The use of the streets and other public places as venues in which
grievances and complaints
epäkohdat ja valitukset (and to celebrate achievements) has a long and hallowed history.
A meeting which
Kokous, jossa just
is quite legitimate but every one present should be aware of it.
Because of its spread of membership, it has retained value as a forum where
a wide range of ideas and views
monia erilaisia ideoita ja näkemyksiä for discussion
keskustelua varten .
A public enquiry in 1835
Julkisessa tutkinnassa vuonna 1835 the radicals' demands for a Paris-style research museum
radikaalien vaatimukset pariisilaistyylisestä tutkimusmuseosta , but traditional forces ensured that the scientists were kept subordinate to public figures who were more concerned with the arts.
Thoughts of acquiring a complete rake of steam-compatible Mk 1s from BR
Ajatukset höyryn kanssa yhteensopivan täydellisen Mk 1s:n ostamisesta BR:ltä for the first time
ensimmäisen kerran .
Meetings need not be addressed by any one person although
a specific topic
erityinen aihe for discussion
keskustelua varten if the group wishes
ryhmän pyynnöstä .
Not all marriage problems
Kaikkia avioliitto-ongelmia ei by any means
millä tahansa keinolla , and some are best resolved privately.
A PAIR of tramps in the cellar of an abandoned hotel
Hylätyn hotellin kellarissa olevat pari kulkuria their psychological underwear
psykologisia alusvaatteitaan, until evicted by a (superficially) heartless boilerman
kunnes (pintapuolisesti) sydämetön keittäjä hävitti ne : we seem to have been here before.
could have been problematic among competitors, but
and dealt with
These proposals
nämä ehdotukset by the French government
Ranskan hallitus at the annual meeting of the IMF
IMF:n vuosikokouksessa in September 1964
syyskuussa 1964 .
In fact,
many potential objections
monia mahdollisia vastalauseita may never even be
ei ehkä koskaan , because the demonstration process will make them invalid.
Those who practise these branches of study often mistake them for spheres of knowledge when they are more accurately seen as examples of dialectic or rhetoric --
may be better
on ehkä parempi in talk
keskustelun aikana .
Dissatisfaction with the original McAllister plan ran strongly enough in some road running circles to lead many to advocate secession from the AAA (
if only speculatively
vaikkakin vain spekulatiivisesti ,
in RUNNING Magazine
RUNNING-lehdessä !).
An important policy matter which
Tärkeä poliittinen aihe, joka occasionally
satunnaisesti in recent years
viime vuosina is the size of academic library collections, compared with the amount of use they receive.
It's indicative of that enfeebled culture of opposition that Labour's insecurity prevents
intelligent and thoughtful politicians
älykkäitä ja pohdiskelevia poliitikkoja from
their reservations and doubts
varauksiaan ja epäilyksiään .
This is not the place to discuss the report at length, but to mention
one or two points that
yksi tai kaksi kohtaa, jotka at the press conference
lehdistökonferenssissa to introduce it
asian esittelemiseksi .
In secondary schools, in particular,
to focus attention on the processes and practices adopted in the name of education
huomion kiinnittämiseksi opetuksen nimissä hyväksyttyihin menettelyihin ja käytäntöihin .
Even seemingly wild ideas
jopa näennäisesti villejä ideoita at this point
Tässä vaiheessa to break away from stale thinking
ummehtuneen ajattelun välttämiseksi .
The problem of Sunday caddies
Sunnuntaimailapoikien ongelma but not to any effect
mutta tuloksetta ,
the committee believing it had to abide by the `banning ``decision made at the earlier bondholders meeting
koska komitea luuli, että sen piti noudattaa aiemmassa obligaatioiden haltijoiden kokouksessa tehtyä ”sitovaa” päätöstä .
their `views
”näkemyksiään” to the `programme ``makers
”ohjelman” tekijöille in THE WORD: ACCESS ALL AREAS.
Rejecting any partition of the country, Cheiffou called upon
to disarm, and
their grievances
valituksen aiheensa through dialogue
vuoropuhelun kautta .
