- As with allmyminunablutionspeseytymisteni, the shave follows a definite and predetermined pattern; I take the same number of strokes of the same length in the same sequence each morning.
- Andwhoever touches her bedkuka tahansa, joka koskee hänen sänkyään,shall wash his clothes andbathepeseehimselfitsensäin watervedellä, and be unclean until the evening.
- IMinäbathekylvenwhenever I feel like itaina kun minua huvittaa, drink iced wine on my verandah in the evening, and lead a dolce far niente existence.
- Someone suggestedtheyheidänshould allpitäisi kaikkienbathekylpeäin champagneshamppanjassabeforehandetukäteenand the bath was filled with some cheap bubbly.
- At that momentTällä hetkelläone of the other two women who had left the room for a couple of minutestoinen niistä muusta kahdesta naisesta, jotka olivat lähteneet huoneesta pariksi minuutiksi,returned with a bowl of water and beganto<empty>bathepestäthe injured armloukkaantunutta käsivartta.
- See thatyousinäbathepesetthe injuryloukkaantuneen kohdanand apply witch-hazel.
- Horse riding did not come easily to him, andhehänhadto<empty>bathekylpenytin Epsom saltsEpsom-suolassaevery nightjoka iltato soothe his acting legs and behind.
- Thuseach eveningjoka iltaSileneSilenebathespeseeher white bodyvalkoisen vartalonsain the oceanvaltameressä, then sets off across the skies to caress her sleeping lover.
- `IMinäbathepeseydyntoplessyläosattomanain the South of FranceEtelä-Ranskassa, I bathe topless in my garden -- it's just something that I do, ``she says.
- `Not this time, ``he said, `Iminä'll<empty>bathepesenyour anklenilkkasiwith warm waterlämpimällä vedelläin a momenthetken kuluttua, and put some liniment on it.
- Nesbitt described howone of his servantsyksi hänen palvelijoistaan, accompanied by the Danakil guide, wentto<empty>bathepeseytymäänin the riverjokeen.
- All she had done this morning was suggest thatshehänbathepesihis woundhaavansaagainbefore they started outennen kuin he aloittivat, and he had refused with a complete lack of gratitude or even common courtesy.
- It was a relief to find a stream lower down, to drink andbathepestäswollen feetturvonneet jalat.
- `Not unknown, Lewis, forpeopleihmisetto<empty>bathepeseytyvätnakedalastominain this stretchtässä joessa.
- SheHänwashed quickly andbrushedharjasiher teethhampaansa, then returned to Nathan's cabin.
- A hundred years agopeopleihmisetbrushedharjasivat hampaansawith toothpaste made from burnt eggshells or crumbled porcelainhammastahnalla, joka oli valmistettu kananmunankuorista tai murskatusta posliinista.
- SheHänbrushedharjasiher teethhampaansain the bathroomkylpyhuoneessa.
- I'm being silly, it's not important, she had told herself sternly asshehänhadolibrushedharjannuther teethhampaitaanbefore hurrying down for breakfastennen kuin kiiruhti alas aamiaiselle.
- 5 You can take the Braun Plaque Remover on holiday -- one night of recharging gives you a good 10 days of power ifyousinäbrushharjaatyour teethhampaasitwice a daykahdesti päivässäfor two minuteskahden minuutin ajan.
- `Well, don't you be so disgustingly arch! ``hehänsaid,brushingharjatenher teethhampaitaanvigorouslyvoimakkaasti.
- ThenSittenIminäbrushedharjasinmy teethhampaanithoroughlyperusteellisestiwith my electric toothbrushsähköhammasharjallani.
- CleansePuhdistayour facenaamasias usual and take off any residue with toner.
- The vetEläinlääkäriusually shaves part of the foreleg andcleansespuhdistaathe skinnahanwith surgical spiritleikkausspriilläbefore the injection, while a nurse helps the owner to hold the dog.
- Over the years, the experts seem to have got in all of a lather over whatwemeidänshould doto<empty>cleansepuhdistaaour skinihommeproperly.
- The woundhaavawas thenSen jälkeencleansedpuhdistettiinand redressed aseptically.
