commit.v 🔎
- insisted that hospitalization was necessary and threatenedto<empty>commitpassittaahimhänetto a private mental hospitalyksityiseen mielisairaalaanunless the university hospital took him as an in-patient.
- He even off-loaded tens of thousands of pounds worth of stock on toa clientasiakkaalle, jokacommittedpassitettiinto a mental asylummielisairaalaan(for which he was sacked).
- She coldly snubbed the Duke and Duchess of Windsor for years, and it was revealed recently that she failed to visittwo cousins whokahta serkkuaan, jotkahad beenolicommittedtoimitettuto mental institutionsmielenterveyslaitoksiin.
- Even more controversially, the APA wants changes in howviolent offendersväkivaltarikollisia,whojotkahave been acquitted in court butcommittedtoimitettuto mental institutionsmielenterveyslaitoksiin, are assessed.
- have even had the anguish of havingto<empty>commitpassittamaana childlapsento a mental hospitalmielisairaalaanfor its own safetyoman turvallisuutensa vuoksi.
- HeHänetwas<emprt>committedtoimitettiinto a private asylumyksityiseen mielisairaalaanin LeicesterLeicesteriin, where he remained until his death in 1799.
hospitalize.v 🔎
- The other major target group isthosehe, jotkahospitalisedovat sairaalahoidossawith infectious illnessestarttuvan taudin vuoksi.
- HeHänwasjoutuihospitalisedsairaalaanfor a weekviikoksi.
- The University decreed zero hope for recovery for Arthur, though they tried everything they could, and one of the personnel devoted his whole life to Arthur during the six monthshehänwasviettihospitalisedsairaalassatheresiellä.
- In OctoberLokakuussaBaoBaohad beenolihospitalizedjoutunut sairaalaandue to heart diseasesydänsairauden vuoksi.
- HeHänwas<emprt>hospitalizedjoutui sairaalaanagainuudelleenon April 33. huhtikuutain a Soviet military hospital outside Berlinneuvostoliittolaiseen sotilassairaalaan Berliinin ulkopuolella.
- There was the proliferative retinopathy episode a few weeks ago, and whenshehänwas<emprt>hospitalisedjoutui sairaalaanfor the threatened toxaemiauhkaavan toksemian vuoksi,we found that her blood glucose was actually better controlled at home now than in hospital …
- By thenSiihen mennessäAdisAdishad already beenoli johospitalisedviettänyt sairaalassafor three monthskolme kuukautta.
- About 10,000 peopleNoin 10 000 ihmistäare<empty>hospitalizedjoutuu sairaalaaneach yearjoka vuosiwith hepatitis B infectionsB-hepatiittitulehduksen vuoksi.
institutionalize.v 🔎
- As a childhehänsuffered a physical disability and, following the death of his father,washänet oliinstitutionalizedsijoitettu laitoshoitoonat the age of eightkahdeksan vuoden ikäisenäin a school for the destituteköyhille tarkoitettuun kouluun.
- Some childrenJotkut lapsetbecome<empty>institutionalisedlaitostuvatmore quickly than othersnopeammin kuin toiset, and she still had a bit of fire left in her when I went to the orphanage for her.
- Two, the ferocity of the attacks; a routine check on Saunders had revealed thathe himselfhän itsehad beenoli ollutpreviouslyaikaisemmininstitutionalisedlaitoshoidossafor mental disturbancemielenterveyshäiriön vuoksi.
- Mr Everitt says the answer is longer sentences, but experts are divided on whetherinstitutionalisinglaitoshoitoon sijoittaminenyoung offendersnuorten rikollistenis the best solution …
- As a four-year-old orphanNeljävuotiaana orpona,PaddyPaddywas<empty>institutionalisedsijoitettiinin a religious industrial schooluskonnolliseen teollisuuskouluun, and the events which followed corrupt the name of religion.
- There is every chance thatAnna JaneAnna Janewould have remainedolisi pidettypermanentlypysyvästiinstitutionalisedlaitoshoidossa.
- The only danger was, as he recalls, thathehänetwould have becomeinstitutionalizedsijoitettu laitoshoitoon.
- Terry (1970) found thatgirlstyttöjäwere treated more severely than boys in the juvenile court and were far more likelyto be<empty>institutionalisedjoutua laitokseen.