- These days I finish totally exhausted … sometimes becauseIminä'mblindumpi-drunkhumalassa— not really, I couldn't play if I was.
- It turned outtheyhegotrathermelkodrunkhumalaanthat night and were unable to get home.
- I encountered a lot ofveryerittäindrunkhumalaisiapeopleihmisiäin Prague, more than in any other city I have visited except perhaps Belfast.
- `What do I do? ``hehänsaid later,veryerittäindrunkhumalassa.
- KarenKaren, very tired and possibly alittlehiukandrunkhumalassa, realised slowly that she had seen him deploy this technique before, at an earlier dinner in the house, and that somehow it was probably quite offensive.
- Whenhehänbecametulitooliiandrunkhumalaanor sleepyto go onjatkaakseenhe would put his head on her shoulder and go to sleep.
- DrunkRatti-driversjuoppojenmust not be allowed to get off so lightly.
- One mother described how her daughter was locked up and she was raped by threedrunkhumalaista, uniformedmenmiestäwhom she knew.
- At the foot of the Piccadilly Line escalator at Leicester Square adrunkjuopunutmanmiessquatted, singing hymns.
- YouSinänever gotdrunktullut humalaanfrom thatsiitä: you were used to it and you always had it.
- I can remember the first timeIminägotdrunkhumalaanon Scotchviskistä.
- This morning, there was even a fire tended byseven vagrantskulkuria,roaringjotka karjuivatdrunkhumalassaon Emva Creamjuotuaan Emva Creamiaat half-past ten in the morning.
- Just alittlehiukandrunkhumalassaon my three pintskolmen tuopin jälkeen,Iminäcycled back to the island whistling.
- I noticed the difference between the doctor with his white hair and pleasant way of speaking, and thatdirty, heavy, red-faced seamanlikaisen, painavan ja punanaamaisen merimiehen,drunkhumaltuneenwith rumrommista.
- `Iminägetdrunkhumalaan, follow the pretty broads, make a fool of myself and stagger home, ``said Mitchum.
- Iminähad woken up as the ferry was docking, feeling bad-breathed andhalfpuoli-drunkjuovuksissa, and had walked off the ramp, shown my passport at customs and asked where the police station was.
- I was just dishing up the ravioli and he hadn't even had time to take his helmet off whenNuttyNuttystormed in,drunkkännissäas a fiddlerkuin käki.
- `I take itIminäcan getvoin tulladrunkhumalaanas a lord should on such an occasionniin kuin lordin pitääkin sellaisessa tilanteessa?
- `I never eat if I'm not hungry, and when I'm not hungry for long enoughI<empty>getgloriouslymahtavanhighhyvälle tuulelle.
- The horror stories includeLeónLeón, getting drunk andhighsekaisinon cokekokaiinistabefore shooting his best friend during a trivial row.
- My mom and dad both used heroin, andmost of the people in my neighbourhooduseimmat ihmiset naapurustossanilikedto getmenemisestähighsekaisin, smoke a little reefer.
- Invariably some of them were drunk,othersmuuthighpilvessäon some weedmarihuanasta, some too randy to notice anything but the opposite sex, and the remainder were too self-absorbed to notice anything.
- These plants contain only minimal amounts of the chemical — tetrahydro-cannabinol — which can makeuserskäyttäjäthighsekaisinwhen smoked — so to get any kind of effect — you'd have to smoke the whole field.
- A student has admitted killing an Open University lecturer whilehehänenwasollessaanhighsekaisinon drugshuumeista.
- Mr Burrows added that Smith, who had a previous conviction for indecent assault, claimedhehänenwasolleenhighsekaisinon drink and ecstasyalkoholista ja ekstaasistaat the timesilloin, but denied having a knife.
- HeHänwasolistillyhähighsekaisinon the adrenaline generated by the mass hysteria he had whipped up, then fed on, like a vampire sucking the tainted blood of its own unclean offspringadrenaliinista, jonka hänen lietsomansa massahysteria sai aikaan, ja jatkoi sitten kuten vampyyri oman epäpuhtaan jälkeläisensä saastuneen veren imemistä.
- I<empty>wasOlinsoniinhighvaikutuksen alaisenaon adrenalinadrenaliininthat for all I knew I was talking utter rubbish.
- Exhausted buthighvaikutuksen alaisenaon adrenalinadrenaliinin, he would roam about the house unable to sleep.
- Christian preachers attempted, without much success, to persuade their congregations to fast whileinebriatedpäihtyneetpaganspakanatfeasted and to give alms to the very poor who could give no present in return.)
- Simenon by his own admission, helped put theinebriatedjuovuksissa olevanmanmiehento bed the night before and was one of the last people to see him alive.
- Several drinks had been ordered in a nearby bar before the two men reached Apollo Place,bothmolemmatveryerittäininebriatedjuovuksissa.
- `Hard to believe that this much litter could be caused by a fewinebriatedjuopunuttaloutsöykkäriä.
- Such as the time when theveryerittäininebriatedjuopuneetgentlemanherrasmiehet, at 2 a.m., wanted to know how to stop his budgie falling off its perch, because he thought it had cramp in its legs!
- HeHänwas now feelingpleasantlymukavanintoxicatedjuopuneeksifrom the effects of a steady supply of alcoholalkoholin tasaisen tarjoilun vaikutuksena, which had lifted his flagging spirits.
