Our understand of
the quality of later life before this revolution in attitudes
myöhemmän elämän laadusta ennen tätä asenteiden vallankumousta by the kinds of information which have survived
Jäljelle jääneet tiedot .
Early systems
vanhempia järjestelmiä .
HWIM's grammar
HWIM:n kielioppi far less tightly
selvästikin vähemmän than the finite state grammar used in HARPY
kuin HARPY:ssä käytetty rajallinen kielioppi , the system hypothesised a considerable number of words at the beginning of an utterance.
For some teachers, then,
the presence of examinations
kokeiden olemassaolo seems
asettavan rajoja in their approach to classroom teaching
suhtautumisessa luokkahuoneopetukseen ; it limits innovation and inhibits their willingness to explore new teaching strategies.
In the early decades of the century
Vuosisadan ensimmäisinä vuosikymmeninä ,
evankelisteja by the fear of revolution
vallankumouksen pelko .
a real plant
todelliselle tehtaalle constrained
asettavat rajoja by the amount of already existing plant material and its needs
nykyisten tehdasmateriaalien määrä ja tehtaan tarpeet .
Their interaction
heidän välistä kanssakäymistään by these roles
Nämä roolit .
Erm some of which would be in the area of search but I think practically, for obviously drainage reasons, they wouldn't be a
In interviewing pupils and parents
Haastatellessaan oppilaita ja vanhempia by the need to ensure that `acceptance ``of a place is conditional upon a future wish to leave
tarve varmistaa, että paikan ”hyväksyminen” on tulevan lähtöhalun ehto .
Much anthropology has been written on
the ways in which
tavoista, joilla culture and social rules
kulttuuriset ja sosiaaliset säännöt .
Allen looked as if he would have liked to have said more, but
the presence of Meryl
Merylin läsnäolo .
At the weekends
viikonloppuisin ,
by the timetable of our weekdays
Arkipäivien aikataulut and we may have a fuller social life in the evening.
There is, however, some interest in the opposite extreme when
are very definitely
aivan varmasti .
That is,
than are men
kuin miehillä .
Professional codes of conduct
Ammatilliset käyttäymissäännöt and ultimately the law will deter extreme interpretation of rules.
For example, a rigid body may have
some of its motions
joitakin sen liikkeitä , but two (or more) unconstrained; it will then have two (or more) equal zero frequencies.
At any point in time a shortage of either labour or markets is likely to be
the dominant factor
vallitseva tekijä accumulation at the existing real wage level
pääoman karttumista nykyisellä todellisella palkkatasolla .
This business
Tätä yritystä by a large portfolio of undeveloped residential land which will dilute its ability to make a reasonable return on its assets for some time to come
alikehittyneen asuinalueen laajuus, mikä heikentää sen kykyä saada kohtuullista tuottoa varoistaan vielä jonkun aikaa .
with a record that the voters generally regarded in an unfavourable light
merkintä, jota äänestäjät katsoivat yleensä karsaasti .
His other holdings included the lordship of Chirk in the Welsh marches and land forfeited by Henry Beaufort duke of Somerset, although
by the claims of two dowagers
kahden leskirouvan kanteet .
Knighted in 1623, Evelyn first entered Parliament for Wilton in 1626, and ten years later succeeded to
allegedly worth £2,000 per annum but
They were a discredit to a country in which
was, moreover,
by the Navigation Acts which ensured preference for British shipping
merenkulkulait, jotka takasivat etuoikeuden brittiläisille laivoille .
Many found it more attractive to take development decisions without
by a publicly agreed plan
julkisesti sovitun suunnitelman .
by having British literature in our foreground
brittiläisen kirjallisuuden päähän takominen that … one must speak of it in disproportion.
Alas, headless flies can learn to hold their legs in a particular position to avoid a shock, and even solve the problem faster than
She must have realised that
, but completely free.
If West Yorkshire can manage without a county council and manage well, and the West Yorkshire district councils can carry out the necessary functions, why does
with a county council
maakuntaneuvosto ?
