counterfeit.v 🔎
- The worrying thing ismy signatureminun allekirjoitukseni,whichjokais extremely hardto<empty>counterfeitväärentää.
- Unscrupulous sellersHäikäilemättömät myyjätcouldsaattoivatcounterfeitväärentäävirtually anythingkäytännöllisesti katsottuna mitä tahansa, and in many cases the fakes could be dangerous, said the Institute of Trading Standards Administration.
fake.n 🔎
- There werefakesväärennöksiäof Old Masters, Cézannes, Soutines, and even contemporary work like Jackson Pollocksvanhojen mestareiden, Cézannen, Soutinen ja jopa Jackson Pollocksin kaltaisten nykyteosten.
- THE mysterious Princess Di tapes were dismissed asamateurishamatööri-fakesväärennöksiksiby a voice expert last night.
- TheseNewereolivatfakesväärennöksiäon a massive scale.
- A wide range of scientific methods can be usefully employed to unmaskfakesväärennöksiäand fraudulent restorations, in much the same way that forensic methods are used in criminal investigations.
- Holograms are placed on real Microsoft products to distinguish them fromfakesväärennöksistä; but they, too, were being mass-produced for counterfeiters by a university in China.
fake.v 🔎
- Classes are a relaxed, collaborative affair, with much time spent contemplating plans and frequent breaks to discuss the stock at a local wood supplier or howto<empty>fakeväärentääa StradivariusStradivarius.
- I mean, there's a death certificate for her and I don't see howitsecould bevoidaanfakedväärentää.
- If you can't get the money,yousinäfakeväärennätthe bank notepankkivekselin.
falsify.v 🔎
- The company was also admonished on 18 counts of causing and permittingdriverskuljettajiento<empty>falsifyväärentäätachograph recordsajopiirturitietoja.
- It does not necessarily call for an ethical content, sofactstosiasiatare often distorted orfalsifiedväärennetäänfor self-interest.
- A survey recordTutkimustietohad beenolifalsifiedväärennettyto show that the Manchus were not entitled to the protection of citizenship -- that in fact they were aliens possessed of only minimal intelligencesen osoittamiseksi, että Manchusilla ei ollut oikeutta kansalaisuussuojaan – että tosiasiassa he olivat vain vähä-älyisiä muukalaisia.
- And observers on US-registered tuna boats claim thattheyheitäare often pressuredto<empty>falsifyväärentämääninformation about how many dolphins are ``accidentally' ``killedtietoja siitä, miten monta delfiiniä tapetaan ”vahngossa”during fishing operations.
- Misuse of the data from earlier studies usually involves removing all the qualifications and careful language of the original study, thus misrepresenting and in some casesfalsifyingvääristääthe datatietoja.
- You don't look likea womannaiselta,whowould<empty>falsifyväärentäisia documentasiakirjanto get a job, but you did.
- `Matthew,CharityCharitywould neverei koskaanfalsifyväärentäisian application formhakemuslomaketta.
forge.v 🔎
- In one way the collector of autograph and manuscript material is at a disadvantage compared with his bibliophile brother, in that it is much easierto<empty>forgeväärentääa letterkirjethan a book.
- ThenIminäforgeväärennänmyselfa letterkirjeen.
- The next step forward would seem to be: thatthe letterkirjeenhad beenoliforgedväärentänytby Hilda MachinHilda Machin.
- They'd bought visas from a travel agent in Nepal, not realisingtheynewereolivatforgedväärennettyjä.
- The eighth one wasn't quite so credulous, sohehänforgedväärensiher willhänen testamenttinsaand smothered her.
forgery_((act)).n 🔎
- HeHäntäwas charged with and was probably guilty offorgeryväärentämisestä, subornation of a jury, and concealment of a felony.
- The long-awaited trial of George Koskotas,the former Chairman of the Bank of CreteKreetan pankin entistä puheenjohtajaafirst charged in 1988 withforgeryväärentämisestäand embezzlement involving US$230 million [see pp. 37514; 38357], began on Oct. 19.
- `So you're addingforgeryväärentämisento your many other dubious talents.
forgery_((entity)).n 🔎
- Another text with allusions to Jewish ethical norms attributed to PhocylidesToisen tekstin, jossa viitataan juutalaisten eettisiin normeihin, joiden on väitetty olevan Phocylidesin käsialaa,was recognized long agoto be aolevanJewishjuutalainenforgeryväärennösof the Hellenistic age.
- Both addresses were fictitious andthe letters sent backpalautetut kirjeetwereolivatSmith'sSmithinforgeriesväärennöksiä.
- More than that,itsewas `one of themost importantyksi merkittävimmistäclassical artklassisen taiteenforgeriesväärennöksistäever discoveredkoskaan löydetyistä``.
- This examination technique is illustrated by a pair of micrographs of silver plating (figs. 5.15c and d), both of which are sections throughancient silver coinmuinaisen hopeakolikonforgeriesväärennöksiä.
- The publisher Moxon went so far as to put out an edition of theShelleyShelleynforgeriesväärennöksistä, with an introduction by Robert Browning.
- The Protocols of the Elders of ZionZionin vanhimpien pöytäkirjojenwere provedto be aolevanforgeryväärennösby The Times in 1921 and this went some way to defuse the growth of anti-semitic tendencies within the wider political culture.
- Thus collectors can get back to the sound of the original master-tape far more closely than would be possible with any 1955 disc, let alone aforgeryväärennösof onesen.
- A very provisional figure of FFr50 million was put on the market value of theforgeriesväärennösten.
- `How do I knowthistämäisn't aei oleforgeryväärennös?
- A woman shopper who received it in her change, noticed theforgeryväärennöksenwhen the gold colouring began to rub off.