a large, boisterous and wonderful blue Great Dane called Moby
suuren, riehakkaan ja ihanan tanskandoggin nimeltä Moby .
My wife Kay
Minun vaimoni Kay a disabled sticker
vammaisten tarran , and we found provision for disabled passengers greatly improved.
and this has proved very popular so if you have spare darts and/or a darts board, carpet bowls or skittles these too will be received with gratitude.
are able
by compulsory purchase, by voluntary agreement or by the Secretary of State vesting it in them
pakollisella ostolla, vapaaehtoisella sopimuksella tai ulkoministeriön määrätessä heille maata .
some ex-episcopal lands
joitakin ennen piispalle kuuluneita maita back in 1647-8
vuosina 1647–1648 ,
in settlement of earlier debts owing to him on the public faith
joilla katettiin valtion hänelle velkaa olevat summat .
In that context,
the airport company
lentoaseman yritys nearly 90 acres of perimeter land
ympäriltään lähes 90 eekkeriä maa-aluetta to help with its aim of establishing the airport as a new centre for regional aviation-related business
tehdäkseen lentoasemasta alueelliseen ilmailuun liittyvän yritystoiminnan uuden keskuksen .
Two years ago a Romanian government commission on the razing of gypsy villages concluded that violence had been provoked by `
persons [ie, gypsies] who
henkilöt [eli mustalaiset], jotka vast possessions
laajoja omistuksia by illicit means
laittomasti .
In such a place, this near the walls of the Iahmandhas in the Third Dominion
Tällaisessa paikassa Kolmannen Herruuden lahdmandhanien muurien lähellä ,
his most sacred possession: a Boston Bowl, complete with its forty-one coloured stones
pyhimmän omaisuutensa: täydellisen Boston-kulhon, jossa oli 41 värillistä kiveä .
On nationalisation,
around 300 power stations
noin 300 voimalaitosta , initially grouping them for management at an intermediate level.
It was only with the political readjustments which followed Edward IV's return from exile in 1471 that
can really be said
an independent power base
itsehallinnon .
From such comments as these one might infer that the British were anxious to buy time until
the Soviets
neuvostoliittolaiset sufficient nuclear power
riittävästi ydinvoimaa to persuade Washington to become more cautious.
Fidelity's shares
Fidelityn osuuksia .
It is difficult, however, to see why the directors should have to take account of the interests of
the as yet unidentifiable persons who
vielä tuntemattomien henkilöiden, jotka shares in the company
yrityksen osakkeita at some future date
myöhemmin .
a vast brick classical station containing a huge domed central waiting-room, with service wings lit by floor-to-ceiling arched windows extending on each side
valtavan tiilisen klassista tyyliä edustavan aseman, jonka odotushuoneen keskellä oli valtava kupoli ja jonka sivusiipiä valaisivat lattiasta kattoon ulottuvat kaari-ikkunat kummallakin puolella .
Demand for his services exceeded his capacity to meet the many requests and
in the second year of the scheme
järjestelmän toisena vuotena to provide greater mobility
liikkumisen helpottamiseksi .
Equally, however, it is in our interests to persuade the rest of the world that
does not need
nuclear weapons
ydinaseita to achieve peace
rauhan saavuttamiseksi .
The National Galleries of Scotland
Skotlannin kansallisgalleriat a highly important study by Raphael
Rafaelin hyvin tärkeän luonnoksen for the altarpiece now in the Prado called `The Madonna del Pesce ``
nyt Pradossa olevalle alttaritaululle nimeltä ”Madonna del Pesce” .
by the regional brewer Riva, best known for its Dentergens wheat beer
alueellinen oluenpanija Riva, joka tunnetaan parhaiten Dentergensin vehnäoluestaan .
People who
Ihmisten, jotka ,
with great kindness
hyvin ystävällisesti ,
a rescued cat
huostaanotetun kissan from an animal sanctuary
eläinten turvapaikasta , should be prepared for unusual reactions of this kind.
He also said that
fighter-bomber aircraft
hävittäjäpommittajan from countries other than the USA and the Soviet Union
muista maista kun Yhdysvalloista ja Neuvostoliitosta .
It is now generally appreciated that Warner Bros had been particularly badly hit by the depression, largely because of the furious rate at which
elokuvateattereita .
