Around 30 street surveillance cameras
noin 30 valvontakameraa in the heart of the city
Kaupungin keskustaan as part of the Citywatch project, which aims to deter and detect violence, vandalism and theft
osana Citywatch-projektia, jonka tarkoituksena on ehkäistä ja havaita väkivalta, ilkivalta ja varkaudet .
They were intrigued by our entry and thought
a much more powerful engine
paljon tehokkaamman moottorin .
4 m new phone lines
4 m uusia puhelinlinjoja -- 2 m home-produced and 2 m from abroad.
Yolland saw that
at Stretford Bridge
Stretford Bridgelle , constructed a platform and upon it had placed a temporary station -- presumably a building of some sort.
The company believes the strength of its Rosemary brand, plus
the `state-of-the-art ``technology
huipputason tekniikka at its new Bedworth plant
sen uuteen Bedworthin tehtaaseen , will enable it to achieve this aim.
A pelican crossing system
suojatien liikennevalo-ohjaus between the traffic lights at Blackfriars Road and the box junction at Rennie Street
Blackfriars Roadin liikennevalojen ja Rennie Streetin risteysmerkinnän väliin .
For in 1904
patented the Bush shed and
at the Hoboken station of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad
Delawaren Hoboken-asemalle, Lackawannaan ja Western Railroadiiin .
It had
which cost £400.
Yvonne was so shocked at how widespread the problem was that
at its three British hotels and one Belgian property -- the Sterling hotels at Heathrow and Gatwick, the Stansted Harlequin, and at Ghent, Belgium
kolmeen brittiläiseen hotelliinsa ja yhteen belgialaiseen kiinteistöön – Heathrow'n ja Gatwickin Sterling-hotelleihin, Stanstedin Harlequiniin ja Belgian Ghentiin .
New loo, shower and dressing room facilities
uusi vessa, suihku ja pukeutumistilat at the Pebble Mill studios
Pebble Mill -studioille in Birmingham
Birminghamin .
The answerphone
Puhelinvastaaja ,
to provide recorded information when the Library is closed
antamaan nauhoitettuja tietoja kirjaston ollessa suljettuna , dealt with 1,500 calls.
Mr Havel's house was continously monitored from a nearby tower of the Manes gallery in central Prague, and
by the secret police
salainen poliisi in other streets where dissidents lived
muille kaduille, joilla asui toisinajattelijoita .
The lamps, at a total cost of £4,000
lamput, joiden kokonaiskustannukset olivat 4 000 puntaa ,
by Grampian Regional Council
Grampianin aluevaltuusto after talks with local police
keskusteltuaan paikallisen poliisin kanssa .
on the Lanark Road
Lanark Roadille near Foulis Crescent
lähelle Foulis Crescentiä .
There are many advantages to