- If you don't think you can manage it yourself, give your butcher plenty of warning andhehänwill<empty>bonepoistaa luutyour turkeykalkkunastasifor you.
- Cook for 3-4 minutes and then add 250g offresh salmontuoretta lohtawhichhas beenonbonedruodittu, skinned and chopped.
- boneruodithe monkfishmerikrottiand slice the fillets thinly.
- Skin andboneruodithe sardinessardiinit.
- Skin andboneruodithe salmon steakslohipihvit.
- Since the early 1960sMr BriggsBriggshasonclearedpoistanut450 acres450 eekkeriäof brackensananjalkaaby a variety of methods including aerial and knapsack sprayingerilaisilla menetelmillä, mukaan lukien ilma- ja reppuruiskutus, and said: `The problems of over-grazing by sheep are well known.
- HeHänclearedpoistiitsiitäof leaveslehdetand dragged it out of the corner into which the Friar had stuffed it.
- ClearPuhdistathe roadstietof many of its traffic jamsmonista liikenneruuhkistaand causes of accidents
- His principal objective wasto<empty>clearpuhdistaahis namenimensäof the suspicion attached to itsiihen liittyvistä epäilyistä.
- However, to lay claim to the land,settlersuudisasukkaidenwere compelled in such a milieu to be seento<empty>clearhakattavaitsieltäof treespuut, so the result was ecologically undesirable.
- HeHänthus, in the face of furious opposition,clearedpuhdistithe groundmaaperänfor the drastic overhaul of the fiscal system which was now more essential than ever.
- When we indicated thatwemewould liketo<empty>cleartullatahimhäneton the spot he was very reluctant to let us on board saying that the boat was ``in a hell of a mess!
- JASON LIVINGSTON 'S future in athletics will be revealed tomorrow after a last-ditch bidto<empty>clearpuhdistamiseksihis namenimensäin front of leading British officials.
- In a mild autumn and a warm soil this is easy to achieve but it is certainly worth sowing as soon asthe groundmaaperähas beenonclearedpuhdistettuof the previous cropaiemmasta sadosta.
- The siteTyömaawill be completelytäysinclearedpuhdistetaanand made safe until building work can start on the new development.
- AfterRentokilRentokilhadoliclearedpuhdistanutthe premises they chemically disinfectedkemiallisesti desinfioimansa tilatthe entire area and the property is now ready for sale, minus `the ones that got away!
- It was full of trees and boulders, but with a team of local men Jack set about gettingthe fieldpellonclearedpuhdistaaof rocks, fences and wallskivistä, aidoista ja muureista.
- Many of Winterthur's wealthier citizens had already built their villas outside in the country, and it was assumed thatthe spacetilaclearedpuhdistettuby destroying the wallstuhoamalla muuritwould go the same way.
- SheHänclearedpuhdistiher desktyöpöytänsäonto the floorlattialle, made coffee and switched on the typewriter.
- `They'll all wake up hungry, ``ChristopherChristopherhad said grimly, and went outside on the terrace with the carrier bags and a bowl to peel andcorepoisti siemenkodanthe applesomenistain the early morning sunlight.
- METHOD: Peel andcorepoista siemenkotaapplesomenoista, then cut into cubes.
- Peel andcorepoista siemenkotathe fruithedelmästä, cut it into crescent-moon slices and put it into the dish.
- BulkheadsTukiseinätshould beolisicoredkeernattavato reduce weight and the ends kept as light as possible by using lightweight material or bags for furniture and stowage in the ends.
- The enormous ridged tomatoesValtavista harjatuista tomaateistawere<empty>coredpoistettiin siemenetwith a little sharp knifepienellä terävällä veitsellä, cut round roughly into sections, thrown into a shallow bowl, mixed with thickly sliced raw onions, mild and very sweet.
- Halve,corepoista siemenkotaand cuteach pearjokainen päärynäinto eight slices.
- There is constant companionship and eventually, whenthe programohjelmais finallyon lopultadebuggedtestattu, the machine really seems to `understand ``.
- Hodson-Smith says, however, thatthe softwareohjelmistoahas not beenei olefullytäysindebuggedtestattuand thus can not be relied on in an emergency.
- TheyHecan, if these claims are true as they seem to be,debugtestatatheir `digestive program ``”ruoansulatusohjelmaansa”, or slow their hearts considerably.
- Only a single user can access the computer at a time, andhehänenhas to write,debugtestattava, and runhis programsohjelmiaanin the most basic computer-oriented form.
- New data indicated that altogether404,000 sq km404 000 neliökilometriähad beenolideforestedhakattu puista.
- Its sides consist of silt, washed down from the hills sincetheyniiltäwere<empty>deforestedkaadettiin metsä; pottery-fragments of the Christian era have been found in them, over a metre down.
