interrupted her with a languid chortle and
häntä nuhdeltiin .
Having already been
Saatuaan jo , the young man despaired of finding any sympathy or understanding from his immediate family, always, however, with the exception of his mother.
caught sight of the children and, in a sudden paroxysm of words, tried
in her own language interspersed with Arabic
oman kielensä ja arabian sekoituksella , while announcing breakfast to me in English.
would feed them, talking to them,
for their greed
ahneudesta , cackling at their antics to be the first to be fed.
shook his finger as though
a backward pupil
kovapäistä oppilasta .
Lord Cameron
Lordi Cameron on that charge
siitä syystä .
over the incident, which happened in August 1991 near his home
onnettomuudesta, joka tapahtui elokuussa 1991 lähellä hänen kotiaan .
He remembered
about Berlin being like a cage, and how animals often go crazy in captivity
siitä, että Berliini oli kuin häkki, ja että eläimet usein tulevat hulluiksi vankeudessa .
Their approaches to Pope Boniface VIII and the resulting
from the Pope
paavilta saadut condemning English invasions of the Papal fief of Scotland
joissa hän tuomitsi Englannin hyökkäyksen Skotlannin paavilliseen lääniin, had incensed Edward and driven him to some of his more savage oppressions.
Meanwhile, Lil takes on a sort of coaching role, hissing
from her seven sets of lips
seitsemien huultensa takaa .
There was the experience for Daniel of falling in the water at a very early age, followed by the frequent
of his anxious parents
hänen huolestuneiden vanhempiensa .
For once, her imagination had failed her, stifled by the chorus of predictable questions, the exclamations of wonder and admiration, the
of anxious parents
huolestuneiden vanhempien to
over-venturesome children
liian uhkarohkeille lapsille .
The famous Lisbon earthquake of 1755, which had faint reverberations as far north as Scotland, led
to issue a
to the effect that `the manifold Sins and Wickedness of these Kingdoms have most justly deserved heavy and severe Punishments from the Hand of Heaven
sanoen, että 'näiden kuningaskuntien moninaiset synnit ja ilkeys ovat oikeutetusti ansainneet kovat ja ankarat rangaistukset taivaan kädestä .
He had fled abroad when Mary Tudor succeeded, and had passed the time writing letters of consolation to English Protestants, and, in 1554, a savage attack on the English government, the
He passed on
Miss Jekyll's
neiti Jekyllin to his client.
The Hancock Half Hours seemed to be finally at an end and both Ken and his public were ready for something in which `Stop messing about ``would mean something more than an
to concentrate on his script
keskittyä omaan käsikirjoitukseensa .
No longer
for being an imperfect mother
epätäydelliseksi äidiksi ,
will be satisfied simply to be good enough.
was even led to castigate, in his famous phrase, the `unacceptable face of capitalism ``, and to
teollisuusjohtajia for failing to take up industrial investment opportunities
siitä, että he olivat epäonnistuneet ottamaan vastaan teollisuuden investointimahdollisuuksia .
Just occasionally the tensions spilled over, such as when
about the way she was feeding her first child
siitä, miten hän ruokki ensimmäistä lastaan .
the bisexual lover
biseksuaalista rakastajaa as a murderous villain
murhanhimoiseksi rikolliseksi .
So all of a sudden
my supposed victim
oletettu uhrini for my absence
poissaolostani .
for their audacity
heidän röyhkeydestään .
When the maid returned upstairs
in a near-hysterical voice
lähes hysteerisellä äänellä , the predominant words being, `Why?
The vacancy must be filled within three days, and for those three days
almost without pause
lähes tauotta .
The author recalls a visit to the German Bundestag where
for being `little Englanders ``
'pikku englantilaisiksi' .
Lesser players
Heikommat pelaajat can try the same tack but run the risk of
by their amateur partners
amatöörikumppaneidensa for being unfriendly or even unprofessional
epäystävällisyydestä tai jopa epäammattimaisuudesta .
A leading figure in this agitation was
Captain André Cipriani, a French Creole, who
kapteeni André Cipriani, Ranskan kreoli, joka through his prominence as mayor of Port of Spain continuously
the Crown Colony Government
kruununsiirtomaan hallitusta .