After all,
valituksen aiheita ,
plenty of times
moneen kertaan ,
usually with Theo acting as peace-maker
yleensä Theon toimiessa rauhanhierojana .
What follows must be speculative in nature until the Cheka archives for 1921-2 are opened up, since
are involved which
would never have been
ei olisi koskaan .
Anyway, her cancer as such was not actively discussed, so
only her loss and not the cause of her loss
vain hänen kuolemastaan, ei hänen kuolemansa syystä .
IT IS, beyond doubt,
in this column
tällä palstalla .
Nor is
an anti-abortion candidate who
aborttia vastustava ehdokas, joka graphic television commercials with footage of dismembered fetuses
graafisia televisiomainoksia, joissa näytettin silvottuja sikiöitä .
Many private problems
Monet yksityiset ongelmat need
Those who've noticed the number of times
the Sedgefield MP's cherubic opinions
Sedgefieldin parlamentin jäsenen kerubimaisia mielipiteitä on television
televisiossa will little doubt it.
satunnaisesti on TV or in the press
televisiossa tai lehdistössä and Gay News had hit the streets.
our knowledge
tietämystämme , and bore them about our skills.
his complaints
valituksensa in an interview
haastattelussa at his apartment in Manhattan's great culture gulch, the Upper West Side
asunnossaan Manhattanin merkittävässä kulttuurikehdossa Upper West Sidessa ,
on the even of his departure for a long concert tour
hetkellä, jolloin hän on lähdössä pitkälle konserttikiertueelle .
The Turkish government is closing down
journals and magazines which
sanoma- ja aikakauslehtiä, jotka anti-government opinions
hallituksen vastaisia mielipiteitä .
There's a danger that we are producing a profession overloaded with
graduates who
loppututkinnon suorittaneilla, jotka may be more anxious
their own opinions
omat mielipiteensä than to report the views of others.
He liked
in front of our friends, most of whom felt as he did
ystävillemme, joista useimmat ajattelivat samoin kun hän : he said I looked so pretty when I got excited.
The idea was that through deconditioning, unblocking, a ventilation of the soul (`
``), it was possible to achieve some kind of frank and freeflowing exchange.
have a chance
He said he would be pressing for the expulsion of
several members of the local association who
useita jäseniä paikallisessa yhdistyksessä, joka derogatory views about a black candidate
halventavia näkemyksiä mustasta ehdokkaasta while publicly supporting him
samalla julkisesti tukien häntä .
Sunday at four thirty for Scotsport, for all the top football action plus our phone line —
on 041-332-8787
soittamalla numeroon 041-332-8787 .
While the matter is under discussion
Kun asiasta keskustellaan parhaillaan but once the matter is decided all members of the Government, whether within the cabinet or not, must support it.
Though sharing many of
the concerns
huolenaiheista in the Population issue (NI 176)
Population-numerossa (NI 176) , I'm still disturbed by the complacency about the rising population.
Most other efforts
have been suppressed.
In a sensational sermon in the parish church of St Andrews at Easter 1547
Huomiota herättävässä saarnassa St Andrewsin seurakunnan kirkossa pääsiäisenä 1547 his radical view of the papacy as Antichrist
radikaalisesta näkemyksestään paavista antikristuksena .
If the care programme approach is adopted by user and carer interests
could be used
the needs of consumers with mental health problems
mielenterveysongelmista kärsivien kuluttajien tarpeet and express these to commissioners or planners.
To provide a vehicle for self-help or consumerism; that is,
groups of families, dependants or sufferers
perheiden, huolettavien tai kärsijöiden ryhmät, who seek mutual support or a means of
The holistic statements in terms of institutional racism (A) and white power (C)
Holistiset väittämät institutionaalisesta rasismista (A) ja valkoisesta vallasta (C) what has been called the dominant ideology thesis in the social sciences
sitä, mitä on kutsuttu vallitsevan ideologian teesiksi yhteiskuntatieteissä .
