The Mutawas offered the father moral support in his strong stance and showered him with
for his religious conviction
hänen uskonnollisesta vakaumuksestaan .
Mr Hinks became a member of the council of the Law Society, which
was quite an
oli melkoinen , and he is believed to be the only Darlington solicitor to be honoured in this way.
was certainly the most thorough document of a country made up to that point in time, and received
from all quarters
kaikilta alueilta .
It turns out that despite the
of later historians
myöhempien historioitsijoiden , Davy had formidable competition for the creation of a lamp.
Whatever the answer, Cabernet Sauvignon's earns
kunnianosoituksensa as `the most noble grape variety ``
'jaloimpana rypälelajikkeena' , and is well loved for its delicious blackcurrant and cedar flavours.
With a nod she sent him forward to accept
kunnianosoituksensa .
The SLEJF is also
the first NGO from Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan ensimmäinen hallituksesta riippumaton kansainvälinen järjestö, jolle to be awarded this
Meanwhile, things have been happening in Glasgow, where the CAMRA branch has awarded
vuoden olut- to another Caledonian beer, R&D Deuchars IPA,
toiselle kaledonialaiselle oluelle, R&D Deuchars IPA:lle for the second year running.
Britain's role in the Berlin air-lift earned
of a staunch and like-minded ally
uskollisena ja samanmielisenä liittolaisena .
At the end of the year
received the prime
as having the Best Corporate Arts Programme in Great Britain
siitä, että sillä oli Ison-Britannian paras yritystaideohjelma .
Winners of the Considerate Hoteliers Award scheme received
kunnianosoituksensa from Deputy Manager of Westminster, Cllr Angela Hooper
Westminsterin varajohtajalta kaupunginvaltuutettu Angela Hooperilta .
It is one thing to win the support of electors by defeating an enemy for the first time; it is quite another to expect
for slaying the same dragon twice
siitä, että surmaa saman lohikäärmeen kahdesti .
for showing us what a ride we are taken for by the funeral directors
siitä, että hän näytti meille, mille matkalle hautajaisten johtajat vievät meidät .
She had seen how deep
had gone.
surfaces, and Johnson always found Burke a challenge, always felt it necessary to raise his game in Burke's presence.
and emulation of
is well known.
With a mixture of
at her own acumen
omaa ymmärrystään kohtaan , pride in her country, and affectionate pity for Omi, Erika politely sat upright as the Minister began his sermon.
Mr Field, aged 49, has won
puolueiden rajat ylittävää at Westminster for his crusading stance on poverty and social inequality.
She was looking forward to making a late entrance -- the cast would cluster round her, expressing
at her fortitude
hänen rohkeuttaan kohtaan .
for the brilliance of Fussell's writing
Fussellin kirjoitusten nerokkuutta kohtaan can not suppress doubts about the partiality of the picture he is drawing, with all its entertaining anecdotes and quotes.
Now he acknowledged to himself that
had caused him to overlook young Martha's attractions.
Both Aitken and Stanley Baldwin
Sekä Aitken ja Stanley Baldwin had an
that bordered on veneration.
As we have seen,
had a
and in 1940 he attended the annual Congress at Ramgarh, regarded by Communists as bourgeois.
The authority also expressed its deeepest sympathy for Miss Howard and
for her courage
hänen rohkeuttaan kohtaan .
And Adimov seemed to look for
when he told his story.
There were concerned looks from burly matrons, and
My grandfather had always taken a keen interest in my work, and
had an equal
of the stories of his time spent in Burma during the Second World War
tarinoita hänen ajastaan Burmassa toisen maailmansodan aikana .
And he proceeded to do so, off the top of his head at considerable length, to the
of all present
kaikkea läsnäolevaa kohtaan .
Parents may hold their babies close and convey love for and
of their bodies
heidän kehoaan kohtaan , or they may hold them away and register distaste, even disgust, for some of their bodily functions.
For all
of the Shah
shaahia kohtaan and his disdain for President Carter, Marenches did not suggest France as a possible destination.
The keepers also appear to be a knowledgeable and dedicated group of people, for whom I can only express
of their hard work
heidän kovasta työstään .
Despite an
among certain circles
tietyissä piireissä for National Socialism
kansallissosialismia , for example, many aspects of Western culture met with disfavour, though Western economic, industrial and military practices were widely followed.
The two boys gazed at her with
such blazing
niin kiihkeää that she came close to blushing
että hän lähes punastui .
led successful campaigns to clear infestation on over forty worlds and was respected and
by all of his colleagues in the forces
kaikilta joukkojen kollegoilta .
British television
Britannian televisiota is almost as widely
lähes yhtä laajasti abroad as it is at home.
, of course) was Frieda.
You will understand when I say that I should like a poem to stand as preface to your book,
have both
, Thomas Hardy's `Afterwards ``.
He could coast along, asking nothing; accepting everything, like
the animals
eläimet, joita , and staying out of trouble.
The reason for this was that he followed the methods of
the scholastics (medieval theologians) whom
skolastikkojen (keskiaikaisten teologien), joita .
was very surprised to see all this, and
for controlling their sadness so well
heidän hallitessaan surullisuutensa niin hyvin .
Lancaster only just tolerated Douglas's interference, partly for old time's sake and partly because
for daring to slight Hollywood's conservatives by openly using blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo on Spartacus
sen vuoksi, että hän uskalsi halveksua Hollywoodin konservatiiveja käyttämällä avoimesti mustalle listalle pantua käsikirjoittajaa Dalton Trumboa Spartacuksessa .
was amazed at herself, scandalised, but at the same time
the absolutely impromptu fluency of her wicked vicious ill-intentioned lying to Jack
täysin improvisoitua sujuvuutta hänen ilkeän häijyssä ja pahansuovassa valehtelussaan Jackille .
And our thoughts changed from
to contemplating a long uphill stretch.
never ceased to
a poem like `The Widow's Lament in Springtime ``
runoa, kuten The Widow's Lament in Springtime :
John Ebbrell
John Ebbrelliä as a true product of Everton's youth policy
Evertonin nuorisopolitiikan todellisena tuotoksena , he really has been a terrible disappointment of late.
Bethany Megan Robinson
Bethany Megan Robinsonia for efforts to try and improve the Skerne Park Estate
sen vuoksi, että hän on yrittänyt parantaa Skerne Park Estatea .
for his bravery and his cheerfulness
rohkeuttaan ja iloisuuttaan .
But it was the correct question, courageous, and
, you know.
It is said that, in parts of Africa
for this feat of sustained erection
niiden erektion säilytyskyvyn vuoksi. that their tails are eaten as aphrodisiacs
että niiden häntiä syödään sukuvietin kiihottamiseksi .
One of these who visited him was
the Comte Alexandre de Marenches, the conservative head of the French secret service, who
Comte Alexandre de Marenches, Ranskan salaisen palvelun konservatiivinen johtaja, joka had known and
for years.
My guilty passion made
in everything she said or did
kaikesta, mitä hän sanoi tai teki .
Devious himself,
the same quality
samaa laatua .
Perhaps that was why
above all men.
The qualities
ominaisuuksiin included guile alongside bravery.
Some of the students look up at the word `castration ``, admiring the cool poise with which Robyn pronounces it,
a barber's expert manipulation of a cut-throat razor
parturin ammattimaista partaveitsenkäsittelykykyä .
I loved the paper, particularly Nick Kent and Charles Shaar Murray:
like I admire Tom Wolfe or Nik Cohn or Jack Kerouac.