As you will see,
, though not, I hope, for many days longer.
All these men
Kaikkia näitä miehiä with their heavy loads
raskaat kuormat and had only automatic pistols.
They blame Cdr Riek's faction for assisting Khartoum, and hope that
the seasonal rains
kausittaiset sateet will come soon and
government advances
hallituksen toimien edistymistä .
Friends tell me that
my chances of joining Athletico
mahdollisuuksiani liittyä Athleticoon ,
as it is rumoured your club is just an excuse for getting smashed four or five times a week
koska huhujen mukaan urheiluseurasi on vain tekosyy kärsiä tappio neljä tai viisi kertaa viikossa .
Surgeons say
the men's refusal to accept blood
miesten kieltäytyminen verensaannista their treatment
heidän hoitoaan after their car was speared on a motorway crash barrier
sen jälkeen, kun heidän autonsa oli iskeytynyt moottoritien suojakaiteeseen .
This quantity, coupled with the lack of recognised and acceptable ultimate disposal sites
Tämä määrä ja sen lisäksi vielä tunnustettujen ja hyväksyttyjen loppusijoituspaikkojen puute ,
nuclear power programmes
ydinvoimaohjelmia in several countries
monissa maissa .
Improvements in the snowmaking technology both in the USA and Europe mean that
the high levels of humidity which
korkeat kosteustasot, jotka artificial snowmaking
tekolumen valmistamista can be overcome.
In many tuna sets most encircled dolphins are successfully released, but sometimes
adverse weather conditions or equipment malfunctions
vaikeat sääolosuhteet tai laiteviat the efforts of even the best-intentioned and most experienced crews
jopa kaikkein hyvää tarkoittavimpien ja kokeneimpien miehistöjen ponnisteluja .
, too,
A series of natural disasters
Luonnonmullistusten sarjat played a major part in
growth in Bangladesh's economy
Bangladeshin talouskasvua in late 1988 and in 1989
vuoden 1988 lopussa ja vuonna 1989 .
Like other elements of the left-wing movement, however,
activists in this sphere were subjected to extensive government oppression
hallitus sorti voimakkaasti tämän alan aktivisteja ,
prevented almost all activity until 1918 and
from the late 1920s
1920-luvun lopulla .
Enterprise in the third world
kolmannen maailman yrityksiä tends
by lack of capital
Pääoman puute than by bad economic policies and missing infrastructure
kuin huonot talouspolitiikat ja puutteellinen infrastruktuuri .
There was a terrific amount to do, and
her bandaged hand
hänen kääreisiin sidottu kätensä , but she worked away doggedly until it was all done.
For part of the antenatal survey aluminium bowls were replaced by white plastic bowls
Synnytystä edeltävässä tutkimuksessa alumiinikulhot korvattiin valkoisilla muovikulhoilla ,
interpretation of the clarity
kirkkauden tulkintaa .
played as club captain in every League match of 1936-37 but
by injuries
loukkaantumiset in 1937-38 when he was limited to just 15 appearances
vuosina 1937–1938, jolloin hän pystyi osallistumaan vain 15 otteluun .
The application of particular methods
erityismenetelmien soveltamista by cultural effects
Kulttuurivaikutukset in a densely populated country like Britain
Britannian kaltaisessa tiheästi asutussa maassa .
Intelligence sources in West Germany say that
efforts to stop the current wave of IRA attacks
ponnisteluja lopettaa nykyinen IRA-hyökkäysten aalto by rivalries
vihollisuudet and that different organisations have been co-operating well together.
Although this transfer of responsibility makes sense in many ways,
continuity of care
hoidon jatkumista for a group of people with long term needs
ihmisryhmissä, joilla on pitkäaikaisia tarpeita .
waste elimination
kuona-aineiden poistumista ,
bloating the body with retained water
turvottaen kehon siihen kertyvällä vedellä .
In turn, members of the innovatory networks identified individual managers or particular functions whose
overt opposition to, or lack of enthusiasm for the change strategy
muutosstrategiaa koskeva avoin vastustus tai innostuksen puute its progress
sen eteenpäin viemistä .
