That is, in the secondary process
`through activities of transformation and verbalization ``
”jalostus- ja verbalisointitoimien kautta” .
In many regions
Monilla alueilla ,
is permitted to connect up to the domestic sewage system
its toxic waste
myrkyllisen jätteensä .
In London, and later in all major cities, new impervious trunk sewers were built on scientific principles to replace or intercept the old ducts and to ensure that
all sewage
kaikki jätevedet .
from a local chemical plant
Paikallinen kemiantehdas .
ICI at Wilton, Teesside,
Teessiden Wiltonissa sijaitsevalle ICI:lle was licensed
nine chemicals
yhdeksän kemikaalia .
Birch argued that the government was avoiding informing the public that it allowed
dangerous chemicals and heavy metals
vaarallisia kemikaaleja ja raskasmetalleja .
In New York most beach pollution comes from overloaded storm drains, while in Europe, particularly in the southern countries,
many cities
monet kaupungit without treating it at all.
`What we have at the moment is a situation where
17 million tons of wet sewage
17 miljoonaa tonnia jätevettä .
The group claims that
fibre and chemical effluent
kuitu- ja kemikaalijätevedet into coastal waters
rannikkovesiin will damage the neighbouring Bay of Brunei and its fisheries.
As they descend, the female extrudes a few eggs which are immediately fertilised by
the male's sperms that
koiraan siittiösoluilla, jotka at the same time
samanaikaisesti .
According to current estimates,
around 2 million tons of largely untreated industrial waste
noin 2 miljoonaa tonnia enimmäkseen käsittelemätöntä teollisuusjätettä into Hong Kong's coastal waters
Hongkongin rannikkovesiin .
In other cases, governments have tried to regulate but often been ineffective; it is hard to enforce regulations such as those that prevent
This beetle
Tämä kovakuoriainen a very hot fluid
hyvin kuumaa nestettä from a special gland
erityisestä rauhasesta at potential predators
mahdollisten saalistajien päälle .
were usually listless for a few days before they collapsed, breathing with evident difficulty and, in a few cases,
a white frothy liquid
valkoista vaahtoavaa nestettä from their nostrils
sieraimistaan .
makes a wide range of bathroom ware and
into a fishless urban stream
kalattomaan kaupunkijokeen .
And an ordinary lightning flash is simply the breaking down of the insulating properties of
a momentary electric current
hetkellisen sähkövirran to those clouds
noihin pilviin .
A few polluters with ineffective treatment processes
Muutama saastuttaja, joilla on tehottomat käsittelyprosessit, into otherwise clean rivers
muuten puhtaisiin jokiin can make a patch `difficult ``.
When food or an enemy comes near,
the thread which is armed with spines like a miniature harpoon and often loaded with poison
rihman, joka on aseistettu piikeillä pienoisharppuunan tavoin ja usein ladattu myrkyllä .
There is air pollution from
smoke and fumes
höyryistä ja savuista and from gases pumped out by endless cars and aeroplanes.
Environmentalists claim
the highly saline water
hyvin suolapitoinen vesi from desalination plants
suolanpoistolaitosten could harm marine life.
Most deaths are caused not by catastrophic accidents but by fouling from
illegally but routinely
on laittomasti mutta rutiininomaisesti .
At present
is simply pumped into storage tanks for monitoring, and
into the open sea
avomerelle .
The suspended sediment from rivers
jokien leijuvat sedimentit into the The Wash
The Washiin shows up in grey, contrasting with the black of the deeper, clearer water further offshore.
Biological filters operate outside the pool, usually at the summit of a waterfall where they can be suitably hidden --
water from the pool
uima-altaan vesi being pumped through the filter and allowed
into the waterfall
vesiputoukseen .
Depending on their radioactivity,
are either stored on the site for eventual disposal, or diluted and
through a pipeline
putkiston kautta into the Irish Sea
Irlanninmereen .
As another option, on completion of cleaning,
part or all of the solution
osa tai koko ratkaisua can be allowed
and be spread with squeegees or mops to effect floor cleaning.
Such black holes
Tällaisten mustien aukkojen hard gamma rays
kovia gammasäteitä with an energy of about 100 million electron volts
noin 100 miljoonan elektronivoltin energialla .
