TransFrameNet:Ingest substance
do.v 🔎
- SheHänhadolidonekäyttänytacidLSD:täonce,at collegeyliopistossa, and it had not been anything like this evening's entertainment.
- I'm so stupid thatI<empty>starteddoingkäyttääcocainekokaiiniato try to understand him -- to get close to him and understand where he was coming fromyrittääkseni ymmärtää häntä - päästäkseni hänen lähelleen ja ymmärtääkseni, mistä hän tuli.
- HeHänwas drinking,doingkäyttidrugshuumeita, screaming `I'm gettin' the fuck outta here!
- The Rapture `Instead ofdoingkäyttäisitheroinheroiinia, ``someone tells born-again Christian Sharon (Mimi Rogers) in Michael Tolkin's directorial debut, `you're doing God.
drag.n 🔎
- Someone passed her a fresh joint andshehäntook adeepsyvändraghenkosen, feeling the smoke burn her throat.
- Reg ButlerReg Butlertook alongpitkändraghenkäyksenon his cigarsikaristaanand glanced up from his newspaper.
- SheHäntook anotherdraghenkäyksenof her cigarettesavukkeestaan.
- HeHänlit a cigarette, took alongpitkändraghenkäyksen.
- HeHänsat at the desk, his head hanging forward on his chest, takingquicknopeitadragshenkosiaon his cigarettesavukkeestaan.
- Iminätake anotherdraghenkäyksenon the fagtupakasta.
- The sergeantKersanttitook alanguidrauhallisendraghenkäyksenat his cigarettesavukkeestaan.
drag.v 🔎
- SheHändraggedveti henkoseton a cigarettesavukkeestaand wrote, as if words could change a thing.
- Dr Tariq saw the slackened jowl of the Colonel, he noted the way thatthe manmiesdraggedveti henkosetat the butt of his cigarettetupakantumpistaan, his third, he watched the fidget of the man's fingers.
inject.v 🔎
- New drugs, such as gancyclovirUudet lääkkeet, kuten gansykloviiri, jota,injectedpistetääninto a veinsuoneen, can be effective but the problem often recurs.
- A man who suffers excruciating back pain claims his life has been ruined bya druglääke, jotainjectedpistettiininto his spinehänen selkärankaansa.
- A heroin addictHeroiiniriippuvaisetprobablyinjectspiikittävättwo or three times a daykaksi tai kolme kertaa päivässä, but cocaine is often injected at regular 15-minute intervals until the drugs and the money have run out.
- Finally,up to one in five known heroin usersjopa yksi viidestä tunnetusta heroiinin käyttäjästähad beenoliinjectingpiikittänytthe drughuumettaduring 1985-6vuosina 1985-6, a worrying increase on the previous year.
- I'll give the girl quarter of a grain of morphia dissolved in water andinjectruiskutanitsento calm her downrauhoittaakseni häntä.
- The survey revealed that100,000 people100 000 ihmistähadoliinjectedpiikittänytdrugshuumeitain the past five yearsviimeisten viiden vuoden aikana, with more than half sharing needles.
- Some of the malesJoihinkin uroksiinwere<empty>injectedpiikitettiinwith morphinemorfiiniafor a few daysmuutaman päivän ajanand some were given other drugs.
- I started off by smoking it and then, whenIminäinjectedpiikitinitsitä, I found I got more of a hit, y'know what I mean.
- Thirty µg of peptide conjugateKolmekymmentä µg peptidikonjugaattiawere<empty>thensitteninjectedruiskutettiinintravenouslysuonensisäisesti.
- WheninjectedRuiskutettaessawith heparinhepariiniathere was a normal fertilization-induced calcium transient, whereas the response to either GTP- γ S or InsP 3 was inhibited.
- I mean if you're into the hit,yousinun've gotto<empty>injectpiikitettäväthensilloin, otherwise you're just using it to keep the turkey away.
pop.v 🔎
- So, ifyou<empty>'re<empty>poppingnappaatdown<empty>a daily aspirinpäivittäisen aspiriinin, keep the pop music down too.
- Consigned to the obituary column more times thanhehän'sonpoppednapannuta pillpillerinor praised the Lord, Johnny Cash continues to confound critics and medical science by bouncing back every year with a new triumph.
- Turning back to the storm-rinsed windows and the dangerous electrical crackle of Darkfall lightning on the glass,hehänpoppednappasithe pillpillerinand watched the water running down the glass in ever-increasing and mysterious rivulets.
- Sohehänpoppednappailithe lozengeskurkkupastillejawhen his sniffles hitflunssan iskiessä--- and suffered a week with the flu, a virus that zinc isn't known to affect.