Exploration of this area
Tämän alueen tutkimusta by the presence of lower Tertiary volcanics
matalammat tertiaariset tulivuoret , for on seismic profiles these largely obscure the underlying geology of the basin.
Unproductive guilt
Hedelmätön syyllisyys your behaviour
käyttäytymistäsi in a variety of ways
monin tavoin .
must realize, my lord, how important they are and not
in their beautiful lives
upeassa elämässään .
working at the Shakespeare School of English
työnteko Shakespeare School of English -koulussa doesn't exactly
ei juurikaan in that direction
tässä pyrkimyksessäni .
Narrow neutrality consists in helping or
to an equal degree
yhtäläisesti in those activities
näissä toimissa and regarding those resources that they would wish neither to engage in nor to acquire but for the conflict.
In the first case the speculator with entrepreneurial initiative may identify land with
numerous problems
useita ongelmia , and attempt to resolve these by negotiation.
Moss's loyalty to British manufacturers like Cooper, Jaguar, Frazer-Nash and ERA
Mossin lojaalius brittiläisille valmistajille, kuten Cooper, Jaguar, Frazer-Nash ja ERA certainly
his early progress
hänen kehitystään alkuvaiheessa, as they could not provide cars good enough to compete with the European manufacturers
koska he eivät pystyneet tarjoamaan riittävän hyviä autoja voidakseen kilpailla eurooppalaisten valmistajien kanssa .
Since none of these parties has passed the 5,000-member threshold,
they can not be officially registered
niitä ei voida virallisesti rekisteröidä ,
their organisational work
heidän organisationaalista työtään .
unless he knew the methods and presuppositions of the Church and its clergy.
Until that happens
Ennen tämän toteutumista ,
the UK
Yhdistyneiden Kuningaskuntien in its support for international initiatives to encourage abolition in other countries
tukea kansainvälisiä aloitteita käytännön lopettamisen rohkaisemiseksi muissa maissa .
Four people, having served their community, have been confined for some seven years and now find that
their right of appeal
heidän muutoksenhakuoikeuttaan by some legal technicality or misinterpretation of the law
jotkin lain oikeudelliset teknisyydet tai virheelliset tulkinnat .
This action seems to be
a retrograde step that
askel taaksepäin, joka the exchange of medical graduates between the English speaking communities on either side of the Atlantic
lääketieteellisen loppututkinnon suorittaneiden vaihdon englanninkielisten yhteisöjen välillä kummallakin puolella Atlanttia .
A TOP Catholic public school
ARVOSTETTUA katolilaista julkista koulua was yesterday accused of
vaikeuttamisesta a police investigation into a pervert priest
perverssiä pappia koskevan poliisitutkinnan .
The Conservative Party in this country
Tämän maan konservatiivipuoluetta by the concept that winning the argument automatically means winning the people
käsite, jonka mukaan väittelyn voittaminen tarkoittaa automaattisesti ihmisten voittamista .
And although one or two other trials, in the 1890s for example, centred around birth control,
at no time after 1877
missään vaiheessa vuoden 1877 jälkeen was
birth-control propaganda
syntyvyyden säännöstelypropagandaa .
In many large churches, built to enable the greatest possible numbers to attend Sunday Mass
Monissa suurissa kirkoissa, jotka on rakennettu sitä varten, että mahdollisimman monet voisivat osallistua sunnuntain messuun ,
the circumstances of worship
jumalanpalvelun olosuhteet an effective liturgy of the Word
Sanan liturgista tehokkuutta .
In 1537 Ralph Sadler complained to Cromwell about the probable consequences of an enforced withdrawal: `
My absence from the court
Poissaoloni oikeussalista that I shall never be able to recover
etten tule koskaan pääsemään sen yli .
, ``said Jaq.
He accused
these conservatives
näitä konservatiiveja of
renovation of society
yhteiskunnan uudistamisen under the pretext of populism or of safeguarding ideological purity
populismin tai ideologisen puhtauden suojelemisen varjolla .