How superior she suddenly felt to that woman in the bed,
the woman whom
naiseen, jota had so long
oli niin kauan , even idolised, but who knew little of human nature after all.
are within that tradition, like Grunewaldt, Goya and Gericault.
The range of humane and other qualities
Inhimillisyyttä ja muita ominaisuuksia, joita is best illustrated by the contents of the few obituaries carried in its pages.
At last he may be turning into
a credible historical figure
uskottavaksi historialliseksi hahmoksi, jota , capable of being understood, even
But of his courage, though it was not of
a kind that
sellaista, jota , there could be little doubt; and of his ability and calculating detachment, none.
as the author of Holy Living and Holy Dying
Holy Living and Holy Dying -teoksen kirjoittajana ,
was appointed by a group of Royalists as their chaplain, going from house to house, holding services, baptisms and confessions.
Four of the people we shall discuss, Land, Jobs, Iacocca and Carlzon, are
business leaders
yritysjohtajia, joita widely recognized and
for their visionary abilities
heidän visionäärisistä kyvyistään .
in American culture
amerikkalaisessa kulttuurissa ?
his capacity to wrest the best out of whatever situation he was in
hänen kykynsä löytää kaikkien tilanteiden parhaat puolet : that, James said, was the mark of the champion.
So there was
, bastard son of Duke Robert of Normandy, whose ancestors and Thorfinn's were the same.
What at school
the teacher of Latin and Greek
latinan ja kreikan opettaja .
He had a particular love for the work of Dürer and Breughel,
two artists
kahta taiteilijaa, joita much
by his grandfather, Maximilian I
hänen isoisänsä Maximilian I also.
`All right, then, ``she said, `tell us
a mentality
mielenlaatu, jota by the Right everywhere
oikeistolaiset kaikkialla .
Diderot's standards were those primarily of a moralist, questioning how morality might be fashioned through painting, but he was sensitive to artistic aims;
his essay on painting
hänen maalaamista käsittelevää kirjoitustaan both
by Goethe and Baudelaire
Goethe että Baudelaire .
for his prowess
hänen kyvykkyytensä vuoksi , he didn't like male-talk of that kind.
Tropical waterlilies
Lumpeita for generations
due to their exquisite blooms and overall beauty
niiden upean kukinnan ja yleisen kauneuden vuoksi .
Piper's designs
Piperin muotoilua for their sombre beauty
sen synkän kauneuden vuoksi .
, so I'll be straight with you.
So you're a survivor Trevor and
because she is an actress who can also sing
koska hän on näyttelijätär, joka osaa myös laulaa, and I think she has a wonderful personality, ``said Mr Hipkiss as he stood with 1,500 screaming fans outside the city's Ritzy nightclub.
In spite of his often trying demands,
Lance Sieveking
Lance Sievekingiä as a perfectionist
perfektionistina , and his dramatic productions were a source of considerable education to junior producers still learning the art.
`You are not
the first English person
ensimmäinen englantilainen ihminen, joka Maria's cooking
Marian ruoanlaittotaitoa .
bringing up four from the time the youngest was only five and working full time
siitä, että kasvatit neljä lasta siitä lähtien, kun nuorin oli vasta viisi, ja työskentelit samalla kokopäiväisesti .
'm continually amazed and yet secretly
of the intrepidness of travellers
matkailijoiden pelottomuutta -- or is it ignorance?
Is the Minister aware that 21 years of casework in Attercliffe have left
Tietääkö ministeri, että 21 vuotta sosiaalityötä Attercliffessä ovat saaneet , and grateful to,
the South Yorkshire police
South Yorkshiren poliisia ?
Quite independent of Pound, most
have read the poem more nearly as Pound read it than as Eliot intended.
Both have contended with disease and suffering, and have been seen as near-saints by a grateful and
She used to walk past the rows of
towards the young vicar, smiling openly at him.
On a superficial level this can be seen in her long and
correspondence with Voltaire
kirjeenvaihdossaan Voltairen kanssa , and in her financial help to Diderot and the unsuccessful visit to Russia which he paid at her invitation.
But as it was Sunday morning, there were few
Always used to receiving
from men, Laura hadn't known whether to be pleased or not when the doctor had completely ignored her -- clearly having eyes only for Julie.
curved his lips as he rested back against the boulder and closed his eyes.
It is in the
, almost disbelieving,
words of parents and friends
vanhempien ja ystävien sanoista , however, that the real achievement of training can be noted.
The final qualification is that
a print-maker
taidejäljentäjää , to reach the very top of the tree, must be known and
kunnioitettava by the Japanese
japanilaisten .
Your knowledge of the issues and your diligence in pursuing them to ensure protection of both the built and natural environments
sinun tietojasi ongelmista ja ahkeruuttasi asioiden ajamiseen sekä rakennetun että luonnonympäristön suojelemiseksi , is greatly admired and
He wanted to watch his wife's mouth move because it was
'd come
more and more.
gave art an openly political meaning and
as an individual dissenting voice
yksilöllisenä eriävänä äänenä .
I started playing when I was seven, so by the time The Stones happened it was not difficult for me to play, so
for the music alone
pelkän musiikin vuoksi .
Take my advice,
for what it is
siitä, mitä se on -- a cultural experience -- and try to relax.
I think
for what you are -- an attractive young woman of today
sen vuoksi, mikä sinä olet - viehättävä nykyaikainen nuori nainen .
Elisabeth finished pouring and the activity took long enough for it to strike her that the Hulsbys were
the sort of tourists who
sellaisia turisteja, jotka only
sites for which postcards have been printed
paikkoja, joista on tehty postikortteja .
good manners
hyviä käytöstapoja .
I just think it is, in fact, a great shame that the M P only acknowledges some letters if they happen to have
the kind of status that
sellainen tila, jota .
Hymns, chants etc.
Hymnejä, virsiä jne. should be sung through fully and
as prayer in themselves
rukouksina itsessään .
will always be remembered and
for his energy, enthusiasm, experience and encouragement
hänen energisyytensä, innostuneisuutensa, kokemuksensa ja rohkeutensa vuoksi by all who knew him
Kaikki, jotka tunsivat hänet, .
The business did very well with
the two lads
näiden kahden tyypin kanssa, joita appreciated
kunnioitettiin for their hard work and quality of service
heidän kovasta työstään ja palvelunsa laadusta .
in the work of Modigliani
Modiglianin töissä ?
Reynolds attacks the notion that application of rules will get
very far in
hyväksynnässä `
sublime beauties
ylevien kaunottarien in works of genius
nerojen töissä ``.
for everything you have done over the years and for that special week in Brighton
kaikesta, mitä olet tehnyt vuosien aikana ja siitä erityisestä viikosta Brightonissa .
She said she was sure that someone as sensitive and intelligent as you are -- you see
, darling -- that you would surely be all right here.
A growing number of clubs and societies such as the movie-makers,
and folk club, all receive Union subsidy.
`They were a token of
arvostuksesta for having the courage to turn up
uskallettuaan tulla paikalle !
`Having been to Zakopane this year,
should like to voice my
also expressed his
arvostuksensa for ``the large amount of work done by Anand and Arsa in developing Sino-Thai relations
Anandin ja Arsan 'suuresta työmäärästä' kiinalais-thaimaalaisia suhteita kehitettäessä .
The Sechem smiled tight little smiles of
at the logic of the argument
argumentin logiikalle .
Special theme days have been introduced to all Abbey National sites, and
the office staff
toimistohenkilöstö have expressed their
arvostuksensa at our initiatives
aloitteillemme such as offering turkeys at Christmas, and baking decorated cakes for special occasions.