- Diamond recognises that if, as adults, his sons go birdwatching in New Guinea, they will findthe Central Highlandskeskiylänkömailtalargelypitkältideforestedkaadettu metsä, many wild species extinct, a multiplicity of human languages and customs forgotten.
- `IMinä'm goingto<empty>defrostsulattaathe fridgejääkaapin, Larry, ``she said.
- YouSinäcan alsovoit myösdefrostsulattaaand cleanyour fridge and freezerjääkaappisi ja pakastimesiwith the SteamaticSteamaticilla, making short work of what can often be a long and messy job.
- HeHändefrostssulattaaa chickenkanaain the tumble dryer and eats deep-pan pizza with marmalade and Rice Krispies for breakfast.
- Michael Barry gives plenty of advice on howto<empty>defrostsulattaaa frozen birdpakastettua lintuaplus clear roasting and carving instructions.
- Don't wait until Christmas Eveto<empty>defrostsulatatthe turkeykalkkunan-- it could take up to two days to thaw!
- Oncethe machinekonehas beenondefrostedsulatettuthere should be some means of disposing of the defrost water.
- •Frozen foodPakastettu ruokacan bevoidaandefrostedsulattaagentlyhellävaroinin the steamerhöyrykeittimessä.
- IMinä've managed not to ruin the beef casserole anddefrostedsulattaawhat I think is a plum crumblejotain jonka uskon olevan luumupaistos-- circa January 1986.
- MAKE ordefrostsulatathe stuffingtäyteand keep it chilled.
- Make sureyousinädefrostsulatatthe turkeykalkkunanslowlyhitaasti.
- Rub down with abrasive paper thendegreasepoista rasvathe surfacepinnaltawith white spirit.
- Keep away from modern detergents in washing-up water, andbubble baths whichvaahtokylvyistä, jotkadegreasepoistavat rasvanany bit of skin they are in contact withkaikelta iholta, jonka kanssa ne ovat kosketuksissa.
- After this it was scrubbed in paraffin to clean and if necessary,degreaserasvan poistamiseksiitsiitä.
- Nancy and the maidNancyn ja sisäkönhadto<empty>de-lousehävittäähalf of themniistä puolet.
- Each birdJokainen lintuwas carefully removed to be aged, sexed, weighed, measured (more northerly populations have longer wings)de-lousedpoistaa täitand released.
- He had long hair, all tangled and matted; there was a monkey sitting by him andthe monkeyapinawas<empty>delousingnyppi täitähimhänestä.
- Others are left bemused,their studiosheidän studionsadenudedkalunneet puhtaiksiby western dealerslänsimaiset kauppiaat.
- These animalsNämä eläimet, introduced by pirates and whalers between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries,denudejärsivät puhtaaksithe vegetationkasvustonand compete with the giant tortoise (Geochelone elephantopus).
- Onan islandsaarellanearlylähesdenudedpuuttomallaof wood<empty>, the transportation and erection of statues such as these presents a technical problem that modern man still ponders on.
- I'm afraid that no amount of arm-twisting will get me to reveal the exact locality, as I am not prepared to seea quiet streamrauhallista jokea, jostadenudedriistäneetof its substratesen substraatitby busloads of fishkeepersbussillinen kalanhoitajia.
- TheyHeiltäwere unclothed anddenudedriistettiinof their wigssiivet.
- The expanse of beachRannan lakeuswasolisoniindenudedpaljasof any trace of the present centurykaikista nykyisen vuosisadan jäljistä,we might have stepped out on to a distant planetettä meistä tuntui kuin astuisimme kaukaiselle planeetalle.
- Since the 1975 -1990 civil war, car bombings have all but disappeared asthe governmenthallitushas restored authority across much of the country anddisarmedriisunut aseistaMuslim and Christian militiasislamilaiset ja kristityt miliisit.
- He said it was crucialto<empty>disarmriisua aseistarebel militiaskapinalliset miliisitand to stop raids on federal troops.
- The rebels have saidtheyhewill noteivätdisarmluovu aseistaanuntil Russian troops have left Chechnya.
- Israel wantsArafatArafatinto<empty>disarmriisuvan aseistahis opponentsvastustajiaan, try suspects in attacks against Israel in military courts and extradite some Palestinians wanted for killing Israelis, Dromi said.
- U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher called Arafat and asked thathehändisarmriisuisi aseistathe militantsmilitantit, Palestinian officials said.
- Senate hearings on the case in 1983 produced dramatic testimony thatSoto Arrivi and Dario RosadoSoto Arrivin ja Dario Rosadonwereolidisarmedriisunut aseistaby policepoliisiand shot at point blank range.
- Loyalist leaders saytheyhewill<empty>disarmluopuvat aseistaif the IRA agrees toojos IRA suostuu tähän myös.
- The American soldiersAmerikkalaiset sotilaatdisarmedriisuivat aseistathe armyarmeijanand returned Aristide.