However, when I did the calculation, I found, to my surprise and annoyance, that even
nonrotating black holes
pyörimättömien mustien aukkojen should apparently create and
at a steady rate
tasaiseen tahtiin .
We could look for
the gamma rays that
gammasäteitä, joita the primordial black holes
ensisijaiset mustat aukot during most of their lifetime
suurimman osan eliniästään .
All lamps have a built-in passive infra red sensor which react to
invisible thermal radiation
näkymättömään lämpösäteilyyn by people or other sources of heat
ihmisten tai muiden lämmönlähteiden .
As the probes descended to the surface of the planet, arrays of detectors measured
the infrared radiation
infrapunasäteilyä at different wavelengths
eri aallonpituuksilla by the atmosphere
ilmakehän .
This situation would in turn tend to promote surface cooling, as
less thermal radiation
vähemmän lämpösäteilyä from the stratosphere
stratosfääristä to the ground
maanpinnalle .
These conclusions are supported by the optical reflection spectra, and by polarimetric and photometric analyses of
the thermal radiation
lämpösäteilyn ,
day and night
päivisin ja öisin .
ultraviolet radiation
ultraviolettisäteilyä , but a young T Tauri type star would have emitted up to 10 000 times more.
Looking down below them from the top, they saw that a small crater with the remains of a dried-up lake in
sulphurous vapours
rikkipitoisia höyryjä from several points
useasta pisteestä .
The research team has already discovered that
more methane
enemmän metaania in the evening, when they are resting and ruminating
iltaisin levätessään ja märehtiessään .
Such research has become possible only with the advent of
tunable lasers
viritettävät laserit, ,
over a range of wavelengths
eri aallonpituuksilla .
Some species send out signals almost continuously,
short bursts
lyhyitä äännähdyksiä .
It may allow astronomers to observe
distant objects that
etäisiä kohteita, jotka extreme ultraviolet light, a type of radiation which is usually absorbed by intervening neutral gas
hyvin voimakasta ultraviolettivaloa, minkä välissä olevat neutraalit kaasut yleensä imevät .
The particle that escapes
Purkautuva hiukkanen, joka appears
by the black hole
mustasta aukosta .
A seventh band covers
the spectral region in which
spektrisen alueen, jossa by the Earth's surface
maan pinta .
for the past three years
viimeisen kolmen vuoden aikana toxic fumes which had caused skin diseases among the villagers, killed fish in local fishponds and contaminated farmlands
myrkyllisiä höyryjä, jotka ovat aiheuttaneet kyläläisille ihotauteja, tappaneet kaloja paikallisessa kala-altaassa ja saastuttaneet viljelysmaita .
An average car
Keskimäärin auto five lungfuls of poisonous carbon monoxide gas
viisi keuhkollista myrkyllistä häkäkaasua .
Dr Macleod explains that these are `
chemical substances
kemiallisia ainesosia by an animal or person
eläimen tai ihmisen and they act via the sense of smell.
The neutrino telescope will detect
by high-energy neutrinos
suurenergisten neutriinojen as they interact with the ice.
Further, the government and even some environmental organizations consider nuclear power less damaging than
the excessive sulphur dioxide pollution
liiallista rikkidioksidisaastetta by power stations
voimalaitosten burning low-quality brown coal
huonolaatuista ruskohiiltä polttavien .
Levels of lighting are measured in lux, which is the amount of light landing on a surface, not
However long an observer outside the radius r waits he will never receive
inside the radius rO
rO-säteen sisällä olevan .
The light waves
valoaallot from the surface of the star
Tähden pinnalta between 10:59:59 and 11:00
10:59:59–11:00 , by the astronaut's watch, would be spread out over an infinite period of time, as seen from the spaceship.
Any ray of light,
kaikki valonsäteet anywhere in the universe
Missä tahansa maailmankaikkeudessa at any time
milloin tahansa , will arrive at the omega point.
Present trends mean that by 2003, a quarter of
all the sulphur dioxide
kaikesta rikkidioksidista into the air of the European Community
Euroopan yhteisön ilmaan will be from the UK.