They suggested that the title might be the cause of a lack of
by the funders, the local authorities,
rahoittajien, paikallisten viranomaisten, of the complexity, responsibility and professionalism now required of the post holder.
Pleasure can be no more than a
for delicacies
herkkuja kohtaan , whereas a happy person can readily settle for a much simpler diet.
expresses much
for what she considers beautiful
kauniina pitämiään asioita kohtaan and is beginning to show and receive affection.
`Disco Di ``has only ever existed in the minds of headline writers with an
for alliteration
alkusointuja .
When Brendan Mullin retired from the game
received many messages of
from rugby enthusiasts
rugbyfaneilta .
Mrs Nixon still cherishes letters of
from eminent people
arvovaltaisilta henkilöiltä .
I am sure the warm affinities between Scots and Jews arise out of
arvostuksesta .
of classical practice
klassista lääketiedettä kohtaan led him to weave interconnections between the separate actions and also to give Prince Arthur a part in each.
earned this
with his charm
charmillaan , which was often mistaken for ability.
i Hero: This child believes that he or
can only obtain love and
through achievement
saavutuksien kautta .
They rose to their feet as she approached, both
casting glances of
over her appearance
hänen esitykseensä .
He quirked a dark brow, his eyes lingering with open
on her slim figure
hänen hoikkaa ulkomuotoaan kohtaan in the silky pale green dress, and Fran felt the first whisper of heat run along her veins.
For a second Lindsey stood unmoving as Niall's gaze swept with slow
over her body
hänen vartalonsa yli , taking in every curve which, she realised, blushing hotly, must be emphasised beneath the damp robe.
She looked round for
at this feat of memory
tälle muistin uroteolle but there was none.
Fortunately for the Government, this short debate in the House of Lords seems to have attracted little attention from the press, and it continued to receive
for the exhibition
näyttelylle , with the relevance of the competition remaining largely unquestioned.
have a great admiration for Mr. Duncan McNeill, and also a
for the concept of trust status for hospitals
sairaaloiden säätiöiden tilan konseptista .
from Sir Hubert Stanley
Sir Hubert Stanleyn is praise indeed ``, from Thomas Morton's popular comedy A Cure for the Heartache (1797).
Certainly, Jacques passed on
of Barker's attitude to Hampden Jackson and Douglas-Smith
Barkerin asenteessa Hampden Jacksonia ja Douglas-Smithiä kohtaan a few days after the late February meeting:
As in biblical times, the king became `the anointed one ``, but only with the
Organized Cadiz radicalism favoured the liberals throughout: from the public galleries the great liberal speeches received what an English observer called the `
She did not wish to lose
hyväksyntäänsä ; the Colonel and his wife were valuable, long-standing guests.
As an ambitious minister, he is deemed to have seethed, Sir, and yearned for
`Well, that
Do it when times are bad and that is an excuse for
those whose jobs are threatened
heille, joiden työpaikat ovat uhattuina, to pin the
-- and to hold out against --
the proposed innovation
ehdotetun innovaation .
`It seems terrible now, David, to think that you've taken the
for so long
for something you didn't do
jostakin, mitä et tehnyt .
It is
is singled out for specific
, his screenplay compared explicitly/dismissively to women's romance fiction as if that, by itself, was a confirmation of worthlessness.
You can't expect me to take the
to place the
for this report
tämän raportin niskoille at the door of the Conservative Party chairman
konservatiivipuolueen puheenjohtajan ovella is nonsense.
And the
for that situation
siihen tilanteeseen , ultimately, rests
with Mr Major himself
herra Major itse .
They suggest that
should be allowed to get divorced after one year without having to attribute
inexcusable public
of goalkeeper Eachus
maalivahti Eachusta kohtaan for the narrow defeat against Nicosia
täpärästä tappiosta Nikosiaa vastaan , when interviewed for television on arrival at Aldergrove.
Sometimes when two such people marry,
maintain a loving, close relationship by projecting all the
into the outside world
ulkopuoliselle maailmaalle .
are even-handed in apportioning
among EC governments
EY:n hallituksille .
seems to be putting a large proportion of the
onto doctors
lääkärien niskoille for failing to give him proper preventative medical care
siitä, etteivät he antaneet hänelle asianmukaista ennaltaehkäisevää lääketieteellistä hoitoa .
In the meantime,
reliable and authoritative sources
luotettavat ja arvovaltaiset lähteet placed further
on the Vincennes
Vincennejen niskoille for the shooting down of the airbus
lentokoneen ampumisesta alas .
going to heap the
When the mistake was discovered,
tried to put all the
onto the innocent parties -- the importers and the farmers -- who have been landed with these cattle
niiden viattomien osapuolten niskoille (maahantuojien ja maanviljelijöiden), jotka ovat olleet tekemisissä karjan kanssa .
lays much of the
on technology
teknologian niskoille .
The result is a tendency
``, a belief that older people have caused the plight in which they find themselves.
The letter quotes Black as saying that
white and Navajo ranchers
valkoiset ja navajo-karjatilalliset `misrepresent ``their livestock losses and `
(Holman would characterise this as `
was growing resentful,
for worrying her
hänen huolestuttamisestaan .
If she wanted
by faking an entry point
tulopaikan väärentämisestä , surely the simplest thing would have been to leave the window open?
There are also complaints in Japan, where
foreign suppliers
ulkomaiset tavarantoimittajat their difficulty in penetrating the Japanese market
vaikeuksistaan päästä Japanin markkinoille on the closed ranks of the keiretsu
suljettuja keiretsu-liikesuhteita .
the Government choose
hallitus päätti the European Commission
Euroopan Komissiota instead of putting the blame where it rightly lies -- on their own lack of support for the project.
`I'm tired of reading and hearing about
who do nothing but slag off their first record, and
for not getting it right
epäonnistumisesta .
Within three months of the move, the railway station was closed and
Dr Beeching
tohtori Beechingiä as the architect of his isolation
eristyksensä arkkitehdiksi .
Lord Vansittart, a former Foreign Office official, had written
a pamphlet entitled Black Record
pamfletin nimeltä Black Record, for a record of barbarism going back to the era of the Roman Empire
barbarismista, joka ulottui Rooman valtakunnan aikoihin .
`He was quite temperamental because of his perfectionism, and he was always concerned that there was something he was not doing with the material; in other words,
on his delivery
syntymäänsä .
He was so dangerously persuasive -- and it would be all too convenient
on the absent Miss Philimore
poissaolevaa neiti Philimorea .
his rapid rise to stardom, while still in his early 20s
nopeaa nousuaan tähteyteen ollessaan vasta 20-vuotias ,
for much of his reaction against acting
reaktiostaan näyttelemistä vastaan .
In his mind
that his relatives had died
sukulaistensa kuolemasta .
The pilot who takes a chance
Pilottia, joka ottaa riskin, is always
if he creates an unnecessary hazard
jos hän saa aikaan tarpeettoman vaaratilanteen .
This hateful thing had taken place, and Frankie knew that somehow
must be
And it is
Government miscalculations that
hallituksen väärien laskelmien are
Under the code, if your clothes are damaged and
, they should be cleaned again free of charge or you should be fairly compensated.
What's more, Digby knew that
had only
It means that
, in their ignorance,
already overstressed medical staff
jo valmiiksi rasittuneita lääkäreitä for delays or treatment withheld
viivästyksestä tai hoidon epäämisestä, while those who should be held accountable are cushioned from the consequence of their actions.
were beaten 3-2 by Wrexham in an FA Cup replay at the Racecourse on November 7, but only had
I was sorry for her, but in my opinion
had only
for being in such a mess, and I was smugly self-satisfied that the problems were hers and not mine.
