- People were very angry when Admiral Byng failed to attack the French at Minorca, and the decisionto<empty>executeteloittaahimhänetfor cowardicepelkuruudestawas exactly what the public wanted.
- `You have to have that quality because unless you do when you are fighting an animal thenitsewill<empty>executeteloittaayousinut.
- The familyperheenwasolivatexecutedteloittaneetby BolsheviksBolshevikitin 1918.
- HeHänetcould bevoitaisiinexecutedteloittaaat any time.
- OgilvieOgilviehad beenoliexecutedteloitettufor treasonmaanpetoksesta, but his real crime was refusing to acknowledge the king's dominion in matters spiritual.
- That year she also published an account ofa nineteen-year-old womanyhdeksäntoistavuotiaan naisenexecutedteloituksestafor arsonmurhapolton takia.
- Oliver Plunkett wasan Irish Jesuitirlantilainen jesuiittaexecutedteloitettufor treasonmaanpetoksestaon July 1, 1681 and canonised five years ago.
- Edmund Wyatt --the personhenkilöwronglyexecutedteloitettufor orchestrating the assassination of the T'ang's minister, Lwo Kang.
- First,the appalling Beriakauhistuttava Beriahad been arrested at pistol point in the Kremlin andexecutedteloitettuas privily as his victimsyhtä salaisesti kuin hänen uhrinsakin.
- It would maximise civilian tactics of resistance and defuse the natural potential for violence, containing and eventually eliminating the marginal but intrusive phenomenon of collaborator activation by Israeli security authorities andcollaboratoryhteistyökumppaninexecutionteloittamisenby local Palestinianspaikallisten palestiinalaisten toimesta.
- ExecutionTeloittaminenby hanginghirttämälläis always open to doubt, the timespan between initial strangulation and final oblivion not being known.
- AI also obtained detailed information about specific incidents in which the army or gendarmerie killed unarmed civilians, including the extrajudicialexecutionteloittaminenby soldierssotilaiden toimestaof 11 workers11 työläisenat a Roman Catholic seminary in Bujumbura.
- He is on death row awaitingexecutionteloitustafor a non-political murderei-poliittisesta murhasta.
- One was to Germany to film a documentary on the wretched William Joyce, nicknamed Lord Haw-Haw, whose wartime broadcasts from Berlin had led tohishänentrial andexecutionteloitukseenfor treason after the warmaanpetoksesta sodan jälkeen.
- The Chinese news media reported theexecutionsteloituksestaof nine peopleyhdeksän ihmisenin Kunming, Yunnan Province, on Feb. 5for crimes including drug smuggling, robbery and hooliganismrikoksista, kuten huumeiden salakuljetus, ryöstö ja huliganismi.
- Isaac avoidedexecutionteloituksenbypromisinglupaamallathe king a 10,000 mark fine, and in 1213 was transferred from Bristol to the Tower of London.
- I spent the night beforemyminunintendedexecutionteloitustanilistening to Capote's raucous songs.
- The lastguillotinegiljotiini-executionteloituswas in 1977.
- The guerrillas reportedly singled out Vietnamese settlers forsummarypikaiseenexecutionteloitukseen.
- AD 522-5 by a Roman senator shortly beforehishänenexecutionteloitustaanby *Thiudoreiks*Thiudoreiksin toimesta(or Theodoric), king of the Goths.
- All four limbs were broken with the iron bar and afterhishänetexecutionteloitettiinby further heavy blowskovemmilla iskuilla, his body was burnt to ashes.
- Executionteloitusof ``CIA agentsCIA-agenttien-- Arrest of ``Iraqi spies
- As concern in Western countries began to focus on the treatment of Tuareg nomads in northern Mali and Niger, the governments of both countries denied reports of massacres orsummarypikaisistaexecutionsteloituksistaof ``rebelskapinallisten.
- For althoughexecutionsteloituksetbefore English crowdsenglantilaisten väkijoukkojen edessäended in 1868, it was not until 1939 that France decided to follow suit and withdraw the scaffold behind prison walls.
- No record of his early life has survived but it is known thathis fatherhänen isänsäwasoliexecutionerteloittajaof the German town of Bamberg.
- Theexecutionerteloittajaof Paris at that time, as mentioned earlier, wasCharles-Henri SansonCharles-Henri Sanson.
firing squad.n
- As a result Eck, the doctor and the engineer were found guilty, sentenced to death and executed byfiring squadteloituskomppaniaon Luneberg Heath.
- A circular piece of white lint was pinned over his heart as an aiming point and thefiring squadteloituskomppania, of the Scots Guards, opened fire.
- The great man, aware of Sanson's role during the Revolution, asked whether, if circumstances required it,the executionerpyöveliwould<empty>guillotinemestaisi giljotiinillahimhänet.
- Other legal systems displayed:Serbsserbejäbeing<empty>guillotinedmestasivat giljotiinillaby the Frenchranskalaiset, burned at the stake by the British and shot against a wall by a German Nazi.
- Charles-Henri (1740-93), chief public executioner under the ancien rýme, who continued in office during the Revolution, andwhojokacarried out theguillotiningmestauksen giljotiinillaof Louis XVILudvig XVI:n.
- Yousinäare goingto bloody welltodellakinhanghirttäämeminutanyway,for murders I never committedmurhista, joita en koskaan tehnyt!
- HeHänetwas soon arrested, largely through the efforts of Tom Poole's father, and was sentencedto be<empty>hangedhirtettäväksiin chainsketjuilla.
- InmatesVankejawere<empty>hangedhirtettiinin Oxford JailOxfordin vankilassain the pastentisaikoina.
- It wasn't long after thatSir Roger CasementSir Roger Casementwas<empty>hangedhirtettiinfor smuggling German arms into Irelandsaksalaisten aseiden salakuljettamisesta Irlantiin.
- Government reports assert thatCaptain Lorenzokapteeni Lorenzohangedhirttihimselfitsensäin his cellsellissään.
- The first Vietnamese boat person to commit suicide in Hong KongEnsimmäinen vietnamilainen, Hong Kongissa itsemurhan tehnyt venepakolainendied in hospital on Feb. 18, two days afterhanginghirttihimselfitsensäwith his beltvyölläänand four days after he had officially been refused refugee status.
- The threat of Aids was once again highlighted in the deaths of two critically acclaimed actors and Britain's lasthangmanpyövelifinally met his own end.
- Albert Pierrepoint: July 10, aged 87: Britain's chiefhangmanpyövelifrom 1946 to 1956, he executed 450 people including Ruth Ellis, Derek Bentley and John `Acid Bath ``Haigh.
- A fitting end for a professionalhangmanpyövelille.
- Will Slaughter had been employed formerly as aheadsmanmestaajana.
- Theheadsmanmestaajawas already waiting.