- Afterthe U.S.-led troopsYhdysvaltojen johtamat joukotdisarmedriisuivat aseistathe armyarmeijan, the exiled Aristide returned in October 1994.
- Britain also insists on anIRAIRA:npledgeto<empty>disarmluopua aseistabefore Sinn Fein can join.
- Britain says Sinn Fein must agreeto<empty>disarmluopumaan aseistatheir movementliikkeessäänin advance of broader discussions,because pro-British locals won't negotiate with a party keeping guns and bombs ``under the table.koska paikalliset brittien kannattajat eivät neuvottele osapuolen kanssa, joka pitää aseita ja pommeja ”pöydän alla”.
- A 7,460-strong U.N. peacekeeping force7 460 miehen vahvuisen YK:n rauhanturvaajajoukonwas supposedto have<empty>disarmedriisuneen aseistathe rebelskapinallisetin Junekesäkuussa.
- ``Undoubtedly,Israel'sIsraelinattemptsto<empty>disarmriisua aseistathe Arabsarabitaims at weakening the Arabs, to drag them into more concessions in lands and rights and to impose its conditions on them, Tishrin added.
- The Russian troops, sent into the Caucasus Mountain republic a week ago, had been dug in outside Grozny while Moscow gaveDudayevDudayevuntil midnight Saturdayto<empty>disarmriisua aseistahis forcesjoukkonsa.
- Illegal bandsLaittomat joukotwill be<empty>disarmedriisutaan aseista, and in the event of resistance, destroyed.
- The United Nations estimates there are about60,000 rebels60 000 kapinallistato beondisarmedriisuttava aseista.
- Most private militiasUseimmat yksityiset miliisithave beenondisarmedriisuttu aseista.
- Palestinian police commanders have said Hamas and Islamic Jihad only had about150 armed fighters150 aseistatunutta taistelijaawhocould easily bevoisivat helpostidisarmedriisua aseistaby Arafat's 9,000 troops equipped with 7,000 assault rifles and pistols and 120 machine gunsArafatin 9 000 miehen joukot, joilla on 7 000 rynnäkkökivääriä, pistooleja ja 120 konekivääriä,.
- Gaza's police chief, Brig. Gen. Nasr Yousef, has saidhis menhänen miehensäcouldpystyisiväteasilyhelpostidisarmriisumaan aseistathe underground gunmenmaan alla piilottelevat asemiehet.
- Romanov, who has played a leading role in peace talks, said such ``terrorist attacks give him the rightto<empty>forcefullypakolladisarmriisua aseistarebel fighterskapinalliset taistelijat.
- Some70,000 UNITA combatants70 000 UNITA-taistelijaahaveondisarmedriisuttu aseistaunder peace accords overseen by the United NationsYhdistyneiden Kansakuntien valvomien rauhansopimusten mukaisesti.
- The peacekeepersRauhanturvaajathaveovatdisarmedriisuneet aseistamilitiamenmiliisitunder a peace plan signed in Nigeria in Augustelokuussa Nigeriassa allekirjoitetun rauhansuunnitelman mukaisesti.
- Britain has insisted those talks won't happen untilthe IRAIRAagrees to begindisarmingaseistariisunnanunder international supervisionkansainvälisen valvonnan alaisuudessa.
- Thereare just 79 Ukrainian peacekeepers in Zepa,Zepassa on hädin tuskin 79 ukrainalaista rauhanturvaajaa,many of themjoista monetdisarmedriisuneet aseistaby government defenders trying to augment their own arsenalomaa arsenaaliaan lisäämään pyrkivät hallituksen kannattajat.
- On SundaySunnuntaina,masked commandosnaamioidut kommandotdisarmedriisuivat aseistathe guard at the tax building in the northern port of Bastiavartijan Bastian pohjoisen sataman verorakennuksessaand set off a blast that collapsed a wing of the multi-story structure.
- BastienBastienhad arrested anddisarmedriisunut aseistaFrancoisFrancoisinat the hideoutpiilopaikassa.
- Aristide said it was an assassination perpetrated byformer Haitian soldiers whoentisten haitilaisten sotilaiden, jotkashould have beenolisi pitänytdisarmedriisua aseistaby the multinational army in HaitiHaitissa toimivan monikansallisen armeijan.
- Yegorov said that unlessChechen forcestšetšeenijoukotdisarmluovu aseistaanby midnight Saturdaylauantaina puoleenyöhön mennessä, ``a missile unit will deliver a missile blow at strategic facilities in Grozny.
- DUBLIN, Ireland --- Sinn Fein, the IRA's political ally, appears before an international commission on howto<empty>disarmriisutaan aseistaparamilitary groups in Northern IrelandPohjois-Irlannin puolisotilaalliset joukot.
- American soldiers and MarinesAmerikkalaiset sotilaat ja merijalkaväen sotilaatdisarmedriisuivat aseistaand dismantledthe 7,500-member army7 500 miehen armeijan,paving the way for the victorious return October of President Jean-Bertrand Aristideraivaten tietä presidentti Jean-Bertrand Aristiden voitokkaalle paluulle lokakuussalast Octoberviime lokakuussa.