, previously
for fuelling the war
sodan lietsomisesta , threw its weight behind the Vance-Owen peace plan earlier this month hoping the world would respond by lifting crippling economic sanctions against Serbia-dominated Yugoslavia.
But erm, so now
for waking her up
hänen herättämisestään .
Draskovic kept up his demands, however, for the resignation of
the whole Serbian government
koko Serbian hallituksen ,
as a body
for the violent end to the March 9 disturbances
maaliskuun 9.:n väkivaltaisten häiriöiden .
In the past four weeks about 130 residents living close to the Sydenham base have complained of
nausea and headaches which
pahoinvointia ja päänsärkyä, josta on aircraft fumes
lentokoneiden pakokaasuja .
Along the chalk downs in southern England there are a number of
short, steep-sided dry valleys
lyhyitä, jyrkkäreunaisia ja kuivia laaksoja, joista traditionally
(for example, Devil's Dyke near Brighton).
The side effects
Sivuvaikutukset, joista usually
are, in fact, those we have already seen associated with other aspects of assessment systems -- emphasis on the easily-measured, unfairness, standardization, competition, extrinsic rewards.
This omission
Tämä laiminlyönti, josta the CIA conveniently
CIA kätevästi on a handful of spies
muutamia vakoojia .
A few old veterans of the Mosleyite British Union Movement
joitakin Mosleyn brittiläisen unioniliikkeen vanhoja veteraaneja were identified amongst the marchers, and conveniently
by some of the more deluded, or self-deluding
petetymmät, tai itseään pettävät , but there seemed little escape from the truth.
One such, Mr Goodlad, has said culling should be introduced to curb population growth among
grey seals
harmaahylkeitä, joita (
for falling fish stocks
pienenevistä kalakannoista ).
is, in turn,
by Wirralians
Wirralilaiset for bringing and spreading all manner of evil across the region
kaikenlaisen pahuuden tuomisesta ja levittämisestä alueelle .
Thus, although
by many workers
monet työläiset for the treatment older people receive today
siitä, miten vanhoja ihmisiä kohdellaan nykyään , it is clear that ageism has a history which long predates this form of social organisation.
on human error
inhimillisestä virheestä .
the Councils not the Government
valtuustoja eikä hallitusta .
, after …
There was a trace of
at the threat of authority
viranomaisten uhkaa kohtaan .
for women as a class
naisia kohtaan luokkana perpetuates the present system.
`Naturally, I arranged for the bill to be sent to Ibrox, ``he added, barely disguising
for dull issues like club discipline
tylsiä asioita, kuten kerhon kuria kohtaan .
Despite his pleas to the peasants of the Maramureş to preserve their traditions, Ceauşescu, like for instance Khruschev, had the
entisen talonpojan for those still stuck in the rural rut
niitä kohtaan, jotka asuivat vieläkin maaseudulla .
Indeed, one CIA report claimed that
for her elder son
vanhempaa poikaansa , for she felt he was unworthy of his father, and that she had actually plotted to put Ali Reza on the throne.
Pascoe was never quite certain just how genuine
his superior's
hänen esimiestensä for science
tiedettä kohtaan was.
for Wheeler
Wheeleriä kohtaan , he feared, was becoming obsessive.
Mitterrand and Lecanuet portrayed the General's refusal to campaign as
for the democratic process
demokraattista prosessia kohtaan .
But from the travelling community, there's
for the police operation
poliisin toimintaa kohtaan and a prediction; they'll be back.
Shortly after shooting them,
for his two victims
kahta uhriaan kohtaan , the court heard.
There was
peittelemätöntä in his voice
Hänen äänessään .
There was an
in her voice
Hänen äänessään , and his face darkened in anger before he gave a faint dismissive shrug of his broad shoulders.
of urban, middle-class educators
urbaanien, keskiluokkaisten opettajien for rural peasants
maaseudun talonpoikia kohtaan was barely concealed: `the psychological attitude of the Iranian villagers creates a great obstacle to rural reconstruction ``.
Kylie has never disguised
at being sniped at by critics who dismiss her talents as an actress and as a singer
sitä kohtaan, että kriitikot piikittelevät hänen kykyjään näyttelijänä ja laulajana .
I hid
and simply said, `Nevertheless, they want to see everyone.
Let them see
It forms the basis for
on the part of the young and strong
nuorten ja vahvojen for the old and weak
vanhoja ja heikkoja kohtaan , and the increasing fear of human mortality which old age seems to represent so vividly.
It could be argued, in fact, that being indifferent to the consequences of one's actions indicates a high degree of
for (other) people
(muita) ihmisiä kohtaan .
She pronounced the dog's name with special
when the younger replied to his crushing arguments by the reply, the reason why you think like that is that you don't say your prayers.
Look at that time Louise's boy-friend -- the miner's son from Wales -- met him, and how they argued and snarled at each other, and we were all against
about working class people and working-class life
työväenluokkaisia ihmisiä ja työväenluokan elämää kohtaan .
In fact, she noticed, there was something
about his expression
hänen ilmaisussaan .
of the Nazis and their cohorts
natseja ja heidän hännystelijöitään kohtaan, they could not imagine that they themselves featured in the minds and machinations of such louts
etteivät he voineet kuvitella niiden itse asiassa näkyvän sellaisten öykkäreiden mielessä ja vehkeilyissä .
`Towards his household he is not threatening nor
when offered, nor vindictive when searching out a fault.
was rude to officials and
of backbenchers less successful in their careers than he had been since becoming MP for Putney in 1979
riviparlamentaarikoita kohtaan, jotka eivät olleet niin menestyksekkäitä omilla urillaan kuin hän oli ollut päästyään parlamentin jäseneksi Putneyssä vuonna 1979 .
The majority of citizens
Suurin osa kansalaisista were `bystanders ``, and themselves often
of the victims
uhreja kohtaan .
of rank or title
asemaa tai titteliä ,
rejected offers of honorary doctorates from Manchester, Edinburgh, and various American universities.
No wonder
when they had first met.
halveksuvasti towards the United Nations
Yhdistyneisiin kansakuntiin , critical of the operation of the western alliance, and hostile to supranationalist tendencies in Europe (even though, for pragmatic reasons, he had honoured the Treaty of Rome and taken France into the Common Market).
looked around at him,
Shamlou's dark eyes held him in a
halveksuvasti .
If I got a question wrong, which I did more often than not, he would repeat it in what seemed to me a
ylimielisellä until I got it right.
`I am here to take my granddaughter home, ``said Leonie, casting a
towards the salon.
He has a stare that can fill a man with dread -- a quiet, almost
which shakes you to your boots.
Not the least of the offences which led to Paul's assassination in 1801 was his
treatment of courtiers
suhtautumisensa hoviherroihin .
was gruff, and sounded
ylimieliseltä , but in her eyes were bewilderment and pain.
And why had
angry and
, so scathing
about her broken engagement
hänen purkautunutta kihlaustaan kohtaan ?
She looked hard at Flavia who as so often could not tell whether
was serious or
or amused.
Boastful, she judged unkindly,
must stay calm and firm but show
at the behaviour
käyttäytymistä kohtaan .
Only three weeks ago
launched a scathing attack on the way he was treated at the European championship finals in Sweden this summer and voiced
at manager Taylor's long-ball style
manageri Taylorin pitkien pallojen tyyliä kohtaan .
Lou's heightened colour betrayed her embarrassment, as if she could read
at this example of male chauvinism
tätä miehisen sovinismin esimerkkiä kohtaan .