- NEW YORK (AP) ---Actress Elizabeth TaylorNäyttelijä Elizabeth Taylorpoppedsöipillspillereitälike candykarkin tapaanto cope with a marathon of affairs and marriagesselvitäkseen useista suhteista ja avioliitoista, according to a new unauthorized biography.
puff.v 🔎
- The air was thick with cigarette and cigar smoke;a number of the twelve men seated therekaksitoista miestä istuivatpuffedtupakoidenawayquite happilytyytyväisinäwhile they talkedjutellessaan.
- For a moment, they sat in silence,KinaneKinanenpuffingpoltellessaat his cigarettesavukettaan, the pungent smell of cheap, strong tobacco wafting across to Kelly.
- TheyHewere relaxed andpuffingpolttelivaton cigarettessavukkeita; it was clear that any responsibility for the inert procession which now crocodiled back out of the village failed to bother them.
- Smokers screw up their eyes and lips whentheyhepuffimaisevata cigarettesavukettaand this can surely lead to more wrinkles.
- HeHänpuffedimaisithoughtfullymietteliäänäon the cigarsikariathen turned back to face Whitlock and Sabrina.
- Perched on the tailboard of a tiny wooden malabar pulled by two short-legged Cambodian ponies,Senator Nathaniel Shermansenaattori Nathaniel Shermanwas<empty>puffingtupruttelireflectivelymietteliäänäon a Havana cigarHavana-sikariaanas he surveyed the early morning scenesilmäillessään aikaisen aamun tapahtumia.
- HeHänfilled his pipe with tobacco, lit it and,puffingtuprutteliclouds of smokesavupilviä, he walked away, turning round to shout, `Demain, ``and pointing to the cottage.
- BraggBragglaid a match across the bowl of his pipe, andpuffedtuprutteliuntil the air was blue around himkunnes hänen ympärillään oleva ilma oli sinistä.
- BraggBraggpondered,puffingtuprutellensteadilyvakaastiat his pipepiippuaan.
- StanleyStanleypuffedtupruttelion his pipepiippuaanand beamed.
- They returned to their seats;MauriceMauricenpuffedtuprutellessaat his pipepiippuaanand seemed more relaxed.
- Insurers say a non-smoker issomeone whojoku, jokahas notei olepuffedpolttanutthe weedtupakkaafor 12 months12 kuukauteenand doesn't plan smoking again.
- Croughton the pot-bellied potmanMöhömahainen työntekijä Croughtonleant back in his beer crate refuge andpuffedimaisiupon his cigarettesavukettaan.
pull.v 🔎
- HargreaveHargreavepulledimaisipensivelymietteliäästiat his cigarsikariaanand tipped back his chair.
- HeHänpulledimaisihardvoimakkaastion the cigarettesavuketta.
- HeHänstruck a match, andpulledimaisistronglyvoimakkaastion the pipepiippua.
shoot.v 🔎
- If the lives of gay men are undervalued, how about the lives ofhomeless black and Hispanic people whokodittomien mustien ja latinoiden elämätshootpiikittävienup<empty>drugshuumeita?
- `BecauseI<empty>'d<empty>shootpiikittäisinup<empty>drugshuumeitaor have parties and get drunk and sleep with boys?
- She guessedNinaNinanhad been too overwroughtto<empty>shoothypähtääkseenup<empty>.
smoke.v 🔎
- TheyHewere<empty>smokingpolttivatcigarssikareita, hawking and spitting and shaking hands with friends or associates.
- HeHänwas thin and softly spoken andsmokedpolttian expensive cigarkallista sikaria.
- Someone once told me that even breathing the air was the equivalent ofsmokingpolttamistatwenty cigarettes a daykahdenkymmenen päivittäisen savukkeen.
- SheHänhadolismokedpolttanutone pack of cigarettesaskillisen savukkeitadaily for six yearsjoka päivä kuuden vuoden ajanand was taking no medication.
- Iminäsat on it andsmokedpolttelina cigarettesavukettabefore falling asleep in the long grassennen kuin nukahdin pitkän ruohon sekaan.
- We found that65% of the patients65 % potilaistasmokedpolttiat least one cigarettevähintään yhden savukkeena daypäivässä, a proportion nearly twice as high as that in the general population.
- WeMesmokedpoltimmedopepilveäand people who wanted to would take sillacybin, mescalin or LSD, and that was literally it.
- During the sixties and seventies there werea good many `hip ``starsmonet 'trendikkäät' tähdetsmokingpolttivatdopepilveäand dropping acid, emulating their counterparts in rock music.
