2,000 peopleyli 2 000 ihmistä.
- Tens of thousandsKymmenettuhannetwere slain,drownedhukkuivatby wavesaaltoihin, buried by earthquakes, struck by magical lightning.
- That argument is not watertight, however, because existing law does not alloweuthanasiaeutanasiaa.
- ActiveAktiivineneuthanasiaeutanasia, where intent to kill can be shown, still remains strictly illegal, whatever the wishes of the patient, and that is the cause of the fiercest debate.
- The law, approved by parliament earlier this month, allowsdoctorslääkäreidento performeuthanasiaarmomurhanat the explicit request of their patients under tightly controlled conditions.
- TheyHeare tryingto<empty>exterminatetuhotathe oldvanhat.
- For some reason, it doesn't adviseexterminatinghävittääthe goatsvuohia, but it does suggest `setting up suitably designed nesting tree trunks.
- `SomeoneJoku's threatenedto<empty>exterminatetuhotathemheidät.
- During my researches in the library of the Royal Geographical Society I learnt that in 1875an Egyptian army commanded by Munzinger, a Swiss mercenary who had served under Gordon in Equatoria,Munzingerin, sveitsiläisen Gordonin alaisuudessa Equatoriassa palvelleen palkkasoturin, komentama Egyptin armeijahad set out to invade Abyssinia from Tajura, andbeenoliexterminatedtuhonnut senby the DanakilDanakilbefore they reached Aussa.
- In consequence,the creaturesoliotwere<empty>exterminatedhävitettiinwhenever possible.
- In a certain way, of course,the dinosaursdinosauruksetwere not reallyeivät todellisuudessaexterminatedtuhoutuneet: we see their descendants all around us, in the form of modern reptiles and birds.
- With his main enemy removed, Scapula might have cause for congratulation, but this was soon forgotten in the savage guerrilla-type tactics ofthe untamed Silureskesyttämättömien siluurien,whomjotkaScapulaScapulahad unwisely threatenedto<empty>exterminatehävittää.
- While many hitherto disinterested onlookers could, perhaps, stomach the loss of several insect species (even dragonflies and butterflies), there were few who were not moved by the prospect ofexterminationtuhoutuminenfor a number of species of birdsuseiden lintulajien.
- Racial prejudiceRotuennakkoluulojawas avidly preached in the past in order to justify theexterminationtuhoaminenof the indigenous peoples of the AmericasAmerikkojen alkuperäiskansojen.
- This occupation (at least with the Senones of the Adriatic coast and the Boii north of the Apennines) was at first equivalent to anexterminationtuhoamiselleof Celtic tribeskelttiheimojen.
- Death is the penalty for those who break covenant -- but Moses' selfless intercession preventsIsrael'sIsraelinexterminationtuhoamisen.
- `Both euthanasia andHitler'sHitlerinexterminationtuhoamis-projects have the same end, ``Mr Sgreccia had said in a radio interview.
- As on the shore of the Reed Sea, they seethemselvesitseänsäfacing defeat andexterminationtuhoutuvanin battletaistelussa.
- In sharp contrast, in wars of conquest andexterminationtuhoutumisestaagainst total strangerstäysin vieraita vastustajia vastaan, there are no rules of the game.
- The court's decision was based on a finding that M Touvier had not acted in the context of a `concerted plan ofexterminationtuhoutumisesta``by the statevaltion.
- If the Nazis of theexterminationtuhoamis-campsleirienare the measure of our humanity, then we are left in darkness and despair.
- `The SSSS:nexterminationtuhoamis-squadjoukko?
- It seems strange to extend the hand of friendship and economic co-operation to the same countries that we are threatening withmassmassa-exterminationtuholla.
- Nevil Shute, in his scarifying novel On The Beach (1957, filmed in 1959), foresaw theexterminationtuhoutumisenof the human raceihmisrodunin a warsodassastarted by a minor power.
- The woman had lashed out in fear and given the bird afatalkuolettavaanblowiskun, feathers everywhere.
- The assassination of the Bakufu's foremost leader, Regent Ii Naosuke, in 1860 was afatalkuolettavablowiskuto the regime's attempt to re-establish Tokugawa supremacy.
- Today, it is best remembered, perhaps, for thefatalkuolemaan johtaneestacrashtörmäyksestäof Parry Thomas in 1927 in his motorcar `Babs ``.
- Two marmosets at a research centre in Harrow, London, have died of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) -- ``mad cow disease, afatalkuolettavadegenerative disease of the nervous systemhermojärjestelmän rappeuttava sairaus.
- The porpoises delight in riding on the bow waves of motor boats, which has frequently proved to be afatalkuolettavamistakevirhe.
- He wants access to the sniper's perch on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, from which thefatalkuolettavatshotslaukauksetwere fired.
- As a result, the slug hit Lomax low in his right side, inflicting a painful flesh wound rather than afatalkuolettavanchest shotrintalaukauksen.
- The court found a soldier, Rogelio Moreno, guilty of firing thefatalkuolettavanshotlaukauksen, although he denied it.
- Hepatitis B infectionB-hepatiittitartuntahas a wide range of severity andisonfatalkuolettavain 1%-3% of patients1-3 prosentille potilaista.
- Thefatalkohtalokaspunchiskucame from Michael Jones, 40, whose elderly widowed mother had earlier been burgled by two teenagers.
- The physical consequences of compulsive overeating,anorexia and bulimiaanoreksia ja bulimiacan be severe and evenfataljohtaa kuolemaan.
- The summer figures showed threerock climbingkalliokiipeilyyn liittyvääfatalitieskuolemantapaustaout of a total of 22 deaths in the mountains, of which five were accounted for by illness.
- Thirteen of the health effects would be due tothyroid cancerkilpirauhassyöpään liittyvistäfatalitieskuolemantapauksista, assuming a 5 per cent fatality rate among a total number of expected thyroid cancers of 250.
- Another well-known example from the USA arises from an apparently striking fall infatalitieskuolemantapauksissadue to road accidentstieonnettomuuksista aiheutuvissafrom one year to the next following a police drive against speeding motorists in Connecticut.
- Well aware that most workers were indifferent to foreign affairs, he fully expectedthe majority of themsuurimman osan heistäto be swept intofratricideveljenmurhaanby patriotic propaganda if war actually came.