- Yeltsin sent an estimated10,000 to 40,000 soldiers10 000–40 000 sotilastainto Chechnya on Dec. 11to<empty>disarmriisumaan aseistaseparatistsseparatisteja.
- Coward said it appeareda number of themmonet heistähad beenolidisarmedriisuttu aseista, but that quite a few peacekeepers inside the base still had their weapons.
- But it may be difficultto<empty>disarmriisua aseistathe regionalue.
- Meanwhile Thursday,French special forcesRanskan erityisjoukotkilled one gunman anddisarmedriisuivat aseistaanothertoisenin a tough NATO response to recent sniping at Alliance troops in Serb-held SarajevoNATOn ankarassa vastauksessa äskettäiseen liittoutuneiden joukkojen sala-ampumiseen serbien hallitsemassa Sarajevossa.
- Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres has told Arafathehänenmusttäytyydisarmriisua aseistathe groupjoukkoand arrest its leadersif he wants to remain a credible peace partnerjos hän haluaa säilyä uskottavana rauhankumppanina.
- A cease-fire took effect last weekend anddisarmamentaseistariisuntaof the estimated 60,000 rebelsarviolta 60 000 kapinallisenis to begin this month.
- IRAIRA:ndisarmamentaseistariisuntahad been at the top of the agenda.
- The military agreement calls for Russian troop withdrawal andrebelkapinallistendisarmamentaseistariisuntaa.
- The two main provisions of that agreement ---fulltäydellinendisarmamentaseistariisuntaby the Chechenstšetšeenien suorittamaand a substantial withdrawal by the Russians --- have not happened.
- Perry came to Kazakhstan not only to register U.S. objections to the referendum but also to discuss U.S. aid forKazakhstan'sKazakstaninnuclearydin-disarmamentaseistariisunnalle.
- They scheduled a five-day period beginning Friday fordisarmamentaseistariisuntaanin GroznyGroznyssa, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported.
- Britain and Sinn Fein appear on the verge of high-level negotiations aimed at achievingthe Irish Republican Army'sIrlannin tasavaltalaisarmeijangradualasteittaisendisarmamentaseistariisunnan, sources on both sides say.
- The action, on a 301-8 vote, puts the world's third-largest nuclear power firmly on the road tototaltäydellisendisarmamentaseistariisunnan.
- The South Pacific Forum leaders said that in the spirit of the renewed emphasis ofglobalmaailmanlaajuisendisarmamentaseistariisunnan, they called on France to sign and ratify the protocols the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty.
- Washington has warned it could start supplying weapons to Bosnian government forces, if the Serbs refuse to go along with aregionalalueellisendisarmamentaseistariisunnanplan.
- With few in the Press able to remember from one year to the next, or to connect one historic event with another, somehow Washington has come to insist onIraqiIrakindisarmamentaseistariisuntaaand Iranian strangulation.
- VoluntaryVapaaehtoinendisarmamentaseistariisunta, a key provision of a July 30 accord between Russia and the Chechens, has failed throughout much of the separatist republic and further clouded prospects for peace.
- Yeltsin told top officials at the Kremlin on Monday that he was ``dissatisfied with the pace of theagreedsovitundisarmamentaseistariisunnanin ChechnyaTšetšeniassa.
- That means securing a mined and bandit-plagued road corridor between Bailundo and the coast and then overseeing thedisarmamentaseistariisuntaaof Savimbi's guardSavimbin vartiosotilaiden.
- The envoys defended the missiles' sale as a trade agreement but said Russia naturally would reconsider the sale if steps were taken towards thedisarmamentaseistariisuntaaof CyprusKyproksen, a Turkish Foreign Ministry statement said.
- The Economic Community of West African States, which brokered the peace accord in June, has set a deadline for thedisarmamentaseistariisunnalleof some 60,000 rebelsnoin 60 000 kapinallisenby Jan. 3131. tammikuuta mennessä.
- On Saturday at the annual Ulster Unionist Party conference, Trimble accused Spring of breaking ``a solemn declaration to seekthe IRA'sIRA:ndisarmamentaseistariisuntaain advance of multi-party negotiationsennen monenvälisiä neuvotteluja.
- Others, including Indonesia, prefer only limited extensions, making each renewal contingent on progress towardcompletetäydellistänuclearydin-disarmamentaseistariisuntaain the worldmaailmassa.
- ``The underlying logic of Mr. McLaughlin's statement denotes a de facto acceptance by Sinn Fein that the principle ofdisarmamentaseistariisunnanby terrorist organizationsterroristijärjestöjen suorittamanis both correct and sustainable, Maginnis said.
- When Aristide ordered anationwidekansallisendisarmamentaseistariisunnanon Nov. 11, police barged into homes at night without search warrants.