Two proposed sites in Blackbird Leys have been included in the Green Belt
Viheralueelle oli sisällytetty kaksi ehdotettua mustarastaiden niittonurmipaikkaa ,
the commercial development United says will be needed to help pay for the new all seater stadium
kaupallista kehitystä, jota tarvitaan Unitedin mukaan uuden istuimilla varustetun stadionin maksamiseen .
One thing's for sure,
the sons and daughters of all those rich Tories who bulldozed through this crackpot curriculum
kaikkien niiden konservatiivipuolueen rikkaiden jäsenten poikia ja tyttäriä, jotka on työnnetty tämän hullun oppisuunnitelman läpi, .
Unrelated participles
Erilliset partisiipit do not usually
eivät yleensä a reader's understanding
tekstin ymmärtämistä , but they are generally considered incorrect forms.
Since wage pressure is
the reduction of unemployment
työttömyyden laskua much work has been done on the factors affecting this.
Holding the candle before him, Luther led the boy to the far end of the landing,
his awkward movements
hänen kömpelöt liikkeensä his progress
hänen etenemistään .
This high level is a primary risk in heart disease, since
excess cholesterol
ylimääräinen kolestori builds up a sticky silt-like deposit in the arteries,
the passage of blood
verenkiertoa and increasing the pressure on the heart.
`If any were against the proposal, either they were too lily-livered to protest -- or else
by the rush for the exits
poistuvien suuri määrä !
Exports to the USA
Yhdysvaltoihin suuntautuvaa vientiä had, however, been
kuitenkin during the late 1980s
1980-luvun lopulla by US obstacles, placed in retaliation against `unfair practices ``
Yhdysvaltain asettamat esteet kostotoimena ”epäreiluja käytäntöjä” vastaan .
Cobden's hero was the trader, who had no use for
protective tariffs which
suojatulleille, jotka the expansion of commerce between nations
valtioiden välisen kaupan laajentumista .
aesthetically lacquered trappings
esteettisesti lakatut päällekkäispainannat dramatically
huomattavasti the movements of the drama's main characters
draaman päähahmojen liikkeitä .
These bearing-plinths are often damaged,
the working of the bearings
laakereiden toiminnan and putting stress on the road deck.
How could she notice such a trivial detail when
The flow of water in and out of the Pool
Veden virtaus lammikkoon ja siitä pois that evaporation under the grilling sun has made the waters very salty indeed
että vedet ovat todellakin hyvin suolaisia paahtavassa auringossa tapahtuvan haihtumisen vuoksi .
But these overall success rates are much higher than the pass rates at individual examination sessions, because
many candidates' progress through the examinations
useiden tenttijöiden tenttien suorittamista because they have to resit
uusintatentit .
Goram's prodigious clearance sent McCoist racing into the Belgians' box, where
If the police come to interview Frau Morenz,
but let me know.
This is particularly important for the newly toilet-trained who might have a mishap if
Brain injury, due for example to trauma or to stroke, or to experimental lesions,
Esimerkiksi trauman, iskun tai kokeellisten vammojen aiheuttama aivovaurio with perception
havaintokykyä and may remove perception completely, either temporarily or permanently.
The thought riled her, causing
a rising anger which
vihan nousevan, mikä with her work
hänen työtään, until voices made her aware that Silas and Doreen were standing beside the reception desk
kunnes hän tajusi äänistä Silasin ja Doreenin seisovan vastaanottotiskin vieressä .
This would effectively end
the problems of over-production which
liikatuotanto-ongelmat, jotka with the workings of the European Community's Common Agricultural Policy
Euroopan yhteisön yhteisen maatalouspolitiikan toimintaa .
I'll make sure
in my plans
suunnitelmiani again.
There are occasional reports in the medical journals of people not sleeping for extended periods of time when suffering from
with brain function
aivotoimintaa .
