- In those sort of casinos in the south of France, she thought, it would be in poor tasteto<empty>adornkoristellaoneselfitsensäwith fake diamondstekotimanteilla.
- `I'm going to ask you questions, Madeleine, and every time you answer no,Iminäshall<empty>adornkoristelenyousinutwith one of these pegsyhdellä näistä koukuista.
- Nor were donors always royalty:the wife of Cnut's henchman Tofi the ProudCnutin kätyri Tofi Ylpeäadornedkoristia crucifix at Waltham in Essexkrusifiksin Walthamissa Essexissäwith a crownkruunulla, as well as decking it with other ornaments.
- These aresongslaulujastripped to their basics and thenadornedkaunistettuwith beautifully hooked melodies and harmoniesupeilla lumoavilla melodioilla ja soinnuilla.
- The ReclusiarchReclusiarchitanointedsiveliväteach initiatejokaisen noviisinwith chrism, the sacred ointment,pyhää voidetta mirhamiaon the browkulmakarvoihin.
- Her bruises stung badly asshehänanointedvoiteliherselfitsensäwith gelgeelillä, but the discomfort was a small price to pay for feeling clean again.
- Over 200 species of birdsYli 200 lintulajinhave been seenanointinglevittävänthemselvespäällensäwith these substancesnäitä aineita.
- HeHängave the man the Viaticum and blessed him,anointingkastoihimhänenon the head, chest, hands and feetpäänsä, rintansa, kätensä ja jalkansa.
- ViktorViktorstood while he blessed the dying man andanointedvoitelihimhänet.
- On his accessionhehänetwas crowned andanointedvoitelivatby ecclesiasticspapit.
- Aaron and his sonsAaron ja hänen poikansaare<empty>anointednimitettiinfor service.
- That done, he leans over to the other side and does the same thing with his other hand and foot so that both his palms andhis solesjalkapohjansaareonanointedvoideltuwith his pungent urinehänen pistävän hajuisella virtsallaan.
- EdwardEdwardis<empty>anointedvoidellaanwith holy oilpyhällä öljyllä: he has the power of healing, they say; he loves his chaplains and worships daily, prostrate, where he can be seen.
- Anointingvoitelunthe shoulders or armsOlkapäiden tai käsivarsienwas to symbolize the emperor's protective and defensive role.
- Yellow Victorian mansions, withtheir front gardensetupuutarhatasphaltedasfaltoituover<empty>to make yellow parking areas for the flatholders' yellow carskeltaisten pysäköintialueiden rakentamiseksi asunnonomistajien keltaisille autoille.
- BrushSivelethe steakspihveihinwith the oilöljyä.
- BrushHarjaathe areaaluettawith watervedelläbefore applying a mix of one part cement, two pars sand and four parts gravel (by volume); incorporate a waterproofing agent.
- ItSiinähas an open textured paste when ripe and is usually washed orbrushedharjattuwith brinesuolavedellä.
- BrushHarjaawith milkmaidollaand sprinkle with Sweetex Granulated.
- Unsealed wooden slatted shelvesVesilukottomia puisia sälehyllyjäcan be treated with caustic cleaner, left in prolonged contact and pressure jet rinsed orbrushedharjatavigorouslyvoimakkaastiwith hot clean waterkuumalla puhtaalla vedellä.
- BrushLevitäthe cakekakkuunwith apricot glazeaprikoosikuorrutusand place the cake on the cake drum.
- BrushKuorrutalightlykevyestiwith a little milkvähäisellä määrällä maitoaand bake at 220C/425F/Gas 7 for 12-15 minutes until well risen and golden brown on the bottom of the scones.
- For too long the big firms in particular relied on the cosy requirement of a statutory audit to ensuretheir breadheidän leivälleenwas generouslyrunsaastibutteredlevitettiin voita.
- ButterLevitä voitaa shallow ovenproof dish or 4–5 individual soufflé dishessyvään uuninkestävään astiaan tai 4–5:een erilliseen kohokasastiaan.
- When she'd cut sufficient slicesshehänbutteredlevitti voitathemniihin.
- ButterLevitä voitathe breadleivälle, spread peanut butter on four slices and mayonnaise on the other four.
- `Sixteen, ``saidJimmyJimmy,butteringlevittäen voitahis toastpaahtoleivälleen.
- Nigel knows on which sidehis bread'shänen leipäänsäbutteredlevitetty voita.
- GabrielGabrielcarefullyhuolellisestibutteredlevitti voitaa rollkääröön.
- Virions were pelleted by centrifugation at 40,000 rpm for 1 hr, resuspended in 100µl 2% phosphotungstic acid and dropped ontoFormvar-coated grids whichFormvar-pinnoitetuille ristikoille, joihinhad previously beenoli sitä ennencoatedlevitettywith a thin layer of carbonohut hiilikerros.
- Finally,coatlevitäwith a fine film of cooking oilohut kerros ruokaöljyäbefore storing for long periods.
- Thenhehän'd shown her, over her mother's objections, how to take the gun apart, clean it, thencoatvoidellaeach partkukin osanwith a thin oilohuesti öljylläbefore reassembling itennen sen kokoamista.
- Afterhehän'dolicoatedripotellutthe segmentslohkoillein salt and chillisuolaa ja chili-pippuriahe passed them round, and everyone smacked their lips and screwed up their faces in pained delight.
- It would also be advisableto<empty>coatlevittääthe bogwoodsuopuullewith a clear, polyurethane varnishkirkasta polyuretaanilakkaa.
- CoatPeitäeach hairkaikki hiuksetwith a fine translucent film which smooths down the rough surface & seals the hair to prevent moisture lossohuella läpikuultavalla kalvolla, joka pehmentää karkeaa pintaa ja estää kosteutta haihtumista hiuksista.
- You will certainly need to experiment with exposure periods ifyousinäare<empty>coatinglevitätyour own boardsomille lankuillesiwith a UV sensitive aerosol lacquerultraviolettiherkkää aerosolilakkaa.
- LightlykevyesticoatSiveleyour handskäsiisiwith one or two dropsyksi tai kaksi tippaaand smooth over your hair, before or after styling.
- CoatPeitäthe end of the woodpuun pääwith quick-set gluepikaliimalla.
- Some dietsjotkin erätare<empty>coatedpinnoittaaby the manufacturerValmistajato prevent the pellets sticking together during autoclaving.
- The back of the rugMaton takapuoliis thensittencoatedpäällystetäänwith latexlateksillaand is normally covered by a piece of cloth.
- Each pellet of ammonium nitrateJokaisen ammoniumnitraattipelletin päällewas<empty>coatedlevitettiinwith a hydrocarbon waxhiilivetyvahaato reduce the effects of hygroscopicityhygroskopian vaikutusten vähentämiseksi.
- LeavesLehdet,coatedlevitettywith a strain of engineered bacterium from which the offending gene has been eliminatedvalmistettuja bakteereita, joista on poistettu haitallinen geeni,do not suffer from the formation of ice.
- WeMeput it to bed in a bowl andcoverpeitimmeitsenin bulb fibrekuitukankaallalike a blanket.