An Australian who
Australialainen, joka through the construction industry
rakennusalalla now also wished to acquire respectability.
portable dataloggers
kannettavia tiedonkeruulaitteita for data collection in the Edinburgh garden in 1993/94
tietojen keruuseen Edinburghin puutarhassa vuosina 1993–1994 .
on hire-purchase terms
osamaksukaupalla .
British Coal said
by `dubious means ``
”epäilyttävin keinoin” .
some teeth
joitakin hampaita , ``he said.
When he was about 12
Kun hän oli noin 12-vuotias, managed
a pair of roller-skates
parin rullaluistimia .
Her cadaver was purchased by Dr Thomas Monk of the nearby town of Preston, who died some sixty years later, and
the wired-up skeleton
ylös ripustetun luurangon by a herbalist, Mr Livesey
kasviparantaja Livesey .
It is
the first painting by the artist
taitelijan ensimmäinen maalaus, jonka .
Pilz's midprice offering comes on the `Acanta ``label, and consists of
Fono Team material
Fono Team -materiaalista by Rainer Pilz
Rainer Pilzin .
The other vehicle
toinen ajoneuvo from the same caravan site
samalta asuntovaunusivustolta is railcar No 14, built in 1934.
A really great scholar, he had a unique opportunity to develop his abilities, because Biscop had brought back to Jarrow
some 200 to 300 antique books that
noin 200–300 antiikkikirjaa, jotka had managed
in southern Italy
Etelä-Italiasta .
In return, Microsoft let Apple have access to
the PostScript interpreter which
PostScript-tulkkiin, jonka by buying up Bauer Industries
ostamalla Bauer Industriesin .
`I'll leave out some of my clothes to replace those, ``Susan said, gesturing towards
the clothes
vaatteita, jotka at The Haven
The Havenissa .
It is often said that this is just an example of Swiss discretion in business, but in my view we have begun to believe that
are somehow superior.
Since then,
more than 14,000 works, 10,000 of them dated 1960 or later
yli 14 000 teosta, joista 10 000 on peräisin 1960-luvulta tai myöhemmin .
In such cases, I would recommend that you seek professional help, for
may have already been in conflict with his former family and won the contest.
The bundle of papers
paperinippu included a quantity of original German aircraft manufacturer's secret plans, and specifications of some well-known and other less well-known aircraft types.
and smuggled home
some antique sculpture, including busts of Roman emperors and a seven-feet-tall Bacchus, later to adorn Painshill
joitakin antiikkiveistoksia, mukaan lukien Rooman keisareiden rintakuvia ja seitsemän jalkaa korkean Bacchusin, jota Painshill myöhemmin koristeli .
Text such as this may require the
of specialist dictionaries
erityissanakirjojen to maintain the high performance shown in other domains.
I do not accept that
of regional brewers
alueellisten oluenpanijoiden and closures of breweries are the result of the beer orders.
of Tindle's self-portrait
Tindlen omakuvan amounted to an admission of Freud's relevance: from now on Minton's own portraits, however romantic in feeling, were to be dressed in a realist style.
from Greece itself
itse Kreikasta came from the campaigns of Lucius Quinctius Flamininus against Philip V of Macedon in 198-197 BC.
It is an aim that Legent recognises it can not realise alone, and it will duly continue along the path of
to broaden both its human and technological asset base.
It will be noted that errors are the basis of further
The plantations would be open to
but overall foreign ownership would be limited to 30 or 40 per cent.
Of this total, 21 per cent came through rate relief, 38 per cent through capital allowances, 7 per cent through
by public agencies
julkisvirastojen and 34 per cent through infrastructural expenditure.
by concert party members
Yhteisymmärryksessä toimivien puolueen jäsenten can have a direct bearing on the value and form of the consideration to be offered under the bid.
in an alpine mountaineer
Alppivuorikiipeilijän is essentially the cultivation of these two mental qualities.
Even so, the Peace of Paris of 1763 was bound to produce an immense number of
Proposals for
from Abbey Church
Abbey-kirkolta have been drawn up including investigation of the costs of altering the pavement and boundary wall.
In 1878 the Vicar of Woking unsuccessfully opposed
for the Brookwood Crematorium
Brookwoodin krematoriolta .
This is particularly remarkable when it is considered that
has made no
and has no major plans for diversification.
With the
of a microfilm camera linked to a reader-printer by means of retrieval software
hakuohjelmiston avulla lukijaan-tulostimeen liitetty mikrofilmikamera , RBGE has a powerful facility for conserving archival documents, whilst making the archives more widely available.