The debate, which was watched by 8,000,000 people, was characterized by ill-tempered sparring, with
the contenders
kilpailijoiden choosing to spend more time
than attacking the record of President Bush.
and describes the misery she might expect as a beggar.
Their possessing familiars are
sharp-tongued vipers which
teräväkielisiä kyitä, jotka the women's husbands
naisten aviomiehiä in a fashion that no self-respecting man could tolerate directly from his wife
tavalla, jota kukaan itseään kunnioittava mies ei sietäisi vaimoltaan .
, man, ``the doctor answered gruffly.
Dr Shotton pours scorn on
their offspring
jälkeläisiään for playing video games
videopelien pelaamisesta : `It's far healthier than watching TV.
A European woman
Eurooppalainen nainen about his drinking
juomisen vuoksi !
He was not planning to chastise her with a blow or two, as
for disobedience
tottelemattomuudesta .
It would be the same answer she gave him when she forbade
on account of her newly-styled hair
hänen uuden hiustyylinsä vuoksi .
said so, and
by its producer
sen tuottaja .
While Louise Newman's cataloguing continues set the standard for European auctions,
Christie's Plc
Christien Plc:tä for not producing a single owner catalogue that will become a standard reference
siitä, ettei se ole tuottanut yhtään omistajakuvastoa, josta tulisi standardiviite .
This behaviour, observed by many owners when
their pets
heidän lemmikkejään or corrected in some way, is usually referred to as a dignified sulk.
It occurs in Henry IV, Part I. Falstaff and the Prince are having a high old time by pretending in turn to be
for his association with Falstaff
hänen yhteydestään Falstaffiin .
Blushing, guiltily,
and prepared to re-attach the lead.
summoned him to court,
and slapped his face before the entire assembly.
By being angry at our mistakes and
we do not learn anything about why we fall.
These were the Overseer's men, Chang Yan and Teng Fu;
big, brutal men who
suuria, raakoja miehiä, jotka were not slow
their workers
työntekijöitään and beat them if they fell behind with quotas.
It wasn't just
his appalling naivety in going to the press
hänen hirveä naiiviutensa lehdistön eteen menemisessä ,
, it was the craven and cowardly attitude he had adopted to his whole bloody life.
, we only make a tense situation worse.
When the real Travers returns his
for being so forgetful
siitä, että hän on ollut niin hajamielinen , from which Travers deduces what has happened.
It was
about his frail physique
heikon fysiikan vuoksi , which led to his regular attendance at August's Gymnasium, which was in the basement of Apley Hall.
Postscript: I have had a note from
George Cowley
George Cowleyltä ,
David Morton
David Mortonia for his entry in no 3224
osallistumisestaan numeroon 3224 .
felt bitter about this, but
Mr Brittlebank
Herra Brittlebank , for
Miss Phillips
neiti Phillipsin on her perfectly correct, and indeed elegant, use of the subjunctive mood
hänen täydellisen oikean ja elegantin konjunktiivin käyttönsä vuoksi .
his younger son
nuorempaa poikaansa in rapid Annamese
nopeasti vietnamiksi and immediately the giggling stopped.
the furious businessman
raivokas liikemies is to take his pork pies elsewhere after
for over-familiarity
liiallisesta tungettelevuudesta .
for something or other
yhdestä jos toisestakin asiasta : his wife had never entirely lost her Portuguese liking for matriarchal discipline, order and cleanliness -- qualities that were not often found among the Husseys.
Michael Slater
Michael Slater , in the latest issue of Microprocessor Report,
for being mean to MIPS Computer Systems Inc and the ACE Initiative
siitä, että olemme ilkeitä MIPS Computer Systems Incille ja ACE-aloitteelle .
Richard Ryder is now
a `trouble-shooter ``
'sovittelija' , licensed
those who cause party splits in the run-up to the general election
heitä, jotka aiheuttavat puolueen jakautumisen ennen yleisvaaleja .
went on
the Fifth Army
viidennen armeijan :
, Alfred, try to understand.
He knew Blanche was nervous by her uncharacteristic air of distraction and tried to calm her with
kohteliaisuuksilla about her appearance
hänen esiintymistään koskevilla .
received a rare
kohteliaisuuden from the enemy
viholliselta themselves.
was not used to receiving
kohteliaisuuksia in public.
