TransFrameNet:Gathering up
assemble.v 🔎
- In May of 1189an army of 20,000 men20 000 miehen armeijawasoliassembledkoottuat RatisbonRatisboniin.
- Usually, only sixty officers were available but, on this occasion,130 men130 miestähad beenoliassembledkoottu(ibid.:28).
- IMinästarted byassemblingkootaa collection of objectsesinekokoelmaathat would provide me with the type of image I had in mind.
- Some of the objects on show are drawn from the collection of the lateJerome Strauss whoJerome Straussin, jokaassembledkokosia group of 2,400 pieces2 400 kappaleen ryhmän, donated to the museum after his death in 1979.
- The Welsh camp realises their tour finale is likely to prove their toughest game yet, especially asthe South Africanseteläafrikkalaisethaveovatassembledkoonneeta powerful teamvahvan joukkueen.
- The collectionKokoelmanwasoliassembledkoonnutby Miss Harriet MooreHarriet Mooreafter the death of the artist, whom she had probably met through his friend William Lock, and is varied both in date and subject matter.
bring together.v 🔎
- The exhibitionNäyttelybrings togetherkokoaawork from artiststöitä taitelijoiltabased in the subcontinent and Asian artists based in Britain (until 28 Mar).
- For tonight and tomorrow nightwemebring togethertuomme yhteenwith New York's Bill Mays Triotwo superb American horn playerskaksi upeaa amerikkalaista käyrätorven soittajaa.
herd.v 🔎
- So long asthe Squigssquig-örkkejäare<empty>successfullyonnistuneestiherdedpaimentavatby the prodder-armed Night Goblinspistimillä aseistautuneet yöpeikotthey are moved and fight just like any other unit.
- East of Lake Baikalseveral clans of Evenki Tungus whouseat Evenki Tungusin klaanit, jotkahad<empty>formerlyaiemminherdedpaimensivatreindeerporoja,went over to horseriding and were partly assimilated to the Buryats, especially in the context of native cossack units.
- MenMiehetwere<empty>herdingpaimensivatmares and their foalstammoja ja niiden varsojaaway from the waterpois vedestä, and a few women were washing clothes beside the shore.
- Four men-at-arms rode alongside, and bringing up the rear wasanother monktoinen munkkiherdingpaimentamassaa flock of sheep and goatslammas- ja vuohilaumaa.
- Emaciated, servile, exhausted, Stepan and Ilya Holovich foundthemselvesheitäherdedohjattiinwith a hundred thousand otherssatojentuhansien muiden kanssainto the Displacement Campskeskitysleireille.
- The visitorsVierailijatwere<empty>herdedohjattiininto two large halls, which were once the hotel ballroom and dining roomkahteen suureen aulaan, jotka olivat joskus olleet hotellin tanssisali ja ruokailusali.
- SoldiersSotilaatherdedohjasivat50,000 Hindus50 000 hinduaonto buses and trains out of Ayodhya, where the violence was sparked by the destruction of a Moslem mosquelinja-autoihin ja juniin pois Ayodhyasta, jossa väkivaltaisuudet olivat puhjenneet muslimimoskeijan tuhoamisella.
- where Trevor Rowley has been able to explain the many routeways as a reflection of the straker routes ofcommonersaatelittomatherdingpaimensivatanimalseläimiäfrom lowland settlementsalangon asumuksiltato upland pasturesylängön laidunmaille.
- Except in the case ofthe stallionorideliberatelytarkoituksellisestiherdingpaimentaahis marestammojaan, this is not a question of dominance or bullying.
- I had a sudden mental picture ofa struggling and reluctant group of climberskiipeilijöiden vastaanhangoittelevasta ja vastahakoisesta ryhmästä, jotabeing<empty>herdedohjasivatinto a minibus bound for Angleseypikkubussin vuorolle Angleseyynby Dunne, Littlejohn et alDunne, Littlejohn ja muut.
- In the Kingsbury furniture store opposite W H Smith, manager Davie Glover, 39, claimedpolicepoliisiwere<empty>herdingohjasihis staffhänen työntekijöitäänthe wrong wayväärään suuntaan.
- HeHänherdedohjasiusmeidätinto the lobby, which was full of peopleodotustilaan, joka oli täynnä ihmisiä.
- ``IMinä'm not spending the time ploughing the Cochlea fever-steppes orherdingpaimentaenTyyrkyn mountain pigsTyyrkynin vuoripossuja.
- Last Marcha small flock of advanced to expert skierspienen joukon edistyneitä ja asiantuntevia hiihtäjiäwere<empty>herdedohjasidown the most terrifying terrain in Chamonixalas mitä hurjinta maastoa Chamonix'ssaby Nigel ShepherdNigel Shepherd.
- In MilanMilanossathe victims and suspected victimsuhrit ja epäillyt uhrit-- and it is hard to believe that non-sufferers ever survived being suspected sufferers --were<empty>herdedohjattiinin to a custom-built enclosuretätä tarkoitusta varten rakennettuun aitaukseen.
- Some survivors complainedtheyheidätwere beingoliherdedohjattutowards the site of the second bombkohti toisen pommin paikkaaand were only 50 ft away when it exploded.
- PeasantsTalonpojattilled the soil andherdedpaimensivatsheeplampaita.
- The bull and cowsSonnia ja lehmiäwere being<empty>herdedpaimennettiinalong the road at Calnetien varrella Calnessa, Wilts, when he suddenly ran wild with lust.
- PuppiesKoiranpennutwill<empty>herdpaimentavathenskanojain a farmyardmaatalon pihamaalla, just as a pack of wolves will encircle an ailing prey.