With a series of
yritysostoilla , Edzard Reuter turned Daimler-Benz into one of the world's biggest industrial conglomerates.
It is also hoped that the sale will also raise additional funds for
yritysostoille .
However, not every
will call this into play.
That way, a business man making an investment would know that
within four years
neljän vuoden kuluessa .
Dressing up as a 50's teenager is encouraged but by no means compulsory and
any man dusting off his dad's winkle pickers
kuka tahansa mies, joka pyyhkii pölyt isukkinsa suippokärkisistä kengistä, !
won't be able
for the following day
seuraavaksi päiväksi .
National daily papers
Kansalliset päivälehdet nearly half their revenue
lähes puolet tuloistaan from advertising
mainoksista and two-fifths in 1990.
and it may say ``difficult or whatever, but they may be a very different person in the pregnancy.
by threatening immediate force (e.g. ``your money or your life)
uhkaamalla välittömällä voimalla (esim. ”rahat tai henki”) may be both blackmail and robbery.
Both said the police paid scant attention to Mr Mackenzie's ill-health, only allowing
at his wife's insistence
hänen vaimonsa toistuvien vaatimusten ansiosta .
It was in
called Ghosts and Other Weird Creatures
nimeltä Haamut ja muut kummalliset olennot .
`It says so in
a little book
pienessä kirjassa, jonka from Our Lady's Bookshop
Our Ladyn kirjakaupasta .
Otherwise the statement will be false; and so therefore will the belief, that there's
by believing what Rabbit says
uskomalla Kanin tarinoita .
The Club is almost entirely financed by
the proceeds
tuloilla, joita from turning a large part of the Club into a giant car park throughout The Championships
muuttamalla suuren osan seurasta jättiläismäiseksi parkkipaikaksi mestaruuskisojen ajaksi .
the coins and the letters
kolikot ja kirjeet without publicity which might reach his wife or the police
ilman julkisuutta, joka voisi kantautua hänen vaimonsa tai poliisin korviin .
`But the main question is, how can I help
, so it's a treat to drive someone.
Similar specimens
Samanlaisia näytteitä are
from elsewhere in southern England, in France, and in the USA
muualta Etelä-Englannista, Ranskasta ja Yhdysvalloista .
rectal biopsy specimens
peräsuolibiopsianäytteitä from each twin in whom sigmoidoscopy could be carried out
kummastakin kaksosesta, joilta voitiin suorittaa paksusuolen loppuosan tähystys (sigmoidoskopia) .
Blood specimens
Verinäytteitä from each child
kustakin lapsesta by venepuncture
laskimonäytteenotolla at the time of vaccination and then 4 to 6 weeks and 13 to 17 months later
rokotushetkellä ja sitten 4–6 viikkoa ja 13–17 kuukautta myöhemmin .
The loss of the documents appears to be a more serious breach of security than that which occurred
in 1979, when
vuonna 1979, jolloin a copy of a secret Army intelligence assessment
kopion armeijan tiedustelupalvelun salaisesta arvioinnista .
In some cases,
the BGS libraries
BGS-kirjastot copies of theses
kopiot näistä from the authors
tekijöiltä by purchase or gift
ostamalla tai lahjana , and no loan records were available for such copies.
Private companies would, among other things, have to agree to provide the Enterprise with fully prospected sites and sell it technology if
mining licences
louhintalisenssejä .
In the United States
Yhdysvalloissa ,
a special `investigative drug licence ``
erityinen ”lääkelisenssi tutkimustarkoitukseen” from the government's Food and Drug Administration
hallituksen elintarvike- ja lääkehallinnolta before injecting a patient with HPD
ennen HPD:n ruiskuttamista potilaaseen .
To clarify whether the effects of indomethacin were through cyclo-oxygenase,
colonic pinch biopsy specimens
paksusuolen ulokkeen biopsianäytteitä from an additional group of six patients with ulcerative colitis
lisäksi kuudelta potilaalta, joilla oli haavainen paksusuolentulehdus for an indomethacin dose response assay
indometasiinisen annoksen vasteanalyysia varten .
Please be sure
direct from the Royal Albert Hall
suoraan Royal Albert Hallista during February
helmikuun aikana .
He added that
also needs more time to examine and
documents relating to the case
juttuun liittyvien asiakirjojen after new evidence came to light last week
viime viikolla ilmaantuneiden uusien todisteiden jälkeen .