She has decided that
kohteliaisuudet from members of the opposite sex
vastakkaisen sukupuolen edustajilta are what, after all, is important in this life.
(When Leonard came to write his second novel,
kohteliaisuuden of all -- and the riskiest -- by imitating his theme, as we shall see.)
Flattery conceals greed, and marriage will bring a hard realization to women who readily believe the
kohteliaisuuksia of their suitors
kosijoidensa or, indeed, their promises of fidelity.
Chomping a guarana chewing gum,
bashfully accepts the
kohteliaisuudet of a rather old-looking female fan
hiukan vanhannäköisen naisfanin .
This isn't a complaint, it
on the new look
uudesta ulkonäöstä .
respected her stepdaughter's position as Princess of Wales, always curtsied and paid
kohteliaisuuksia on her looks and her outfits
hänen ulkonäöstään ja vaatteistaan .
passed one or two cool and entirely acceptable
kohteliaisuuden on her appearance
hänen ulkonäöstään , and contrived to make her feel a charming and desirable woman without in any way ruffling her sensibilities by an excess of ardour.
He found that
could pay a
kohteliaisuuden to Charles Raven, from whom he was so sadly sundered in spirit
Charles Ravenille, joka oli jakanut hänet niin surullisesti henkisesti ,
for his book on Religion and Science
hänen uskontoa ja tiedettä käsittelevästä kirjastaan .
Cultured gents, identified for me by Mackie as being the Himalayan peaks of the Jockey Club,
Hienostuneet herrasmiehet, joiden Mackie kertoi olevan Jockey Clubin Himalajan huippuja, paid
kohteliaisuuksia from an adjacent table and bowed low to the sponsor.
Indeed a tremendous
, and manager Scott Piering welcomed the exercise.
But perhaps the
most kindly and satisfying
ystävällisimmän ja tyydyttävimmän compliment
kohteliaisuuden to the Cornish
cornwallilaisille was paid
by one of the earliest tourists, John Taylor,
yksi aikaisemmista matkailijoista, John Taylor, in 1649 …
, child,
`After all, you already know just how rare
kohteliaisuuteni are, don't you, Robyn?
takes the
with a shrug and a giggle.
is paying
the highest
kohteliaisuuden in his power.
Shelley gave him a smile that deflated
kohteliaisuutensa without being ungracious.
kohteliaisuus, jonka Mark Knopfler
Mark Knopfler ever paid
was in a magazine when he was asked to list the members of Dire straits.
“ I'll take that as a
kohteliaisuutena ”
can be very shy about giving
wasn't paying
kohteliaisuuksia .
`That sounds a
kohteliaisuudelta !
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) received a
last week from the government's financial watchdog for its handling of several capital projects during the past few years.
She had intended this to be no more than a
The Independent of April 2 described the amendment as a ``
She let the
slide over her.
I'll bear.
Tasker was bewildered by
and looked across to Inspector Mitchell and Dexter for an explanation.
They exchanged a long look as they both thought of the kisses they had shared, and
She administered herself a swift mental
for nervousness
hermostuneisuudesta .
Ethics committee
Mr Morrison will also meet the Alliance Party today -- despite a
for him and his colleagues
häntä ja hänen kollegoitaan yesterday
by the party chairman, Dr Philip McGarry
puolueen johtaja, tohtori Pholip McGarry .
This conviction brought forth the
from Michael Powell
Michael Powellin that Balcon was `suburban ``
siitä, että Balcon oli 'esikaupunkilainen' , but it was the sense of purpose Balcon gave to his employees that distinguished Gaumont-British from other local studios.
Company directors are now uneasily aware, therefore, that a
could lead both to some unpleasant press coverage and a dip in the share price.
By way of retaliation,
threatened them all with deposition, and received a
from Gregory VII
Gregorius VII:ltä for his pains
vaivannäöstään .
During 1991 his position was undermined by a series of minor scandals concerning his use of government aircraft and cars for private business,
a practice which
tapa, joka earned
of the attitude of some missionaries to Indian thought and tradition
joidenkin lähetyssaarnaajien asenteesta Intian ajatuksia ja perinteitä kohtaan corresponds to his criticism of orthodox Christianity, which he believed had distorted the message of Jesus.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry, which had been informed of the change only two hours before Baker's announcement, issued a guarded
of the move on July 19
siirrosta 19. heinäkuuta .
was also widely interpreted as a deliberate attempt to undercut some of the authority of his powerful Chief of Staff.