The right hemisphere of his brain
Hänen aivojensa oikea puolisko what it registered
sitä, mitä se tallensi .
what had been implicit in much of moral purity -- an opposition to the idea that the male sexual urge was uncontrollable, and that frequent intercourse was necessary for men's health
sen, mikä oli ollut piilevää moralistisessa siveydessä – vastarintaa idealle, jonka mukaan miehistä seksuaalista himoa ei voida hallita ja että säännöllinen sukupuoliyhdyntä on välttämätöntä miesten terveydelle .
in Graco Inc
Graco Inc:ssä .
In the immediate aftermath of the revolution
Vallankumouksen välittömänä jälkimaininkina this point of view
tämän mielipiteen most clearly
kaikkein selkeimmin by Russian anarchist writers
venäläiset anarkistikirjailijat .
A frequent fault is making the diphthongs too long:
each element
jokainen elementti too clearly
liian selvästi .
The restrictions governing such use which
rajoitukset, joilla säänneltiin tällaista käyttöä were
by Gierek, Gomulka's successor
Gomulkan seuraaja Gierek , provide the charter and justification for the military's conduct in 1981:
The daunting concertante piano part
Pelottava concertante piano-osa, jota is well integrated into the burgeoning orchestral texture, and
by Love Derwinger
Love Derwinger .
Therefore, here again we have reservations about
by Alison Jaggar (1983)
Alison Jaggarin (1983) at the end of an excellent discussion of political philosophy from a feminist perspective
poliittista filosofiaa feministisestä näkökulmasta tarkastelevan erinomaisen keskustelun lopussa :
by Edmund Burke
Edmund Burke in his Speech to the Electors of Bristol of November 3, 1774
puheessaan Bristolin valitsijamiehille 3. marraskuuta 1774 .
The difference between them is given in syntactic terms:
``Equative prolongation …
”Yhtälön jatkuminen… by overt repetition or apposition
avoimella toistolla tai appositiolla …
Sir Teddy Taylor
Sir Teddy Taylor the argument that the anti-Common Marketeers have had to contend with
väitteen, johon yhteismarkkinoiden vastustajien oli tyytyminen and which has in many respects been found wanting.
The implicit assumptions upon which the ratios are based
Epäsuorat oletukset, joihin luvut perustuvat are contentious, value laden and
ilmaistu selvästi .
The recognition of the linguistic (English) problems
kielellisten (englanti) ongelmien tunnistamisesta .
couldn't quite
ei pystynyt aivan , an intuitive hostility to both the arguments and the conclusions they had just heard.
in Taylor's `scientific-management ``concept, in Weber's bureaucratic principles and in Fayol's classical management teachings
Taylorin ”tieteellishallinnollisessa” käsitteessä, Weberin byrokraattisissa periaatteissa ja Fayolin klassisen hallinnon opetuksissa .
The typical measure provided is the comparison of
what the organizations said they would spend
mitä järjestöt sanovat käyttävänsä varoja (
in their budget
niiden budjetissa ) with what they actually spent.
Partial meanings become more clearly comprehended and
in a way that allows a work to be `unpacked discursively ``
siten, että työtä voidaan ”analysoida hajautetusti” (ibid).
had now
with other histories
muihin tarinoihin , indeed is articulated, according to the overall but decentred totality of the particular mode of production.
as Britain expanded its imperial rule
Britannian laajentaessa keisarivaltaansa ,
this pragmatic concern for the people
tämä pragmaattinen huoli kansasta with a distinct sense of the British (English) nation
erilliseen tunteeseen brittiläisestä (englantilaisesta) kansakunnasta (Schwarz 1986).
It was only the first of
many devices that
monista välineistä, jotka party opinion against governments that the party theoretically supported
puolueen mielipiteen hallituksia vastaan, mitä puolue teoreettisesti tuki .
These poems along with many others in a similar vein, show that
aspects of their experience
kokemuksistaan .
The ways forward for the CNAA in its relationships with the institutions
CNAA:n ja instituutioiden välisten suhteiden kehittyminen in various forms
eri muodoissa , and a perspective on the complexities may be helped by taking two of them.