Muriel asked, trying to keep the
from her voice.
But there had been no sign since Tiananmen Square that the Chinese had been in the least influenced by the
all the voters
kaikilla äänestäjillä should have the opportunity to mark
approval or
of these policies
näitä käytäntöjä kohtaan .
The State Department, for example, has blocked the funds of scientists bound for Poland as an expression of
of the Polish regime
Puolan hallitusta kohtaan .
For the Sex Pistols, Richard was prepared to weather the
of Eve and Ted
Eveä ja Tediä kohtaan on his even occasional visits to Shamley Green.
The six Hong Kong members of the BLDC subcommittee took the unprecedented step of publicly announcing
of the subcommittee's proposals
alakomitean ehdotuksia kohtaan .
Badran's resignation was reportedly precipitated by
of his sympathy for the fundamentalist Moslem Brotherhood, whose members had held five seats in his government
hänen sympatiastaan fundamentalistista muslimiveljeskuntaa kohtaan, jonka jäsenillä oli viisi paikkaa hänen hallituksessaan .
By the end of the evening, to
, they were calling one another tu.
She sensed
and didn't care.
with a call to his pal, Hugh Hefner, owner of Playboy
hänen soittaessaan ystävälleen Hugh Hefnerille, Playboyn omistajalle .
This displeasure can range from
to outright ostracism.
As in the 1979 report, despite developments in Biblical scholarship, it asserted that throughout the Bible there was
for homosexual practice
homoseksuaalisia tapoja kohtaan but sinful human beings still have to make moral sense of their lives:
``Some of the 1916 leaders met there, Patrick said quickly, catching
in the older man's voice
vanhan miehen äänessä .
De Gaulle at first maintained an attitude of
towards the Soviet Union
Neuvostoliittoa kohtaan , especially during the protracted Berlin crisis (1958--61).
Egyptian non-alignment and its receipt of arms from Czechoslovakia was taken in the West to be dangerously pro-Soviet, and
Britain and the United States
Britannia ja Yhdysvallat expressed
by withdrawing their offer of substantial economic aid
vetämällä pois tarjouksensa merkittävästä taloudellisesta avusta .
This was based on a deepseated
of flaunting one's body
omalla vartalollaan ylpeilyä kohtaan , inherited from her childhood in the Welsh valleys.
The parent who
Vanhempi, joka shows
, smacking the child or forcibly removing its hand from the offending area is sowing the first seeds of inhibition or sexual disorder.
In spite of opinion polls suggesting
, the Education Secretary, John Patten, has defended his plans for national school tests.
He blamed it all on business, but could not resist taunting
for expecting him to be at h-er beck and call, while
that he was rich
sitä, että hän oli rikas .
by ecclesiastics
Kirkonmiehet ,
for they could be both bloody and dangerous
koska ne voisivat olla verisiä ja vaarallisia .
Some of the differences in aggressiveness between boys and girls may be due to the fact that
Author after author denounced
Bush, the likely (except to Surkov and his agent) President of the United States, who
Bushin, Yhdysvaltojen todennäköisen presidentin (paitsi Surkovin ja hänen agenttinsa mielestä), joka .
for religious reasons
uskonnollisista syistä .
of all social events
kaikkia sosiaalisia tilanteita , or only of this one -- and if so, why had he come?
believed her to have been flirting, and
(In contrast, in other parts of India
inter-caste marriages
kastienvälisiä avioliittoja .)
had previously
oli aiemmin and banned, are now permitted and can be freely indulged in.
``There is a meeting of
an organization
organisaation, .
Her working-class male counterpart
Hänen työväenluokkaista miespuolista kollegaansa is not usually ridiculed or
in this way, as someone whose language is inappropriate.
Another thing
Toinen asia, was his passionate interest in the other sex.
Just as they defended
the school friends
koulukavereitaan , so they are likely to stick to their own choice of girl or boyfriend.
``only in so far as your adventurous inclinations affect my own family, I assure you.
Aristokraattien for manual labour
manuaalista työtä kohtaan has its counterpart in the Situationist ``attitude to the working class considered as the moronised victims of the spectacle.
have shown a delightful
for reputation
mainetta kohtaan this season.
stern personality and
for idleness
joutilaisuutta kohtaan were reflected in his practice of keeping only one chair in his office, on which he sat while visitors stood.
have a
--; they do not understand it.
There was an edge of
in her voice which Judith presumed to be a comment on Mrs Klein, wife of the community's President, with whom Karlinsky would be staying.
His eyes flicked up to her face, then took in her clothes, her lack of jewellery, before returning to her face again -- the
barely masked.
The climbers later recorded the route in the park headquarters, naming the peak Point Nora Batty, to the
of the Park Ranger who suggested the Americans didn't want their mountains named after British politicians
puistonvartijaa, joka väitti, etteivät amerikkalaiset halunneet nimetä vuoriaan brittipoliitikkojen mukaan !
had not quite the
that she put into what she said; and perhaps he knew it as well as she did.
Although Anderson does not demonstrate a similar degree of pomposity when interrupted by the chairman, in scene eleven, it is here that
shows the
of politeness moves
kohteliaisuusliikkeitä kohtaan .
If a person intends doing someone harm, it can not be assumed that
displays a
towards humanity
inhimillisyyttä kohtaan , although it is clearly directed towards the particular intended victim.
And this vacuum is the perfect breeding ground for the inflation of self-doubt and self-criticism, and increasingly unfounded imaginings about other people's competence, or about
towards oneself
toisiaan kohtaan .
She could see
, and it wasn't so much for her -- she hardly seemed to count for anything at all in his eyes.
IBM is maintaining a
for using NT
NT:n käyttämisestä .
The Junior Minister pulled himself up to his full height of five foot three, and in a plummy voice rich with
said, `What difference does that make?
The contempt, the
's shown from the very first moment.
I blush to admit it, but
those of us who were born into the trade
ne meistä, jotka syntyivät tähän ammattiin, tend
these crossovers
näitä siirtymisiä as an inferior breed
alempiarvoisina tyyppeinä .
sat on the mud floor of his cell,
, he said that he would do exactly the same again.
Lady De Marr staggers
Lady De Marr hoipertelee into the front door, saluted by the guard, the askari,
the proffered help of the major
majurin tarjoamaa apua , who wears a fez and a sash.
He wanted
all writers
kaikkien kirjailijoiden to live obscurely in the provinces, ignore the natural affections of the heart,
, and spend solitary, back-breaking hours reading obscure texts by the light of a tiring candle.
such simple fare
sellaista yksinkertaista matkustajaa he knew full well
halveksuttaisiin .
If you are elected to college committees,
what appears to be a minor representation
sitä, mikä vaikuttaa vähemmistön edustukselta .
After all, it is everyone's children who stand to suffer from
theories which
teorioista, jotka , to take only one example,
the teaching of history in factual terms
historian opettamista todellisilla termeillä .
Their most outrageous step toward re-regulation is
rigging the stockmarket
osakemarkkinoiden peukalointi ,
as a mucky casino
likaisena kasinona .
He was prepared to buy off political pressure, as over workplace nurseries, in
would surely have
olisi varmasti .
the casual Aranyos
huolettomat aranieslaiset to make the sign
merkin tekemistä .
He folded his arms across his bare chest, the
replaced by a stern, fixed stare.
were rooted in the nineteenth-century stance of the artist as critical outsider,
of the niceties of the bourgeoisie
porvariston käytöstapoja .
is a gentleman of complete integrity, `
of all littleness and meanness ``
kaikkea pienuutta ja ilkeyttä , to whom honour has more importance than life itself.