- If the site is made of builder's rubble,coverpeitäitsewith a foot of topsoilnoin 30 cm:n paksuisella kerroksella ruokamultaa.
- CoverPeitäthe lidkansiwith one colouryhdellä värillä.
- We all found him interesting, so when we lay in the sun after lunch,the white gravelvalkoinen soracoveringpeittiour backsselkämmewith powdery marksjauhemaisin jäljin, his fighting demonstrations were keenly attended.
- He wiped his hands on the wet grass beside the grave and orderedthe reluctant soldiervastahakoista sotilastaback to secure the lid of the coffin andcoverpeittämäänitsenwith soillannalla.
- IMinunhadto<empty>coverpeitettävämy nosenenäniagainst the terrible stench and just wished my master would finish the business.
- Optional: Neatlycoversuojaathe battenlistaby wrapping fabric roundkäärimällä sen ympärille kangasta, folding in the ends and holding in place with steel tacks.
- Aware now that he was more naked than the other manhehänturned to the bed, and dragged a sheet off itto<empty>coverpeittääkseenhimselfitsensäwithsillä.
- Alwayscoverpeitäa sandpithiekkakuoppaor the local cats will use it as a toilet.
- Place the kumquats or orange slices in a pan,coverpeitäwith watervedellä, bring to the boil, strain and discard the water.
- Bring to a simmer,coverpeitäand cook for 2-3 minutes until just tender, but not collapsing.
- MilliganMilliganhasoncrammedahtanutitsensoniinfull of Victorian antiques, paintings and illustrationstäyteen viktoriaanista antiikkia, maalauksia ja kuvia,that the cement is hidden by memorabiliaettä sementti on muistoesineiden peitossa.
- The quantity given will stuff a 5kg/10lb turkey fore and aft, asyousinädo not wantto<empty>cramahtaathe birdlintuato burstingpuhkeamiseen asti.
- The apartment itself was enormous and, as if she were scared of the space,Jane PargeterJane Pargeterhadolicrammedahtanutitsinnewith expensive furniturekalliita huonekaluja.
- Do notÄläcramsullothe cagehäkkiinwith leaveslehtiä, for this often leads to condensation and makes it harder to see the caterpillars.
- ItSiihenwasolicrammedahdettuwith unpaid bills for food and clothingmaksamattomia ruoka- ja vaatelaskuja.
- During the presentation,two briefcaseskaksi salkkuawerecrammedahdettiinfulltäyteenwith used dealing books containing clients' names and addresses, and with leads that had been left carelessly lying around on deskskäytettyjä kauppakirjoja, jotka sisälsivät asiakkaiden nimet ja osoitteet, sekä lyijykynän teriä, jotka oli jätetty huolimattomasti lojumaan ympäri työpöytiä.
- His trolleyHänen ostoskärrynsästood forlornly a few yards away,crammedpullollaanwith food for the dinner partyruokaa illallisjuhlia varten.
- In the warren of lanes and alleys, barefoot traders sit cross-legged intiny shopspienissä kaupoissacrammedpullollaanwith strange goodsoutoja tavaroita.
- And her savings, to begin with, had been meagre, hardly worth the time: Meg had hardly dreamt her dream -- as now;her suitcasesalkkunsacrammedpullollaan,tight-packedtiukasti pakattunawith moneyrahaa-- fully to fruition.
- Their defenseHeidän puolustuksensa, oftencrowdingruuhkauttithe linerajaviivanwith eight menkahdeksalla miehellä, did a decent job on Sanders, who now has 1,721 yards in his bid for a 2,000-yard season.
- Yehiel Leiter, a settler leader, said the strategy was to tie up the government, the legal system and the army with constant protests andcrowdkansoittaathe jailsvankilatwith protestersmielenosoittajilla.
- Don't pull them off butdablevitäthemniihinwith a little paraffinhieman parafiinia.
- SheHänchanged her shoes, did her hair,dabbedsiveliher neckkaulaansawith ChanelChaneliaand slammed the bedroom door.
- It was a good thought as she made ready for bed; then, her one luxury,shehändaubedsiveliher facekasvoilleenwith night-creamyövoidetta.
- She opened her handbag and brought out an astonishing assortment of cosmetics, with whichshehändaubedsivelimy facekasvoilleni.
- While a police constable was in the living room,the car parked outsideulkopuolelle pysäköidyn autonwas being<empty>daubedtuhrivatby the youthnuoret.
- The wallsSeinätwere<empty>daubedtöhrittiinwith splashes of paintmaaliläiskillä, and here and there large eyes were drawn, with daggers sticking out of them.
- Obviously Marshall, apart fromdaubingrapannutone of the wallsyhden seinistäand putting up a piece of cork-board, hadn't done anything.
- Her face was always carefully rouged,her mouthhänen suunsadaubedsiveltygenerouslywith salvevoiteella.
- Before it gets there a barricade ofgrey concrete blocksharmaita betonilohkareita, joihindaubedtöherrettywith `Free Lithuania ``and `Independence for Baltic Countries”Free Lithuania” (vapauttakaa Liettua) ja ”Independence for Baltic Countries" (itsenäisyys Baltian maille)has been drawn across the street.
- HeHängot up immediately and fetched the brandy,dousingterästäenhis coffeekahvinsawith itsilläliberallyanteliaasti.
- He had a video camera on his shoulder last November, whena mobväkijoukkodousedvalelithree thieveskolmen varkaan päällewith petrolbensiiniäand looked on as they burned.
- AnnaAnnaemptied cornflakes out of the packet until her bowl was piled high, sprinkled the pile with sugar anddousedkaatoiitsen päällein milkmaitoa, then sat staring at it while the sugar dissolved and the cornflakes drooped.
- Mr ChittendenChittendenhad alreadyoli jodousedvalelluthimselfpäälleenin a flammable liquidsyttyvää nestettäand set himself alight.
- Mr NellisEllispulled his friend towards a water supply anddousedsammuttithe firetulen.
- Eline felt as thoughshehäntähad beenolisidousedkasteltuin cold waterkylmällä vedellä, she swallowed hard and willed herself to speak naturally.
- The girlTyttöwas<empty>dousedkasteltiinwith petrolbensiinilläand set alight after complaining that she was being subjected to `Eve-teasing, ``the Indian euphemism for sexual harassment, rife in a culture in which dating is unusual.
- It takes as long as it does fora dogkoiranto<empty>dousekastellaa tree trunkpuunrungon.
- He may be placated, an acceptable tribute beingpebblespikkukivetdousedkastellaanin the blood of six young menkuuden nuoren miehen verellä, then placed high up in the branches of a tree so the mura-muras may reach them.
- During the second number,hehändrapedkietoihimselfympärilleenin the Union JackUnion Jackin, presumably in an attempt to endear himself to the bulldog breed.
- If you have just a few bushes,drapepeitäindividual plantsyksittäiset kasvitwith netsverkoilla, burying or pegging down the edges during vulnerable periods.
- SheHänthendrapedkietoiitsenwith vivid red silk, secured in place with a glue gunkirkkaanpunaiseen silkkiin ja kiinnitti paikalleen liimapistoolilla.