- Sitting on the large stone that marked this spot wasa thin, white-haired man in a cloth caplaiha, valkotukkainen mies lippalakki päässään,smokingpoltellenhis pipepiippuaan.
- We couldn't have guessed it wasa trampkulkurismokingpolttamassaa pipepiippua.
- SmokePoltayour pipepiippuasiand enjoy it.
- To this end,hehänoftenuseinsmokedpolttihis pipepiippuaanduring the gamepelin aikanaand always insisted on playing in his slippers.
- HeHänellähad a high-domed bald head andsmokedhän polttia curved pipekäyrää piippua.
- SmokingpolttaminencrackCrackinduring pregnancyraskauden aikanacan cause low birth-weight, respiratory problems and premature labour.
- WeMesmokepoltimmea jointsätkänin my carautossani.
- HeHänsmokedpolttiitsitädeliberately in slow puffsharkitun hitailla imaisuilla, giving Peter time to consider their situation.
- An investigation at Dean Close School in Cheltenham revealed thatseven A level pupilsseitsemän kympin oppilastahadolismokedpolttanutcannabiskannabistain woodland near the schoolkoulun läheisessä metsässäin the last week of termlukukauden viimeisellä viikolla.
- A pub landlord in Oxford has been charged with allowinghis customersasiakkaidensato<empty>smokepolttaacannabiskannabistaon his premiseshänen toimitiloissaan.
- SheHänwas<empty>smokingpoltteliher jointsätkäänsäwith quick snatches of breathnopeilla henkäisyillä, like a swimmer doing the crawl.
- FreebasePoltettavaa kokaiiniais a compound that can be inhaled orsmokedpolttaa.
- Most usersUseimmat käyttäjätsmokepolttavatitsitäonly occasionallyvain satunnaisesti.
- WycliffeWycliffesmokedpolttiquietlyhiljaa.
- Smoking habits of boys and girls are roughly the same up to the age of 12, but as adolescence approaches,more girls than boyssuurempi osa tytöistä kuin pojistasmokepolttaaregularlysäännöllisesti.
- TheyHestoodsmokingpolttamassaat the end of the passagekäytävän päässäand watched Auriega.
- Looking around for a possible light, we noticedan elderly couplevanhemman pariskunnansmokingpolttavanat a nearby tablesläheisissä pöydissä.
- SmokingTupakointiat worktöissäis only permitted in accordance with the Council's policy.
- The tyrant Primo de Rivera loved circuses, and lovedbig cigarssuuria sikareita,whichjoitahehänsmokedpolttiduring the performanceesityksen aikana, though it was forbidden.
- JasperJaspersmokedpolttifor shownäön vuoksi.
- I<empty>don't wantto<empty>smoketupakoidain the officetoimistossa.
- Bella lita cigarettesavukkeen,whichjotashehänsmokedpolttinownytwith a holderpidikkeen avulla.
- IMinädon'tEnsmoketupakoi.
- HeHänsmokedpolttiincessantlylakkaamattauntil dawn lit the skykunnes aamunkoitto valaisi taivaanand then he cautiously looked around.
sniff.v 🔎
- HeHänwas out in a field one daysniffinghaistellenglueliimaaand after he'd finished he stumbled home.
- `IminäsniffedImppasinsolventsliuottimiato blot out my problemspyyhkiäkseni ongelmat mielestäni.
- We doubt whether the shock-horror TV advertising campaign will directly stopyoungstersnuortensniffingimppaamisensolventsliuottimien, but it should bring home the horrors of the practice to those who can do something about it parents.
- The powderJauhettais usuallyyleensäsniffedimpataan.
- Butane gas and aerosolsButaanikaasua ja aerosolejamay bevoisniffedimpatafrom bagspusseista, but are sometimes sprayed directly into the mouth.
snort.v 🔎
- Rock musician Roy Harper began a libel action against Emap Metro Ltd trading as `Q ``magazine, following an article in the July 1989 issue which allegedhehänensnortedvetäneen viivancocainekokaiiniaon stagelavalla.
- If it wasn't for Mike I'd be off but I'm afraidhehänenmight startsnortingkäyttääcokekokaiiniaif I turn my back.
- Karl's last act as President had been to insist that the wing mirrors on Global cars be fitted parallel to the road so thatpeopleihmisetcouldvoisivatsnortvetäädrugshuumeitaoff themniiden päältä.
take.v 🔎
- We smoked dope andpeople who wanted tone, jotka halusivat,would<empty>takeottivatsillacybin, mescalin or LSDpsilosybiiniä, meskaliinia tai LSD:tä, and that was literally it.
