- During the conflict between the factions of Stephen and Matilda,DavidDavidinvadedhyökkäsiEnglandEnglantiinin the hope of seizing Northumberland and even Durham for himselfsiinä toivossa, että hän voisi valloittaa Northumberlandin ja jopa Durhamin itselleen.
- At the time in August 1990Niihin aikoihin elokuussa 1990,IraqIrakwas<empty>invadinghyökkäsiKuwaitKuwaitiin, which led to the Gulf war.
- `PolandPuolaInvadedhyökkäsi! ``read one and `Turn your wireless low.
- For the first time for more than two thousand yearsEnsimmäisen kerran yli kahdentuhannen vuoden aikanaAbyssiniaAbyssiniaanhad beenoliinvadedhyökännyt, though not conquered,by an alien raceulkomainen kansa.
- KuwaitKuwaitiinwas<empty>invadedhyökkäsiand annexedby IraqIrakin Augustelokuussa, a move which in January 1991 led to the outbreak of war and in late February to the defeat and expulsion of Iraqi forces from Kuwait.
- Samos itself fell about 517 to a Persian expedition accompanied by an exiled brother of Polykrates; and about 513 Darius in person came witha great armysuuren armeijanto<empty>invadehyökätäkseenEuropeEurooppaan.
- Its been men like Prime Minister Lee Phung and others in the leadership who have kept his army in the field ever sinceVietnamVietnaminvadedhyökkäsiCambodiaKambodžaanback in 1979vuonna 1979.
- Ten Scottish National Party membersKymmenen Skotlannin kansallispuolueen jäsentäinvadedhyökkäsia room on the first floor of the building which they occupied for three hoursrakennuksen ensimmäisessä kerroksessa olevaan huoneeseen, jota he pitivät vallassaan kolmen tunnin ajanbefore being evicted by security guardsennen kuin turvallisuusjoukot häätivät heidät pois.
- In 1982Vuonna 1982IsraelIsraelinvadedhyökkäsiLebanonLibanoniinwith greater self-confidence than in any previous warsuuremmalla itseluottamuksella kuin missään aiemmassa sodassa,safe in the knowledge that the Egyptian front was quiescentja varmoina siitä, että Egyptin rintama uinui.
- In 1970Vuonna 1970SyriaSyyriainvadedhyökkäsiJordanJordaniaanin support of the Palestinian guerrillastukeakseen palestiinalaisia sissejä, but promptly withdrew when Israel warned that it would intervene to protect Jordan.
- Still worse,her mindhänen mielensäwas<empty>recurrentlytoistuvastiinvadedvaltasivatnownytby carnal fantasciesaistilliset fantasiat.
- His first action had been in Greece in late 1940: `We soon went to the border, andthe Germanssaksalaisetinvadedhyökkäsivätfrom Bulgaria and Yugoslavia which they had romped throughBulgariasta ja Jugoslaviasta, joista he olivat selviytyneet vaivatta.
- HERBERT Blaize, a courtly politician of a bygone Caribbean era, believed God had chosen him to restore democracy to Grenada after7,000 US troops7 000 USA:n sotilastainvadedhyökkäsihis islandhänen saarelleenin 1983vuonna 1983to overthrow its marxist rulerskukistaakseen sen marxilaiset johtajat.
- Their spicy, garlic and savoury herbsHeidän mausteensa, valkosipuli ja maukkaat yrtitinvadedvaltasivatmy sensesaistinias I was shown around my new realmja minulle esiteltiin uutta maailmaani.
- In FranceRanskassa,radicals who agreed on little elseradikaalit, jotka eivät olleet yksimielisiä juuri muista asioista,invadedtunkeutuivatthe National Assemblykansalliskokoukseenin May 1848toukokuussa 1848with the object of goading it into action on the Polish questiontavoitteenaan yllyttää se toimimaan Puolan kysymyksessä.
- It is no surprise, then, to find out that half of Lima's population of six million live in informally constructed homes, most of them builton land thatmaalle, jokahad beenolipreviouslyaikaisemminillegallylaittomastiinvadedvallattu.
- Indeed,three months laterkolme kuukautta myöhemminHitlerHitlerinvadedhyökkäsiAustriaItävaltaan.
- He knew whyso many peopleniin monet ihmisethadolivatinvadedtunkeutuneethis homehänen kotiinsaso early in the morningniin aikaisin aamulla.
- Even as the Elves mustered a suicidal expedition to besiege Karaz-a-Karak, the world's most unassailable fortress, word came thatthe Dark ElvesDark Elves -kansan jäsenethadolivatinvadedhyökänneetUlthuanUlthuaniinonce morejälleen kerran.
- Their songs celebrate their ancient culture which dominated Bolivia beforethe Spanish conquistadoresespanjalaisten konkistadorieninvadedsaapumista500 years ago500 vuotta sitten.