- The Very Model of a Man is at is best when Cain justifieshis<empty>fratricideveljenmurhaansawith this lethal logic.
- But he bemoaned thefratricideveljenmurhaa,that has forced millions of refugees from Rwanda and Burundi since last year.
- Today he is a 17-year-old high school student and member of a burgeoning post-war generation, growing up free of the hatreds that spurred thebloodyveristäfratricideveljenmurhaa,that lasted until 1992.
- First Tupac Amaru had to watch the torture of his son and uncle and other associates before his wife's tongue was cut out andshehänetwas<empty>slowlyhitaastigarrottedkuristettiin.
- For God's sake, Bob --hehänethad beenoligarrottedkuristettu.
- `I can not believe, ``Mandeville jibed, `thatthis girltämä tyttögarrottedkuristitwo experienced agents, Calcraft and Warnhamkaksi kokenutta agenttia, Calcraftin ja Warnhamin.
- The term `radiationsäteily-genocidekansanmurha``is commonly used in Kiev and Minsk newspapers to refer to the accident.
- The people whichIhmiset, jotkaonly a few years previously had committed brutalgenocidekansanmurhanand waged a terrible war of destruction suddenly found themselves in the role of the great advocate of justice.
- Bosnian Muslim President Alia Izetbegovic angrily accused the world of appeasingSerbserbien`aggression andgenocidekansanmurhaa``and he urged his nation to fight to the bitter end.
- The presidents of the neighbouring black states denouncedSouth AfricanEtelä-Afrikan``genocidekansanmurhan.
- Emil Macri, the former Securitate Head of Economic Counter-IntelligenceEmil Macria, entistä taloudellisen vastavakoilun turvallisuuspäällikköä, were accused ofgenocidekansanmurhasta, the aiding and abetting of genocide and the illegal disposal of 40 bodies from the Timisoara mortuary.
- Short of a situation ofmassmassa-genocidekansanmurha(Kampuchea or Idi Amin's Uganda) individual peoples have to be left to fight their own battles, if they are to generate genuine and lasting solu tions for their own futures.
- Think about that for a moment, cost it's more than just a word, it's potentially theon mahdollisestimassmassa-genocidekansanmurhaof innocent young peoplenuorten viattomien ihmistenon both sides of the divide by the combined efforts of those who consider themselves fit to make such decisions for us, and about us.
- The report cites a `strategy ofgenocidekansanmurhanover [sic] the Bosnian Muslims[sic] Bosnian muslimien``as accounting for the widespread looting and destruction of Muslim buildings.
- In addition, the justice minister of the self-proclaimed republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina has accusedYugoslav TV's editor-in-chiefJugoslavian TV:n päätoimittajaa, Goran Milic, of being directly responsible for committinggenocidekansanmurhanon the Serbian peopleserbialaisten.
- Similar arguments have been used by white men to justify slavery andgenocidekansanmurhaaof native peoplesalkuperäisten asukkaiden.
- “ Winston Churchill — remembered by all those who lost their relations and friends in theholocaustjoukkotuhossaof the DardanellesDardanellien, so assiduously organised by this imitation strategist ….
- This was partly because of their sensitive relationship with Israel arising from theJewishjuutalaistenHolocaustjoukkotuhostain EuropeEuroopassa.
- In Hungary, for example, the Germans are to blame for theHungarianUnkarinHolocaustholokaustiin, the `Russians ``for Soviet communism and now, in some circles, the Jews for the failures of capitalism.
- 1945: Pathetic victims of theNazinatsienHolocaustholokaustincaged by barbed wire
- There was no inexorable train of logic which led from that day to theHolocaustjoukkotuhoon.
- Coincidentally, another curriculum has appeared which stress prevention rather than survival of anuclearydin-holocausttuhosta, `choices ``is a set of 10 lessons on conflict and nuclear war.
- This is not just because of the threat from disease, famine or aself-inflicteditse aiheutettunuclearydin-holocausttuho; all social worlds are precarious in a deeper sense.
- A jury at the High Court in Edinburgh convicted James Sutherland, 50, of Gilmore Place, Edinburgh, of the culpablehomicidetapostaof Bernard BuckleyBernard Buckleyn, 44, of Prince Regent Street, Leith.
- He said if a doctor starved Tony he would be committinghomicidehenkirikoksen.
- The documents were presented by India's Central Bureau of Investigation to the court in Bhopal hearing charges of culpablehomicidehenkirikoksestaagainst Union Carbide, its Indian subsidiary and their executivesUnion Carbidea, sen intialaista tytäryhtiötä ja niiden johtajia kohtaan.
- Later, on witnessing a sati (theimmolationsytyttämistä tuleenof a Hindu widowhindulesken), Ibn Battuta was so shocked he nearly fell off his camel.
- The man rebuffed efforts to send him to the Polish consulate or the United Nations, said Debra Bunt, the other Red Cross worker who witnessed theimmolationsytyttämistä tuleen.
- Infanticidelapsenmurhaby males which have just taken over a haremHaaremin johtajiksi juuri tulleiden miestenis probably common in nature in many species: it has been observed several times in the Hanuman langur (Presbytis entellus, a species of primate) and has been anecdotally recorded in many other mammals.
- The only real fault is the looseness of the structure: in higgledy-piggledy fashion and at breathless speed, we move fromfemalenaisteninfanticidelapsenmurhastain Tamil NaduTamil Nadussato disabled babies in Nairobi.
- This important legal ruling that the untaught deaf and dumb could be held responsible for the crimes they committed helped to ensure that another uneducated deaf woman was punished for theinfanticidelapsenmurhastaof her childlapsensa.
- And this is usually the result offemalenaisteninfanticidelapsenmurhien.
- This doesn't necessarily meantheyhewere practisinginfanticidelapsenmurhia, although some of them may have been.
- In the wild, where cats have huge territories, the chances of a tom-cat coming across a female in her den with her kittens is remote, so there is little opportunity for either paternal care orpaternalisän suorittamilleinfanticidelapsenmurhille.
- The message behind the television and radio campaign was reinforced by a mother who told ofher only daughterainoan tyttärensäbeingjoutuneenkilledtappamaksithree years agokolme vuotta sittenby a drunken motoristhumalaisen motoristin.
