The rough staves
Karkeat laudat from Scandinavia
Skandinaviasta and were brought up river by barge.
A. In the first factories, about two centuries ago, the managers employed workers to weave cotton cloth, using yarn, machinery and coal,
from Scotland
Skotlannista .
Guinness stout
Guinnessin olutta from Liverpool
Liverpoolista in the late 1880s
1880-luvun lopussa and by the early 1960s had become so popular that Guinness decided to brew in the country.
Canned Draught Guinness
Tölkitetty Guinness was launched in Australia in early 1992,
from the UK
Isosta-Britanniasta .
Operated by Thor Chemicals and reputedly the largest of its kind in the world, the Cato Ridge plant reclaims mercury from
toxic waste
myrkyllisestä jätteestä, from the northern hemisphere
pohjoiselta pallonpuoliskolta .
The snazzy looking range of Cap Horn sailing yacht performance instruments
tyylikkäitä purjeveneiden Cap Horn -tehokkuusinstrumentteja by Burmarc Ltd
Burmarc Ltd .
Requiring temperature controls in factories would mean that
both thermostats and insulation
sekä termostaatit että eristys would have
, until factories could be established there.
Around 1.5 million birds
noin 1,5 miljoonaa lintua to satisfy the demands for exotic caged pets
tyydyttämään eksoottisten häkkieläinten kysyntää .
Small numbers
Pieniä määriä , but I did not know they were available again.
The report says that the government allowed
37 035 tonnes of waste
37 035 jätetonnin into the UK
Isoon-Britanniaan .
Multinational chemical companies complained that
many chemicals
monet kemikaalit, jotka into Hong Kong
Hongkongiin, were exported again; manufacturers protested that they would be penalised, even if they disposed of their chemicals responsibly.
Other countries soon welcomed the breed, including several in South America and southern Africa, and it later became
the first foreign breed
ensimmäinen ulkomainen rotu, joka .
The Zippy De Luxe was marketed by Knitmaster,
the same Silver Reed machine
samaa Silver Reed -konetta by Silver Knitting Ltd
Silver Knitting Ltd as model number SK210.
Last month we expressed concern that
the Ginger Foods
Ginger Foods -ruoat might not be as fresh as they should be, coming in screw top jars with no other seal.
The next dog of great influence was
Adoram Jamie of Elthor
Adoram Elthorin Jamie, jonka , bred by Michael Quinney and
by Dr Wayne Welch
tohtori Wayne Welch .
In 1986, 40 per cent of
the nearly 9 million tons of cereals
lähes 9 miljoonasta tonnista muroja was financed under food aid projects, at a cost to donors of approximately $0.5 billion.
Although these firms dominate(d) the manufacture of base fertilizers in the UK, there is also
a fringe of blenders who
joukko yrityksiä, jotka nitrogen fertilizers
typpilannoitteita and mix compound fertilizers from base materials
for local and regional markets
paikallisille ja alueellisille markkinoille .
So if it turns out to be a Glaucous,
without permission
ilman lupaa .
Also, it costs Britain each year £3 million
enough human blood
tarpeeksi ihmisverta ,
mainly from the United States
pääasiassa Yhdysvalloista ,
for factor VIII extraction
tekijän VIII erottamiseen and this blood carries with it the risk of disease.
over 900,000 cubic metres of tropical timber, and nearly eight million finished tropical timber products
yli 900 000 kuutiometriä trooppista puutavaraa ja lähes kahdeksan miljoonaa valmista trooppisesta puusta valmistettua tuotetta .
Many other industrial projects never got off the ground due to energy shortages, and
has been forced
from the Ivory Coast
Norsunluurannikolta .