- --- Intensified efforts to ``foster transparency and irreversibility in thenuclearydin-disarmamentaseistariisunnassaof the former Soviet Unionentisen Neuvostoliitonand combat nuclear smuggling.
- July 30 --- Russian and Chechen negotiators sign breakthrough military agreement on troop withdrawals anddisarmamentaseistariisumiseksiof rebel troopskapinallisjoukkojen.
- Taylor said his rebel National Patriotic Front of Liberia would be dissolved on Jan. 31 with thefinallopullisendisarmamentaseistariisunnanof his soldierssen sotilaiden.
- The local negotiations, though unlikely to bring about major troop withdrawals orserioustodellistadisarmamentaseistariisuntaa, may lead to breathing space between the two sides or a reduction in the number of clashes in some areas.
- In exchange, the five powers are pledged to work ``in good faith towardtotaltäydellistänuclearydin-disarmamentaseistariisuntaa.
- IMinäseriously considereddisembowellingsuolistamistaIanIaninfor this, but on reflection that would be a little harsh.
- While he was talkinghehänwent ondisembowellingsuolistithe birdlinnunin a practised wayharjaantuneestiwith his knifeveitsellään.
- Sure enough, right in front of her astonished onlookers,shehänset aboutdisembowellingsuolistaaa dead chickkuollutta kanaa.
- YorickYorickdrew his samurai sword anddisembowelledotti sisukset ulosa cushiontyynystä.
- YorickYorickhadolidisembowelledottanut sisukset uloshimselfitseltään,messily but effectivelysiivottomasti mutta tehokkaasti,with his samurai swordsamuraimiekallaan.
- The first three enthralled me: a man, miserably clutching a winding frame, being birched on the buttocks by his wife; a tapster drinking; andtwo peasantskaksi maalaistadisembowellingsuolistamassaa slaughtered pigteurastettua sikaa.#kleIt's like offering an elastoplast tosomebody whojollekin, joltahas just beenon juuridisembowelledotettu sisukset ulos.
- He'd had nightmares featuring William before and they invariably ended withsomeonejoltakinbeing beheaded ordisembowelledotettiin sisukset ulosor otherwise mangled in an unpleasant manner.
- Laura wondered in a daze ashehänswiftlysukkelastidivestedriisuihimselfhäneltäof his own clothingomat vaatteensa, and then, in the grip of a feverish, shuddering excitement, she responded as his lovemaking became more pressing and urgent.
- `Laura! ``hehängroaned, tossing aside his shirt andswiftlysukkelastidivestingriisuihimself<empty>of his clothesvaatteensabefore lying down on the bed beside her.
- Thenhehändivestedriisuiherhäneltäof her stockingssukat, tossing them into a shimmering heap on the floor.
- Similarly, sugar, as we use it, issugar cane or beetsokeriruo'osta tai juurikkaastatotallytäysindivestedpoistettuof all its dietary fibrekaikki sen ravintokuitu.
- StephanieStephanieltawas fetched away,divestedriisuttiinof her gownhänen leninkinsä, arranged on a hard high couch under a cellular blanket.
- Father DevlinIsä Devlin,divestedriisuiof his overcoatpäällystakkinsa, seated his bulk on the chair facing the fire.
- I can only liken this toa trance-like state whichtranssimaiseen tilaan, jokaneitherdrainstyhjentääyousinustaof energyenergiannor leaves you feeling elated afterwards.
- SheHänaverted her eyes,drainingtyhjentäenthe glasslasinof fruit juicehedelmämehuain one gulpyhdellä kulautuksella.
- HeHänwalked to the table where he'd left his brandy snifter, lifted it, anddrainedtyhjensiitsiitäof liquidnesteen.
- She had no idea of how she might use it:drainingviemällähimhäneltäof pitysäälinwould be worse than draining him of money, and she would drown in guilt.
- `What a menagerie, ``saidMarinaMarina,drainingtyhjentäenthe bottlepulloninto their glassesheidän laseihinsa.
- Numerous studies (e.g. Stoner and Gee 1985, Bull and Hall 1986) have compared the water chemistry ofstreamspurotdrainingkuivattavatafforested areasmetsitettyjä alueitawith that of streams draining nearby moorland.
- ``I guess it would, Daddy,hehänreplied shortly anddrainedtyhjensithe glasslasinwithout looking up.
- The mill was eventually forced to cease operations during Mr Bright's time whena large pondsuuresta lammikosta, further upstream,was<empty>drainedvalutti veden poisby a collieryhiilikaivosto reduce water leakage into the coal workings.
- A one-page note to the policy and resources committee of the Yorkshire Water Authority last summer revealed that: `The villageKyläisondrainedsalaojitettuby sewersviemäreillävia two outfalls to the Derrings Beckkahden joen suun kautta Derrings Beckiin.