Perhaps it was an omen when the woman on television's Sport In Question last week, who had joined in the
of his kicking against the French
hänen potkustaan Ranskaa vastaan , sent him a good luck telegram on Saturday.
`I didn't think I was speculating ``she said in a
to the Government's attitude towards the advertised high-return, low-risk investment offered by Barlow Clowes
hallituksen asennetta mainostettua tuottoisaa ja vähäriskistä, Barlow Clowesin tarjoamaa sijoitusta kohtaan .
, still more any action, will need to be based on watertight evidence.
Leapor finds in her menstrual pains a bond with Aurelia, even if the poem
is largely a
on pääasiassa to her friend
hänen ystävälleen for malicious talk
pahantahtoisista puheista .
Another passage which is often misrepresented is the account of
: `Because you have seen me you have found faith.
In a substantial `Postscript ``Warton includes a
for mocking the attention Theobald gave in editing Shakespeare
hänen pilkattuaan huomiota, jota Theobald antoi Shakespearen muokkaamiselle to:
But he planted this gaol in the middle of Buckingham as a sort of
to the townspeople
kaupunkilaisille .
is supposed to have stated, when
by his chaplain
hänen kappalaisensa , `When I swear, I swear not as a bishop but as a country gentleman and a baronet ``.
They were shooed away by
for being naughty
tuhmuudesta and greeted me almost in the same breath.
for liking it
siitä, että pidin siitä .
(`The priests have it ``, 1 May)
antirasisteja for turning a blind eye to religious fundamentalism
sokean silmän kääntämisestä kohti uskonnollisia fundamentalisteja , and cites a recent issue of the Runnymede Trust Bulletin to illustrate her argument.
Kalchu was ashamed of his drunkenness and
grumbled and
in warm terms
lämpimin sanoin , whereupon the elegant creature said, hotly: `Who are you to talk to me like that?
Mrs Scrivener
rouva Scriveneriä , not least
by the Commission President, Jacques Delors
Komission presidentti, Jacques Delors , and she has been instructed to stand firm against the governments' proposal today and tell ministers to think again.
US Air Force
USA:n ilmavoimia over rape trial
It was ironical that
should be the only one who had shown interest in her as a woman during the fifteen months she had been on the station.
were convinced we had witnessed a terrible accident and hurried to the police station at Lochcarron to report the incident, there to be reassured that there had not been a crash, and gently
for assuming there had been
siitä oletuksesta .
We have no evidence that Vial provided, or indeed could have provided, a three-year course (apart from that,
was at one point
yhdessä vaiheessa for not paying enough attention to his teaching duties
siitä, ettei hän ollut keskittynyt opetusvelvollisuuksiinsa riittävästi ).
The runners found
for the market-makers' errors, and for their whimsical misquotes or bid-only quotes that could ruin a deal
markkinatakaajien virheistä ja arvaamattomista vääristä tarjouksista tai huutokauppatarjouksista, jotka voisivat pilata sopimuksen .
When he sets out from Rivendell
blows his horn, the family heirloom, and
; but he takes no notice.
because I'd apparently stepped in too quickly with the next question before he'd finished answering the last one
koska olin ilmeisesti siirtynyt liian nopeasti seuraavaan kysymykseen ennen kuin hän oli ehtinyt vastata edelliseen .
President Chaim Herzog
Presidentti Chaim Herzog and a lunch in his honour at Israel's parliament was cancelled.
But if the Section Sergeant goes in for any necessary purpose, the Inspector comes in,
is reported and gets a
from his superiors
esimiehiltään for idling his time in the Station
siitä, että hän vietti aikaansa asemalla .
Captain Lake
kapteeni Lakelle a
for his brutality
raakuudesta and ordered him to return to Sombrero to see if Jeffrey were alive and, if so, to rescue him.
Batley and Sheffield Eagles
Batley ja Sheffield Eagles received a
for the fighting which took place during their first-round Yorkshire Cup tie
tappelusta, joka tapahtui Yorkshire Cupin osakilpailun ensimmäisellä kierroksella .
got a
for not setting a good example to the lower classes
siitä, ettei hän ollut näyttänyt hyvää esimerkkiä alemmille luokille .