No city
Mikään kaupunki ei German prosperity
Saksan vaurautta ,
with its lavish temples of commerce and its bustling city centre
ylenpalttisine kauppatemppeleineen ja vilkkaine kaupungin keskustoineen .
They tended to move in the same circles and share many of the same values as the liberal nobility and
progressively minded public opinion
progressiivinen julkinen mielipide by journalists, writers, professors, and students
toimittajien, kirjoittajien, opettajien ja opiskelijoiden .
the theology of the Franciscans
fransiskaanien teologian ,
inspired by the imitation of Christ in the life of poverty and love of their founder
joka oli saanut innoituksensa Kristuksen jäljittelemisestä köyhyydessä ja rakkaudesta heidän perustajaansa .
in a manner in which others will understand
siten, että muut ymmärtävät heitä .
during each visit
jokaisella käynnillään ,
as, for example, by the head of School G
Esimerkiksi koulun G rehtori : I think that every school library should have a qualified off-the-staff school librarian.
In the case of Out
Outin tapauksessa ,
a dialogue within the novel
vuoropuhelu romaanissa Sukenick's engagement with the reader's probable, realistic expectations
Sukenickin sitoutumisen lukijan todennäköisiin, realistisiin odotuksiin .
in a way understandable to the people
ihmisten ymmärtämällä tavalla .
specific rules
erityisiä sääntöjä to guide the `delicate task of adjudication ``
”tuomion antamisen vaativaan tehtävään” .
Worse still,
at all
unless he/she expects to have to spell them out
jollei hänen ole pakko tuoda niitä julki .
This would have the benefit of forcing
the premises on which they are reasoning
edellytykset, joita he käyttävät perusteluissaan .
Those values and interests
Nämä arvot ja edut through their unions
heidän liittojensa kautta ,
especially when public policy entails the reduction of service and therefore employment levels in the public sector
etenkin silloin, kun julkisessa politiikassa pyritään vähentämään palveluja ja siten julkisen sektorin työntekijöitä .
Rather the professional context again provides
limited space where
rajoitetun alueen, jossa ,
particularly if their aim is to change one particular institution
etenkin, jos niiden tavoitteena on muuttaa jotakin tiettyä instituutiota .
Everyone was amazed when she first did, interrupting the teacher with
a series of incoherent stammers
sekavilla änkytyksillä which seemed to insist on
, against her will.
The position of Morocco was complex in that
having committed forces on the allied side
joka oli lähettänyt joukkoja liittoutuneiden puolelle , was compelled by the strength of domestic feeling
its concern over the war
huolensa sodasta .
concern for the safety and integrity of Iraqi territory
huolensa Irakin alueen turvallisuudesta ja integriteetistä .
the view that Lord Cullen and his staff have produced a document of world-class significance -- in, given the circumstances, a remarkably short time
näkemykseni siitä, että Lordi Cullen ja hänen henkilöstönsä ovat tuottaneet maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävän dokumentin – ja olosuhteet huomioiden huomattavan lyhyessä ajassa .
numerous reservations
lukuisia varauksia before agreeing to join the EBRD
ennen kuin se suostui liittymään EBRD:ään .
The UK and French governments
Yhdistyneen Kuningaskunnan ja Ranskan hallitukset a preference for ``four-plus-zero (that is negotiations among the four allies without German involvement)
kannattavansa pikemminkin ”four-plus-zeroa” (eli neuvotteluja neljän liittolaisen kesken ilman Saksaa) , but had subsequently agreed to the US proposal.
We may say that
when a piece of music unexpectedly changes to a minor key
kun musiikkikappale odottamatta vaihtuu molliin a feeling of foreboding
pahaenteisyyttä .
the same hopes
samat toiveet in his correspondence with Reynolds
kirjeenvaihdossaan Reynoldsin kanssa .
most concern
eniten huolenaiheita about nursing, which comprises 50 per cent of the total NHS workforce
hoitotyöstä, jossa on 50 % NHS:n kokonaistyövoimasta .
In the United States
Yhdysvalloissa ,
about the contribution of firearms to suicide
tuliaseiden osuudesta itsemurhaan .