- It showed a group of legionnaires sitting on a wall in a wrecked and burning tropical town;the soldierssotilaat, joihinwere filthy, looked exhausted andwere<empty>drapedripustettuwith hand grenades and belts of machine gun ammunitionkäsikranaatteja ja konekivääriammusvöitä.
- The funeral of two IRA men shot dead by soldiers in Northern Ireland was delayed after the priest initially refused to allow the coffins into the church becuasetheynewereolidrapedpeitettywith the Irish TricolourIrlannin kolmivärisellä lipulla.
- And from somewhere beneath a cupboard she producedan enormous canvasvaltavan maalauksendrapedkiedotunin a sheetlakanaanand showed it to me.
- The guardsVartijat, jotkawere clad in tough green leather from some jungle beast anddrapedverhottuin weaponsaseilla.
- DrizzlePirskotawith olive oiloliiviöljyäand top with flakes of fresh Parmesan for an elegant starter.
- For best results, some products are recommended to be used afterdustingtomuttanutyour skinihollesiwith talctalkkiafirst.
- Itsewill thus beSittendustedpölytetäänwith successive batches of pollenperäkkäisillä siitepölyerilläas they mature and will deliver them to other flowers on different individual plants elsewhere in its territory.
- Drop in the orange anddustripottele päällewith the mixture to set the fragranceseosta tuoksun lisäämiseksi.
- Norman opened his tool-box and took outa pair of rubber glovespari kumikäsineitä,whichjoillehehändustedripotteliwith talcum powdertalkkijauhetta, and drew over his sensitive digits.
- HeHänbuilt them a pagoda of solid jade andembellishedkoristeliitsenwith precious gemsjalokivillä-- not realising that to grow up a dragon must accumulate its own hoard, must steal it from Emperors and princes.
- The morning sunshineAamuaurinkobrightened the room,embellishingsomistaenthe cups and plates upon the dresserastiakaapissa olevat kupit ja lautaset.
- With the onset of empire, the conflicts of interest between state and individual, and between luxury and austerity, were subsumed by the power ofthe emperorkeisarinto<empty>embellishkoristellathe city and courtkaupunkia ja hoviaas he wished.
- The tombhaudanwasolinownytembellishedkoristellutby the Oxford Movement's favourite architect, ButterfieldOxfordin liikkeen suosikkiarkkitehti Butterfield, and a sonorous epitaph was attached.
- Religion was the only subject treated by the Khmer artists of the Angkor period:templestemppelitwereolilavishlyylenpalttisestiembellishedkoristeltuwith sculptures of gods and goddessesjumalten ja jumalatarten veistoksilla, and bridges represented the rainbows that united people and their gods.
- HeHänbegan to redesign andembellishsomistaaStrawberry HillStrawberry Hilliäon Gothic linesgoottisin linjoinin the 1750s1750-luvulla.
- My appearanceUlkoasuni,whichjotaHelmutHelmuthadoliembellishedsomistanutwith jewellery, expensive clothes and regular visits to beauty salonskoruin, kallein vaattein ja säännöllisin vierailuin kauneussalonkeihin, Jean-Claude liked unadorned and without make-up.
- WeaponsAseitawere oftenuseinembellishedkoristeltiinwith precious metaljalometalleilla, and the Encomiast describes the magnificence of Cnut's invasion fleet, and the gold and silver decoration of its ships.
- TheyHecould haveolisivat voineetfilledtäyttääthe cellars of MashamMashamin kellaritwith McEwans 80/ and Youngers No. 3 from Edinburgh or with the new Theakstons-on-Tyne which the locals declare is a far inferior brewEdinburghin McEwans 80/:lla ja Youngers No. 3:lla tai uudella Theakstons-on-Tynella, joka on paikallisten mukaan selvästi huonompi oluttyyppi.
- FillTäytäballoonsilmapallotwith warm waterlämpimällä vedelläand knot the tops securely.
- IMinätook the top off a ginger ale andfilledtäytina small jugpienen kannunwith watervedellä.
- FionaFionafilledtäyttia cupkupposenfor her sister.
- Deciding she'd had enough of her office for that week,shehänfilledahtoiher briefcasesalkkunsato bulgingpullolleenwith work she could do at hometöitä, joita hän voisi tehdä kotona, and closed her office door at five sharp.
- The North Yorkshire assistant trading standards officer, Edward Chicken, saidat least 3,300 cartonsvähintään 3 300 kartonkiawere bought as fire-damaged stock,filledtäytettynäwith a caustic chemicalsyövyttävällä kemikaalilla, then sold as ordinary washing powder.
- Both before, and when, the Nazis took over Polandtheyhefloodedtäyttivätthe bookstalls of that countrytämän maan lehti- ja kirjakioskitwith pornographypornografialla.
- The papers you are working on are fairly heavy and, unlessyousinäare<empty>floodingtäytäthe paperpaperiawith watercolourvesivärillä, should stand up to washes without the need for stretching.
- Most aid specialists agree that, once the worst of a famine is over, the distribution of free food should be kept to a minimum to avoidfloodingylitulvimisenlocal marketspaikallisten markkinoiden.
- While working at the cinema, for instance,hehäntried to repair a cistern and ended upfloodingvedenpaisumuksenthe placepaikassa.
- A 25-mile strip of rich muckland south of the lake was designated forsugar-cane plantationssokeriruokoistutuksille, to be drained andfloodedjuoksutettiin vettäby huge pumpsvaltavilla pumpuilla.
- The reserve takes in part ofthe Minsmere levels whichMinsmeren tasoilla, joihinwere<empty>floodedjuoksutettiin vettäduring the Second World Wartoisen maailmansodan aikanato counter possible invasionmahdollisen invaasion estämiseksi.
- MOVIE queen Liz TaylorELOKUVAKUNINGATAR Taylorillewas<empty>floodedtulviwith flowerskukkia,as she fought pneumonia at her Hollywood home yesterdaykun hän parani keuhkokuumesta Hollywoodin kodissaan eilen.
- A high capacity electric pumpSuurkapasiteettinen sähköpumppufloodedtukahduttithe enginemoottorinand no return for excess fuel was fitted.
- The colourVärifloodedpakenihis pale facehänen kalpeilta kasvoiltaanand he barked at her, from low in his throat, `Who drove me there?
- Even now, local farmers around Axholme regardthe `warped land ``which”kieroutunutta maata”, jokawas<empty>deliberatelytarkoituksellisestifloodedtukittiinwith siltlietteelläas the best land in the region.
- `The road's usually clear untilthe riverjokifloodstulviiits banksyli äyräidensä.
- The plaster workKipsityöhad been restored andgildedkullattuso that it glittered against a dazzling white ceiling and against walls hung with crimson wallpapersiten, että se välkkyi hohkaisevan valkoista kattoa sekä purppuranpunaisella seinäpaperilla päällystettyjä seiniä vasten.
- A huge yellow sunValtava keltainen aurinkowas<empty>gildingkultasithe puddleslätäkötand turning the poplars the colour of lemon sherbets.