In developing work in the classroom
Kun työskentelemme luokkahuoneessa one's own expectations and experiences
omat odotuksemme ja kokemuksemme often
with a child's progress
lapsen edistymistä and it is important to be aware of this and exercise self control.
began to snake through her, from her stomach to her solar plexus, somehow
with her breathing
hänen hengitystään .
His voice now carried across the quay to the boat,
with the sombre piped music
surumielinen taustamusiikki .
uses the left side of our brain to project past failures, thus
with our ability to overcome the negative impact that we face
kykyämme selviytyä kohtaamastamme kielteisestä vaikutuksesta .
Falmouth is one of the few estuaries in England where
, so realistic training for Mediterranean conditions is possible.
the interpretation
tätä tulkintaa by the possibility of segregation of the minerals in the artefacts during burial
mahdollisuus mineraalien segregaatiosta artefakteihin hautauksen aikana , thus normalising the results.
Hull hit back with a penalty try in the 48th minute when
Aussie Scott Gale
australialaista Scott Galea grubber kicked and
by second rower Paul Dixon
toinen rivimies Paul Dixon .
Light-controlled pedestrian crossings should obviate the need for central islands, which have the disadvantage of
traffic flow
liikennevirtaa by forcing cars to stop behind stationary buses
pakottamalla autot pysähtymään pysäkeille pysähtyneiden linja-autojen taakse .
Bare patches at the hedge base are the result of
excessive height, uncontrolled weed growth or a hedge profile which
liiallisesta korkeudesta, rikkaruohojen vapaasta kasvusta tai pensasaidan muodosta, mikä light from filtering down
valoa suodattumasta alas .
Discussion of the budget package
keskustelua budjettipaketista by the opposition
Oppositio in an attempt to compel the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) government to force key LDP figures to testify concerning their role in the scandal.
In 1642
was appointed by the House of Commons to give a weekly lecture at Lewisham, Kent, but
by the vicar and some of the local inhabitants
kirkkoherra ja jotkin paikalliset asukkaat .
in the course of their duty
heidän työtehtäviensä suorittamisessa .
The procedure failed in one patient because of failed puncture and dilatation and in another, whose
cystic duct
sappirakon tiehyt during extraction of a Hartmann pouch stone (Table II)
Hartmannin sappikiven poiston aikana (taulukko II) .
onnistuneesti America's will
Amerikan pyrkimyksen , at no particular cost to itself.
collection of ship money
laivamaksun keräämisen and Poole returned him to both 1640 Parliaments.
The police had asked a judge on Sept. 2 to authorize the arrest of Farias and of Collor's former private secretary Claudio Vieira, alleging that
the investigation into government corruption
hallituksen korruption tutkintaa .
To label them prion diseases, which implies that the causal organism is a self replicating protein containing no nucleic acid, is
Many, however, were less pessimistic about
the malevolent desire of powerful vested interests
vaikutusvaltaisten, ikimuistoisista oikeuksista nauttivien pahansuovasta tahdosta the progress of democracy and genuine peace
demokratian edistyminen ja todellisen rauhan aikaansaaminen .
They all have a view to the greater expanse of Loch Torridon from their windows, although
peitti näkyviltä by the wooded Shieldaig Island
metsäinen Shieldaigin saari .
When he turned to attack landscape he would either include a figure smudged on the periphery, dwindling in the distance, or portray
anonymous couples or figures
anonyymejä pareja tai hahmoja imprisoned by fences and
peittivät näkyviltä by walls and trees
seinät ja puut .
On Sept. 10 UN Assistant Secretary-General James C. Jonah told a news conference in Nairobi that he apologized for statements made by several UN officials accusing the government of
relief operations
hätäapuoperaatioiden .
Bucharest's Otopeni terminal is a distant fortress of grey and black,
its approach
sen sisäänajotien obstructed
peittävät näkyviltä by piles of rubble and tiny, dwindling buses winding across the runway
kivimurskakasat ja kiitoradalla kiitävät pienet, kaukaisuuteen häipyvät linja-autot .
by governments
Hallitukset in all sorts of ways
erilaisin tavoin , but enterprises are, by and large, private.