In return for the initial outlay
Alustavien menojen vastineeksi a place to grow aquatic plants and a mini nature reserve for insects, birds, newts etc
paikan, jossa hän voi kasvattaa vesikasveja, sekä hyönteisille, linnuille, vesiliskoille jne. varatun pienen luontoalueen .
took this to their General Practitioner
to ensure a continued supply
jatkuvan toimituksen varmistamiseksi (he does not have to pay for this).
was convicted of
by retrospective examination of hospital records
tutkimalla sairalaatietoja jälkikäteen .
It pointed out that
after considerable difficulty
suurten vaikeuksien jälkeen a new lease for Montagu House
uuden vuokrasopimuksen Montagu Houselle and had commissioned Burn to rebuild it.
an insurance broker
vakuutusmeklaria some illustrations
joitakin kuvia for you to compare
vertailtavaksesi .
Judge Diamond ruled that
through fraudulent misrepresentation
vilpillisen harhaanjohtamisen kautta and ordered him to return them.
In extremis
new progenoids
uusia progenoideja through testslaves
koehenkilöiden avulla .
with two sensors
kahdella anturilla .
his first patent
ensimmäisen patenttinsa ; the following year sets, produced in rented premises and marketed as `Mechanics Made Easy ``, appeared in Liverpool toy shops.
It makes unarguable sense to concentrate materials purchases as much as is commercially desirable and
from as few sources as possible
mahdollisimman vähäisistä lähteistä .
I decided to make one last attempt after which I would start looking for
a place from where
paikkaa, josta a map of the city
kaupungin kartan .
They also persuaded him to sign a declaration stating that he had been cautioned, which enabled
a set of fingerprints
sormenjälkiä .
The tagged LOB corpus
merkittyä LOB-kieliaineistoa by academic researchers throughout the world
Akateemiset tutkijat kaikkialla maailmassa .
Dyes for hair colouring
Hiusväriaineita could only be
voitiin vain from plants and one of the oldest of these is the red dye henna, obtained from the powdered dried leaves of the plant Lawsonia inermis
kasveista ja yksi vanhemmista niistä on punaväriaine henna, jota saadaan Lawsonia inermis -kasvin jauhetuista, kuivatuista lehdistä .
In order to get a job at the end of the war
Työpaikan saamiseksi sodan lopussa ,
she and Siegfried
hänen ja Siegfriedin need
what she calls a `Persil-Schein certificate denazifying us whiter than white ``(79/473)
hänen kutsumansa "Persil-Scheinin todistus, joka todisti ihomme olevan vaaleaakin vaaleampi" (79/473) .
Confidental documents
luottamukselliset asiakirjat show that financial incentives proposed by the ECMT secretariat form a fundamental element of the programme.
These are
the offspring
jälkeläisiä, jotka by cross-breeding wild-type with pearl eye type
risteyttämällä villityyppi helmisilmätyypillä .
As I am sure you will understand,
are particularly anxious
any work either published in Scotland or of Scottish interest
kaikille teoksille, jotka on julkaistu joko Skotlannissa tai skottilaisten etujen vuoksi .
He gave me one, and I folded the cheque carefully into a spill and lit the cigarette with
from the gas-fire
kaasutulesta .
Make written statements of the patterns derived from
from various sources
erilaisista lähteistä .
Soap films
Saippuafilmejä, joita ,
by withdrawing a closed frame from a soap and water solution
vetämällä suljettu kehys pois saippuvesiliuoksesta , were first investigated by Joseph Plateau (1801-1883).
`A clear case of premeditated murder, the conception made here last Sunday,
the spiky weapon
piikikäs ase , the risk taken, ``he said.
Lord Denning said that it could be implied that the Minister had been given this power to enable him to revoke
at no election since 1935
yhdessäkään vaalissa vuodesta 1935 alkaen has
more than 50% of the votes cast
yli 50 % annetuista äänistä , yet at only one election since that time has a government been returned without a majority of seats.
Brian Burke, the former ALP Premier of Western Australia
Länsi-Australian entinen ALP-pääministeri Brian Burke , was arrested on June 16 for allegedly
more than A$17,000 (about US$12,800)
yli 17 000 Australian dollaria (noin 12 800 Yhdysvaltain dollaria) through the misuse of parliamentary expenses
parlamentaaristen kulujen väärinkäytösten kautta .