- The morning was calm and bright, withsunlightauringonvalogildingkultasithe whinsbasalttikivenand sending a glitter across the.bay.
- Even the horn was of a much lighter colour than usual, althoughitsehad beenoligildedkoristeltuwith silverhopealla.
- By this time saucers were also being lined with glass sotheynecould bevoitiingildedkullata.
- The meatLihais put back, coated in a cream-reduction sauce andglazedkuorrutetaan.
- TheyNemay besaatetaanglazedlasittaa,with a plain colour or a printed designyksinkertaisella värillä tai kuvioidulla mallilla, or unglazed -- more commonly known as quarry tiles -- and many have textured surfaces to make them less slippery underfoot.
- As these boxes hada small square opening at the backpieni neliömäinen rako takana,glazedlasitettuwith opal glassopaalilasilla, the Oyster lamps were removed.
- `We make a simple flat triangular truss of iron, like a railway station roof, andwemeglazelasitammeitsendirectsuoraan.
- MonteithMonteithhas painted several of the wooden floors with colourful designs,hungripustanutthe doorsoviinwith attractive plaqueshoukuttelevia laattoja, and repainted many of the original desks and chairs in cheerful pastel shades.
- Further, the streets serve as drying grounds in fine weather;linesnarutare stretched across from house to house, andhungripustetaanwith wet clothingmärkiä vaatteita.
- Alexei leaned a little to one side so thata slaveorjacouldpystyiheaplatomaanhis platehänen lautaselleenwith k'vak'vaa, the staple grain which was similar to rice.
- HeHänheapedkasasi kukkuroilleena platelautasenfor him and Cameron took it thankfully.
- ItSiihenwasoliheapedkasattuwith a grain something like riceriisin kaltaisia jyviä.
- The only reason affluent Victorians did not physically explode like Henry VIII (after he was dead, naturally) was their habit ofheapingkasata kukkuroilleenthe dinner tableruokapöytäwith exotic greeneryeksoottisia viherkasveja.
- The proprietor brought themtheir platesheidän lautasensaheapedkasattu kukkuroilleenwith beef and wild mushroomsnauhanlihaa ja villisieniäand bordered with vegetables, breaking the silence between them.
- She led him through to the dining-room and found him a glass of whisky anda plate whichlautasen, jonkashehänproceeded toheapkasasi kukkuroilleenwith foodruokaa.
- Mr Goldring claimedAllittAllitthadoliinjectedruiskuttanutherhäneenwith insulininsuliiniaand said a test after her death had found a high level of the drug in her blood.
- HeHänput 10ml into the syringe, closed his eyes andinjectedruiskuttithe patientpotilaaseen.
- While this generally does not matter whencellssolutare<empty>injectedruiskutetaan, solutions may leak into tissues other than that intended for labelling.
- Last week the Government warned thataround 300 women whonoin 300 naista, joihin'd beenoliinjectedruiskutettuwith a hormone called gonadotrophin, extracted from the pituitary glands of human corpses,gonadotropiiniksi kutsuttua hormonia, jota saadaan kuolleiden ihmisten ruumiiden aivolisäkkeistä,could be at risk.
- Some of the malesJoihinkin uroksiinwere<empty>injectedruiskutettiinwith morphinemorfiiniafor a few days and some were given other drugs.
- Mungo nodded, calling to minda diabetic schoolfriend whosokeritaudista kärsivää koulukaveria, jokahadto<empty>injectpiikittäähimselfitseäändaily.
- Drug abusers whoHuumeiden väärinkäyttäjät, jotkainjectpiikittävätthemselvesitseään,risk catching hepatitis (a serious blood disease) and many other infections, abscesses and even gangrene.
- InratsRotissa, joihininjectedruiskutettiinintraperitoneallyintraperitoneaalisestiwith bFGFbFGF:tä, the number of capillaries almost doubled and the number of myofibroblasts was significantly increased (by about 30%).
- To demonstrate that learning and memory retention can be improved inanimalseläimillä, joihininjectedruiskutettuwith peptidespeptidejäand tested under highly contrived laboratory conditions is very different from showing that human memory can be helped by popping a pill.
- Supermicesuperhiiriä, joihinhave been grown,injectedruiskutettuwith rat growth hormonerotan kasvuhormonia; and similar transfer of human genes, for quick growth, to cattle, sheep and pigs became a possibility.
- HeHänloadedkuormasithe barrowkotikärryynwith paving stoneskivilaattojabefore running straight through a plate glass window at the B&Q superstore in South Shields.
- THE DETECTIVE: Whenyousinäloadlataatthe gunasetta, then you know what you're holding.
- The main complaint was that Microsoft offered large discounts to PC makers who agreed to pay for a copy of MS-DOS or Windows for every machine they sold, whether or notitsiihenwas actuallyoli tosiasiassaloadedasennettuwith onesitä.
- QuicklynopeastiloadingLadatenthe Very pistolVery-pistooliinwith the red cartridgepunaisen patruunan,LarsenLarsenaimed it at the open skylight and pulled the trigger.
- The local people naturally defend their crops, usually with totally inadequate weapons such asancient shotgunsvanhoilla haulikoilla, jotkaloadedladattuwith buckshotkarkeilla hauleilla.
- Allow sufficient time for your beneficial bacteria to build-up in your aquarium or pond system beforeyousinäbeginto<empty>loadlastatawith livestockeläimiä.
- We'd haveour packsreppuihimmeloadedkuormanneetwith various weightserilaisia painojaand we'd march 100 yards measuring the length of pace, the time it took.
- HeHänreloaded, fired at a sniper eighty yards away, missed andloadedlatasiagain.
- Run it into two uplifts at opposite ends of the tank, andpackkuormaaitsiihenwith filter floss and carbonsuodatinkuona ja hiilet.
- His lectures were above all popular becausehehänpackedahtoithemniihinwith informationtietoja.
- SheHänevenpackedpakannuta baglaukunfor each for them.
- That was a hint to Chris, who was sitting besidethe basket thatkoria, jonkahad beenolipackedtäyttänytby Molly FletcherMolly Fletcher.
- This means thatthe potspurkitmust beonpackedpakattavavery fullhyvin täyteenand the contents pressed and pressed until they are as tightly packed as possible.
- SheHäncarefullyhuolellisestipackedpakkasiher casematkalaukkunsaagain, then scanned the tidy bedroom and bathroom with some satisfaction.
- The ceiling of the Palladian loungePalladianin aulan kattoonwasolisumptuouslyylellisestipaintedmaalattuwith classical themesklassisia teemojaframed in gilded plasterwork.
- The ceilingKatonwas<empty>paintedmaalasiby Professor Gerald Moiraprofessori Gerald Moira.
- Its walls and floor were sheathed in gypsum slabs, whilstits ceilingsen kattowasolipaintedmaalattubluesiniseksiand supported by a gypsum pillar.
- Their back doorNiiden takaoviwasolipaintedmaalattua trendy sludge greenmuodikaalla harmaanvihreälläand it had a large keyhole as well as a Yale lock.