- Alanson suggested thatthe woundhaavanbe<empty>cleansedpuhdistamistawith warm waterlämpimällä vedelläand bandaged so the edges formed a straight line across the stump: no dressings were to be used.
- We recommendcleansingpuhdistustain the morningaamuisinwith a facial was or barkasvovedellä tai -liinalla-- both refreshing but non-drying alternatives to tissue-off milks.
- The SquatPieni ja paksu miestugged his flak-jacket straight, brushed dirt off it,combedkampasihis gingery beardkellanpunaisen partansawith his fingerssormillaan, flicked at his knotted ponytail as if a fly had landed on it.
- HeHändrew on socks, a tight pair of Italian jeans, and plimsolls,combedkampasihis receding hairharventuvat hiuksensabefore a mirrorpeilin edessä.
- Lice themselves are best found bycombingkampaamallathe hairhiuksetwith a detector combludekammalla.
- SheHänwas<empty>combingkampasiher hairhiuksensa, her face reflected in the mirror sheet of beaten gold.
- He was not wearing his faded jeans, but a pair of creamy-coloured trousers and a short-sleeved shirt, andhehänhadolicombedkammanuthis hairhiuksensaaway from his facepois kasvoiltaan.
- In some magazines they ask men to fill in questionnaires about beauty, andloads of menmonet miehetseem to be using cleansers and havingfacialskasvohoitoja.
- And it's not as if she and I have had to deal with really bad cases -- likethose men whone miehet, jotkagoregularlysäännöllisestiforfacialskasvohoitoon.
- In most cases it will be easierto<empty>groomharjatathe dogkoiraon a tablepöydällä, as this saves having to bend down.
- Thenhehänwould pick up the silver hair-brush andgroomharjasiher hairhiuksensain slow strokeshitain vedoinfrom its dark roots to its glowing auburn endstummista juurista hehkuviin kullanruskeisiin päihin asti.
- Her body glistens with a special polish forshehäntäis continuallyjatkuvastigroomedsukivatby her servantshänen palvelijansa.
- To keep a horse cleanyousinunneedto<empty>groomharjattavaitsitä.
- RoseRosewas<empty>groomingsukithe Charolais bullcharolaisin härkää,when Ballater decided some plain speaking was necessarykun Ballater päätti, että tarvittiin suorapuheisuutta.
- In any event, it is important that the dog stands still whileitsitäis being<empty>groomedharjataan.
- SheHänvoided the lavatory, and ran cold water in the basin,lavingpestenher face, hands, wristskasvonsa, kätensä, ranteensa.
- She smiled and extended both arms to examineherhänenmanicuremanikyyriäänin detail.
- `Dad's asleep and Mom's getting amanicuremanikyyrin.
- Lilly Foley never missed herweeklyviikoittaistahair-do andmanicuremanikyyriään.
- `You could help me dress my hair,manicurehoitaamy nailskynteni.
- SheHänplucked the top document from the desk, regarding her battered fingernails with a groan, and vowedto<empty>manicurehoitaathemnetomorrow night.
- HeHäntook to cleansing, toning andmoisturizingkostuttihis facenaamansaonce he found that soap was bad for it.
- Alwaysmoisturisekostutaexposed skinpaljas ihowith an effective emollient like E45tehokkaalla pehmentävällä aineella, kuten E45
- Prepare your skin beforehand bymoisturisingkostuttamallaall overkokonaan, every day, for at least a week before you use the fake tan.
- Try my Sorbie Cleane Shampoo for chemically treated hair andmoisturisekostutaevery few daysparin päivän väleinwith Sorbie Deep ConditionerSorbie Deep Conditioner -aineella.
- Pamper him with a shave, facial, massage,pedicurepedikyyrillä, manicure and more!
- And thenwemedopedicurespedikyyrejä.
- the art's a bonus, practised bymyminunpedicurepedikyyrilläni.
- Using a rasp, nippers and a hoof-cutting knife, 10 students from as far away as Australia are learning the finer points ofpachydermpaksunahkaistenpedicurepedikyyrin--- part of a two-week elephant-handling school.