- The cold water cisternKylmävesisäiliöstäis<empty>drainedvalutetaan vesi poisby shutting off the mains stopcocksulkemalla päähanat(or, if fitted, the servicing valve) and then opening the bath and basin cold taps.
- The local financial systemPaikalliselta rahoitusjärjestelmältähas beenondrainedpoistettuof liquiditylikviditeetti, interest rates have gone up and the stockmarket has been falling.
- In some placesmarshessoitaare being<empty>drainedkuivatetaanin order to farm the land.
- The landMaawould have to be cleared anddrainedkuivatettava, of course, but we could leave some of the better trees and let them grow to maturity.
- DrainValuta vesi poislasagnelasagnestaand place in a large bowl of cold water.
- DrainValuta vesi poisthe pastapastastaand toss well in the sauce.
- DrainValuta vesi poisthe hollowed-out tomatotyhjäksi koverretusta tomaatistaand season lightly inside each one with salt.
- The play exposes the horror ofa world whichmaailmassa, jolta,drainedvietyof its ritualssen rituaalit, is left exposed to a released and enacted wickedness neither its individuals nor its institutions can contain.
- What was inthe bottle thatpullossa, jonkahehänhad thus publiclyoli julkisestidrainedtyhjentänytto the last drop?
- It covers about3630 acres3 630 eekkeriä, traversed by the River Holbeck anddrainedvaluu poisby several small tributariesusean pikkujoen kautta, mainly Fitlock Brook.
- Anyway ``hehänemptiedtyhjensithe suitcase full of notestäynnä muistiinpanoja olevan matkalaukunonto the floorlattialle`
- A man sitting at a three-legged stoolKolmijalkaisella tuolilla istuva miesemptiedtyhjensia dustpan full of rubbishtäynnä roskaa olevan rikkalapionover his suithänen puvulleenand then removed it with a battery powered mini vacuum cleaner.
- A Building Society cashier had a gun pointed at her head whilerobbersryöstäjätemptiedtyhjensivätthe office safetoimiston kassakaapin.
- As soon astheyhehadolivatemptiedtyhjentäneettheir tiny cupspienet kuppinsaof black coffeemustaa kahvia, Nathan had settled the bill and they had walked quickly back down the hill to the waterfront.
- Unfortunately, this would beto<empty>emptykarsiithe termtermistäof most of the meanings which it carries in actual discoursesen useimmat merkitykset, joita se kantaa nykyisessä keskustelussa.
- Ifsomeonejokuemptiestyhjentäätheir in-traysaapuvan postin korininto yoursomaanne, protest.
- Hugh's motherHughin äitiemptiedtyhjensiher shopping-bagkauppakassinsaonto the carpetmatolleand Gina had the feeling of terror that wedding-presents had sometimes brought; she wondered what on earth would happen if something went wrong.
- Take a sheet of paper before going in to any negotiation andemptytyhjennäyour mindmielesionto the sheet of paperpaperiarkille.
- PatientsPotilaitawere askedto<empty>emptytyhjentämääntheir bladderrakkonsabefore going to bed, noting the precise time and discarding the urine.
- A cess poolLikakuoppahas to be airtight, and installed where itcan be readilyvoidaan helpostiemptiedtyhjentääby pumps and motor tankerspumpuilla ja säiliöautoillafrom time to time.
- It was only shipped up to Paris recently whenthe housetalohad beenoliemptiedtyhjennettyof furniturehuonekaluista.
- PailsÄmpäritwere<empty>emptiedtyhjennettiinfrom upper windows, making their way hazardous.
- HeHänemptiedtyhjensihis cupkuppinsaand set it down on the table.
- A stop valve preventscompletetäydellisenemptyingtyhjentämisenof the pondlammenin the event of an accident and by-pass valves enable water treatments to be added to the pond without harming the biological balance of the filter.
- Inside the building Joshua stood in line with the multitude to endure the long wait and the thorough search, theemptyingtyhjentämisenof pocketstaskujenand the impudent fumblings of security.
- During the final five minutes of this sequence a period of intense activity was obvious and coincided with theemptyingtyhjentämisenof watervedenfrom the stomach and duodenal bulbmahasta ja pohjukaissuolesta.
- The duodenal mucosa is normally challenged by intermittent exposure to acid, because of the periodicemptyingtyhjentämisenof the gastric contentmahan sisällöninto the duodenal lumenpohjukaissuolen onteloon.
- Interdigestive motor complexes are absent, postprandial antral motor activity is decreased, gastricemptyingtyhjentämisenof radioopaqueradio-opasiteetinis delayed, and gall gladder contraction is reduced.
- Let us assumeyousinäwishto<empty>evacuatetyhjentääthe nightclubyöklubinimmediately but put the rest of the hotel on standby as there is a good chance of getting the fire extinguished.
- Dense black smoke billowed 3,000ft into the air, forcingpolicepoliisinto<empty>evacuatetyhjentämääncoastal townsrannikkokaupungit.