- The front doorEtuoviwasolipaintedmaalattubluesiniseksi, and had a coloured glass panel, which Mrs Maugham did not like.
- Every roomJokainen huoneisonpaintedmaalattuin lovely pastel pinks and bluesihastuttavalla pastellinvärisellä pinkillä ja sinisellä, and I don't have any toilets, because going to the toilet is horrible and unromantic.
- While Philip slept, while Mary and Reggie slept, while Roberta and Faye slept (they had not come out of their room)shehänhadolipaintedmaalannuta whole roomkoko huoneen.
- Her wallsHänen seinänsäareonpaintedmaalattubright redkirkkaanpunaisella.
- Thenshehänbegan to clean andpaintmaalatathe housetaloaroom by roomhuone huoneelta.
- RoseRosehad already startedto<empty>paintmaalatathe main room of the housetalon päähuonettaduring the first examensimmäisen kokeen aikana.
- IMinäwas<empty>paintingmaalasinthe back of the housetalon takaosaaone Saturdayyhtenä lauantaina, when she shook me off the ladder, I got a compound fracture on me left leg.
- The few rooms were large and high andshehänhadolipaintedmaalannutthe wallsseinätin pale yellows and greensvaaleankeltaisella ja -vihreällä.
- My studio was the first room I did up,Iminäjust ripped up the carpet andpaintedmaalasinthe wallsseinätwhitevalkoisiksi!
- In the pastaiemminIMinä'veolenpaintedmaalannutwallsseinät, vacuumed the floor and even salvaged a carpet for the studio from a skip.
- It was a wide-open Mexican restaurant wherethe menuruokalistawasolipaintedmaalattuacross the windowikkunaan.
- `YouSinäcan'tet voipaintmaalatawindowsikkunaafastnopeasti.
- His wifeHänen vaimonsawas<empty>paintingmaalasiher eyelidssilmäluomensagreenvihreällä.
- That evening he foundAmandaAmandanperched on top of a step-ladder in the bathroom,paintingmaalaamassathe ceilingkattoawhitevalkoiseksi.
- I met thereMr Philpot whoPhilpotin, jokawill<empty>paintmaalaathe ceiling in my bedroommakuuhuoneeni katon… ”
- For exampleIminäoftenuseinpaintmaalaanan areaalueenwith retouching varnish mixed with pigment as a glazekorjailulakalla, johon on sekoitettu lasitteen kaltaista pigmenttiä, then I absorb much of it with newspaper dabbed onto the canvas.
- PaintMaalaathe bottom half of the white candlesvalkoisten kynttilöiden alempi puolikaswith blue food colouringsinisellä elintarvikevärillä.
- She found black paint in one of the kitchen cupboards, left over from the timeTomTomhadolipaintedmaalannutthe front dooretuoven, and a brush.
- Finished vehiclesValmiit ajoneuvotare<empty>thensittenpaintedmaalataanwith products supplied by the Sealants, Adhesives and Coatings Division of Courtaulds Aerospace, at Shildontuotteilla, jotka on toimittanut Shildonissa sijaitseva Courtaulds Aerospacen tiivisteaineiden, liima-aineiden ja pinnoitteiden osasto.
- Two pieces of 2″ × 2″ woodKaksi 2" × 2" kokoista puukappalettawere cut to the length of the vat,paintedmaalattiinwith wood preserverpuun lahonsuoja-aineellaand then screwed to the top of each side of the vat using self-tapping screws.
- A playroom and bathroomleikkihuone ja kylpyhuonepaintedmaalaamaby Berlin artist Frena GouldBerliiniläisen taiteilijan Frena Gouldinis officially opened today by consultant gynaecologist Ann Ryall in the maternity outpatients department at North Tees General Hospital, Stockton.
- HousesTalotcould be glimpsed within the hillside vegetation, villas of stone or wooden slats,paintedmaalattuin startling shades of aquamarine and lime, rust red and canary yellowhuomiota herättävin sävyin sinivihreällä ja limetinvihreällä, ruosteenpunaisella ja kanariankeltaisella.
- To give a period look,the bath and basinkylpyamme ja lavuaarihave beenonpanelledpaneloituand the walls tiled just up to dado height.
- The wallsSeinätwereolipanelledpaneloituin mahoganymahongillaexcept for the fourth wall behind him.
- With time,the governmenthallitusgrants a De Facto recognition by installing running water, electricity, and bypavingkivetenthe roadstiet.
- Today even the most fervent opponents of union with Canada admit that the move brought its blessings, including moneyto<empty>pavekiveämiseksithe roadsteidenand all the benefits of a welfare state.
- The rest of the market areaTorin muut osatwould be<empty>pavedlaatoitettiinin something less expensivejollakin halvemmalla, but still something that looked very nice, but it's more manmade.
- Latermyöhemminitsenwas taken over andpavedkivesivätby the RomansRoomalaisetfrom a point north of Oxford to Sturdy's Castle, where it met the east-west road of Akeman Street.
- Build a plywood platform at one end of the room, cover it with a carpet andpilepinoaitsillewith floor cushionslattiatyynyjä.
- The vandalsVandaalitbroke into the house,piledpinosivatthe cookerliedellewith linenliinavaatteitathen switched it on and set light to it.
- `Only teasing you, Wraysford, ``saidHarringtonHarrington,pilingpinotenhis platelautaselleenwith the fried eggspaistettuja munia, which had started to congeal beneath the cover.
- A promenade ran along the top, and Ruth sawCouncil workmenneuvoston työmiestenpilingpinoavansandbagshiekkasäkkejäagainst the brightly painted railingskirkkaasti maalattuja kaidepuita vasten.
- When they'd goneHeidän lähdettyäänMaggieMaggiegathered up the rest of the dishes andpiledpinosithemnein the sinklavuaariin.
- The driversKuljettajatpiledpinosivatthemneinto carsautoihinand drove off to return shortly for another load.
- At the timeSiihen aikaanIminäwas mucking out the byre stalls, andpilingpinosinthe manurelantaaon top of my big heapison kasani päälle,when I saw the lights go on in the housekun näin valojen syttyvän talossa.
- On top of the turves, which gave out a steady glow,tasaisesti hehkuvien turvehiilien päälletheyHepiledpinosivatlogshirsiä,until the blaze roared in the grate, filling the kitchen with life-giving heatkunnes liekki roihahti arinaan täyttäen keittiön elämää sykkivällä kuumuudella.
- The bales that are still in one piecePaalit, jotka ovat yhä yhtenä kappaleena,are<empty>piledpinotaanon to a wagonvaunuunas they are brought inheti kun ne tuodaan.
- The bodies of 6 ewes and a ramKuuden emälampaan ja yhden pässin ruhotwere<empty>piledpinottiinonto a tractor trailertraktorin perävaunuunnear where they drowned in the Stretford Brooklähellä niiden hukkumispaikkaa Stretford Brookissa.
- With a teaspoonteelusikalla,pileKasaacheese mixturejuustoseosinto cavities left by the removal of the cores in the pear halveskoloihin, jotka olet saanut poistamalla siemenkodat päärynän puolikkaista.
