TransFrameNet:Inchoative change of temperature
- When lava flows are erupted at the surface,theyneare necessarily rapidlyvälttämättä nopeastichilledjäähtyvät, and volcanic glasses are common.
- The roomHuonechilledviileniquicklynopeasti.
- Her bodyHänen vartalonsachilledkylmeniat the thoughtajatuksesta.
- SheHäntächilledvärisytti, remembering.
- Gasping,chilledpalellenbelow and sweating above, I managed to wrestle the boat free.
- But she rose and walked over to the table, moving stiffly because ofmuscleslihaksetchilledolivat jäykistyneetfrom sitting in the stone window embrasure for so longhänen istuttuaan niin pitkään kivisessä ikkunasyvennyksessä.
- As Side Two progresses jazz creeps in, the bpms cool down andpumping beatshakkaava rytmichillrauhoittuuinto elegant soul modeelegantiksi souliksi.
- Day 11) The water temperature released at the dam is 0 degrees Centigrade but here, 100 miles downstream,itsehasonwarmedlämmennytto a comfortable 32 degrees Fahrenheitmukaviin 32 Fahrenheit-asteeseen.
- According to the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,the worldmaailmahasonalreadyjowarmedlämmennytby about half a degreenoin puoli astettasince industrialisation beganteollistumisen alkuajoista.
- Analysis of long-term temperature records from 120 sites in the northern hemisphere found thatdesertified areasaavikoituneet alueethadolivatwarmedlämmenneetby an average of 1.23 degrees centigradekeskimäärin noin 1,23 celsiusastetta.
- At the second cupshehänwarmedlämpesislightlyhiukan, and her hands stopped trembling.
- Meanwhile, heat the distilled water in another basin over a pan of simmering water untilitsehasonwarmedlämmennyt.
- Already it felt as thoughthe earthmaailmawould neverei koskaanwarmlämpiäisiagainuudelleen.
- Ponds of the southern and central tundraEteläisen ja keskisen tundran lammetwarmlämpenevätquicklynopeastionce their ice has meltedjään sulettua, and build up a moderately rich flora and fauna.
- A re-assessment of meteorological data collected over the last 100 years has confirmed thatthe earthmaapallohasonwarmedlämmennytby 0.5C0,5 Cover that periodsinä aikana.
- Early potatoes are also grown, particularly near Boston, on the silty and sandy soils near the coast wherethe soilmaaperäwarmslämpeneequicklynopeastiin the springkeväällä.
- estimate thatair temperatureilmanlämpötilawarmedlämpeniby 7°C7 °C:lladuring these shiftsnäiden muutosten aikana, a value consistent with independent estimates based on the oxygen isotope ratio of the ice.