Pilkinsulation is a well-proven method of energy conservation, and its use reduces
the amount of carbon dioxide
hiilidioksidin määrää into the atmosphere
ilmakehään by the burning of fossil fuels
fossiilisten polttoaineiden palamisen tuloksena .
during volcanic eruptions
tulivuorten purkausten aikana is not responsible for damage to the ozone layer, two US researchers have concluded.
US electricity generators have been given new limits on
the amount of sulphur dioxide
hiilidioksidin määrästä, jonka after 1995
vuoden 1995 jälkeen .
This was said to be because of the risk of
radioactive iodine
radioaktiivisen jodin during the fire
tulipalon aikana getting into people's thyroid glands.
Many drugs are acidic or alkaline and this affects their removal in the urine;
acidic drugs
happamat lääkeaineet excreted
poistuvat elimistöstä in the daytime
päiväsaikaan and alkaline ones at night.
Siprofloksasiini as an unchanged substance
muuttumattomana ainesosana and elimination is predominantly via the kidneys.
nitrogenous waste
typpipitoista jätettä in an extremely concentrated form (that is, as uric acid)
erittäin tiivistetyssä muodossa (eli virtsahappoa) .
So simply making up
the calcium that
kalsiumia, jota may not ensure that it is laid down properly in new bone.
One substance used was
the sex pheromone
sukupuoliferomoni in the urine of the boar
villisian virtsaan .
Excess electrolytes
Ylimääräiset elektrolyytit through the urine
virtsan kautta , but it is not wise to overdose them.
The main problem here is
ammonia which
ammoniakki, jota and produced by the breakdown of once living matter (plants, food, dead creatures) in your tank.
take in oxygen from the water and
ammonia and carbon dioxide
ammoniakkia ja hiilidioksidia through their gills
kidustensa kautta .
Onions, garlic and alcohol
Sipulit, valkosipuli ja alkoholi excreted
poistuvat elimistöstä through the lungs
keuhkojen kautta , which affects the breath.
Most infants (92%)
Useimmat pienet lapset (92 %) excreting
jotka poistivat elimistöstään at three weeks
kolmen viikon ikäisenä were excreting it also at one year; moreover, 61% of infants not excreting cotinine at three months were excreting it at one year.
They couple and
from her vent
ilmanvaihtoreiästään which both she and her mate beat into a lather with their hind legs.
They were
clean creatures which
puhtaita otuksia, jotka did not
during their lifetime
elinikänsä aikana .
The ingested food
Nielty ruoka is either absorbed or
poistetaan elimistöstä .
Excess bicarbonate
ylimääräisen bikarbonaatin excreted
poistaa elimistöstä , which means that a transient rise in urine bicarbonate excretion (the urine `alkaline tide ``) immediately follows maximal gastric acid secretion.
poistuivat elimistöstä spontaneously
spontaanisti through the ductus choledochus
sapenjohtimen kautta and the cholecystitis was cured by antibiotic treatment.
In the rat small intestine
Rotan ohutsuolessa ,
many drugs
monet lääkeaineet are acetylated and
into the lumen
soluonteloon .
An alternative hypothesis has been proposed, based on the observation that
these `hyper ``choleretic bile acids
näitä ”hyperkolereetteja” sappihappoja partly in an unconjugated form
osaksi ei-konjugoidussa muodossa .
Sulphated bile acids
Sulfaattisappihapot in large amounts
suurina määrinä under cholestatic conditions
kolestaattisissa olosuhteissa .
, for instance, ingest and
huge volumes of soil
runsaasti lietettä , as so graphically reported in a classic study by Charles Darwin in the last century.
Ammonia, the terminal product of protein metabolism
Ammoniakki, proteiinimetabolismin lopputuote, ,
poistettava elimistöstä and diluted to non-toxic levels in the surrounding fluids.
During periods of anaerobic carbohydrate metabolism
Anaerobisen hiilihydraattimetabolismin aikana ,
poistaa elimistöstään pyruvic acid
palorypälehappoa rather than retaining it for future oxidation when aerobic metabolism is possible.
drew in deeply and
through her nose
nenänsä kautta , then snapped the cigarette briskly from her mouth and pointed it at him with a flourish.
The aerosol droplets have to be just the right size: too big and they may get trapped in noses, too small and
without staying in the lungs
säilymättä keuhkoissa .
a plume of smoke
savupilven , tossed hir head and extended a hand.
took smoke into his lungs and
they are filtered through the white crystals of soda lime, and a bacterial filter.