- IMinäpiledpinosineverything i couldkaiken minkä pystyinon a sheet in the middle of the floorlakanalle keskelle huonettaand tied up the corners …
- About 20min before servingNoin 20 minuuttia ennen tarjoiluaremove all but the chocolate-coated truffles from the fridge andpilepinoaonto a large plattersuurelle tarjoiluvadille.
- The dryish curdKuivahko rahkais cut into big chunks andpiledpinotaaninto huge tubs that are left to stand in the dairy overnightvaltaviin sammioihin, jotka jätetään seisomaan meijerissä yön ylito allow the acidity and flavour to develophappamuuden ja maun lisäämiseksi.
- IMinäwould lie out in the midday sun andplasterpeittäämyselfitseniin baby oilvauvaöljyllä!
- SheHänplasteredpeittihis headhänen päänsäwith a yellow liquidkeltaisella nesteelläthat stung like salt when it ran into his eyes.
- PlasteringPeittäenhis facenaamansawith greaserasvallaand wiping away Hook's villainous eyebrows, he said what he had to say.
- SamSamtook it upon herselfto<empty>plasterrapatakseenthe wallsseinät.
- Floorslattiatwere sometimesJoskusplasteredpäällystettiin kipsillä, especially in light-wells or courtyards, with small pebbles mixed in with the plaster.
- The interiorsSisäosatwereoliplasteredkipsattuand decorated with frescoes which developed a complex cycle of religious ideas.
- Its windowsSen ikkunatareonplasteredpäällystettywith postersjulisteillaproclaiming the girls' innocence, as are those of their neighbours.
- Too much tea and coffeeLiika tee tai kahvicanvoipumppumpatayour systemelimistösifull of caffeinetäyteen kofeiinia, making you tense and anxious.
- SuitSuit'spumpedpumpannutmeminutfull of painkillerstäyteen kipulääkkeitä, but nothing else.
- They arecomputer programstietokoneohjelmia,pumpedpumpattufull of plain old knowledge and heuristics lore from experts who lend their wisdomtäyteen tavallista vanhaa tietoja ja heuristista lorinaa asiantuntijoilta, jotka lainaavat viisauttaan.
- I'd been in and out of hospitals, wheremy veinsminun suonenihad beenolipumpedpumpattufull of glucosetäyteen glukoosiabecause I'd refused to eat.
- Heavy fightingRaskas taisteluhadoliscatteredlevittänytthe desertaavikollewith damaged tanks, twisted wrecks that once were jeeps and burned-out trucks stuck head-first in deep sand driftsvahingoittuneita panssarivaunuja, vääntyneitä autonromuja, jotka olivat joskus olleet jeeppejä, ja maan tasalle palaneita rekkoja, joiden nokka oli syvällä hiekkanietoksessa.
- First look out for the spoor on prominent areas of the banks,scattersirottelethe areaalueellewith pieces of sliced appleomenanviipaleitaand then sit and wait.
- As it grows,the grassruoholleis<empty>scatteredleviääwith the dusky blue and magenta petals of meadow cranesbilltummansinisten ja purppuranpunaisten kyläkurjenpolvien terälehtiäand, as the hay ripens, seeding heads of sorrel colour its sunset-gold with red.
- Pour the garlic vinaigrette over and toss the salad, then serve immediately,scatteredsirottele päällewith cresskrassia.
- SeedAsennathe filtersuodattimeenwith A.B.A. or similarA.B.A. tai vastaava.
- HeHänseedsistuttaayour bodykehoosiwith human fragmentsihmisten osia,
- In both cases,seedasennathe filterssuodattimetby running them in an existing balanced set-up for a couple of days before a buying trip.
- Then, when a drop of solution is removed from that test-tubeto<empty>seedsiementämiseksithe next test-tubeseuraavan koeputken, it will be the new mutant variety that does the seeding.
- The solutionLiuoshad to beoliseededsiemennettävä.
- Once I had established a tub full of white worm,every plant pot in the housetalon jokaiseen kasviruukkuunwas<empty>seededlaitettiinwith a small amount of wormhieman matojaand these are occasionally fed with a piece of moist bread.
- But the cornice offers no aid andhehäntumbles and slithers down once more, cursing and swearing andshoweringheittäenmepäälleniin snowlunta.
- SheHänpicked her way between them, treading with care so as notto<empty>showerheittänytthingsniiden päällewith sandhiekkaa.
- Some of the patients look as thoughtheyheidän päälleenhave beenolisishoweredheitettywith poppy seedsunikonsiemeniä.
- The most memorable scene has German officers andtheir ladiesheidän naistensa päälletrapped in an underground bunker andshoweredheitettiinwith hand grenades and gasolinekäsikranaatteja ja bensiiniä.
- She had a fake -- a trick: just before the contest startedshehänsmearedvoiteliher mouthhänen suunsawellhyvinwith buttervoilla.
- HeHänpromptly took it out of her hand,smearedvoiteliitsiihenwith honeyhunajaaand pushed it towards her mouth.
- Opening trick: stop nail polish bottle tops from sticking bysmearinglevittämälläthe groovesuriinwith some Vaselinehieman vaseliinia.
- In this case, straight sections of Kopex connectors were pushed into Acorn connectors afterthe pipe endsputken päihinhad beenolismearedlevitettywith lubricantvoiteluainetta.
- Put the meat into a roasting pan, join-side down,smearsivelewith olive oiloliiviöljyäand sprinkle with salt.
- Traditional packing can be replaced withwoolvillalla, jollesmearedlevitettywith petroleum jellyvaseliinia; some modern nonrising spindle taps have rubber (or neoprene) `O'-ring seals which are easily replaced.
- For small early beets,sowsirottelesmall potspieniin ruukkuihinwith 2-3 capsules2–3 kapseliaand plant out seedling clusters unthinned.
- Our sojourn here will raise such a city as Cadmus whenhehänsowedkylvithe Theban fieldthebanilaisen pellon.
- Then he moved on, stepping carefully in ``his heavy boots as ifthe floorlattiallemight have beenolisisownsiroteltuwith minesmiinoja.
- A farmerMaanviljelijäsowedkylvigood seedhyviä siemeniäin his fieldpellolleenbut, while he was asleep, an enemy sowed darnel amongst the wheat.
- A few of these fieldsMuutamille näistä pelloistaare<empty>speciallyerityisestisownkylvetäänin ley grassniittonurmeabut most are permanent grass.
- For a moment she looked furiously at Donald, her teeth bared like a cat's, thenshehänshook her hair out,spatteringpirskottaenDonaldDonaldin päällewith bree and barleyolutta, and hauled him back into the dance.
- During the engagement A.A. bursts were exploding all round me, my port plane receiveda near miss whichtäpärä ohilaukaus,made a large hole andspatteredsinkoutuithe aircraftlentokoneeseenwith splinterspirstaleita, which injured my left elbow.
- He returnedmy letterkirjeenispatteredpirskottaenwith his own bloodsiihen omaa vertaan, and a reply.
