Researchers expected to find six out of ten people could recall
Lady Thatcher's
Lady Thatcherin resignation moment
virasta eroamisen hetken in vivid detail by retaining a long-lasting `flashbulb ``memory.
THE parents of a baby boy who died from injuries suffered before birth
Poikavauvan, joka kuoli ennen syntymää saamiinsa vammoihin, vanhemmat won a
legal victory
oikeudellisen voiton when three judges allowed their damages action against a health board to go ahead.
THE black Democratic candidate for Virginia state governor, Mr Douglas Wilder
Virginian osavaltion kuvernöörin paikkaa tavoitteleva musta demokraattiehdokas Douglas Wilder , was heading for an
, writes Simon Tisdall in Richmond, Virginia.
Meanwhile, Mr Major is ready to deliver a second snub to France by replacing May Day with a new October bank holiday, Trafalgar Day, to celebrate
Admiral Nelson's
amiraali Nelsonin naval victory
meritaisteluvoittoa .
The opposition Free National Movement
Opposition Free National Movement (FNM) won a
victory in the general election
voiton yleisvaaleissa held
He will appeal to the public today in an attempt to drive home his claim that
has an `
opportunity ``for a partnership government
mahdollisuus” kumppanuuteen hallituksen kanssa .
Nalgo general secretary Alan Jinkinson said: `This is a
for our three unions
kolmelle ammattiyhdistyksellemme , for the trade union movement and for Britain's cash-starved public services.
Shadow environment secretary Jack Staw said: `This was an
by the Liberals
liberaalien for which they will not long, nor lightly, be forgiven.
With all the changes that have taken place in Abbey National since
conversion to plc
muuttumista julkiseksi osakeyhtiöksi two years ago
kaksi vuotta sitten , Vos is convinced that customers will have noticed an improvement in the quality of service.
Herds of cattle and extensive baggage trains followed the troops; the famous romantic exploits of the hero Roland are derived from a
defence of one such train
yhden tällaisen junan puolustuksesta .
The great judge Lord Denning
Merkittävä tuomari Lord Denning in a
once said that no one, however mighty, was above the law.
search of 1959
etsintä vuonna 1959 was an assignment to find a Chief Executive for ITT, the powerful but then rather dormant telephone equipment corporation, which had been run by a dynasty of ex-service leaders.
The march and joint rally mark an
of the Black and Irish communities
mustien ja irlantilaisten yhteisöjen .
The Palace, St Michael's Church, and the many
buildings and monuments
rakennukset ja monumentit along the High Street
High Streetin varrella line the south shore of Linlithgow loch which enhances one of Scotland's most historic towns.
The event is marked by a plaque on the Museum of Leeds Trail, which links 40
With its sequence of four thousand years of remains, Jarlshof is the longest-lived and most complex archaeological site in
's care.
A part of one of Scotland's
this afternoon marched off the parade ground for the last time.
It has some wonderful friendly pubs as well as
historiallisempia to spend a bit of time, such as the ruined Norman castle where Catherine Parr, sixth wife of Henry VIII, was born.
In the most extreme cases the existing building is so different from the `
concept that a virtual rebuild is proposed.
It was an
since for the first time it provided a statutory power for the banning of marches and processions of protest and demonstration
koska se antoi ensimmäistä kertaa lakisääteisen vallan protesti- ja mielenosoitusmarssien ja -kulkueiden kieltämiseksi .
`The acquisition of such a high quality contemporary sculpture can only enhance the city's reputation as a centre for modern, as well as
, artistic and cultural
in Northern Ireland
Pohjois-Irlannin have become an `endangered species ``it was claimed today.
is valued as a capital asset whereas in fact it is virtually a non-income producing liability.
In 1985 there were over 5,500 conservation areas in England, ranging from the whole of the centres of such
as Chester to small rural villages.
But the hotel does have the advantage of being able to offer a scenic and
and the more personalised level of service that a small independent hotel can offer.