- A narrative scene showsowl-headed figurespöllöpäisiä hahmojausing a crescent-shaped knifekäyttäen puolikuun muotoista veistäto<empty>evisceratepoistaen sisälmyksiäa victimuhrilta.
- ItSehad been skinned,oli nyljetty,neatlyhuolellisestievisceratedsisälmykset poistettu, and would have looked like any carcase in a butcher's shop if it hadn't been for the head.
- The fireTulipaloguttedtuhosithe buildingrakennuksen.
- Yvonne would come and stay, and she'd always bring a fish with her, a huge fish freshly caught from the ocean, andshehän'doligutperannutitsenon the kitchen table.
- Barrows were piled high with fruit and vegetables, and as they passed the fish stall they sawthe fishmongerkalakauppiaanguttingperkaavanan eelankeriasta.
- Sure enough,the entire churchkoko kirkonwas<empty>guttedtuhosiby firetulipaloand the next day the Church authorities responded by saying they would now seek to demolish the church.
- The whole front roomKoko etuhuonewas<empty>guttedtuhoutui.
- On the way home she made a detour to pick wild flowers forher motheräidilleen,whojokawas down at the harbouroli alhaalla satamassaguttingperkaamassapilchardssardiinejaand would be late back.
- Clean, scale andgutperkaathe sardinessardiinitand remove the heads.
- Someone a few doors away hadtheir housetalonsaguttedtuhoutuiby firetulipalossalast week.
- No chivalrous knights, no majestic armies moving according to rules, but horrible deeds,townskaupunkejaguttedtuhoutuneitaand burnt, women and children slain.
- The talk was general, candlelit faces leaned across the table andthe hands whichkädet, jotkapeeledkuorivatthe fruithedelmääor fidgeted with the glasses were as individual as the faces.
- DinahDinahwas<empty>peelingkuorisome fruitjoitakin hedelmiä.
- When Ruth went into the houseHesterHesterwas sitting on an upright chair by the table,peelingkuorienpotatoesperunoita.
- “PeelKuorithe potatoesperunat. ”
- CarefullyvarovastipeelKuorithe orangesappelsiinitwith a sharp knifeterävällä veitselläto remove all pith.
- Then again,theyhepeelkuorivattheir applesappelsiinitwith fancy, little kniveskoreilla pienillä veitsilläinstead of savaging them with their gnashers.
- RostovRostovstartedto<empty>peelkuoriathe pearpäärynääwith his knifeveitsellään.
- On the other side of their host satMeg DennisonMeg Dennison, delicately but unfussilypeelingkuorienher grapesgreippejäänwith pink-tipped fingersvaaleanpunaista mehua tippuvin sormin.
- Piladu's wifePiladun vaimo,peelingkuorienartichokesartisokkiain the gloom at the kitchen table, put down her knife and accepted the milk without a word.
- Halve, stone andpeelkuorione small avocadopieni avokado, then finely dice and mix with one tablespoon each of French dressing, chopped fresh basil and finely chopped, seeded tomato.
- Carefullypeelkuorithe eggskananmunat, then leave to dry.
- Avoid salads, raw vegetables, cold buffets, mayonnaise andany fruitkaikkia hedelmiäyousinäcan'tet voipeelkuoriayourself.
- Romantic country lore advisedgirlstyttöjäto<empty>peelkuorimaanan appleomenancarefully then throw the whole skin over their shoulder when it would land in the shape of their true love's initial; there were countless similar superstitions.
- Ifthe potatoesperunathave beenonpeeledkuorittuthe cooking water can be used for sauces or soups.
- 1PeelKuorithe pearspäärynätand rub them all over with the cut side of the lemon.
- “ Well, ” he said, “yousinäcanvoitpeelkuoriathemneand boil them or cut them up and fry them or … ”
- IfIminäpeelkuorinan orangeappelsiininnow, will you eat a little -- just to please your father?
- To<empty>purgePäästäkseen eroonthemselves<empty>of earthly desiresmaallisista himoistaan-- that was all they were worried about.
- He'd done something like it before,hehän'd triedto<empty>purgepäästä eroonhimself<empty>of privilegeerioikeudestaby becoming a trampryhtymällä kulkuriksi, descending among the down-and-outs of London and Paris.
- BecauseIminunneedto<empty>purgepäästävä eroonmyself<empty>of the pastmenneisyydestänimore than anything.
- At both extremes of anorexia or bulimiathe suffererstaudista kärsivätmay use medications to induce vomiting or to reduce body fluid orto<empty>purgepuhdistaakseenthemselvesitsensäeither with laxatives or enemas or bothjoko ulostuslääkkeillä tai peräruiskeilla tai kummallakin.
- But another work by Lysippus, showingthe hero Herculessankari Herkulestapurgingpuhdistamassathe Augean StablesAugeiaan talleja, was exhibited in Rome next to a statue of the triumphant Fabius Maximus on horseback.