- So the laundress was grateful;shehänhadolikilledtappanuta roosterkukonfor himhänelle.
- Marine biologist Sam LaBudde has presented new evidence to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea thatAlaskan IndiansAlaskan intiaanitare<empty>killingtappavatwalrusesmursujafor their ivoryniiden luun vuoksi.
- Sincesomeonejokutriedto<empty>killtappaahimhänetwith a parcel bombkirjepommillaback in LusakaLusakassa, he's moved several times and today still goes in fear of his life.
- SheHänkilledtappoiher motheräitinsäwith an axekirveellä.
- I mean it,Iminä'll<empty>killtapantwo warderskaksi vanginvartijaain this placetässä paikassa.
- FinallyLopultaBeverlyBeverlykillstappaaElliotElliotinin a parody operationirvikuvaleikkauksessaand then kills himself.
- To aman whoMieheksi, jokakilledtappoia babyvauvanin cold bloodkylmäverisesti
- The fiery blastTulinen räjähdyskilledsurmasieveryone on deckkaikki kannella olevatinstantlyvälittömästi, with the single exception of the captain, who lived on for a short time before becoming unconscious and falling overboard.
- The bomb, whose `clean ``radiationsäteilycouldvoikilltappaahumansihmisetwithout harming buildings, was morally repulsive to many but seemed the ideal weapon to use against the Warsaw Pact's armoury of tanks.
- The court was told thathehänhadolikilledtappanutthe girltytönafter taking part in sex play with her and then discovering that she was under ageosallistuttuaan seksileikkiin tämän kanssa ja saatuaan sen jälkeen tietää tytön olevan alaikäinen.
- On a Saturday in February 1698, an attempt was madeto<empty>killtappaathe Kingkuningasby halting the Royal Coach in the muddy Turnham Green Lane on its way from hunting in Richmond Parkpysäyttämällä kuninkaallinen vaunu mutaisella Turnham Green Lanella sen palatessa Richmond Parkista metsästysretkeltä.
- In Long (1830) 172 ER 756, aperson whohenkilö, jokawas not a doctorkilledtappoitwo patientskaksi potilastaby applying corrosive plasters to their chestsasettamalla syövyttävät laastarit heidän rintaansa.
- Chantreux claims he was insane whenhehänenkilledtappaessaanherhänet.
- `HeHänkilledtappoifour people, including an eighty-seven-year-old womanneljä ihmistä, mukaan lukien 87-vuotiaan naisen,with a claw hammersorkkavasarallabefore he was caughtennen kuin hänet saatiin kiinni.
- Last yearthe presidentpresidentinwas<empty>killedtappoivatby rebels whom the Americans did not try to stopkapinalliset, joita amerikkalaiset eivät yrittäneet pysäyttää,.
- By the time Britain withdrew her forcesSiihen mennessä, kun Britannia veti joukkonsa pois,some 200 British soldiers and 90 policemennoin 200 brittisotilasta ja 90 poliisiahad beenolivatkilledtappaneetby the Jewish terroristsjuutalaisterroristit.
- The Gotobeds were bad owners, you see;our dadisämmewas<empty>killedkuoliby a rock fall that would never have happened, Mr Evans says, if they'd taken proper safety precautionskiven putoamisessa, jota ei koskaan olisi tapahtunut, sanoo herra Evans, jos he olisivat huolehtineet turvallisuudesta asianmukaisesti.
- Some 1,200 Jummanoin 1 200 jummaawere<empty>killedtappoiby the armyArmeijain BangladeshBangladeshissa.
- The prosecution have saidTanyaTanyanwas<empty>killedtappoiby ProbynProbynthe day before a court hearing for custody of their two childrenpäivää ennen oikeuskäsittelyä heidän kahden lapsensa huoltajuudesta, and he caused her car to drop beneath the waters of the River Severn.
- At leastone manyksi mieswas<empty>killedkuoli.
- In 1978, Japan suffered worldwide condemnation whenfisherman from Iki islandIki-saarelta kotoisin oleva kalastajakilledtappoi1,000 dolphins1 000 delfiiniäto protect their fishing groundssuojellakseen kalastusaluettaan.
- SheHänwould<empty>killtappaisihimmiehenlatermyöhemmin, she thought, when she was strong again.
- Two adolescent girlsKaksi murrosikäistä tyttöäin New Zealandhadolikilledtappanutwith a bricktiiliskivelläthe mother of one of themtoisen äidinjust because they wanted tovain koska he halusivat.
- 2121killedkuoliin coach crashlinja-autokolarissa
- One of them, Christina Carter, eight, was due to be told last night that her 15-year-old sister, Danielle, wasone of the threeyksi kolmesta, jotkakilledkuolivatin the explosionräjähdyksessä.
- The last of the funerals took place in Deal, Kent, forthe Royal Marines bandsmenkuninkaallisen laivaston soittajille, jotkakilledkuolivatin the IRA bombingIRA:n pommituksessa.
- The Zairian security forcesZairen turvallisuusjoukothaveovatkilledtappaneetmore than 50 unarmed opposition party supportersyli 50 aseetonta oppositiopuolueen tukijaasince April 1991huhtikuun 1991 jälkeen, despite the end in 1990 of a 25-year ban on opposition parties and official recognition of several dozen political parties.
- Zeppelins appeared over the south coast and the first civilian war casualties werea little boy and his sisterpieni poika ja hänen sisarensa, jotkakilledkuolivatwhen a bomb destroyed their cottage at King's Lynnpommin tuhotessa heidän mökkinsä King's Lynnissä.
- TWO PEOPLE were charged last night with terror offences in London while police hunting thekillerstappajiaof a soldiersotilaanin Derby named a man they wanted for questioning.
- Apart from road accidents, canceris still the majoron edelleen suurinkillerkuolinsyyof childrenlasten, with one in every 600 getting some form of the disease.
- `She wore no pants, but there was no evidence of sexual interference, whateverherhänenkillertappajansa's intention may have been, ``he said.
- Detective Superintendent Dirk Bougard, who is leading the hunt forKatie'sKatienkillertappajan, said: `We have been to Wimbledon.
- `Assuming two were from Heimendorf and Hoppe, the thirdis probably ouron todennäköisesti meidänkillertappajamme.