Despite an
, Godoy's statements during the strike reportedly encouraged the formation of right-wing armed groups.
even got a
from my creep of a Minister
ministeriksi pyrkimisestäni .
while the Cowes Organising Committee themselves face a structure review.
also has the power to admonish or issue a
to those in contempt
halveksutuille .
Later there came a
for a breach of rules
sääntöjen rikkomisesta and, not long after, a six month suspension for a further misdemeanour.
Jefferies' excuse was accepted and, after a
from John Martin
John Martinin for not behaving like a man
häntä siitä, ettei hän käyttäytynyt miehen tavoin , he was asked to sit down.
Just as we were about to leave
Juuri kun aioimme lähteä ,
called me to one side and gave
There's a
on his record
Asiakirjassa for improper treatment of a prisoner of war
sotavankien asiattomasta kohtelusta .
The girls exchanged nervous glances, thinking that it must be
Miss Hardbroom
neiti Hardbroom, joka come
for being out of bed
siitä, etteivät he olleet sängyssä .
In February
the insurer
vakuutusyhtiötä for failing to be tough enough with its agents
siitä, että se ei ollut pystynyt olemaan tarpeeksi tiukka edustajiensa kanssa .
Later the European Athletic Association wrote
a letter to the British team management
kirjeen Britannian tiiminjohtajalle for wearing the flag on the rostrum and covering my tracksuit
lippuun pukeutumisesta palkintokorokkeella ja verryttelypukuni peittämisestä .
It shows she was unjustly treated and I think that society is wrong to judge; if she has broken a bond made by God, then he should be
`Oh, it's got nothing to do with business, ``Alison replied with
a laugh that
naurulla, joka ever so gently
for my mercantile preoccupations
kaupallisista päähänpinttymistäni .
As he watched his dealers from above, in the comfort of his own office,
Tom Wilmot, the chairman
Tom Wilmotin, toimitusjohtajan , has been known
his staff
henkilökuntaansa via a loudspeaker
kovaäänisen avulla .
was fined £500 for each offence and
A senior civil servant, Trevor Brown, a chemist at Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Research Establishment
Vanhempaa virkamiestä Trevor Brownia, Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Research Establishment -laitoksen kemistiä ,
for publicly voicing his concern about health and safety standards there
hänen ilmaistuaan julkisesti huolensa laitoksen terveys- ja turvallisuustandardeista .
The volatile wicketkeeper
Häilyvä hilavahti, jota ,
by match referee Clyde Walcott
ottelun tuomari Clyde Walcott for frenzied appealing at Headingley last Sunday
raivokkaasta houkuttelusta Headingleyssä viime sunnuntaina , looked set to face another investigation into his behaviour.
These children
näitä lapsia are often nagged and
even when they are behaving well.
for his arrogance
ylimielisyydestä , providing him years later with another memory that would help make him a sympathetic captain.
have been fined for neglecting to fly one in Turkey, and
for a torn one in Greece
yhden repimisestä Kreikassa .
Lightman ordered that
on two counts
kahdesta kohdasta .
Mr Prior, at the Department of Employment
herra Prioria, työministeriön jäsentä ,
, and her dissatisfaction with particular policies is usually well known.
According to the police evidence (which the judge at the voir dire preferred) Francis agreed to plead guilty and sign the notes;
advised him not to and
All he seems to do is make sure that players don't misbehave and if they do,
is there
Sometimes Soutine, who was living in the village, came over to enjoy a good chicken dinner, and
after eating their fill
syötyään kyllikseen the two artists
kaksi taiteilijaa for living in such luxury.
siitä, että tämä eli niin yltäkylläisesti
for selling his soul
sielunsa myymisestä and counsels repentance which Faustus inclines towards.
Middlesbrough were portrayed as extravagant young upstarts (the club had only been in the Football League since 1899), and
for daring to ask for such a sum
siitä, että se uskalsi pyytää sellaista summaa .
She stood by him,
for his failings
epäonnistumisesta , and at times he felt even worse because she was so forbearing.