- Trick tables conceal parts of the actors ``bodies, andmodelsmallitare made for the missing parts, liberallyspatteredroiskutettuwith gore and gutshyytynyttä verta ja sisälmyksiä.
- Resolutely,shehänsplashedpirskottiher facekasvoilleenwith icy waterjääkylmää vettä, repaired her make-up, and went back to her desk to face the nightmare with only her dignity to mask her pain.
- Its waters proved irresistibly attractive to us, andwemeplayfullyleikkisästistartedsplashingroiskuttaa vettäone anothertoistemme päälle.
- He was wearing top boots and had evidently ridden over, becausetheynewereolisplashedroiskittuwith mudmudalla.
- His heart lurched andhehänsplashedloiskauttihis gobletpikarinsafull to the brimpiripintaan asti täyteteenwith dark red clarettummanpunaista punaviiniä.
- Afterwards, rinse your face with tepid water and two minutes latersplashpirskottelewith cold waterkylmällä vedellä.
- (Oh, excuse me a minute, my little chaplain is jumping up and down,splatteringläikyttäenthe parchmentpergmanettipaperillewith inkmustetta.
- A passing cartOhi ajavat rattaatrolled bysplatteringroiskuttivathimhänen päälleenwith mudmutaaand Corbett quietly cursed Burnell for sending him here.
- Brandon then told one of the other group: `Order your food and leave if you don't want trouble, orIminä'll<empty>splatterräväytänyour facenaamasiacross the roadkatuun.
- Without exceptiontheyheidän päälleenwere<empty>splatteredroiskutettiinin paintmaaliaas if they'd gone in for action art.
- Before,hehänwould<empty>splatterroiskuttaisi, and she would take the same pigment, the same colours, and assemble.
- No matter how muchNorse manurenorjalaista lantaayousinäsplatterroiskutaton to themheidän päälleen, they've a habit of coming up smelling of roses.
- HeHänagrees to cover the garbage with sand andto<empty>sprayruiskuttamaanthe areaalueellewith chemicalskemikaalejato kill the flies and mosquitoes.
- The seeds of further sexual confusion were sown by the custom, in the cinemas of Wellington, Shropshire, where I lived, ofsprayingruiskutettiinthe audienceyleisön päällewith perfumed deodoranttuoksuvaa deodoranttiaduring the intervals.
- YantoYantohad just taken a swig of cider, and instantlysprayedhörpännyta dozen regularstusinan normaalikokoisia tuoppejaas the uncontrollable spasm of laughter erupted.
- The discovery was made bya farmermaanviljelijäoutsprayingruiskuttamassahis cropssatoaan.
- Dilute 2 UNC oz of borax in 5gals of water, using the solutionto<empty>sprayruiskuttaaksesithe foliagelehvistön.
- A packed restaurantPullollaan olevaan ravintolaanwas<empty>sprayedsinkosiwith glasslasinsirpaleitaat the £300m Lakeside Shopping Centre in Thurrock, Essex.
- SIXTEEN police officers were hurt, includingsevenseitsemääsprayedruiskutettiinwith CS gaskyynelkaasulla, and 51 people were arrested at an acid house party, police said yesterday.
- They have thus becomethe animal equivalents of the plants whichkasvien eläinvastineita, joitaare force-fed with artificial fertilizers andsprayedruiskutetaanwith herbicides and pesticideskasvimyrkkyjä ja tuholaistorjunta-aineita.
- The next remark was hissed directly into Robert's ear, and Robert felthis neckniskaansalightlykevyestisprayedruiskutettiinwith salivasylkeä.
- SheHänspread butter on to a deliciously aromatic roll, andspreadlevittiitsiihenwith honeyhunajaa, adding calmly, `This is your villa.
- Flatten the bread with a rolling-pin, thenspreadlevitäeach slicekullekin viipaleellethinlyohuestiwith mayonnaisemajoneesia.
- SpreadLevitärest of smaller cakepienemmän leivoksen muihin osiinwith jamhilloaand cover with remaining marzipan, as before.
- Peel off the lining paper,spreadlevitäwith the whipped creamkermavaahtoand roll up from one short side.
- Froma plain wooden tablekoruttomalta puupöydältäspreadlevitettywith literaturekirjallisuuttashe picked up a booklet and offered it to Melissa, who took it with some hesitation.
- Butter sliced dark rye bread andspreadlevitäthinlyohuestiwith mustardsinappia.
- The first floor, which was still inhabited, with David and herself, Ben and Paul, though three of the rooms were empty,their bedsheidän sängyilleenstanding ready,spreadlevitettywith fresh pillows and laundered duvetspuhtaat tyynyt ja pestyt täkit.
- SprinkleRipottelethe toppäälleevenlytasaisestiwith chocolate chipssuklaalastujaand serve at once.
- At the end, assisted by the two younger priests,hehäncame through the altar rails andsprinkledpirskottithe coffinkirstun päällewith Holy Waterpyhää vettä.
- AnnaAnnaemptied cornflakes out of the packet until her bowl was piled high,sprinkledripottelithe pilepinollewith sugarsokeriaand doused it in milk, then sat staring at it while the sugar dissolved and the cornflakes drooped.
- Leave the heads and scales on, andsprinkleripottelethe fishkalallewith about 1 level tablespoon of saltnoin yksi ruokalusikallinen suolaa.
- My next target wasthe deck chair areakansituolialue,whichjollewasliberallyanteliaastisprinkledripoteltiinwith coinskolikkoja.
- `In the evening,the courtyard of his househänen talonsa pihais swept andsprinkledpirskotetaanwith rosewaterruusuvettäand colourful carpets are spread out on a raised platform.
- Needing something light and refreshing to slake a newly parched mouth and throatKaivaten jotakin kevyttä ja virkistävää kuivan suun ja kurkun janon sammuttamiseksi,shehänsquirtedpirskottisodakivennäisvettäfrom a siphonlapostainto a tall glasskorkeaan lasiinand added a cluster of ice cubes.
- Some sting, some bite, some throw poisonous hairs at you andothersmuutsquirtsuihkuttavatyoupäällesiwith blinding sprayssokaisevan ruiskun.
- CrystalCrystalsquirtedpirskottimepäälleniall overyltympäriinsäwith scenthajuvettäeven though it wouldn't show in a photograph.
- Ifshehänstartedto<empty>strewlevittithe floorlattiallewith objectstavaroitashe received a firm warning then, if she persisted, her mother took her wrists and made her pick up and replace each object.
- On Wednesday mornings,the City streetsCityn kaduillewould be<empty>strewnlevitettiinwith manurelantaa, quickly gathered by keen gardeners armed with buckets and shovels.
- But what he doesn't doisonstuffhommahis secretaryhänen sihteerinsäsillytyperästiwith volumes of useless memos to be re-stuffed into overflowing filing cabinetsahtaa valtavasti hyödyttömiä muistioita tupaten täysiin arkistokaappeihin.
- LoyonelLoyonel, he's there, leaning on the machine andstuffingahtaenhimselfitsensäsicksairaaksi.