- SheHänwasolimore<empty>intoxicatedjuopuneempithan she looked.
- This can take new users by surprise --theyhebecomeintoxicatedpäihtyvätbefore they realise it.
- He foundZaccoZaccon olevanlightlyhiukanintoxicatedpäissään, and playing dice for high stakes among a circle of friends.
- The contempt is his in the ridiculous sentence for the loss of two young lives bysomeonejoku, jokaintoxicatedoli sekaisinby both drink and drugsalkoholista ja huumeista.
- I<empty>made myself pretty busy: gotpissedjoin itseni humalaan, went and screamed at Jamie, saw a million movies, realised with horror that that ate up only a week.
- `IMinämustn't geten saa tullatooliianpissedhumalaan, ``she said.
- MalcolmMalcolmwasolipissedhumalassaand agreed to pay for everyone's meal.
- David used to get drunk and on many occasions I had to pick him up and carry him home from London,absolutelytäysinpissedjuonutout of his brainaivonsa pihalle.
- `Iminä'm gonna bestinkingpirunpissedkännissäwhen I get home, ``he muttered.
- Green's playtime involved gettingpissedhumalaanwith the locals during leisurely lock-ins in the village pub, and intentionally losing touch with the big bad world of the music business.
- HeHänwasolisoniinpissedkännissä,he didn't noticeettei huomannut.
- Here, in this seat of Higher Learning, it's not enough to proveDandyDandywasolipissedtarpeeksi humalassaenough to've walked on the bloody water, let alone drowned in itkävelläkseen veteen saati hukkuakseen siihen.
- shehänwasolipissedhumalassaout of her mindjärjettömän!
- He took himself to the call-box in his lodgings night after night, but whetherhehänwasolikosloshedhumalassaor sober there was no way of finding the nerve to dial.
- Even if one accepts the figures, it is apparent that four out of five fatal accidents are caused bypeople whoihmiset, jotkaarestone-coldvesi-soberselvänä.
- `So, ``Benjamin continued, `Iminäamolenstonevesi-soberselvä, taller than Waldegrave, and I find it difficult.
- She would have reacted in exactly the same way ifshehänhad beenstone-coldvesi-soberselväand standing in a bare room under a fluorescent light.
- Usually,JayJaywasolistudiouslyharkitustisoberselvin päinat the beginning of an evening with Lucy.
- But still he sayshehänwould not be married orsoberraittiinawithout the incident.
- He is areallytodellasoberraitispersonhenkilö, he can't handle a drink at all.
- HeHänwasolisufficientlytarpeeksisoberselväby nowto know that it was necessary to drive with extra care -- but not to appear too carefultietääkseen, että oli välttämätöntä ajaa erityisen huolellisesti, mutta ei vaikuttaa liian varovaiselta.
- There is a sort of joy in persuading the English you are the right person for them by dancing like astonedkännissä olevaRussianvenäläinen.
- `We listened to the song and drew our own conclusions, but it didn't matter what it meant, ``Nicholson recalled, `becauseeveryonekaikkiwasolivatsoniinstonedhumalassa,they couldn't remember the wordsetteivät he muistaneet sanoja.
- This in itself created a double problem because the action of this scene moves from a point where Nicholson is talking normally right through to the point wherehehänisonstonedpilvessäand slurredthrough smoking marijuanapoltettuaan marihuanaa.
- It could also have a bearing on its unusual style -- no verbal testimonies from friends and colleagues, no old archive footage, justVanVangettingroyallyruhtinaallisenstonedsekaisinon the musicmusiikistawith some mates.
- If you're not robbing,you<empty>'re selling what you've robbed, or gettingstonedsekaisinout of your mindja järjiltäsi.
- Jen thinks: I don't thinkIminä'molenverykovintipsyhuppelissaat all.
- Franca decided thatAlisonAlisonhad probably been drinking on the plane andwas alreadyoli joa bithiukantipsyhuppelissa.
- Atipsyjuovuksissa olevastrangermuukalainenstumbles towards you
- `Oh, it is, ``PeterPeterfelt light-headed,tipsyhiprakassaon a small pink ginpienestä vaaleanpunaisesta ginistä, but still completely in control.
- On the third evening of his stay, for instance,a couple of the wilder sons of the local gentrypaikallisen herrasväen pari villimpää poikaahad turned uphalfpuoli-tipsyhiprakassafrom their celebrations following a squirrel huntoravanmetsästystä seuraavista juhlista.
- This decor is truly representative of amajorsuurelleLSDLSD-triptripille.
- In one cave that supposedly served as a backdrop for one ofMorrison'sMorrisoninlegendaryacidLSD-tripstripeille, ancient Indian paintings were treated to a touch-up job.
- HeHäntook hundreds and hundreds ofacidLSD-tripstrippejä, and real strong stock enabled him to do it.
- He spent four hours with the therapist who administered it to him and supervisedhishänenacidLSD-triptrippiään, and he remained under a structured hallucinatory influence for a further five hours at home.
- Trippers experience the short-term euphoria associated with E alongside afull scaletäysimittaisenacidLSD-triptripin.
- It would all start to seem more like abadhuonoltatriptripiltä, a bad dream.
- They guessedshehänwas on abadhuonollatriptripilläand moved in swiftly before she could hurt herself.