- Your Miss MacQuillan says she questions my motives and emphatically will not encourage me to identifyher father'shänen isänsäkillertappajaa.
- He and hiskillerstappajansa, men like Frizier and Skeres, not to mention Poley, were devils incarnate who feared neither God nor man.
- Four months laterherhänenkillertappajansais still at large and detectives are looking at the possibility that she may not have been his first victim
- If something went wrong with his contractkillertappajanperhaps he would talk it over the way he talked over his builder.
- BabyVauvankillertappajajailed for life
- He is the patron saint of England and is always shown as thedragonlohikäärmeen-killertappajana.
- These can be quickly and effectively dealt with using electronicflykärpäs-killerslätkiä, or inspect screens -- thus preventing initial entry, backed up by the detection and elimination of their breeding sites.
- KnifeVeitsi-killertappajais jailed for ten years
- SUCCESS with a new product and hopes for a novelpestrutonkillertappajaaare generating excitement about one of Japan's staple foodstuffs, the soyabean.
- Soil: The favourite growing medium for waterlilies is heavy garden soil that has not been in contact with insecticides orweedrikkaruoho-killersmyrkkyihin.
- Diseases of the circulatory system -- including heart attacks --are Britain's biggestovat Britannian suurimmatkillerkuolinsyytat 295,794 deaths last year.
- Indycar racing holds no fears for the brave Brummie, even though itis a notoriouson tunnettukillerkuolinsyywith spectacular crashes in cars belting around oval tracks at 240mph.
- Arm decent citizens so that they can shoot the killers before thekillerstappajatshootthemheidät.
- Curtis found it hard to believe that he was looking at thekillertappajaaof at least twenty peopleainakin kahdenkymmenen ihmisen.
- The daughter of murdered Glasgow pensioner Agnes Law has described thekillertappajaaas ``a monster who must be caught.
- `No, if Michael was set up then it's obvious thekillertappajawants him alive.
- Below: Procession in 1983 in Trafalgar Square before the Memorial Service in St Martins in the Fields organised by Amnesty International for the victims of politicalkillingstapoistaby governmentshallitusten tekemistä.
- JERUSALEM (Reuter) -- Britain's senior diplomat in the Israeli-occupied territories called for an inquiry into thekillingtappoaby troopssotilaiden tekemääof an Arab youtharabinuorukaisen.
- I came to kill you, my lord, for thekillingtappamisestaof my fatherisäni.
- Responsibility forhishänenkillingtappamisestaanwas attributed to an extremist Islamic faction.
- Mr Mandela told an ANC meeting last night that President FW de Klerk's white minority government was behind the latest wave of politicalkillingstappojenin South Africa.
- Sniffing these substancesNäiden aineiden haistelucan bevoi ollalethaltappavaaor cause long-term damage.
- In originally filling our tank, and every time we make a water change -- which is a vital part of the filtration process -- we could addsubstances thataineita, jotkaareovatpotentiallymahdollisestilethaltappaviato our fishkaloille.
- Alethaltappavachampagne cocktailshampanjacocktailwas being served from a big silver punch bowl by their host, who was dressed as Count Dracula, immaculate in tuxedo, red-lined cloak and vampire teeth.
- AlethalTappavacombinationyhdistelmä, says Dr Bob Reynolds, staff herpetologist at the Darwin station.
- Some workers receivedlethaltappavatdosesannoksetbecause the rest of the site was not evacuated.
- First, he suggests the Government should clamp down on the `wanton use oflethaltappavaaforcevoimaa``by the security forces.
- To mark the release of Mel's new movie,LethalTappavaWeapon 3ase 3, we've joined forces with Columbia Tristar Home Video and Warner Home Video to show what a versatile actor he is.
- YOU are right -- high-powered cars are indeedlethalvaarallisiaweaponsaseitain the hands of inexperienced drivers.
- `It occurred to me that a golf-club can be aprettymelkolethaltappavaweaponase.
- Bad luckHuono onniis ason yhtälethaltappavaafor a politicianpoliitikolleas halitosis.
- A forced devaluationPakotettu devalvaatiowould clearly beolisi selvästipotentiallymahdollisenlethalvaarallistafor the EMSEMS:lle, breaking the key French franc-German mark link and sparking off a round of competitive devaluations in southern Europe involving the peseta, escudo and lira.
- Inside was a lighted wick; as the metal dish warmed up, the nicotine began to sizzle and give offfumeskaasuja, jotka olivatlethalvaarallisiato red spider mite and aphidsvihannespunkeille ja kirvoille.
- Critics of the most recent studies of compound 1080 say that they prove only thatthe chemicalkemikaaliisonlethalvaarallistato coyoteskojooteille-- not that it can prevent or significantly decrease predation of flocks.
- The drugLääkeis a safe and effective painkiller when used as an anaesthetic butcan bevoi ollalethaltappavaain capsule or tablet formkapseli- tai tablettimuodossa.
- Themostkaikkeinlethaltappavinamphibian venomsammakkoeläimen myrkkyof all is secreted by tiny arrow-poison frogs that clamber about in the leaves littering the floor of the South American rain forests.
- Heart disease is raging, as are arteriosclerosis and variouslethalvaarallisetcerebrovascular conditionsserebrovaskulaariset sairaudet.
- ThelethalVaarallinenmessageviestiis that those who have AIDs can engage in sex as long as they use a condom.
- Finally, local trading standards officials in Oxfordshire are urging parents to be on their guard against a children's chemistry set containing apotentiallymahdollisestilethalvaarallisensubstanceaineen.
- The poison they produce from their skinNiiden ihostaan tuottama myrkkyisonsoniinlethaltappavaa,that it can paralyse a bird or a monkey immediatelyettä se voi lamauttaa linnun tai apinan välittömästi.
- If an outbreak has occurred, earth runs may be treated withsodium borate whichbooraksilla, jokaisonlethaltappavaato hookworm larvaekoukkumadon toukille, but this also kills grass.
- Alice suppressed an impulse to say:Liquidateottakaa hengiltäall menkaikki miehet.
- In the short termthe Yenan KoreansYenanin korealaisetwere important in the development of the north Korean state but subsequently wereto be<empty>liquidatedlikvidoiby Kim Il SungKim Il Sung.
- From its windows a crowd, led by John, threw the anti-Hus councillors tothe crowd belowalla olevaan väkijoukkoon,whojokapromptlylynchedlynkkasithemheidät.