At the level of rhetoric
Retoriikan tasolla much concern
runsaasti huolenaiheita about female underachievement
naisten huonosta menestyksestä even if the reference is generally to the experiences of white girls.
as in last week's debate in the House of Lords
kuten viime viikon keskustelussa ylähuoneessa about retrospective legislation and the practical difficulties of prosecuting alleged war criminals
taannehtivasta lainsäädännöstä ja käytännön vaikeuksista oletettujen sotarikollisten syytteeseen asettamiseksi .
In the arts,
elastistisuutta by attenuation or flexure of a previously established grid: eg, a square pattern becomes a diamond pattern
aiemmin määritetyn ruudukon ohentamisella tai taivuttamisella: esimerkiksi neliökuviosta tulee timanttikuvio .
by specific words
Erityisillä sanoilla are only appre-hended as a result of the effects which are achieved when they are used.
At that time,
by my right hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham, Sparbrook (Mr. Hattersley)
kunnianarvoisa ystäväni Birmingham, Sparbrookin jäsen (Hattersley) .
He had better luck when sending a cablegram to the American President who replied, `The President deeply appreciates
the friendly sentiment
ystävällistä mielipidettänne on behalf of the influential body which you represent
edustamanne vaikutusvaltaisen elimen puolesta .
Alongside anxiety about loss must be placed
a parallel feeling
samanaikainen tunne best
by the indignant snort of a parent of four `children ``in their twenties
neljän ”noin 20-vuoden ikäisen” lapsen vanhemman närkästynyt tuhahdus : `Empty nest?
In view of
the apparently conflicting views
selvästi ristiriitaiset näkemykset by this court
tämän tuomioistuimen in other cases, in two of which I was personally involved
muissa tapauksissa, joista osallistuin henkilökohtaisesti kahteen , I would like to add some words of my own.
in curious language
kummallisella kielellä ,
should be regarded as assisting all concerned in providing probably the best statement yet of what the pursuer's case is.
Mixing paints is not so far from the pre-Mendelian vision of heredity, and even today
popular culture
populaarikulttuurissa in terms of a mixing of `bloods ``
termillä ”verien” sekoittuminen .
the social tone of the areas they served
palvelemiensa alueiden sosiaalista sävyä .
the efficiency of representation of the data so that
its particular features
erityispiirteitä are
, and can easily be retrieved and analysed.
should like
here, as I have done outside the House,
my deepest sympathy
syvimmän myötätuntoni to the bereaved and to the families of those who were injured
läheisensä kuolemaa sureville omaisille ja loukkaantuneiden perheille .
Class antagonism
Luokkien vastakkainasettelusta is in fact rarely
in the caustic comments of such journals as the Scottish Typographical Circular
Scottish Typographical Circularin kaltaisten sanomalehtien ivallisissa kommenteissa .
I thank God for
's gift for
what is evidently on the Father's heart for us
se, mikä on ilmeisen lähellä meidän isien sydäntä .
The argument for the appellants on this issue
Tätä aihetta koskeva kantelijoiden väite, jonka ,
somewhat differently
varsin eri tavoin by their respective counsel
heidän vastaavat asianajajansa , can be summarised as follows.
the powerlessness which many Arab women feel
monien arabinaisten kokemaa voimattomuutta .
our deep sympathy
syvimmän myötätuntomme , ma'am, ``Bragg said.
Acceptance came when
their eldest daughter, Claire
heidän vanhin tyttärensä Claire , then aged five,
her delight at seeing the twins for the first time
ilahtuneisuutensa nähdessään kaksoset ensimmäistä kertaa and said simply: `Oh look Mammy, they're stuck together.
A small group of Christians
Pieni kristittyjen ryhmä also
their opposition
vastustuksensa by demonstrating outside the government's headquarters
osoittamalla mieltään hallituksen päämajan ulkopuolella .
