parked the vehicles and
, before settling down to cook.
`He's certainly the one for you --
During the day we lay up in the desert,
naamiouduimme with pieces of hessian sacking
säkkikankaan palasilla against the R.A.F. patrols who were out looking for us from the air
R.A.F.:n partioilta, jotka etsivät meitä ilmasta käsin .
He lisps, his handshake is effeminate,
a loose-wristed attempt at a greeting
heikko tervehdysyritys that
the evil within him
hänen ilkeytensä .
and dispersed in search of shade and some sleep.
with other things
muilla tavaroilla .
So if
a big feature
merkittävän erityispiirteen , keep it matt.
with netting and branches from trees
verkoilla ja puiden oksilla .
For some reason, flowerpots or coconut shells are preferred to rocky structures, though, of course,
can easily be
voidaan helposti .
The critical assets being referred to were
the twelve M2D Amphibious Bridging and Ferrying Vehicles operated by the troop
sotajoukon käyttämät 12:sta vedessä ja maalla liikkuvaa M2D-silta- ja lautta-ajoneuvoa ,
lay dispersed and
piilotettu näkyviltä under the high oak and pine trees of this wooded harbour area
tällä metsäisellä satama-alueella olevan korkean tammen ja mäntyjen alle , about thirty kilometres south-east of Hamburg.
When dawn broke,
the jeeps and trucks
jeepit ja rekat were scattered over a wide area,
piilotettu näkyviltä under bushes and in the lee of rocks
pensaiden alle kivien tuulensuojaiselle puolelle .
Each classroom
Jokainen luokkahuone is built of sticks and foliage and
or else dug into the sides of rocky hills.
Daniel Galvin in London has come up with a treatment that takes only thirty minutes and rather than causing a dramatic change,
with a subtle, natural-looking colour
hillityllä ja luonnollisella värillä .
Gedge is often regarded as candid, but he has designed
a style of lyric-writing
lyyrisen kirjoitustyylin, joka that
his true self
hänen todellisen minänsä .
Most fishkeepers
Useimmat kalankasvattajat try to recreate a natural-looking underwater scene in their community tanks, and also
increasing the natural effect
luonnollisen vaikutelman lisäämiseksi .
Lorton pulled back so that
the concrete pillar
betonipylväs concealed
peitti näkyviltä .
Almost without thinking
Lähes ajattelematta ,
with anger and action
vihalla ja toiminnalla as she sprang to her feet and tore the emeralds from her ears.
his astonishment
hämmästystään but Sir Thomas was almost laughing at him.
tarkoituksellisesti and may have acted fraudulently.
Fearing that Morris had stopped to watch him yawning,
would at once return to his work, and try
behind his hand
kätensä taakse .
his second and third chins
kaksois- ja kolmoisleukansa beneath a grey-brown beard that only got an efficient trimming at the hands of Peccable's eldest daughter Hoi-Polloi
harmaanruskean parran alle, jonka pystyi tehokkaasti siistimään vain Peccablen vanhin tytär Hoi-Polloi .
was modest about her poetry and
from her friends in Oxford
ystäviltään Oxfordissa .
until she was about four months when she told her boyfriend, who was not the baby's father.
I suspected this fool was so desperate for money that
the bumps and scratches on the disc
levyssä olevat kuhmut ja naarmut with black shoe polish
mustalla kengänkiillokkeella , so I was examining its surface with a magnifying glass.
If that were true,
her grief at his death
hänen kuolemansa aiheuttaman surun with remarkable stoicism
huomiota herättävän tyynesti .
Being lazy myself
in grass, water or strategic pebbles
ruoholla, vedellä tai strategisilla pikkukivillä -- happily often observed like that in any case.
some small flowerpots
joitakin pieniä kukkaruukkuja under the wood
puiden alle .
so that we couldn't give the bodies a proper burial
siten, ettemme voineet viettää kunnollisia hautajaisia .
It had been Mme Guérigny's and Montaine's intimacy with the creatures of the forest that had given them the idea of
their deserter
sotilaskarkurinsa .
grabbed Billie and
behind the Audi
Audin taakse , glad that he'd chosen a four-wheel-drive Quattro.
A commuter train, a stop at each station, all seats taken by
the grey-suited men who
harmaapukuisia miehiä, jotka from each other
toisiltaan behind their newspapers and the film of cigarette and pipe smoke
sanomalehtiensä sekä savukkeen ja piipun savuverhon taakse .
at the bottom of one of the holes in the oven
uunin yhden reiän pohjalle .
behind the door
oven taakse and
club them down one by one when they came in
nuijimaan heidät maahan yksi toisensa jälkeen, kun he astuivat sisään .
Before the children arrive
Ennen lasten tuloa ,
various items
useita esineitä around the room and, if it's a nice day, around the garden
ympäri huonetta, ja kauniina päivänä ympäri puutarhaa .
the Cruise missiles
risteilyohjukset , ``I said, zipping up my fleece-lined leather jacket against the rain which had started coming down in ominous big spits.
I don't know … it sort of hardens, like a shell or something and
and nobody can get at you.
The woman who was supposed to be hunting him seemed all the more dangerous because
in the photograph
valokuvassa .
didn't put the key in his pocket, but
in the plant pot next to the door
oven vieressä olevaan kukkaruukkuun .
When he saw his mother
Kun hän näki äitinsä ,
rushed to her and
These laughing men were not laughing any more;
dreadful shameful thoughts
kammottavat häpeälliset ajatukset behind their eyes
heidän silmiensä taakse , and she was far from help.
She was scared of
but she was terrified of her subconscious.