- `TheyHe'll<empty>lynchlynkkaavatusmeidät.
- Dave Hewis, from Bideford, North Devon tells howhehänetwas nearlyläheslynchedlynkkasiby a lady landownernaismaanomistaja.
- And finallya dukeherttuawas<empty>lynchedlynkattiin.
- Kathleen Claar, custodian of the Last Indian Raid Museum in Oberlin, Kansas, took him to a small cemetery to show him the grave of her husband and of Rick Read,the last manviimeinen mies, jokalynchedlynkattiinin the state.
- The Supreme Court in Kinshasa passed sentence on May 16 on eight of those held responsible for amassacreteurastuksestaby troopssotilaiden tekemästäat Lubumbashi University in May 1990 [see p. 37553].
- The new plans followed the recommendations of a government commission formed afterHutuhutujenmassacresverilöylyjenof Tutsistutseja kohtaanin 1988 and army retaliation against the Hutus [see pp. 36328-29].
- Radio Lumière was forcibly closed down after it had reported themassacreteurastaneenof 40 peasants40 talonpoikaaby the armyarmeijanin the village of Carrefour, south west of Port-au-Prince.
- Thousands of Palestinians fled their jobs in Israel and returned home, denouncing the shootings as amassacreteurastamiseksiof innocentsviattomien, and calling on Arabs to observe three black days of mourning.
- A low-flying German planeMatalalla lentävä saksalainen lentokonecould hop over a hangar andmassacremurskataa squadryhmänwith one sudden burstyhdellä nopealla räjähdyksellä.
- Once again the American's plans for the Middle East were in disarray and then the Israelis allowedPhalangist unitsfalangistijoukkojento enter the Palestinian refugee camps at Sabra and Shatilla andmassacresurmataeveryone within reachkaikki läsnä olevat.
- He told his fellow prisoners of an attack on a colonial settlement where the creatures had made the same noises just beforetheyheraided andmassacredsurmasivatthe colonistsuudisasukkaat.
- STATE-RUN Czech television has banished the country's most popular rock music video to late-night viewing after decidingitse`massacresteurastaathe morals of our youthnuorison moraalin``.
- To do this they then senttheir terroriststerroristinsa(now called an army) outto<empty>massacreteurastamaanwhole villageskokonaisia kyliä.
- More than thirty peopleYli kolmekymmentä ihmistähave beenonmassacredsurmattuat a squatter camp near Johannesburguudisasukkaiden leirillä lähellä Johannesburgia.
- The KurdsKurdejahave been andare being<empty>massacredsurmataan, and are dying of neglect -- our neglect -- by the tens of thousands because they tried to escape that massacre, which we did nothing to prevent.
- THREE years after the suppression of peaceful pro-democracy protests, during whichhundreds of civilianssatoja siviilejäwere<empty>massacredsurmattiinin BeijingPekingissäon 4 June 19894. kesäkuuta 1989, human rights violations continue unabated in China.
- This event reminded many of the Bartholomew's Day ninety years previously whenthree thousand French Protestantskolmetuhatta Ranskan protestanttiawere<empty>massacredsurmattiinin ParisPariisissa.
- `WeMeitähave not beenei olemassacredmurskattuin any game over the last six years and it won't start on Wednesday, ``he said.
- At least 27 peoplevähintään 27 ihmistäwere saidto have been<empty>massacredsurmanneenon a squatter site at Swaniesville near Johannesburguudisasukkaiden asuinpaikassa Swaniesvillessä lähellä Johannesburgiaon May 1212. toukokuutaby Zulu attackers from a nearby hostel, armed with spears and said to number around 1,000Läheisestä hostellista tulleiden, keihäillä aseistautuneiden noin 1 000 zuluhyökkääjän.
- Balcha entered Harar andhis troopshänen joukkonsamassacredteurastivatsuch Muslims as they could find within the wallsmuslimit, jotka he löysivät muurien sisäpuolelta.
- He is quickly shipped off to San Francisco to be studied by a German scientist (Jon Voight), and found to be the last survivor ofa tribeheimostamassacredsurmaamastaby the White Manvalkoisen miehen.
- In the Histories, however, he is sly, drunken and spineless, even lifting a sentence of excommunication on a man suspected ofmatricideäidinmurhasta.
- Themurdermurhaby the INLAINLA:n tekemä, whose last terrorist attack on the British mainland was in 1985, marked a serious new addition to the terror campaign by the IRA.
- Assault, attemptedmurdermurhaby drowninghukuttamalla, damage to property --
- When they spoke of the marks of fingers, I remembered themurdermurhanof my brotherveljeniand I felt a terrible fear.
- His killer who was one of Mrs Mandela's bodyguards, was sentenced to death for his, forhishänenmurdermurhastaan.
- And not only were women put to the sword but the heads of those guilty ofchildlapsen-murdermurhaanwere nailed above the gallows.
- IN YOUR March 18 Viewpoint you cast doubt on the genuineness of the conversion of Anna Moore and Bobby Corry, who have received life sentences for their involvement interroristterroristi-murdersmurhiin.
- The prosecution alleged that on the day of themurdermurha-in September 1991 Bartman had been in a bad mood.
- And this figure excludes the recentmurdermurhaof 2½ million Cambodian citizens1 1/2 miljoonan Kambodzan asukkaanby Pol PotPol Potin suorittama.
- A magistrate whoTuomari, joka's on trial for attemptingto<empty>murdermurhatahis wifevaimonsaby pumping car exhaust fumes into her bedroompumppaamalla auton pakokaasuja tämän makuuhuoneeseen,has been explaining why he started her car at three o'clock in the morning.
- After a whiletheyhekidnap andmurdermurhaavata young boynuoren pojanfor kicksjännityksen vuoksi, bashing him over the head with a blunt instrument.
- Reuben Haredale's stewardReuben Haredalen tilanhoitaja,whojokamurdersmurhaahis masterisäntänsäfor moneyrahan vuoksi, and also the latter's gardener in circumstances that shall make it seem that the body, when discovered, is that of Rudge himself.
- `They drive you mad, ``I said, thinking of the timeIminäwas aboutto<empty>murdermurhatamy husbandaviomieheniwith the pressure-cookerpainekattilalla, `did he do exercises in bed?