- ItSecatastrophicallykatastrofaalisestiinvadedtunkeutuithe loess-covered Columbia Plateau in south-eastern Washingtonlössin peittämään Columbia-tasankoon kaakkois-Washingtonissa… and reached Pacific Ocean level via the Columbia River, 430 miles or more from the glacial dam.
- WhenIraqIrakinvadedhyökkäsiIranIraniinwhat was the position of the Kuwaiti government and of the Kuwaiti people.
- In 1688Vuonna 1688, William responded to these requests byinvadinghyökkäämälläEngland on behalf of the Protestant cause, and subsequently replaced James on the English throne.
- On 22 June22. kesäkuuta,136 German divisions with 3,000 tanks136 Saksan divisioonaa ja 3 000 panssarivaunuainvadedhyökkäsithe USSRNeuvostoliittoon,the Germans believing that the quality of their war machine would defeat the Russian massesja saksalaiset uskoivat, että heidän sotakoneistonsa laatu voittaisi Venäjän joukot.
- Inland, too, there was disorder when the `Rising of the Tinners ``led to rioting in Liskeard asbands of tinnerskaivostyöläisten joukotinvadedhyökkäsivätthe townkaupunkiinin order to prevent the transport of corntavoitteenaan estää maissin kuljetus.
- He was brought out of retirement afterUS troopsUSA:n joukotinvadedhyökkäsivätGrenadaGrenadaanin 1983vuonna 1983and overthrew the island's Marxist government.
- ItSehasoninvadedhyökännytAngolaAngolaanon several occasionsuseita kertoja, and has launched punitive raids on alleged African National Congress (ANC) bases in a number of neighbouring countries.
- At first he had under-estimated the consequences ofIraq'sIrakininvasionhyökkäykselläof KuwaitKuwaitiin, returning to Baghdad from Britain last October to see two post-graduate students through their exams.
- In the middle decades of the third century, political crises, a drastic trade recession, inflation, civil war, andbarbarianraa'atinvasionshyökkäyksetalmost produced the collapse of the Roman empire.
- Not only did Byzantine churches in Kiev suffer frombarbarianraaoistainvasionhyökkäyksistäin the Middle Ageskeskiajalla, but damage to these fabrics in the Second World War was devastating.
- The impact of thebarbarianbarbaarimaisteninvasionshyökkäyksienand settlementsin GaulGalliassacan be seen in the substantial literary output of the fifth century.
- The local papers turned their attention to theGermansaksalaisteninvasionhyökkäykseenof BelgiumBelgiaanand the problems of recruiting while the Board of Education closed its file on the case without any apparent resolution.
- He then spent between three and four weeks in Crete before moving, just after theGermansaksalaistenparachutelaskuvarjo-invasionhyökkäysbegan, to Egypt.
- However, MacArthur was adamantly committed to the existing plan for a full-scalemilitarysotilaallisestainvasionhyökkäyksestäof KyushuKyushuun, employing large numbers of troops and was uninterested in alternatives.
- William'swas the lastoli viimeinensuccessfulonnistunutinvasionhyökkäysof the British IslesBrittein saartenand he was crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day, 1066, aged 39.
- But the French crowd showed that anyAmericanamerikkalaisenculturalkulttuurininvasionhyökkäysof their nationheidän kansaansa kohtaanhad taken place long before Euro Disneyland was even a dream in the imagination of its creators.
- Under his premiershipIsraelIsraelsigned a peace treaty with Egypt, ceded the Sinai peninsula and launched amajorsuureninvasionhyökkäyksenof LebanonLibanoniin.
- When the Dwarfs were once again threatened by amassivemassiivineninvasionhyökkäysof Orcs and Goblinsörkkien ja peikkojen, King Kurgan sent the Runesmith Alaric the Mad to ask Sigmar for help.
- AmassivemassiivinenDark ElfDark Elf -kansaninvasionhyökkäysswept out of Naggaroth and the Witch King himself returned to Ulthuan.
- But themassivemassiivineninvasionhyökkäysof FranceRanskaanin 1544vuonna 1544proved to be more than twice as expensive as the government had estimated: it cost nearly £650,000 instead of the predicted £250,000.
- Rising prices were prompted also by theAugustelokuineninvasionhyökkäysof KuwaitKuwaitiinwhich was regarded as bullish for aluminium.
- European luxury-goods firms blamed their poor Christmas performance onIraq'sIrakinAugustelokuisestainvasionhyökkäyksestäof KuwaitKuwaitiin.
- In Lithuania, a similar sequence of events occurred, except that it was not the British who eliminated the independent Soviet government but aPolishPuolaninvasionhyökkäys(in April 1919huhtikuussa 1919).
- If the normal pattern is followed, Britain will experience an evengreatersuuremmaninvasionhyökkäyksenin the next decadeseuraavan vuosikymmenen aikana.