Biting her lip
thoroughly and sincerely
perinpohjaisesti ja vilpittömästi for not having forced her to wear those whalebone stays all night when she had been growing up
siitä, ettei ollut pakottanut häntä käyttämään sitä valaanluista korsettia öisin, kun hän oli ollut kasvavassa iässä .
If so,
with your cheerful resilience
iloisella lannistumattomuudellanne .
He was about to ask her what in the world she was doing in the East End when
by an angry Sally-Anne
vihainen Sally-Anne .
chivvy and
as we eat.
were right
over McAllister
McAllisterille .
By the time Sister returned
had removed the rest of the baby's wrapping, and
häntä soimattiin .
You and Fred
Sinulla ja Fredillä have
local politicians
paikallisia poliitikkoja on a visit to Naples
vieraillessaan Napolissa for their self-interest and neglect of their constituents
itsekkyydestä ja äänestäjiensä laiminlyönnistä .
can feel hurried and driven, critical and
`This then, ``he said, staring with
at the impassive faces of Regan and Harrison, `is all the information we have on the Irish Republican Brotherhood?
In several incidents in the eastern part of Germany over the past two months
have continued to act like occupiers -- and drawn only
from the German government
Saksan hallitukselta .
got a
from Dr Kelleher
tohtori Kelleheriltä when I facetiously said I'd grow geraniums in my gas mask.
`Where's 'e come from an' what's 'is experience? ``he demanded,
in his tone.
She never noticed if Alexandra was fully dressed or had stumbled straight from sleep in her night clothes but would welcome her always with the sweetest of smiles and a
for leaving her alone
siitä, että oli jättänyt tämän yksin .
The Ashleys fully appreciated how much they owed to Sybille and treated her with great respect and kindness; faux pas, which from other members of staff would have met with
, went scarcely noticed.
`There's no need to be so independent, ``
said with
`No thanks to you, ``said
for being `a bad boy ``or `a dirty girl
tuhmaksi pojaksi tai huonoksi tytöksi is not educative; telling a child to do something `because I say so ``teaches her nothing useful.
for leaving the flat
koska poistuin asunnosta .
sat down at her typewriter at the New York Times and
for a `dreadfully written script ``
'kammottavasti kirjoitetusta käsikirjoituksesta' .
In the ensuing pandemonium the young musicians played on, but
came and took Anna away,
for bad behaviour which would not be tolerated once she was settled in
huonosta käytöksestä, jota ei hyväksyttäisi, kun hän olisi kotiutunut .
Tom himself was barely responsive to Faye's mood, and when
her brother
hänen veljeään , he only growled, `I'm tired.
, still
, wiped the crumbs from their cardigans.
were in the same position of
, we were good friends, and Joe protected me from her anger whenever he could.
Now she looked almost like
for some minor misdemeanour
jostain pienestä rikkomuksesta .
If they come,
for not working
siitä, ettet tee töitä .
Four children
Neljää lasta on buses and smacked.
He so detested the word `Enterprise ``, with its ring of commerce, that at Poindexter's trial
every time he used it.
I'm just sorry
as well, Pip, and hits you with the stick.
At one point Eva turned and gesticulated towards me, as if
for something he'd done to me
jostakin, mitä hän oli tehnyt minulle .
for his selective criticisms of Bononcini
valikoivasta kritiikistään Bononcinin suhteen , 3 but the tonal oddness of Quando ridi is by no means exceptional in Italian music of the period.
The atmosphere is hardly lightened when
guitarist Alex Lee
kitaristi Alex Lee a pissed stagediver
kännissä olevaa lavasukeltajaa , but one suspects that this is precisely the kind of turmoil Strangelove get their kicks from.
`My dear Miss Kyte, ``said Lady Danby's voice, interrupting her reverie, `
am certainly going
for leaving my party so early
siitä, että poistuit juhlistani niin aikaisin .
about how he was defining `agree ``and `honest
siitä, miten hän määritteli 'hyväksymisen' ja 'rehellisen' , but just somehow didn't.
Karajan (DG)
Karajania (DG) from making an adagio meal of Shostakovich's andante here
siitä, että hän teki Shostakovichin andantesta adagion , but Flor turns it into a snail's banquet (beautiful Concertgebouw wind playing notwithstanding).
conclude that she was up to some adolescent mischief and
have been kind to me,
ovat olleet mukavia minulle, -- (or for that matter to lunch).