- Daisy is havingher long golden hairpitkiä, kullankeltaisia hiuksiaplaitedletittävätby giggling young womenKikattavat nuoret naiset.
- Just before Christmas when she was twelve, she hadher hairhiuksensaplaitedletitettiinin a hundred little plaits with a bead on the end of each plaitsadoille pienille palmikoille, joiden päissä oli koristehelmi.
- When he lost to the now-tragic figure of Michael Watson in 1989, Benn believed he was invincible -- incredibly he spent nearly five hours on fight-dayhaving<empty>his hairhiuksensaplaitedletittämiseksi.
- Her hairHänen hiuksensahad beenoliplaitedletitettyand coiled at the back of her head, but there was no mistaking her for Han.
- She was small, slim, withthe pale-gold hairhaaleat kullankeltaiset hiuksensaplaitedletitettybehind her head, and steady blue eyes.
- Thus was Cu Sith, and he differed from other dogs in having paws that left prints the size of a man's, anda long tailpitkä häntäplaitedletitettyin a flat braid which lay coiled upon his backlitteäksi palmikoksi, joka oli vyyhtinä sen selässä.
- IMinäwashed and combed andplaitedletitinmy hairhiukseniand rubbed my clogs, then I went round and knocked on the door.
- SheHänplaitedpalmikoiher hairhiuksensaso tightly that it hurt herniin tiukkaan, että se sattui häneen, straining hair and flesh until it felt as though the white seam down the back of her head might split and the brains gush out.
- Detective Constable Julie Bignall was reported for allowinga prisonervanginto<empty>plaitletittääher hairhiuksensa.
- `That idiot Amanda ``, Hortensia said, `has let her long hair grow even longer during the hols andher motheräitinsähasoliplaitedletittänytitseninto pigtailsniskapalmikoksi.
- `I thinkhehänplucksnyppiihis eyebrowskulmakarvansatoo, ``she said firmly.
- Her eyebrowsHänen kulmakarvansahad beenolipluckednypittyand pencilled, and her mouth was unnaturally red.
- IanIangave Sue's hair a good trim beforeshampooingpesi shampoollawith Natural Styling Perm Hair BathNatural Styling Perm Hair Bath -tuotteella.
- SheHänshaved her legs and underarms, andshampooedpesi shampoollaher hairhiuksensa.
- After a moment's hesitationshehänlay back, plunging her head deep in the water beforeshampooingpesiher hairhiuksensawith the gelgeelillä, gasping as her wound smarted horribly.
- `IMinäshaveajelenmy headpäänionce a weekkerran viikossa
- So Chogyam-Jones and Fruitbat came, arriving an hour early, whenEvaEvawas stilloli yhäshavingsheivaamassaher legssääriäänin the bath in the kitchenkylvyssä keittiössä.
- SometimesIminäshavesheivaanmy legssääreni, amazed at the majestic tedium of the activity.
- Here she stopped to watchold Twomey the butlervanhaa hovimestari Twomeytäshavingajamassa partaansahimself<empty>with a cut-throat razorpartaveitsellä.
- His wifeHänen vaimonsawash d andshavedajoi parranhimhäneltä, and ensured that he swallowed the twenty-six pills each day which had been mainly prescribed for his heart.
- SometimesJoskuswemeshaveajelemme karvatthemniiltä, other times we have to sit them in the bath with hot water up to their necks and soak it off. ``says Jan.
- The Doctor was using a pocket mirror to see what was going on outside without sticking his head out of the window, Howard was over by a small stove cooking several breakfasts, the hospital staff were milling about seeing to their patients, andPetionPetioninwas being<empty>shavedparran ajoiby an orderlyvanhempi miesusing a piece of broken glassrikkoutuneen lasin palasella.
- His fingers and nails were scraped to remove the sacred unction;a barberparturishavedajoiwhat remained of his tonsuresen, mitä oli jäljellä tonsuurista,, and he was clad in a poor yeoman beadle's gown.
- `WhenIminäam<empty>shavingajan partaaniin the morningaamullaI say to myself that if I were a young man I would emigrate.
