the lighter crops, like sweet potatoes or chillis
kevyempiä viljelykasveja, kuten bataatteja tai maustepaprikoita .
The agreement, the first of its kind between a company and an indigenous group, aims to ensure that the Kayapo benefit from any commercial development of
other materials which
muiden ainesten, joita .
, but the first person to reach a fallen fruit, even on another's land, may claim it.
Many Welsh cockle beds are licensed but
the Ferryside bed
Ferrysiden pohjasta .
The Body Shop is to sign an intellectual property rights agreement with
the Kayapo Indians of Brazil
Brasilian Kayapo-intiaanien ,
and process
brazil nuts
parapähkinöitä for the Body Shop
Body Shopille .
Amy has also learned to take responsibility for her own happiness, rather than trusting
to invest and
the average person
työntekijä keskimäärin around a sackful of wheat
noin säkillisen vehnää .
by beating the bush with a stick so that the ripe berries fall into the conciola -- the whicker basket traditionally used to collect and sieve juniper
hakkaamalla pensasta kepillä, jotta kypsät marjat putoavat conciolaan, pajukoriin, jota käytetään perinteisesti katajan keräämiseen ja siivilöimiseen .
and processed within 15 minutes, enhancing the preservation of fruit flavours.
after about 60 80 years
noin 60–80 vuoden jälkeen .
, there's still the beans, which can not be cut because of the rain.
from woodlands in the Ipswich area
metsämailta Ipswichin alueella by Bill Foreman and other coppice workers
Bill Foreman ja muut harvennustyöntekijät to help stabilise the river bed of the Great Ouse in Cambridgeshire
Great Ousen joenuoman vakauttamiseksi Cambridgeshiressa .
I already had permission to search all the surrounding fields, so I waited until
before I gave it a thorough going over with my detector
ennen kuin kävin sen perusteellisesti läpi metallinilmaisemillani .
almost without sweat
lähes ilman hikeä , boats set off on journeys with full sails, celebrations are carried off with style and decorum.
for their seeds which will be crushed for oil
niiden siementen vuoksi, jotka murskataan öljyn saamiseksi .
Capers tend to be expensive because
Early potatoes
Varhaisperunasato are planted in February and
in late May and June
myöhään toukokuussa ja kesäkuussa .
With the range of cultivated varieties now available
karhunvatukkaa from August to November
elokuusta marraskuuhun .
a bunch of flowers
kukkakimpun .
as it ripens
sen kypsyessä .
is not against the law, but crushing them or any other form of processing is strictly illegal.
Most of our group
Suurin osa ryhmästämme were sent
under the supervision of an ex-legionnaire whose age and Germanic inflexion marked him as a former member of the Wehrmacht
entisen legionaalaisen valvonnassa, jonka ikä ja germaaninen taivutuspääte paljastivat hänen olevan Wehrmachtin entisen jäsenen .
went to the orchard
some vine leaves
pari viiniköynnöksen lehteä .
from the local vineyard
paikalliselta viinitilalta and brought to the house where they are crushed.
off a raspberry bush
vattupensaasta .
They were driving past Casa Madrid now, and there were
rows of peasants
maalaisten rivejä in his fields
hänen pelloillaan , and a battered truck being loaded with melons.
Ranged along the roadside, scrambling over dykes into the fields,
all afternoon
koko iltapäivän .
With her brother and others
hänen veljensä ja muiden kanssa brambles and wild strawberries
karhunvatukoita ja villimansikoita along the disused railway line
käytöstä poistetun rautatielinjan varrella and gather gooseberries in the overgrown field next to the cafe.
Victor's job is to climb mango trees and
for his father to sell in the city three hours away
isälleen myytäväksi kaupungissa, joka sijaitsee kolmen tunnin päässä .
A bush tree is exactly what you would expect it to be (bushy), but at the right height for
and pruning comfortably.
near the two fig trees
kahden viikunapuun lähellä ,
a little bunch
pienen tertun , and Maman would sniff at it while she was eating her breakfast.
for money to buy food
rahan saamiseksi ruoanostoon .
got down off the cart
from a roadside bush
tienvarren pensaasta , and hoisting himself back into his seat resumed his journey, sucking on the leaf as he started to explain.
, meanwhile, not only remained silent during these conversations, but
slowly so that they might forget that he was there
hitaasti, jotta he ehkä unohtaisivat hänen läsnäolonsa , but he reckoned without Zach.
The 40-piece collection is made from `
green cotton
vihreästä puuvillasta ``,
by hand to avoid chemical defoliants
käsin kemiallisten lehvistöä tuhoavien aineiden välttämiseksi , and which does not rely on formaldehyde in the finishing process.
mainly by machine
pääasiassa koneella .
was forbidden
some roses
joitakin ruusuja .
So now
can all go down
blackberries and winkleberries and puckleberries and muckleberries and twinkleberries and snozzberries
karhunvatukoita ja muita vatukoita to our heart's content
sydämemme kyllyydestä .