Reading the highbrow press made
towards television
suhtautumaan televisioon , but no more enthusiastic about the press.
In the morning, I paid my
vuokraemännälleni for the use of my room for the rest of the day.
With a last
, the shoemaker's daughter turned towards the door.
It sounded to some as though he might be a languid and
ylenkatseellinen .
They would simply raise
and say what else could one expect of the lower orders; the Irish?
Lady Amelia, with one more
at Dame Elizabeth
Dame Elizabethiä , stepped back and closed the door behind her.
Even so, his rather
of her protests irritated.
Erika, who rather liked the Kiev
Erika, joka piti enemmän Kiovasta ,
It was a measure of my despair that
Could you all sit down ``-- here
definitely shot
and slightly triumphant
-- on the FLOOR!
He was on the receiving end of
as any she'd ever seen
kuin yksikään katse, jonka hän oli aiemmin nähnyt .
In order to create this relationship of
between yourself and your examiner
sinun ja kuulustelijan välillä , pay him the compliment of searching for the point of his problem.
But during her short acting career,
was held in
by the theatrical fraternity in Northern Ireland
Pohjois-Irlannin teatteripiirit .
affection and
for Mrs Shephard
rouva Shephardia kohtaan -- Gill to her friends -- is well known.
Abroad, and especially in Europe, there was widespread decline in
He would doubtless suffer this blow to
in a First Folio or a 1532 Chaucer, given half a chance, but in lesser books the wound is too serious.
It's a measure of the
in which
is held that many of the close to 70 stars who appear were willing to commit themselves to a project which so ruthlessly satirizes their very existence.
Didier's example was built upon by his successors and the
of the abbey
luostaria kohtaan grew.
Amid `the
of his parishioners
Seurakuntalaistensa ``he died at his rectory in Wyke Regis 22 February 1855.
Giving an employee more money may not motivate him/her if that individual needs to satisfy the desire for respect and the
of colleagues
kollegoilta saatavan .
Riding winners was the only way he knew how to re-establish his self-worth, let alone
Please accept the small gift we enclose as a mark of
We've all got ways of feeding
and it's just a way of doing that.
It is defined in terms of wages/salaries, number of perks, capacity for initiative, amount and nature of skills involved, security and the
which might come from obtaining such jobs.
are likely to have
, a low income or no money.
Chapman received tokens of
from foreign clubs and countries, including a decoration from the French Government and a hand-painted Dresden china service from the Austrian FA.
Thus some `truth ``can be created, and rank equal in
with truth which can be observed to be such, or proved in some other way.
Bathed in a delicate self-importance,
as the bearer of one of Italy's oldest titles.
So the literary set, many of them agnostic or hostile to religion, ranged behind Lord David, while those who had already committed themselves, together with
, voted for E. K. Chambers.
Which, as
, is a cause not all unjust, and not to be distorted by ill-judged action.
Many of these qualities
monia näistä ominaisuuksista
Never married, though once engaged,
as a literary wit and rough-hewn eccentric
kirjallisena älykkönä ja sivistymättömänä eksentrikkona .
Like many Oxford men, he belonged to the strong Socratic tradition in which
as highly as the written word
yhtä paljon kuin kirjoitettua sanaa .
In the course of the last five thousand years
a wide variety of stones other than jade
monia muita kiviä kuin jadea for jewellery, insignia, seals and the embellishment of personal weapons
koruissa, tunnuksissa, sineteissä ja henkilökohtaisten aseiden koristeissa .
The daughters of small farmers
Pientilallisten tyttäriä , but they were declining and the supply was made up from the cottages of artisans, shopkeepers and labourers.
more than others
muita enemmän , but their influence then was personal, and their command, if it was obeyed, did not depend on formal office and resulted in no treasury.
Most of the materials
Useimmat materiaalit, joita chiefly
for their symbolic value
niiden symbolisen arvon vuoksi are of mineral origin.
The tennis shots
Tennislyönnit, joita in Connors related to balance on the court.
It was said of Vaughan that
, an ingenious person, but proud and humorous ``.
They learned to feel affection, but not to express sensual love, towards
, in the first instance, in the relationship with their mother.
In a passage from the Book of Isaiah, God says: `This is
: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.
The only
could find
with this machine
tästä koneesta, was
that the indicator lights for Caps, Num and Scroll Lock didn't work
että Caps-, Num- ja Scroll Lock -painikkeiden merkkivalot eivät toimineet .
He doesn't trust you, and probably never will, and
In that community it is not considered a grave
to `invent ``, whenever `a lie is necessary
'keksiä', kun 'tarvitaan valhetta' .
None of the things that happened before you were born
Mikään ennen syntymääsi tapahtuneista asioista ; they weren't really anyone's fault, if it comes to that -- simply the capricious workings of fate.
`Mark was my brother; I know he had
, but he was never a liar.
With unsympathetic editors on the magazines he usually worked for,
half of what he did
puolesta hänen tekemisistään was found
with or refused.
He is an appealing young artist, with the occasional
of seeming a bit too ladylike
että hän näyttää hiukan liian naismaiselta .
Woods assumes here that the estimate, h* (n), is at
on väärillä jäljillä in being too optimistic
siinä, että se on liian optimistinen .
If she didn't like it then it
for rocking the boat
veneen keinuttaminen .
Indeed, if he has a
it is in his boyishly enthusiastic generosity towards authors -- Thomas Usk, Lydgate -- who are not really as interesting as he makes them sound.
She is not blind to
as a storyteller
tarinankertojana : indeed she actually revels in them as an indication of Stead's generosity of vision.
Despite Swansea lodging a protest, the FA yesterday ruled that Exeter were not at
for the abandonment
keskeyttämiseen .
That they took on the importance they did
Se, että asiasta tuli niin tärkeä, was in part the
oli osittain of the government
hallituksen .
If a good mare becomes incapacitated, say, due to an accident through no
, then breeding from her could be practical.
It is essential to work the trapezius muscles, otherwise a stooped, round-shouldered posture will result;
with people who do a lot of chest work but little or no back work
ihmisillä, jotka treenaavat paljon rintalihaksia mutta vain vähän tai ei lainkaan selkälihaksia .
need to be investigated and are usually due to inadequate contact time or use of a chemical outside the temperature range in which it operates efficiently or a combination of both.
Still more rare should be cases where a stay can properly be imposed in the absence of any
on the part of the complainant or prosecution
asianomistajan tai syyttäjän toiminnassa ei ole .
After the past week at Loch Lomond, with
forever finding
, it was like a dose of summer sunshine just to be accepted for what she was.
For Hamill, it'
that you're a failure
että olet epäonnistunut , so don't dare blame anyone else.
Your perceptions are leading you astray, sister, dear,
Käsityksesi johtavat sinut harhaan, sisko hyvä ``
You look genuinely terrified at the thought,
Näytät todella kauhistuneelta ajatuksesta, ``
Rene de Epelbaum, a leader of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, said
It came to me, like the sunlight breaking through the birch-trees on the forgotten bluebells of the copse where, long ago,
had offered me love, then
for impotence
impotenssista , that this time no jealous god need come between us.
was to
for seeing in Notre Dame not a physical presence in worked stone, but only a symbol
siitä, ettei tämä nähnyt Notre Damessa kiven fyysistä läsnäoloa, vaan pelkän symbolin ; yet in Sicily Pound's seems to have been the mind that was symbologizing.
Mr Kinnock has learnt that it is more effective
the Prime Minister
pääministeriä as an anachronism in a brave new world
anakronismiksi uudessa uljaassa maailmassa than snarl the word `Thatcherism ``and present her as the personification of all evil.