In his address to the Colombo Non-Aligned Conference
Premier Pham Van Dong
Premier Pham Van Dong support for `the Southeast Asian peoples in their efforts to achieve genuine independence, peace and neutrality ``
tukensa ”Kaakois-Aasian ihmisille niiden pyrkimyksistä saavuttaa aito itsenäisyys, rauha ja puolueettomuus” .
He loves drawing and painting but
very difficult.
At least nine times over
his delight in meditating upon God and his word
iloaan meditoinnissa Jumalasta ja hänen sanastaan .
, ``says one from an English mother, `
my most sincere esteem in recognition of your masterwork
mitä vilpittömin ihailuni mestarityöstäsi .
faith in scientific education and in the scientific spirit generally
luottamuksensa tieteelliseen opetukseen ja yleensäkin tieteelliseen henkeen , and these things were prominent in the Discourses at the Royal Institution in the 1870s.
Here I am admitting that all the clichés of parenthood are so accurate it's no wonder that
the only people
ainoat ihmiset who try
are Hollywood film makers.
would like
some views
joitakin mielipiteitä on a piece of paper
paperiarkilla , Please write it to your Scottish penpal!
had talked in delirium or
to each other
toisiaan kohtaan .
The session ended with an extraordinary meeting demanded by
the Conservative junior ministers
konservatiivien nuorempien ministereiden in order that they
their discontent
tyytymättömyyytensä to the Cabinet members of their own party
oman puolueensa kabinetin jäsenille .
We're going to survive by being violent' --
with passionate intensity
intohimoisen voimakkaasti .
``When it was done
Her complete satisfaction with the statue both as a portrait and as a work of art
olevansa täysin tyytyväinen veistokseen sekä muotokuvana että taideteoksena , -- I particularly asked the Bishop about that last point.
in this Newsletter
Tässä uutislehdessä are those of the individuals concerned and not necessarily those of the NCT as an organisation.
It's just necessary for
how very precious she was to me
miten kallisarvoinen hän oli minulle .
have not always been my own, but rather a collection of disparate angles on the topic, as the reader may have noticed.
twenty years earlier, that the spirit of science might be imported into politics, is to some extent realized in Frankland's Discourse.
The Armenian government has announced plans to reopen its sole nuclear power plant in an effort to overcome a mounting energy crisis, despite
safety fears
turvallisuuspeloista by scientists and environmentalists
tiedemiesten ja ympäristötieteilijöiden .
It wasn't original, but what it was, as always with Russell, was
with uncommon verve and humour and a persistent, sinister, undermining irony, in which he excelled
epätavallisella tarmolla ja huumorilla sekä sitkeällä, pahaenteisellä ja horjuttavalla ironialla, jossa hän loisti .
For the rest of Russell's life there was a constant tug of war between
the very real religious sentiments which
hyvin todellisten uskonnollisten tunteiden, jotka in passages like those
tämänkaltaisissa kappaleissa and his sceptical attitude towards established religions.
C. S. Lewis saw this point too:
simply love, the quintessential of all loves whether erotic, parental, filial, amicable, or feudal
yksinkertaisesti rakkautta, kaikkien sekä eroottisten, vanhempien, lasten, ystävien että feodaalisten rakkauksien perusolemusta .
The UN's Commission on Human Rights has passed
a resolution
päätöslauselman, jossa `grave concern ``over human rights violations in the Middle East country
”vakava huoli” ihmisoikeusloukkauksista Lähi-idän maassa , making mention of the religious discrimination against Baha's.
such views
Tällaisten mielipiteiden requires courage because it would appear to be taboo to talk about protecting fee income.
Not too surprisingly,
this kind of perspective on Britain's economic and political troubles
tämänkaltaisen perspektiivin Britannian taloudellisista ja poliittisista vaikeuksista by third parties outside of the established adversarial two-party system
kolmannet osapuolet, jotka ovat vakiintuneen vastakkainasetteluun perustuvan kaksipuoluejärjestelmän ulkopuolella, .
that objection
tämän vastalauseen ,
other contemporaries
muut aikalaiset were undoubtedly swayed by the realization that Lyell's axiom would so greatly increase the age of the earth that it might threaten even a generous reading of Genesis.