- The Court of Appeal has ordered a retrial in the case ofa manmiesconvicted ofmurderingmurhastaa cellmatesellitoverinsaat prison.
- `A professional assassin whoAmmattimainen salamurhaaja, jokaclimbed the walls andmurderedmurhasithe womannaisenwithout anyone catching sight of him.
- To have to lie there in his coffin on Ingham's counter and hearsomebody like Tommy Drennanjonkun Tommy Drennanin kaltaisenmurderpahoinpiteleväna good songhyvän laulunlike `Slievenamon ``and himself lying there and could do nothing about it!
- KarlKarl, 62, was sentenced in Bangkok five years ago to a HUNDRED years formurderingmurhastahis Thai bride-to-betulevan thaimaalaisen morsiamensa, but was released under an amnesty marking Queen Sirikit's 60th birthday.
- The Crown says and will establish thatshehänetwas<empty>murderedmurhasiby Edward GilfoyleEdward Gilfoyle.
- It informed him in letters an inch high thatCaptain Peter Dawsonkapteeni Peter Dawsonhad beenolimurderedmurhattuin Cyprus.
- Three generations of one familyYhden perheen kolme sukupolveamurderedmurhattiinin their own homes.
- He had robbed,hehänhadolimurderedmurhannut!
- `It's been bad enough trying to find amurderermurhaajaafor HenryHenrin, where suspects abounded.
- Game warden `most likelymurderermurhaajaof Julie WardJulie Wardin
- `Find the person who closed her eyes, and you haveherhänenmurderermurhaajansa.
- ButIminäamolenhishänenmurderermurhaajansa!
- `Wouldn't you turn into anaxekirves-murderermurhaajaksiif your mother's idea of sweets was carrot cake?
- With his debut feature Swoon, director Tom Kalin has put on screen everything his grandmother didn't tell him about the infamouschildlapsen-murderersmurhaajista.
- When he was sentenced to life for killing his former rape victim, the main focus was on the release of the rapist: MP's fury asrevengekosto-murderermurhaajanagets life WHY WAS THIS MONSTER FREED?
- What Lorentz liked about this dramatization of the notoriousDüsseldorfDüsseldorfinsexmurderermurhaajanwas that it had all the feel of a newsreel for “ there is no acting in the picture ….
- Asked if the death penalty should be brought back forterroristterroristi-murderersmurhaajille, a majority supported its return.
- `The parson's wife's letter didn't actually sayhehänenwas aolevanmurderermurhaaja.
- The nationalist fervour in Romania has fuelled virulent anti-Semitism, a thriving ultra-right, bloody ethnic violence in Transylvania and regularpogromsjoukkovainojaagainst the gypsiesmustalaisia kohtaan.
- It became clear that the most serious incidents had occurred in Uzgen, wherethe Uzbek populationuzbekkiväestöönhad been subjected to apogromjoukkovainojaby gangs of Kirghiz who invaded the town on June 5kirgiisijengit, jotka valtasivat kaupungin 5. kesäkuuta,.
- Meanwhile, survivors of theUzgenUzgeninpogromjoukkovainoistaclaimed that at least 1,000 people had been killed in that town alone.
- Despite all I had learned ofRussianvenäläisistäpogromsjoukkovainoistafrom my Jewish friends, I was left with an abiding admiration for Russia.
- This evokes theNazinatsienpogromjoukkovainotagainst the Jewsjuutalaisia kohtaanin November 1938marraskuussa 1938, and depicts the burning synagogues, photos of the artist's own German/Jewish relations, and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
- The small village synagogue survivedthe Nazinatsienpogromsjoukkovainoistaof November 1938marraskuussa 1938; during the war it was used as storage space by a farmer.
- The town Senat (council) has announced that the foundation stone of the Jewish Museum will be laid on 9 November, the fifty-fourth anniversary of Kristallnacht, theanti-Jewishjuutalaisvastaistenpogromjoukkovainojenby the Nazisnatsien.
- On the other hand it raised the danger of an ambitious cousin, too impatient to wait for the present ruler's death, committingregicidekuninkaanmurhan; and there were many instances of this.
- The populists resorted to conspiracy, terror andregicidekuninkaanmurhaan.
- The bombings were thought to be in retaliation for theshootingammuttuaby British soldiersbrittisotilaidenin an undercover operation on Oct. 9salaisessa operaatiossa 9. lokakuutaof IRA activists Desmond Grew and Martin McCaugheyIRA-aktivistit Desmond Grewn ja Martin McCaugheynnear Loughgall in south ArmaghLähellä Loughgallia eteläisessä Armaghissa.
- John Ngu Foncha, a former Vice-President, had on June 8 resigned as vice-president of the RDPC, protesting among other things at theshootingampumistain Maytoukokuussaof six peoplekuuden ihmisenat a pro-democracy demonstration in Bamendademokratiaa puolustavassa mielenosoituksessa Bamendassa.
- A policeman was charged with manslaughter following theshootingammuttiinin BýersBýersissäon Dec. 2121. joulukuutaof a Moroccan teenagermarrokkolaisteiniin the course of his arrest for stealing a carkun häntä oltiin pidättämässä autovarkaudesta.
- At the meeting of the Down Presbytery, the first difficulty was innate sympathy towards the army and reluctance to admit that theshootingampuminenof Blackmustienwas more than another of those unfortunate accidents which occur in war.
- Girl witnessesbrothersveljien'shootingampumista
- Benetton's past publicity stunts have included images of a dying Aids sufferer, a victim of aMafiamafia-shootingampumisenand a new-born baby with blood and the umbilical cord.
- His other relaxations are snooker, at which he has a highest break of 55, and occasionally he also goespheasantfasaanejashootingampumaan.
- Here, a series of clashes culminated in thefatalkuolettavaanshootingampumiseenof 19-year-old conscript Oleg Kosbar19-vuotiaan varusmiehen Oleg Kosbarin.
- A report in Middle East International of April 3 claimed that Palestinian casualties at demonstrations were declining, whileshootingampuessaof targeted activiststähtäyksen kohteena olevia aktivisteja,often by Israeli undercover unitsIsraelin salaisten joukkojen, was increasing.