Last Friday
Viime perjantaina ,
Meat Trade Suppliers
Meat Trade Suppliersia taken to task
kritisoitiin for `seriously misleading ``shareholders over a hostile offer
osakkeenomistajien 'vakavasta harhaanjohtamisesta' vihamielisen tarjouksen suhteen .
`There is no doubt in my mind the took that decision because
Castlereagh Borough Council
Castlereagh Boroughin neuvosto over its figures
sen luvuista , ``he said.
In July 1200
Heinäkuussa 1200 Conrad of Mainz
Conrad of Mainzia taken to task
kritisoitiin for not having sent report to Rome about plans for the tribunal to decide on an emperor
siitä, ettei hän ollut lähettänyt Roomaan raporttia tribunaalin suunnitelmista valita keisari .
taken to task
kritisoidaan over standards
taken to task
kritisoitiin for not reporting to Rome
siitä, ettei hän ollut raportoinut Roomaan and was (wrongly) reproved for taking part in the assembly.
taken to task
kritisoitiin for running `dirty, grubby and unfriendly ``pubs
'likaisten, epäilyttävien ja epäystävällisten' pubien hoitamisesta .
in an otherwise logical column
muuten loogisessa kolumnissa ,
for going to a sports psychologist and suggested that Levi was `probably ``a better `all-round player
siitä, että hän meni urheilupsykologille ja väitti, että Levi oli 'todennäköisesti parempi yleispelaaja' .
Another reader
Toinen lukija Christine Sutton
Christine Suttonia on a semantic point
semanttisesta asiasta .
The irony is that
after nearly fifty years
lähes viidenkymmenen vuoden jälkeen ,
albeit jokingly
vaikkakin leikkimielisesti ,
for having confiscated thousands of bicycles during the occupation
siitä, että he olivat takavarikoineet tuhansia polkupyöriä miehityksen aikana .
Professor Ronald H Girdwood, the chairman of the Scottish Blood Transfusion Association
Professori Ronald H Girdwood, Scottish Blood Transfusion -yhdistyksen johtaja ,
at the end of last month
viime kuun lopussa .
Irwin Gabathuler of the University of Liverpool
Irwin Gabathuler Liverpoolin yliopistosta at a meeting at the Royal Society in London last month
Lontoon Royal Societyn tapaamisessa viime kuussa .
Anyone who tried this line of argument
kaikkia, jotka yrittivät argumentoida tällä tavalla taken to task
kritisoisivat by the pollsters, who have a commercial interest in resisting such reasoning
Mielipidetutkijat, joilla on kaupallisia syitä vastustaa tällaisia perusteluja, .
In obvious good humour,
was commiserated with, patted on the back,
by the little girl's father
pienen tytön isä , offered half the prize money, which she refused, and looked around for Feargal.
In response Silas said, `
, ladies.
for being honest
rehellisyydestä , you
Alright, well
for doing that
siitä, että teit sen .
A heavily US-financed campaign did the trick and
, with a 14-1 majority, took over and
for sending the Americans to save Grenada
siitä, että hän oli lähettänyt amerikkalaiset pelastamaan Grenadan .
Open your children's eyes and minds to the world of books in The Red House -- it could be
One of the most welcome sights around Hailing which
Yksi tervetulleimmista näyistä Hailingin lähellä, joista are the pheasants, it is reckoned they were first introduced by them and were quickly established here in Kent.
? ``he growled.
I didn't go to Lourdes for a miracle but Lourdes makes
appreciate each day and
without warmth
ilman lämpöä and stuffed the notes casually into her bag.
Of course, they did not and now when
wake up in the morning and
that I'm a lesbian
siitä, että olen lesbo , I remember to thank myself as well.
that barking's stopped
se haukkuminen loppui , ``said his Mum.
and congratulate
my hon. Friend the Member for Shrewsbury and Atcham (Mr. Conway)
kunnianarvoisaa ystävääni, Shrewsburyn ja Atchamin jäsentä (herra Conwaytä) for giving the House an opportunity to cover this important ground
siitä, että hän antoi edustajainhuoneelle mahdollisuuden esittää tämän tärkeän perustelun .