- Many, indeed most of the photographs will be new to most of the readers, not least the picture, (for example), ofEmilio SanchezEmilio Sanchezistashavingajamassa partaansain a Paris bathroompariisilaisessa kylpyhuoneessa!
- SarahSarahprefersshavingajelee ihokarvatin the showersuihkussa.
- IMinäshavedajoin parranin cold waterkylmällä vedelläand walked out of the gate and across the parade ground to where a queue of people were waiting to be served at the kitchen.
- His hair was combed and carefully parted,hehänhadolishavedajanut partansawith a new bladeuudella veitsellä.
- John MajorJohn Majorshavedajoi partansacarefullyhuolellisestifor the second time that daytoistamiseen sinä päivänä.
- In a particularly bold move,Iminädecidedto<empty>shaveajaa partaniless oftenharvemmin.
- With great glee Odd-Knut told us thatthe fat Germanslihavat saksalaisetshoweredkävivät suihkussaten times every day for a week10 kertaa päivässä viikon ajanand still reeked of rotten whale.
- IMinäshaved andshoweredkävin suihkussaquicklynopeasti, trying to think as I went along.
- `IMinä'm goingto<empty>showerkäyn suihkussa, ``Ruth told him, getting to her feet and gathering up the dirty glasses which littered th table-top.
- SheHänsoapedsaippuoiher neck and armpitsniskansa ja kainalonsa, scrubbed her back with a loofah and bathed her face.
- IMinäwas crouched in the tin bathsoapingsaippuoinmyselfitseniin front of the range.
- Satisfied,shehänhelped him into the bath and begansoapingsaippuoidahimhäntäall overyltympäriinsä; as usual, he bawled loudly when it came to washing his hair.
- Radish hasn't got a very slippery bottom soIminäsoapsaippuoinherhäneta lot to make her slide satisfactorily.
- Remembering that all fresh water had to be stored on board, she turned it off whileshehänsoapedsaippuoiherselfitsensä.
- WashPeseyour facenaamasiat least half an hour before you go outdoorsvähintään puoli tuntia ennen kuin menet ulos.
- HeSehad evidently finished feeding andwas<empty>washingpesihis facenaamaansawith his front pawsetutassuillaan.
- IMinäwashpesinmy hairhiukseniand leave it to dry naturally.
- Dot didn't tell her that at school they already had hot and cold water andshehäncouldpystyiwashpesemäänher hands and facekätensä ja naamansaat any timemilloin tahansa.
- AliceAlicecooked herself eggs, drank tea, andwashedpesiherselfitsensäin cold waterkylmällä vedellä, standing in the bath.
- Can'tEtkö voiyousinäwashpestäherhäntäin the showersuihkussainstead?
- IMinäran up to the guest room, stripped naked andwashedpesinmyselfitseniwith a wet ragmärällä rätillä.
- IMinunmusttäytyywashpestämyselfitseniwith warm water and soaplämpimällä saippuavedellä; find a sharp scissors and put it in boiling water for fifteen minutes; get clean sheets to lie on; sip liquids; and relax.
- When she was finished there she hurried back to the kitchen whereshehänwashedpesiherselfitsensäat the sinklavuaarissa.
- She was soon back with a trolley and all the necessary requisites, and between themtheyhewashedpesivätthe womannaisenfrom top to toepäästä varpaisiin, and dressed her in a white hospital gown.
- When he's finished eating,hehänstartswashingpestähimselfitseään.
- YouTeused to go out in the in the wash-house andwashpesitteyourselvesitsenne, under the cold water tap.
- Fortunatelya lorry driverkuorma-autonkuljettajawas<empty>washingpeseytymässäin the basinaltaassa, so while he went off to have a shit in one of the cabinets, I rifled his spongebag and pinched a disposable razor.
- This man allowedhimhänento<empty>washpeseytyä, and sleep for forty-eight hours, and gave him a cast-off, vintage suit, but then turned him out.
- SheHänwashedpeseytyiquicklynopeastiand brushed her teeth, then returned to Nathan's cabin.
- Well, I did, or you tend to be, you used to be Claire, whenyousinäusedto<empty>waxvahasityour legssääresi.
- Nothavinghaluamy legssääriäniwaxedvahata!