- This point is picked up by both Gregory and Fredegar, who describe the laterFrankishfrankkieninvasionhyökkäykstäof BurgundyBurgundiinin 523vuonna 523as the prosecution of Chlothild's bloodfeud against her uncle's family.
- Four people out of five heard theD-DayD-DaynNormandyNormandianinvasionmaihinnousunin June 1944kesäkuussa 1944announced on the radio news.
- Ministers at their opening session approved the membership of Azerbaijan and restored Afghanistan's membership, suspended in 1979 followingitssinneinvasionhyökättyäby Soviet troopsNeuvostoliiton joukkojen.
- We did not support theinvasionhyökkäystäof KuwaitKuwaitiinby IraqIrakin.
- With a very real danger ofinvasionhyökkäysby JapanJapanineverybody did their bit.
- To make things worse, it suffered the turmoil of revolution in 1974,invasionhyökkäyksenby SomaliaSomalianin 1977vuonna 1977, and a bitter war against Eritrean secessionists that continues to this day.
- Thanks to our parliamentary system and the stability that it has given us, the British people have been spared the horrors of revolution, civil war andinvasionhyökkäyksiltäfor more than 300 yearsyli 300 vuoden ajan.
- Panama City, September 1990: Homeless residents of El Chorillo neighbourhood protest the destruction of their homes during theUSYhdysvaltojeninvasionhyökätessäof PanamaPanamaanon December 20, 198920. joulukuuta 1989.
- The early months of 1961 saw an intensification of US pressure on Cuba, initiated by the rupture of diplomatic relations on 3 January, and culminating in theabortive Bay of pigsepäonnistuneeseen Sikojenlahdeninvasionmaihinnousuunon 17 April17. huhtikuuta.
- `Therehave beenon tehtyinvasionshyökkäyksiäbeforeaiemminkinon this `insignificant ``little planetTälle 'vähäpätöiselle' pikku planeetalle.
- The Indians were angered by thisinvasionhyökkäyksestä, and on 29th October Stevens received news that the Yakima, Cayuse, Walla Walla, Umatilla and Palouse Indians had risen against the settlers.
- The world has answeredSaddam Hussein'sSaddam Husseinininvasionhyökkäykseenwith 12 UN resolutions … backed up by forces from 28 countries of six continents.
- On both the diplomatic and military fronts he was triumphantly and invariably successful up to theinvasionhyökkäykseen saakkaof RussiaVenäjälleon 22 June 194122. kesäkuuta 1941 tapahtuneeseen.
- According to government sources,the FPRFPRattempted aninvasionhyökkäystäon Dec. 12, 199012. joulukuuta 1990, and around 200 rebels were killed in subsequent clashes with the army in Muvumba province.
- Shortly after theSoviet Union'sNeuvostoliittoinvasionhyökkäsiof AfghanistanAfganistaniinat the end of 1979vuoden 1979 lopussa, the Western alliance decided to deploy new intermediate range nuclear missiles in Europe.
- Controversy was current in the USA over its aid policy towards Iraq prior to theinvasionhyökkäystäof KuwaitKuwaitiinin August 1990elokuussa 1990.
- Mr Walden says he's received numerous letters since theIraqiIrakininvasionhyökkäyksentwo months agokaksi kuukautta sitten, and felt it important to take the opportunity to talk with the people he represents.
- His only hope now, he believed, was adirectsuorainvasionhyökkäysof EnglandEnglantiinfrom FranceRanskastaand he moved on almost at once to Kinsale, where a French frigate was waiting to take him to Brest.
- Such as thefull-scaletäysimittaineninvasionhyökkäysof SW19SW19-by extraterrestrial beingsavaruusolentojen.
- In speaking of the `Spirit of the Lord ``the Old Testament writers significantly retain this emphasis onGod'sJumalanviolentväkivaltaistainvasionhyökkäystä,from outside our experiencejollaista emme ole kokeneet, disturbing and mysterious like the wind.
- Political uncertainty, after theNorseviikinkieninvasionshyökkäystenwhich began in the ninth century, forced a need for protection for which services were given in exchange.
- Meanwhile, on Aug. 25 Western intelligence reports indicated that the Iraqis had started to move northwards units of the Republican Guard Corp forces which had led theinitialalkuperäistäinvasionhyökkäystä.
- Whatever the answers, the enemy must not discover these questions were being asked, for this would give away the landing areas of afuturetulevaninvasionhyökkäyksen.
- I pondered: the war had ravaged France,the GermanssaksalaisethadolivatoverrunvallanneetParisPariisin, how was it that the people had recovered so quickly?
- Louis VIII of FranceRanskan Ludvig VIIIoverranvaltasiPoitou and attacked GasconyPoitoun ja hyökkäsi Gascogneen, and money was needed to finance Richard of Cornwall's campaigns to recover and defend these possessions of the English Crown.