- Meanwhile the I R A have admitted a serious of attacks on so-called soft targets in Britain, includingyesterday'seilinenshootingampuminenof an army sergeantarmeijan kersantinoutside a careers office in north London.
- These days it isthe San Diego cops whoSan Diegon poliisit, jotkaare doing theshootingampumisen, killing more people, proportionately, than any other police force in America.
- NightYö-shootingmetsästykset,usually with a .22 rifle or shotgunyleensä .22 kiväärillä tai haulikolla, comes into its own after harvest and continues until such time as the winter-sown corn has grown too tall for the rabbits to be seen.
- Theyheidätwent through the house like so many screaming wheelbarrows, soonto be<empty>silencedhiljentäisivätby menmiehetwith sharp knivesterävillä veitsillä aseistautuneetand rubber aprons and boots that did not slip on the bloodied floor.
- `In El Salvador,death squadstapporyhmätsilencehiljentävättheir oppositionvastustajansaviolentlyväkivaltaisesti``, says Neighbor to Neighbor director Fred Ross.
- Murder was committed in order tosilencehiljentämiseksipeopleihmisten, and out of jealousy and revenge and anger, and simply for its own sake.
- Detectives believe a New York Mafia family, who planned to `launder ``the bonds, senta hitmanpalkkamurhaajantosilencehiljentämäänThomasThomasinbefore he could name names.
- This bizarre concept makes a mockery of any claim that thedolphindelfiinienslaughterteurastuksetby the tuna industrytonnikalateollisuuden tekemätis incidental, but at least the quota provides a limited measure of control.
- And so, the media was not kind afterSharon'sSharoninslaughterteurastettuaby the Manson disciplesMansonin seuraajien, hence Nicholson's remark about Sharon having been murdered in the newspapers.
- The traditional method ofslaughterteurastaaby slow strangulationkuristamalla hitaastimight well seem revolting but that is admitted to be a `waning practice ``.
- At 5 a.m. on 13th February, 1692, while the Macdonalds were still asleep in their humble dwellings throughout the glen,the CampbellsCampbellitbegan theslaughterteurastamisenof their hostsisäntiensä.
- Last year 11,000 people walked a total of 120,000 miles to raise cash and protest against theslaughterteurastamistaof whalesvalaiden.
- THREE conservation groups called yesterday for a boycott of Faroese fish in an attempt to halt the annualslaughterteurastaminenof pilot whalespallopäävalaidenby the islanderssaarelaisten.
- In 1858 a wild rabbit takes up residence in the garden; Gustave forbidsitssenslaughterteurastamisen.
- A report published by a review body for the Ministry of Agriculture has described the currentbadgermäyrienslaughterteurastamis-policy of the Ministry as ``unconvincing.
- The Humble Petition of the Scunthorpe and district people sheweth That there is great opposition to any attempt to export live horses from this country forslaughterteurastettaviksion the continent.
- This is how they are currently treated whenwemeuse them as research tools orslaughterteurastammethemnefor consumption at our tables.
- By now the spears of most of them were broken, andtheyheslaughteredteurastivatthe Persianspersialaisetwith their swordsmiekoillaan.
- Only a quarter tolerated the common misapprehension whereby to decimate has ceased to mean, as in the Roman legions,to<empty>slaughterteurastaakseenone in 10yhden kymmenestä.
- A GUNMANASEMIESslaughteredteurastisix peoplekuusi ihmistäin cold bloodkylmäverisestibecause he had been evicted.
- Later she was to wish that she had not struggled on that evening, asSoapy FinneganSoapy Finneganmercilesslyarmottomastislaughteredmurhasiherhäneton the altar of respectability.
- Those who read history-books (and some laymen did) knew that the Franks had grown mighty by conquering ``external peoples: not since the battle of Vinchy in 717 hadFranksfrankitslaughteredtappaneetFranksfrankkejain ``civil war.
- In the Victorthe Germanssaksalaisiawere always gettingslaughteredtappoivatby plucky chaps with square jaw and purple stubblerohkeat miehet, joilla oli neliönmuotoinen leuka ja violetti parransänki.
- Hehänethas been<empty>verballysanallisestislaughteredteurastivatby English fans and English press alikeEnglantilaiset fanit ja englantilainen lehdistö.
- `My fatherisäni(Guy Camberabero from the French 1968 Grand Slam)was<empty>slaughteredteurastivatby the mediaTiedotusvälineetat the time.
- ElizabethElizabethwas<empty>slaughteredtapettiinat the wheel of her boyfriend's four-wheel-drive truck as she desperately tried to escape.
- Anyone whoKaikkia, jotkawishedto<empty>slaughterteurastaaan animaleläimenwas required to request permission in writing from a headman at least forty-eight hours in advance, noting a full description of the animal.
- I saw Graff beaten by Garrison andSabatiniSabatininslaughteredmurskaavanby NavratilovaNavratilovan.
- He was reputed to wear a turban, and to eatmeatlihaa, joka olislaughteredteurastettuaccording to Islamic observanceislamilaisten riittien mukaisesti.
- Some of the barley is used for malting to make beer but about two-thirds is fed tobeef cattle whichlihakarjalle, jokaare fattened quickly andslaughteredteurastetaanat about 1½ years old.
- In the UK a variable premium is also paid onall fat lambskaikista lihavista karitsoista, jotkaslaughteredteurastetaan.
- At Christmas they are able to havea pigpossunslaughteredteurastaa.
- The Orc Warlord that led them wasAzhagAzhagtheSlaughtererTeurastaja, and under his command were tribes of Orcs and Goblins from the highlands around Red Eye Mountain.
- ``I shall stand first and foremost for the exercise of a complete and thorough boycott of the Germans as thecruellestjulmimpinaslaughterersteurastajina,of innocent livesviattomien elämienon the high seasavomerelläthat the world has ever knownjotka maailma on koskaan tuntenut.
- HeHänreturned with an army, butwasolislainlyöty.
- James, his son andmost of his knightsuseimmat hänen ritareistaanwere<empty>slainsurmattiin.
- One fainted, according to some reports, and had to be carried out -- so tremendous had been the spectacle ofa man of GodJumalan miehenslainlöiby a man of sciencetieteen mies.
- And yetyousinäslewlöit kuoliaaksia simple Flypelkän kärpäsen,
- `MoreoverAbishaiAbishaithe son of Zeruiahslewsurmasithe Edomitesedomilaisetin the valley of salt eighteen thousand, ``he said.