Most prominent amongst these are
as an impotent and inadequate cuckold
impotentiksi ja puutteelliseksi aisankannattajaksi .
She'd like to meet this Parr, to make her own assessment, although
because of her presumption
ennakko-oletuksestaan .
In its newly polished frame,
a wedding photograph on the pine shelves he had built into the wall
hääkuva hänen seinään kiinnittämillään mäntyhyllyillä with its lost, now almost impossible to believe, image of happiness
kadotetulla kuvalla onnellisuudesta, jota oli nyt lähes mahdotonta uskoa .
Luke's lazy voice
Luken laiska ääni .
It showed when he was upset when
and attacked over Spitting Image at Questions earlier this week.
Frinton-on-Sea, in the Harwich constituency
Harwichin vaalipiirissä sijaitsevaa Frinton-on-Seata ,
as the deadest town in England
Englannin kuolleimmaksi kaupungiksi .
I can imagine
village priests
kyläpappien delivering sermons on the Devil's invention and
; but if they did, they were right.)
He'll be ridiculed,
, he'll be scourged, you know something reserved for the people who were really being taught a lesson.
On the contrary,
within the family
perheessä for my `posh ``accent, and for what was considered to be my general childishness, especially as far as my sense of humour was concerned
'hienostelevasta' aksentistani ja siitä, mitä pidettiin aitona lapsellisuutenani, ainakin mitä tuli huumorintajuuni .
that he knew of the “ menace of the men in grey suits
siitä, että hän tiesi 'harmaapukuisten miesten uhkan' .
one night, my darling,
for working so hard
siitä, että työskentelet niin kovasti , remember.
, but that wasn't enough to rid yourself of its insidious appeal, politely, persistently tugging at your soul.
His search
Hänen etsintänsä, jota ,
every turn
by events and other characters
tapahtumat ja muut hahmot , sets up a tenuous connecting thread which links a whole series of episodes set in different places and periods.
was ridiculed for his speeches, and
for his concern about the inner cities
hänen huolestuneisuudestaan keskikaupunkeja kohtaan .
tagged the Tories with a grouse moor image and
for his `matchbox economics
tämän 'tulitikkulaatikkotaloustieteestä ``.
It is hard to imagine that Leapor would sentimentalize the condition of celibacy, especially if she found
joutuneen pilkatuksi as an old maid
vanhaksipiiaksi .
Not for nothing
as Moscow-on-the-Hudson
Moskovaksi Hudson-joen varrella .
by its obscenity
siveettömyydellään .
as much as you like
niin paljon kuin haluat .
`Nowadays ``, said Bismarck in 1884, `no Government is strong enough to stand the
of having sacrificed its own national interests as a favour to a friendly Power
siitä, että se on uhrannut omat kansalliset etunsa palveluksena ystävällisille voimille .
was lost on Richard for he was only half.
The argument against poststructuralism really just repeats
, set out in his 1957 essay “ The Ideology of Modernism ”,
that modernism involves a “ negation of history ”
siitä, että modernismi sisältää 'historian kieltämisen' .
, as I had felt on more than one occasion, were all the more devastating.
But as soon as I begin to be nice to him, a sort of self-satisfaction seems to creep into his voice and his manner (very discreet, he's been humility itself all day, no
about last night
edellisyöstä , of course) and I begin to want to goad and slap him again.
Mrs Baggley's pastoral tone was full of
at Theodora's lack of finer feeling in this area
Theodoran hienomman tunteen puutteesta tällä alueella .
Stephen Duck and Mary Collier, however, both describe
from a master or mistress
isännältä tai emännältä .
Occasionally he hated her for it, because he took it
of himself
itseään kohtaan .
Paul saw this as a
to himself
itseään kohtaan , as if he had not shown enough interest; perhaps in fact he had not; his heart had never been in it.
The Zuckerman books help one to imagine how Roth has faced the
that he has derided his family and sold their secrets
siitä, että hän on pilkannut perhettään ja myynyt heidän salaisuutensa .
`Indeed, but for my brother's tears,
that I had not drawn my sword
siitä, että en ollut vetänyt miekkaani , I would have dismissed the whole affair as a nightmare.
I wasn't sure if this
that he deserted her the rest of the year
siitä, että hän hylkäsi naisen loppuvuodeksi .
at the feeble prevarication
heikkoa välttelyä kohtaan glittered in Iris's eyes.
for its leaders
johtajiaan kohtaan , but where is the love?
Nor was he apparently aware of
for those who spoke of common culture
heitä kohtaan, jotka puhuivat yleisestä kulttuurista , let alone psychology and community.
Yet a
for materialism
materialismia kohtaan , the measurement of wealth, is fundamental to Buddhism which is rooted in the national psychology.
for this `bully disease ``
tätä 'pelottavaa tautia' kohtaan had belittled the efforts of brave men like her husband.
korkeamielisessä for all security
kaikkea turvallisuutta kohtaan , he had almost walked into a White House meeting with an explosive device planted in his attache case by someone he had taken on trust.
Although used to the
, I was saddened that The Smiths should act in this way).
The only thing that seemed to be stirring most people
of Chamberlain
Chamberlainia kohtaan .
The right response to
of George Bush's free-trade line
George Bushin vapaakauppaa kohtaan is `if only he'd had one ``.
have a
It was this last bit that caused the problem, and
have poured
ever since.
How come the Europeans accept musicians who've been around for a while, but
just pour
as has-beens
menneen talven lumeksi ?
Our attempts to talk him out of this
Yrityksemme muuttaa hänen mielensä merely provoked
She dropped her eyes to the mug, unable to face
Even the medium of an academic thesis (1978) has been used by John Crompton, her colleague at Newcastle University, to express
rather than offer a cool evaluation.
But more interestingly for our purposes,
upon the primitive church
alkukantaista kirkkoa , seeing the dramatic and mythological story of redemption as crude, unsatisfactory, and even immoral!
Did you see the
in his eyes
hänen silmissään ?
Abuse and
were heaped
with an intensity of attack that I can not remember experiencing previously in my political career.
So why did she find it so difficult to ignore the mocking, taunting comments and treat them with the silent
they so richly deserved?
In his own, ghosted, book
concern for the babies he and his men killed
huolta hänen ja miestensä tappamista vauvoista .
With considerable hypocrisy,
the non-Italian media
muut kuin italialaiset tiedotusvälineet Italian superstition
italialaista taikauskoa for the belief in witchcraft
uskomisesta noituuteen , while at the same time branding Compton as `witch ``or `girl in the witchcraft case at every opportunity.
There may be the tendency
for their olde worlde attitude
heidän vanhanaikaisesta asenteestaan maailmaa kohtaan .
That is what we have lost, in the sense that
because of the way we march to tunes through the Lobby
siitä, miten me marssimme sävelten tahdissa aulan halki .
Eamonn McCann
Eamonn McCann later
this proposal
tätä ehdotusta as evidence of `political nappy-rash ``
todisteeksi 'poliittisesta vaippaihottumasta' , since such a committee would have a built-in Unionist majority.
and, if he knew anything about her, someone was going to pay for that.
Such things
Sellaisia asioita , and Esau is in no mood for scorn anyway.
Methods that are simple in principle
Menetelmiä, joiden periaate on yksinkertainen, are not
, though they do not always turn out to be simple in practice.
but rapturous press reviews helped push the record up into the high altitudes of the independent chart.
Anyone who scorns Australian copywriting
Kaikki, jotka pilkkaavat australialaisia mainoksia, no further if they could have seen the effect that this advert was having on Rachel.