The young people who sleep rough in the streets of London
Nuoret, jotka nukkuvat Lontoon kovilla kaduilla, have
the Prime Minister
pääministeriä for having only £31 a week income support
siitä, että heidän tulotukensa ovat vain 31 £ viikossa .
It is a special occasion as it coincides with a lovely Flower Celebration and
Canon Harney
Canon Harneytä for allowing this to happen in our lovely Cathedral
siitä, että hän antoi tämän tapahtua ihanassa katedraalissamme .
succeeded Pym in control of the ordnance, and
for deciphering intercepted letters
häntä siepattujen kirjeiden tulkitsemisesta .
by Freda Morris
Freda Morris ,
for a wealth of helpful hints and ideas which had proved `a real inspiration ``to flower club members
monista hyödyllisistä vinkeistä ja ideoista, jotka olivat osoittautuneet 'todelliseksi inspiraatioksi' kukkakerhon jäsenille .
At the end of an interview
the informant
tiedonantajaa for co-operating
yhteistyöstä and left feeling satisfied after what was an interesting and worthwhile discussion.
Professor Lacey
Professori Lacey left of his own accord and
for his valuable contribution
arvokkaasta työstä .
So here we are at the end of 1992 and
should like
for the tremendous hard work you have put into it
valtavan kovasta työstä, jota olette tehneet sen eteen .
You will be pleases to know that altogether we have raised £1,314.53 during 1987 and
take great pleasure in
all most sincerely.
We do appreciate all your prayers and have seen
answers to them
vastaukset niihin ,
; please continue to pray for us.
for thinking of it
kun ajattelit sitä ,
`We'll be back during the day, Harold, and
for offering us shelter tonight
siitä, että tarjosit meille suojan yöksi .
Ian White, Director of Social Services
Ian White, sosiaalipalveluiden johtaja ,
for joining us
että liityit seuraamme .
to them all
kaikille heille .
Agrimony -- gratitude; please accept
Also — a card was signed and sent with flowers to greet Janice Glen on her birthday and Janice later telephoned the Office to ask for
to be given
to you all
teille kaikille .
Accept this WWF pen with
for your donation of £18 or more
18 punnan tai sitä suuremman summan lahjoittamisesta .
for your fax of 13 June regarding approval for us to use Dire Straits' `Walk of Life ``for our Project Video programme
13. kesäkuuta lähetetystä faksistasi, joka koski lupaa käyttää Dire Straitsin Walk of Life -kappaletta Project Video -ohjelmassamme .
Before the veteran entertainer went home for the emotional Christmas Day reunion with his family,
Leslie and Jean
Leslie ja Jean had together given
for his recovery at a short Communion service in the hospital chapel
hänen paranemisestaan lyhyessä seurakuntapalveluksessa sairaalan kappelissa .
have to give
for the magnificent giving to the Camphill Project
upeasta lahjoituksesta Camphill-projektille .
It seemed to me that I had become what my parents had wanted me to be, and I was getting no
from either of them
kummaltakaan for my efforts
saavutuksistani .
from us all
meiltä kaikilta .
Fifteen hours a day of dispensing help and affection have earned Madeleine a Help the Aged Golden Award and the
of the organisation's patron, the Princess of Wales
organisaation suojelijalta, Walesin prinssiltä .
Could we convey the
of the members of this committee
komitean jäsenten to the property services and the chief executive's department
kiinteistöpalveluille ja pääjohtajan osastolle ,
for their efforts in effecting sales and gaining large scale capital receipts for the county
heidän vaivannäöstään kauppojen toteuttamiseksi ja suurten pääomatulojen saamiseksi maalle .
``Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of his goodness to give you safe deliverance, and to preserve you in the great danger of childbirth;
shall therefore give hearty
The whole Godhead is involved in the rescue and restoration of mankind, and so we read of
over Christians
kristittyjä , for `God chose you from the beginning to be saved ``.
It is gratifying that the initial residents have built up a very happy family atmosphere, and have expressed
to the Association
järjestölle for providing them with what they now regard as their home
siitä, että he ovat tarjonneet heille sen, mitä he nyt pitävät kotinaan .
At last, and no
`Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll join Adam and Ace to find out just exactly
how much damage
kuinka paljon vahinkoa ,
he's suffered
hän on kärsinyt !