- Should say by the look of the stick and everything that it's either Moses parting the Red Sea orSamsonse, kun Simsonslayinglöi kuoliaaksiall those Philippinoskaikki filistealaisetwith the jawbone of an assaasin leukaluulla.
- He was alone;a single Russian with a musketyksi muskettia käyttävä venäläinencould haveolisi voinutslainlyödähimhänetwith easehelposti, but with fixed bayonets none could fire.
- Walter Tyrrell was the man allegedto have<empty>slainsurmanneenKing William Rufuskuningas Vilhelm Punaisenwith an arrownuolella``either deliberately or accidentally, in the New Forest on the second of August in the year 1100.
- HeHänwould also be<empty>slayingsurmaisia part of himselfmyös osan itsestään, burning out certain aspects of … sensitivity, of scepticism.
- The MinotaurMinotauruksenwas finallylopultaslainsurmasiby TheseusTheseus, who found his way out of the labyrinth by trailing a skein of thread given him by the king's daughter, ARIADNE.
- A model damaged by a bolt thrower sustains not 1 but D4 wounds, which means thateven large monstersjopa suuria hirviöitäcan be hurt or evenslainsurmataby a hit from a bolt throwervarsijousen osuma.
- You set your manto<empty>slaysurmaamaanhis chief's heirhänen johtajansa perilliset.
- IfGromGromisonslainsurmattu,he may still try to regenerate wounds suffered, and if successful he is not killed after all.
- There were those who fought for the joy of fighting andthose whoniitä, jotkaslewsurmasivatfor the sake of slaying.
- And this Thiercelin who was persecuting him, now he came to think about it, much resembledyoung Yakovlevnuorta Jakovleviä,whomjonkahehänhadolislainlyönytin sport all those years ago.
- `No, but perhaps in this spotIminämight findwildlifevillieläimiätoslaysurmattavia.
- HeHänis a chivalric hero, a mightyslayerlyöjäof the Danestanskalaisten, a triumpher in single combat, a victor over the invading German hordes.
- He recalled Athelstan's words, how theslayersurmaajaof Adam HorneAdam Hornenused a method practised in Moorish countries to desecrate the body of a criminal and traitor.
- Lawton was struggling to get out of his pack the receiver that would pick up the radio signals from the miniature transceiver Forster said was attached tohishänenslayersurmaajaansa.
- PerseusPerseus,the GorgongorgojenSlayersurmaaja; Aesop the fable writer; Socrates the great philosopher … 3000 years ago Gods and Mortals, Poets and Politicians, Artists and Athletes were founding Greek civilisation.
- Do tourists go abroad and mob octopus catchers,swordfishmiekkakalojenslayerssurmaajia, monkish murderers?
- 15 (12)BUFFYBUFFYTHEVAMPIREVAMPYYRIN-SLAYERTAPPAJA: Valley girls meet vampires in this horror romp.
- This was the ritualistic time for theslayingsurmaamiselleof a leaderjohtajan, as Julius Caesar found out to his peril.
- The Swedish-based performer was so sickened by thebrutaljulmastaslayingsurmastaof one of his bouncersportsarinthat he immediately closed his plush hot spot, Alphabet Street, and vowed to stop club work.
- It becomes an example of a phenomenon familiar to R&D workers: T. H. Huxley's “ Great tragedy of science — theslayingsurmaaminenof a beautiful hypothesiskauniin hypoteesinby an ugly factrumalla tosiasialla. ”
- The date ofMagnus'sMagnuksenslayingsurma-is uncertain but it was most likely 16 April 1116 or 1117.
- No arrest had been made in the case of theHeimendorfHeimendorfinslayingsurmasta.
- HORRIFIED health workers watched asa teenage mumteini-ikäinen äititriedto<empty>smothertukehduttaaher babyvauvansaTHREE timesin hospitalsairaalassa, a court heard yesterday.
- Roy Strait said he heard at leasttwo menkaksi miestäas they administered sleeping pills to the film star -- thensmotheredtukehduttivatherhänetto deathkuoliaaksi.
- Alison saysthe poltergeistpoltergeisthas triedto<empty>smothertukehduttaaher boyfriendhänen poikaystävänsäin their terraced househeidän rivitalossaan.
- Immediately, I pretended to be asleep, knowing that if she uttered a soundIminäwould haveto<empty>smothertukehduttanutherhänetwith my jackettakillani.
- HeHänpushes her on to the floor and lies on top of her, nearlysmotheringtukehduttaenherhänet.
- He denied that Britain was ignoring the plight ofpeopleihmisiäbeing butchered andstarvednälkiinnyttivätby Serbsserbit.
- TheyHe'llantavatstarvenälkäänus allmeidän kaikkiento deathkuolla!
- `I seehehänenstarvesnälkiinnyttävänhis boyspoikiaan, ``she said, `as well as working them hard.
- StarvePidä nälässäthe English hostenglantilaista isäntää.
- As discussed earlier (p. 31), it is likely that unemployment can contribute to attemptedsuicideitsemurhaanby precipitating or exacerbating domestic, social, and financial problems.
- Elaine Blond observed thathehänhad committedsuicideitsemurhanby stagesvaiheissa.
- The official cause of death was given assuicideitsemurhaby hanging and internal haemorrhaging respectivelyhirttäytymällä ja sen seurauksena sisäinen verenvuoto.
- Suicidesitsemurhatby vetsEläinlääkärien tekemätare more than three and a half times the average for all groups, says the latest issue of Population Trends from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys.
- From Pennsylvania came details of a group murder, followed by thesuicideitsemurhaof two of the killerskahden tappajan.
- They orderedhimhänetto commitsuicideitsemurhanby taking poisonottamalla myrkkyä, and his 6th Symphony — the Pathétique — was his farewell.
- She had been sexually abused as a child; an incident that madeherhänetattemptsuicideitsemurhaa.
- At least eight prison inmatesVähintään kahdeksan vankiaattemptsuicideitsemurhaaor mutilate themselves daily according to the Howard League for Penal Reform which said the catalogue of self-injuries, almost 3,000 incidents last year, was an `appalling record ``.
- Rise inmalemiestensuicidesitsemurhissain Republic
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