- Dorcas sent a couple of his more agile young assistant engineers up the wire netting, just in case,to<empty>stuffahtamaanthe rusty padlockruosteisen munalukonfull of mudtäyteen mutaa.
- “ Oh, hell … ” she groaned, and tried to sit up, her head feeling as ifsomeonejokuhadstuffedtunkenutitsenfull of cotton wooltäyteen pumpulia, “ I fainted, didn't I?
- Needlessly Herr Nordern cleared his throat again, frowning atPaulPaulillewho was goggling at him whilestuffingahtaenhimselfitseensäwith cheese and cold hamjuustoa ja kylmää kinkkua.
- HeHäntore a roll open,stuffedtäyttiitsenwith cut hamleikekinkullaand gave her that.
- But by the time a baby boy grows up,his headhänen päähänsähas beenonstuffedahdettuwith myths and taboosmyyttejä ja tabuja, and the idea that in sexual matters, the man always knows best!
- IMinäsat there for an hourstuffingahmien ruokaamy stomachvatsaaniand telling him exactly what had happened.
- Many varieties ofolivesoliivejaare available, either plain orstuffedtäytettywith almondsmantelilla, anchovies or pimentos.
- ItSewas wood panelled andstuffedtäytettywith leather chairsnahkatuoleilla.
- `Some pheasant or quail”Joku fasaani tai viiräinen, cooked to a golden brown andstuffedtäytettywith spicesmausteilla.
- It'sona large, sweet shortcake-like creationsuuri, makea murokakun kaltainen luomus,,stuffedtäytettywith sultanasvaaleilla rusinoilla.
- This timeheatlämpösuffusedlevisiher entire bodyhänen koko kehoonsa.
- Shimmering moire tints in fugitive pink, blue and greenVälkehtivät linnut, joiden väri vaihtelee vaaleanpunaisen, sinisen ja vihreän sävyissäsuffuselevittävättheir wingssiipensä, while their bodies appear clad in abalone and mother of pearl.
- Luke's eyes stared down into hers, his gaze drawing up a veil of heat in her body untilshehäneenwas<empty>suffusedlevisiby a sensation that blocked out everything but his closenesstunne, joka peitti alleen kaiken muun paitsi hänen läheisyytensä.
- Sipotai's faceSipotain kasvoillewas<empty>suffusedlevisiwith rageraivo.
- Nearly £15,000 has been spent on landscaping andsurfacingpäällystämiseksithe areaalueenby The Globe public house and down to Alresford Pond.
- During the 18th Century Turnpike Trusts were set up, partly to build new roads, but mainly to maintain old ones,many of whichjoista monetwereolipoorlyhuonostisurfacedpäällystettyand too badly rutted to carry the increasing traffic.
- Only a relatively narrow widthVain suhteellisen ohut leveyswas<empty>surfacedpäällystettiinwith stonekivillä, and the remainder was left under grass as we see it today.
- Ifyousinäintend totilekaakeloidaover existing tilesolemassa olevien kaakelien päälle, you will have to drill holes through them for the masonry pins.
- If there are recesses for items like washing machines and dishwashers, be sure to remove these to allowyousinätotilekaakeloidaright back to the wallsuoraan seinään.
- Donald ButtressDonald Buttressin' solution wasto<empty>tilekaakeloidathe roofkattowith ridged composition tiles of a greenish grey hue, which from below look remarkably similar to slates and blend very well with the stoneworkvihertävän harmailla jäykillä komposiittitiilillä, jotka alhaalta päin katsottuina muistuttivat paljon liuskekiviä ja sulautuivat erittäin hyvin kivirakennukseen.
- In bathrooms, it's advisable totilekaakeloidawalls other than those immediately above the bathkaikki seinät, jotka eivät ole välittömästi kylpyammeen yläpuolella-- excessive condensation looks unattractive and can shorten the life of the product.
- HeHändesigned and made the units from timber he found locally and thentiledkaakeloithe worktopstyötasot.
- The floorLattiahad beenolispeciallyerityisestitiledkaakeloituwith small red and white lozenge-shaped stonespienillä punaisilla ja valkoisilla vinoneliökivilläand covered with woollen rugs.
- ShallIminävarnishlakatamy nailskynteni?
- Ifvarnishinglakkaata doorovea, it is better to use a 2½ or 3in brush, rather than 1 or 1½in.
- Iftheyhethen paint andvarnishlakkaavatthemne, they look very attractive to take home.
- Alternativelyvarnishlakkaaitsewith polyurethane varnishpolyuretaanilakalla.
- Alternatively,yousinäcanvoitvarnishlakatathe woodpuunor use a spray-can of car paint.
- The wood of the planks was almost white, butitsehad been sanded and thenvarnishedlakattuwith gums and resinspihkalla ja hartsilla,until it glistenedkunnes se kimalsi.
- Paint a blown egg all over in one colour andvarnishlakkaaitse.
- `TheyNehave beenonvarnishedlakattuand are hanging out to dry.
- IMinä'm gon navarnishlakataitsen.
- Whenwallpaperingtapetoita roomhuonetta, pin a left-over length inside a wardrobe or cupboard door so that it ages along with the paper on the walls.
- It was a dream I had --Wemewere<empty>wallpaperingtapetoimmea wallseinää,Dad and Mum and Bri and meisä, äiti, Bri ja minä.
- WallpaperTapetoithemneor cover them with fabric: felt, hessian, sacking, lining fabric or printed cotton.
- SheHänhad been halfway throughwallpaperingtapetoinutone roomyhtä huonettawhen the pull of the sun had grown too strong to resist a second longer.
- WrapPeitäthe bottom corneralakulmawith a couple of layers of masking tapeparilla maalarinteippikerroksellato prevent the scraper from cutting the device.
- TheyHewould<empty>wrapkäärivätthe lamblampaanin a warm blanketlämpimään huopaan, feed it from a bottle, and keep it near the heat of the kitchen fire, perhaps even on top of the oven, until it recovered.
- Their names, kept secret until election night, are written uponslips of paper whichpaperinpaloihin, jotkaare<empty>wrappedkääritäänin wax papervahapaperiinbefore being sealed in hot wax.
- Charles hated the feeling thathehänetwas being<empty>wrappedkäärittäisiinin cotton woolpumpuliin; he felt cheated when he was not allowed to do what other men did.
- Straighten the bristles after cleaning andwrapkääriwith clean plain paperpuhtaalla tavallisella paperilla, so that the bristles maintain their shape, and then lay it on its side until it is required for use.
- When cold,wrapkääriin foilfolioonor store in an airtight tin.
- `ItSeneedsto be<empty>wrappedpaketoitavaupquicklynopeasti.
- SheHänwrappedpaketoiupthe clogshollannikkaatand gave them back to me with the instruction that I was only to wear the shoes when I came to call.
- `You<empty>wrapPukeuduyourself<empty>upgood and warmhyvin ja lämpimästiand I'll get the horse and cart from Carys next door.
- Or grate the rind onto small pieces of freezer film;wrapkääritightlytiukkaan, then place in a polythene bag.
- PearsPäärynöitäare treated in much the same way, butare neverei koskaanwrappedpaketoida.