- The armyArmeijahas beenonpurgedpuhdistettuhalf-heartedly.
- If we believe thatIrelandIrlantican bevoidaanpurgedpuhdistaaof the Dark Lordsmustasta lordistaand the Wolfline reinstated, then we will join with you.
- It is not necessaryto<empty>purgepuhdistaathe political and academic language which we use to think about the inner citypoliittista ja akateemista kieltä, jota käytämme viitatessamme kantakaupunkiin, only to be aware of its contingent value.
- But then he has it, he's off and running,hehän's merging andpurgingpuhdistanutthat databasetietokantaawith frantic abandon.
- And ifIminäcan notenridpääse irtimyself<empty>of itsiitäI will just have to go into the service and begin to root out the cause.
- If the symptoms should start to show following an unavoidable change, say a power failure or similar,the fishkalawill normally be ableto<empty>ridpääsee irtiitself<empty>swiftlysukkelastiupon return to normal conditions.
- HeHändecidedto<empty>ridpäästä eroonthe armyarmeijasta, as he had done with the party of any possible opposition.
- Tears actually contain protein and they are a means ofriddingpääsee eroonthe bodykehoof potentially harmful chemical wastesmahdollisesti haitallisista kemiallisista saasteista.
- HeHänwas nearlyoli lähesscalpedskalpeerattuand broke his arm and collarbone when he smashed against it.
- The victimUhrihas beenonscalpedskalpeerattuand the priest wears the hair.
- One of them, Gerard Cochran, boasted thathehänpersonally `would kill Joseph andscalpskalpeeraisihimhänetand wear his scalp as a bridle ``.
- TheyHescalpedskalpeerasivatold men and womenvanhan miehen ja naisen, beheaded others, slit throats, cut out tongues, sliced off ears, and hacked off limbs.
- Easy asskinningnylkeminena catkissan, Commander.
- FatherIsäwould<empty>skinnylkenytmeminutaliveelävältäif I forgot it; it's his port.
- I decided to leave the silver bracelet where it was;Fat Harrylihava Harrywouldolisiskinnylkenytyousinutaliveelävältäfor taking a crumb of bread from his plate.
- HeHänethad beenoliskinnednyljetty.
- The animalEläinis slaughtered andskinnednyljettiin; after a fine meal a young servant girl is ordered to ensure the guest wants for nothing.
- When manager Victor Contini judges that the moment is right,the haunchreisipalais brought downto be<empty>skinnednyljetään, boned, cured and thinly sliced like Parma ham.
- SkinPerkaathe fishkala, remove any bones and cut into bite-sized pieces.
- `I swearIMinä'll<empty>skinnyljenherhänetalive.
- `But she's a good cook, and if I don't get some decent wine inshehän'll<empty>skinnylkeememinut.
- Once the pig was dead, Agnes viewed it in a whole different light and very matter-of-factlyskinnednylkiitsenand salted the carcass.
- By the beginning of the eighteenth centurytheyhehadolivatstrippedriisuneetIrelandIrlanninbare of her forestsmetsistään.
- The refugeesPakolaisethaveolivatstrippedhakanneetthe surrounding hillsympäröivät kukkulatalmost barelähes paljaiksi, and spend much of their time collecting branches.
- On instructions from the Corporals,wemestrippedriisuimmehimhänetnakedalastomaksiand made him run across to the horse trough where he was thrown in.
- Butburglarsvarkaatforced a kitchen window while she was out andstrippedtyhjensivätthe housetalostaof everything valuablekaiken arvokkaan.
- He realized thata robotrobottiwas<empty>strippingriisuihimhäneltäof his armourhänen haarniskaansaand removing all detectable weapons.
- ThievesVarkaat, having stolen a car, take it for a joy ride and thenstrippurkaneet osiinitsenbefore setting it alight to destroy the evidence.
- In September 1907hehäneltäwas<empty>strippedpoistettiinof the captaincykapteenin arvoand fined £10 for drunkenness and violent behaviour and in 1910 transferred for a measly £100 to Woolwich Arsenal.
- Now, in the sudden silence, Tug felt as thoughhehänethad beenolisistrippedriisuttunakedalastomaksiand pushed out into a football crowd.
- For some time,the millmyllystood idle and decaying, butwas eventuallyviimeinstrippedpoistettiinof its machinerykoneetand converted to two cottages.
- Out of the fifty odd men left, onlyabout thirtynoin kolmekymmentäwould be requiredto<empty>unloadpurkamaanthe Russian shipvenäläinen alus, big as she was.
- Whentheyheload orunloadpurkivata shiplaivanthey can understand what's wanted.
- Some men insisted that it was not possible to make your first jump withoutvoidingoksentaayour bowelssisälmyksiäsi.
- SheHänvoidedtyhjensithe lavatoryvessan, and ran cold water in the basin, laving her face, hands, wrists.
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