Sadly it was
by its putative beneficiaries
sen luullut edunsaajat .
, she thought now, in the private room in the Savoy, lifting her wineglass, sipping without tasting.
He's managed to rise above the
which has hit the British team over the last few days.
As if massive trauma and often great suffering are not enough to face, those who are informed that they are infected have also to deal with
(unlike many other diseases).
Many older people retain a strong sense of the
attached to heavy drinking
voimakkaaseen juomiseen liittyvän and may consequently be unable or unwilling easily to volunteer the information.
However, there is a great deal of
attached to HIV infection
HIV-infektioon liittyy , with resulting discrimination and prejudice at school.
She says: `Maybe men need something that looks like `a proper drink ``but, as a woman, there is no
attached to being sensible and having an orange juice
siinä, että on herkkä ja juo appelsiinimehua .
As petrol is beating the
of carrying lead
siitä, että se sisältää lyijyä , so diesel must beat the particulate rap.
Metrolink's operator, Greater Manchester Metro, thinks the trams will be more successful because, as Mr Don Kenny, the commercial director, says: `There is no
to using them
niiden käyttämisessä .
Debt has lost
and is now a part of everyday life, with the universal acceptance and use of credit cards.
There is a
about suicide
Itsemurhassa and his family don't believe he did it.
This found that girls who had felt isolated and embarrassed about being pregnant or having babies felt less
after they had attended the units and could take a much more realistic view of their situation.
But it must have been a temptation in poor working-class communities, where virginity in any case was not sacred, where the
against extra-marital sex
avioliiton ulkopuolista seksiä kohtaan was weak, and where a prostitute could earn in half an hour what a respectable girl might earn in a week.
In higher grade cases, some Down's people have undergone operations, either at their own or their parents' instigation, to alter the physical characteristics which
Both Booth and Chamberlain argued that the state should provide old-age pensions of between 5s. and 10s. per week to enable those over sixty-five to live and die respectably, free from the
The perceived
of a tuberculosis diagnosis
Tuberkuloosidiagnoosiin may be so severe as to cause people to avoid testing or treatment.
I didn't want this
to be unemployed
Työttömyys and employers wonder what you've been doing.
In doing so, they extended the field of interest to
all those acts which
kaikkiin niihin tekoihin, jotka are adversely defined and
-- that is, from crime to the wider category of deviance.
Like the pun in The Languages of Love and the concept of a variable reality in The Sycamore Tree,
a discursive practice that
diskursiivinen tapa, joka is devalued and
in this novel is later used as a tool for exploring the practices and attitudes it represents.
Her employers had been in general the aspiring mothers of young daughters of tradesmen --
the honest working citizens whom
rehellisiä työtä tekeviä kansalaisia, jotka would have disparagingly
olisi väheksyvästi as `cits ``
'kansalaisiksi' -- hoping that a little of Theda's quality might rub off on their uncouth girls to help them to an advantageous marriage.
I point out the difference as many people with mental health problems are now being cared for in the community and I feel that
needs to understand these people rather than doubly
by thinking that they have two illnesses rather than one.
can feel criticized, even
, and in need of group support.
Was it indeed
a form of heresy
harhaopin muoto ,
, for reasons of her own, dared not openly
The ultimate answers about why stigma persists may lie in an examination of why
fear differences, fear the future, fear the unknown, and therefore
that which is different and unknown
sen, mikä on erilaista ja tuntematonta .
for not having it
siitä, ettei hänellä ollut sitä ?
The late eighteenth-century evidence adduced by Wyld and others is therefore likely to indicate the date at which
had become
as a `vulgarism ``
vulgarismina' , rather than its date of origin.
Since offices were regarded as a form of property,
as an encroachment upon freehold
omistusoikeuteen kajoamiseksi .
Voluntary grammar schools retained higher social status than
the publicly financed `higher elementary schools ``
julkisesti rahoitetut 'paremmat peruskoulut' ,
by their association with the entirely working-class elementary schools
pelkiksi työväenluokan peruskouluiksi .
by having `aids ``
siksi, että he tarvitsivat apua .
Their voice
heidän äänensä as a “ foisonnement de phantasmes, de fantômes, d'ombres' (70), in other words, as the voice of non-truth
“foisonnement de phantasmes, de fantômes, d'ombres' (70), toisin sanoen epätotuuden ääneksi .
has accordingly been
on sen vuoksi by Latin Europe
latinalaisessa Euroopassa .
In our judgment, not only
the judge's conclusion on this issue
tuomarin päätös tässä asiassa ; we think he was right.
Joan of Arc was one of the earliest -- and best-recorded cases of a highly exceptional woman whose
was ultimately
äärimmäisellä tavalla , for political purposes,
as unfeminine and as witchcraft and heresy
epänaiselliseksi sekä noituudeksi ja harhaopiksi .
By contrast, collective violence has been most prevalent and virulent during historical periods when
trade unionism
ammattiyhdistystoiminta as threatening or inimical to the interests and well-being of society
uhkaavaksi tai vahingolliseksi yhteyskunnan edulle ja hyvinvoinnille .
With my new label of `blind ``came
the object which
kohde, joka was
more, a shiny new, long white cane.
This sceptic claims to have higher evidential standards than the rest of us;
as gullible or as too easily persuaded
hyväuskoisiksi tai liian helposti suostuteltaviksi .
The Nationalists
Kansallismieliset , who would have faced the same dilemma if they had served in what statesmen called `the trenches of responsibility ``,
as `national suicide
'kansalliseksi itsemurhaksi' .
It would be harsh, however,
as deadwood
tarpeettomiksi .
grammarians intent on prescribing rules of correct usage
kieliopin tutkijoiden pyrkimys laatia sääntöjä oikeasta käytöstä preferred he over they and
the latter
viimeksi mainitun .
This will require an attack on
pension inequalities and social policies
eläkkeiden epätasapuolisuuteen ja sosiaalipolitiikkaan, joka which
older people
vanhemmat ihmiset .
for their experience of picketing and organizing processions
heidän kokemuksestaan lakkovahtina olosta ja kulkueiden järjestämisestä .
Jane Austen has her abbeys too, but
for rather different reasons
enemminkin muista syistä .
is valued, and
for its liberating effects
sen vapauttavien vaikutusten vuoksi .
They naturally, therefore, think of God as possessing what
Firstly, as we have earlier shown,
old people
vanhoja ihmisiä in the same way as children
samalla tavalla kuin lapsia ; their suffering does not pull at the public heart-strings so strongly.
very highly
erittäin paljon and was frequently used in trade between the East and the West.
in the profession
ammatissasi and you know Lottie Langdon always wanted you.
However, I feel sure
her friendship with me
ystävyyttään kanssani enough to play it our way
tarpeeksi toimiakseen meidän tavallamme .
Should the carer feel unsupported personally, or that
the cared for person
huolehdittavaa henkilöä by other relatives
muut sukulaiset , this again adds to stress.
But AEs who could hard sell
Mutta johtajia, jotka tuskin osasivat myydä, .
my solitude
yksinäisyyttäni .
Except for marine products,
the few goods that polar regions yield
harvoja napa-alueiden tuottamia tuotteita highly enough to offset the high costs and risks of exploiting them
tarpeeksi, jotta se kattaisi korkeat kulut ja riskit niiden hyödyntämiseksi .
He felt as if he had only just remembered, after a long time, why
is therefore
(rather than despised)
for its fruitful possibilities
sen hedelmällisten mahdollisuuksien vuoksi .
as a source of research
tutkimuslähteenä and some universities are now promoting both industrial contact and research experience.