- She, too, invadedSerbiaSerbiaan,whichjokawasolioverrunvallattuand virtually ceased to exist as a nation.
- For a time, soldiers in Ulster were denied the protection of armoured personnel carriers because pictures of them on television and in the press would remind people ofthe Russian tanks whichvenäläisistä panssarivaunuista, jotkaoverranvaltasivatCzechoslovakiaTsekkoslovakian.
- By this time, 1940Siihen mennessä, vuonna 1940,the German armySaksan armeijahadolioverrunvallannutFranceRanskan, and in Europe the normal assessment of new drugs was made subordinate to military needs.
- They swept enemy ships from the DeltaHe pyyhkäisivät vihollisalukset suistosta, joined hands with the insurgents,overranvaltasivatthe lower town of MemphisMemphisin alakaupungin, and besieged the citadel.
- Mr Izetbegovic said Serbian-based paramilitaries whoHerra Izetbegovic sanoi, että Serbiasta tulevat puolisotilaalliset joukot, jotkaoverranvaltasivatthe eastern town of ZvornikZvornikin itäisen osanon Thursdaytorstaina,were threatening to kill 3,000 Muslims sheltering in a fortress.
- SwiftlynopeastitheyHeoverranvaltasivatthe islandsaaren,driving their dark kinsfolk into the seaja ajoivat tummat sukulaisensa mereen.
- KuwaitKuwaitiinwas invaded andcompletelykokonaanoverrunvaltasivat senby Iraqi forcesIrakin joukotin August 1990elokuussa 1990.
- Soviet forcesNeuvostoliiton joukkojen, meanwhile, were still expectedto<empty>overrunvaltaavanmuch of Western Europe, the Middle and Far Eastsuuren osan Länsi-Euroopasta, Lähi- ja Kaukoidän.
- The armyArmeijaalso reportedhaving<empty>overrunvallanneensaan LTTE camptamilitiikereiden leirinat Toppigala near BatticaloaToppigalassa Batticaloan lähelläon April 99. huhtikuuta,killing 77 guerrillas and losing seven soldierstappaneensa 77 sissiä ja menettäneensä seitsemän sotilasta.
- The trouble was, we could believe inthe ContinentManner-Euroopanbeingjoutuneenoverrunvallatuksiagainuudelleen, but we couldn't face up to it happening here.
- GuerrillaSissi-bandsoverranvaltasivatthe principal military barracksarmeijan tärkeimmät kasarmitin the Tehran areaTeheranin alueellaand the arms it contained appear to have ended up in hands of varying political allegiance.
- This is much less well known than the standard image ofPoland as a nationPuola kansakuntanaconstantlyjoutui jatkuvastioverrunvaltaamaksiby hostile forcesvihamielisten joukkojen.
- In another attackToisessa hyökkäyksessä,Siem Reap, a tourist centreSiem Reap, turistikeskus,wasjoutuibrieflyhetkeksioverrunvaltaamaksiby Khmers Rouges and troops loyal to Prince Sihanoukpunaisten khmerien ja prinssi Sihanoukille uskollisten joukkojen.
- Have notEivätköEngland, Scotland, WalesEnglanti, Skotlanti ja Wales,<empty>over the centuriesvuosisatojen aikana, beenole joutuneetoverrunvaltaamaksiby Irish, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Romans, Vikings, Danes, etcirlantilaisten, anglien, saksien, juuttien, roomalaisten, viikinkien, tanskalaisten jne?
- IraqIrakinvaded andoverranvaltasiKuwaitKuwaitinon Aug. 22. elokuutaand by the end of August had completely absorbed Kuwait into its administrative structure, despite the international condemnation of the invasion.
- HungaryUnkariwasjoutuioverrunvaltaamaksiby the Ottomansottomaanienand in 1527 the Croatian Sabor elected Ferdinand of Habsburg as its king.
- Radio appeals on 27 January spoke ofthe shiplaivanbeingjoutuneenoverrunvaltaamaksiby piratesmerirosvojen, but coast guards who boarded the East Wood last week said that they had discovered signs of a mutiny.
- In June, 1950Kesäkuussa 1950,North Korean CommunistsPohjois-Korean kommunistitnearlylähesoverranvaltasivatthe southern half of the artificially divided country, the half which the U.S. had occupied and paid for since the warkeinotekoisesti jaetun maan eteläisen puolen, jonka USA oli miehittänyt ja rahoittanut sodan jälkeen.
- `There are rumours thatthe RorimsRorimithave beenonoverrunvallattu.
- Paddy Mayne's veteransPaddy Maynen veteraanitwere remarkably successful butwereheidätsoonpianoverrunkukistiby the advancing Eighth Armylähestyvä kahdeksas armeija.
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