on Joseph Creek
Joseph Creekissä on their return.
in the Antarctic
Antarktiksella for ``research purposes
"tutkimustarkoituksiin" .
Japan, Peru, and the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Arctic regions, and Caribbean countries
Japanissa, Perussa, Färsaarilla, Grönlannissa, arktisilla alueilla ja Karibianmeren maissa ,
dolphins and small whales
delfiinejä ja pieniä valaita .
I once watched
A large cat was seen in November 1989, and
police marksmen
poliisin tarkka-ampujat for several days
useiden päivien ajan. .
I thought
with his greyhounds or Flemish falconers
vinttikoiriensa tai flaamilaisten haukankasvattajien kanssa .
The albatrosses
Albatrosseja too
and often left, plucked and dying, where the sealers found them.
Because of their body size
do not need
in the Black Sea
Mustallamerellä since the late nineteenth century
1800-luvun lopusta lähtien , when Russian fishermen sought them for their meat and oil.
in a jungle he knew
tutussa viidakossa .
Near Afdam
Lähellä Afdamia in the broken bush-covered country round Afdub, a volcanic mountain rising to seven thousand feet
epätasaisessa pensaiden peittämässä maassa Afdubin, seitsemäntuhannen jalan korkeuteen nousevan tulivuoren, ympärillä .
He was staying a few miles away, with the Earl of Carlisle at Castle Howard, and
with the Lord Middleton's
lordi Middletonin kanssa .
with the young king
nuoren kuninkaan kanssa , so no doubt some sort of career is assured him.
Its operations in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, have allegedly had a devastating effect on
the caribou herds
karibulaumoihin, joita by indigenous peoples
alkuperäiset ihmiset .
Deer, antelope, buffalo and other grazing mammals
hirvieläimiä, antilooppeja, puhvelihärkiä ja muita laiduntavia nisäkkäitä for their meat and hides and for the other products they yield
lihaksi, nahaksi ja muiksi muokattaviksi tuotteiksi .
Formerly plentiful on antarctic fringe and peripheral southern islands,
almost to extinction
lähes sukupuuttoon by commercial sealers
kaupalliset hylkeenpyytäjät during the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
1700-luvun lopussa ja 1800-luvulla .
In any case, such activity would be unlikely to distract the hounds because
by scent
hajuaistin avulla .
for the first time
ensimmäisen kerran and in Abyssinia he took every opportunity to do so, and conveyed his enthusiasm to me when I was only a small boy.
Only the Faroese
Vain färsaarelaiset still
in large numbers.
Another theory was that the tusks protect the eyes when
among thorny undergrowth
piikikkäässä aluskasvillisuudessa .