- I<empty>was getting through by starting to smoke dope andtakeottamaanacidhappoa.
- If there is evidence or suspicion ofdrugs or poisonous substanceshuumeiden tai myrkyllisten aineidenhaving been<empty>takenkäytöstä.
- NOTE Some drugs can be dangerous whentheyniitäare<empty>takenotetaanat the same time as alcoholyhdessä alkoholin kanssa.
- The doctor at the hospital told me about the pill, but saidyousinunhaveto<empty>takeotettavathemniitäregularlysäännöllisestiand if you forget even once, then you'll get pregnant.
- `E gives people a heightened sense of well-being, ``she says, `but when people go to nightclubs they can't actually dance all night, sotheyhetakeottavatamphetaminesamfetamiiniato overcome tirednessväsymyksen voittamiseksi.
- The court's heard thatshehänhad beenolitakingkäyttänytcocainekokaiiniaand drinking whisky.
- `I could say without doubt that this lady would have been alive today ifshehänhad notei olisitakenottanutdrugshuumeitaat that partyniissä juhlissa.
- From what I can gather from Joanie,shehän's beenontakingkäyttänytdrugshuumeitasince her last year at schoolviimeisestä kouluvuodestaan lähtien.
- A YOUNG father-to-beNUORI tuleva isädied aftertakingotettuaanEcstasyekstaasiajust two weeks before the expected birth of his first childvain kaksi viikkoa ennen hänen ensimmäisen lapsensa laskettua aikaa.
- Outcidence is the opposite of incidence, and primarily consists ofthose users whokäyttäjistä, jotkastoptakingkäyttämisenheroinheroiinin, but also includes a small proportion of users who die or move away from the area of study.
- I<empty>'dOlintakeottanutacid, speed, hash as wellmyös happoa, spiidiä ja hasista.
toke.n 🔎
- HeHäntook atokehenkäyksenon itsiitäand, putting his mouth over hers, breathed the smoke down into her lungs.
- SanchezSanchezcupped the coal of the joint and took alongpitkäntokehenkäyksen.
- `This any good for hanky-panky? ``he said, passing the roach back toRoryRorylle,whojokatook a last hottokehenkäyksenthen flicked the remains into the heart of the fire.
- AfterherHänenfifth or sixthviidennen tai kuudennentokehenkäyksensäshe was down to the end of the joint and a couple of the dried seeds exploded like miniature fireworks, making her jump and then starting her off giggling.
use.v 🔎
- I was on drugs, buttheyheidänkept havingto<empty>usekäytettävästronger and stronger onesyhä vahvempiafor the painkipuun.
- Olympic officials in the United States have warned athletes thata wonder drugihmelääke, jotatheyhe're<empty>usingkäyttävätto boost performancestulosten parantamiseen, could be lethal.
- Over 90 per cent of the heroin users at each agencyYli 90 prosenttia jokaisen laitoksen heroiinin käyttäjistähad beenoliusingkäyttänytthe drughuumettafor between one month and five yearsyhden kuukauden ja viiden vuoden välisen ajan.
- At 15, he started to dabble with heroin and within 12 monthshehänwas<empty>usingkäyttiitsitädailypäivittäin.
- Thus,the student whoopiskelija, jokaregularlysäännöllisestiuseskäyttääalcohol or cannabisalkoholia tai kannabistain times of studyopiskeluaikanaanmay have poor recall if he or she has no cannabis or alcohol at the time of an examination.
- `I naturally believe that the financial profits of the drug are offensive, ``Ellen said, `which is whyIMinä've onlyolenusedkäyttänytcocainekokaiiniaon a handful of occasionsvain muutaman kerran.
- He was fined £25 after telling Cardiff magistrateshe<empty>had<empty>regularlysäännöllisestiusedkäyttäneensäthe drughuumettafor nearly 50 yearslähes 50 vuoden ajan.
- Most athletes win honestly, butsomejotkutwill do anything to finish ahead of the pack, evenusingkäyttävätillegal drugslaittomia aineita.
- Given thatmost of the interviewee groupsuurin osa haastateltavasta ryhmästähad beenoliusingkäyttänytheroinheroiiniafor between four and five yearsneljästä viiteen vuotta, most had contacted their GP, and frequently several different GPs, on a number of occasions.
- He andhis girlfriendhänen tyttöystävänsä,whojokahasonusedkäyttänytheroinheroiiniafor six yearskuuden vuoden ajan, live in their own home in one of Wirral's well-heeled townships.