AFTER Everton's poor performance at Arsenal,
Howard Kendall
Howard Kendall that a number of players had let themselves, the club and, more importantly, the fans down
että, monet pelaajat olivat tuottaneet pettymyksen itselleen, seuralleen ja etenkin faneilleen .
In group therapy, I suggested that Matthew might re-play the final scene from his marriage, as if he were
The rage and sense of injustice
Raivoa ja epäoikeudenmukaisuuden tunnetta , for a separatist, is not
powerfully enough
riittävän vahvasti anywhere else.
There is
an assumption
olettamus, jonka ,
in a speech to the European parliament
puheessaan Euroopan parlamentille in Strasbourg last week, that Britain will be forced anyway to accept the social dimension of the EC.
Theo's occasional complaints
Theon satunnaiset valitukset , hardly ever
, were usually muted and so we fail to take note of them.
An anti-industrial current
Teollisuuden vastainen suuntaus was evident within populism,
oli selvää populismissa most explicitly
avoimimmin by Mikhailovsky
Mikhailovsky who deplored the dehumanizing effect of the ever more specialized and narrow division of labour that industrialization involved.
Since the former All Blacks' captain has seen a lot of Back, and still knows the New Zealand scene so well,
, should surely not be lightly dismissed.
But he accepted that his defeat revealed `a general reluctance ``in the party to see
that opposition
tämän vastutuksen too vehemently
liian kiihkeästi in public.
`And do you elect so to do? ``pertinently enquired
the curiosity of them all
kaikkien uteliaisuuden .
Theirs was a dialogue of the deaf,
his intellectual doubts
intellektuaaliset epäilynsä , the politician offering nothing but dogmatic certainties.
And it's a difficult topic to raise with those concerned --
without implying that you think the man is a child molester?
It was
his opinion
hänen mielipiteensä for him: `It's no wonder we can't find flats for our boys when they want to get married, with this sort of competition.
Some weeks ago, during the course of a top-security reconnaissance mission,
committed a serious breach of discipline and security by
certain dangerous comments
tiettyjä vaarallisia kommentteja over an open radio transmission
avoimessa radiolähetyksessä .
On the other hand,
no parent that we questioned
yksikään haastatelluista vanhemmista ei any suspicions with regard to their own children
mistään omia lapsiaan koskevista epäilyistä and they all seemed quite happy for them to attend his youth club.
The Arab Women's Solidarity Organisation, of which she is president
Arab Women's Solidarity Organisation -järjestöä, jonka puheenjohtajana hän toimii , was banned recently for
its opposition to the Gulf War
vastalausettaan Persianlahden sodasta .
But what if
? …
This provoked the Church Commissioners to mount their own exhibition to counter some of
in the SAVE exhibition
SAVE-näyttelyssä , and this was sent on a tour of cathedrals.
The discontent
tyytymättömyys appears to focus on the implausibility of the novel's plot and on the incongruity of the unsettling elements in it.
Ken Threlfall, general manager of the County Durham ambulance service, responding to
by Teesdale district councillor Phil Hughes
Teesdalen kunnanvaltuutetun Phil Hughesin , said response times in the dale bettered the national requirement.
Debate lasted until 20 September,
by a number of Italian and Spanish prelates
useiden italialaisten ja espanjalaisten prelaattien .
Similar sentiments
samantapaisia ajatuksia by Peter Leonard
Peter Leonard , the man responsible for introducing Chevignon to the UK, who has recently switched his allegiance to US workwear names.
Tory backbenchers
konservatiivien riviparlamentaarikot their concern that speedy action should be taken over juvenile crime
huolensa siitä, että nuorisorikollisuutta vastaan olisi ryhdyttävä nopeisiin toimiin when about 25 MPs met Mr Clarke for more than an hour at a private meeting at the Commons.
`You'll hardly have to see her at all, ``said
, `in a house that size.
Procedures should define how
their grievances
valituksen aiheensa ,
in such a way that they do not jeopardise their position
siten, etteivät he vaaranna asemaansa .
This gives
the chance to find out what's going on and
am now more confident in