A gloomy, whale-ribbed corridor led after half a kilometre to a moist cloacal side-passage aglow with lichen where
ventilator gargoyles
tuulettimen nokat dazing smouldery fumes
huumaavia kyteviä savuja .
The nonsmoker breathes `sidestream ``smoke from the burning tip of the cigarette and
`mainstream smoke that
”pääsavua”, jonka has been inhaled and then
by the smoker
tupakoitsija .
lit the cigar and
towards the ceiling
kohti kattoa .
He chuckled as
cigarette smoke
tupakansavua across the space between us
välissämme olevan tilan läpi .
All the time
stroked their nicotine stained moustaches and
noxious fumes
myrkyllisiä savuja from their foam-flecked lips
vaahtoavilta huuliltaan .
with a snort of discontent
tuhahtaen tyytymättömänä .
The way she smiled as
a first lungful of smoke
ensimmäisen keuhkollisen savua suggested she fully intended her remark to be ambiguous.
drew in a long puff of smoke, and
in a long jet
pitkänä suihkuna .
She ventured upon deck the first morning, and was approached by not one but three potential beaux,
with his hair curled and
a powerful odour of bergamot
voimakasta värimintun tuoksua .
The stewardess came down the aisle,
a big-breasted young woman
suuririntainen nuori nainen a strong odour of perspiration
voimakasta hienhajua .
and she saw two elderly ladies from the ferry clutch each other's arms and whisper.
Some squirt formic acid, while
foul-smelling substances
pahanhajuisia ainesosia from their anal glands
peräaukon rauhasistaan .
maskuliinisuutta in the way that a flame gave out heat
lämpöä antavan liekin tavoin .
Queen of Night incense
Yönkuningattaren suitsuke a heady perfume
päihdyttävää tuoksua .
The caterpillar of a butterfly called Thisbe irenea has a sound-producing organ in its head for summoning ants, and
a pair of telescopic spouts near its rear end which
pari teleskooppiruiskua lähellä sen takapäätä, jotka seductive nectar
viettelevää nektaria .
When David was Adam's age he'd taken to lighting joss sticks in his bedroom and anointing himself with patchouli, assuming that it disguised
the faint but unmistakeable musty-sweet aroma that
heikon mutta päivänselvän tunkkaisen makean hajun, joka from his pores
hänen huokosistaan and lingered in the atmosphere.
Set into the floor were
several open pits
useita avoimia kuoppia ,
a dank stench
kylmänkosteaa löyhkää even as they pulsed with the chill luminescence of putrefaction
ja jotka sykkivät kylmää mädän loistetta .
Long and low-ceilinged, with an enormous open fireplace,
warmth and the sort of comfortable feel that a perfectly decorated interior could give when it was neither pretentious nor over-grand for the surroundings
lämpimän ja eräänlaisen miellyttävän tunteen täydellisestä sisustuksesta, mikä ei ollut mahtailevaa eikä ylisuurta ympäristöönsä .
The perfumes and aromas
tuoksut ja aromit by their leaves and flowers
Niiden lehtien ja kukkien on a warm sunny day
lämpimänä aurinkoisena päivänä give any garden a fourth dimension, and one of the charms of the Greek and Italian hillsides is the pungently aromatic fragrance given off by the herbs and shrubs.
The power of a shaman comes from the
the raw Waaagh energy
raa'asta Waaagh-energiasta by all the Orcs and Goblins
kaikkien örkkien ja peikkojen .
Now since the number of waves a second is unlimited, this would mean that
the total energy
kokonaisenergia would be infinite.
The cloud's rising internal heat
Pilven nouseva sisäinen lämpö can no longer be
ei voi enää away
, and the dust cloud -- originally resembling a giant gaseous ball like Jupiter -- becomes a warm gassy protostar.
They normally feature a convector heat exchanger rather than relying on
from glowing ceramic coals/logs
hehkuvista keraamisista hiilistä/pölleistä .
Darker surfaces absorb
as the temperature falls towards the end of the day
lämpötilan laskiessa päivän loppua kohden .
The hot stars
Kuumat tähdet as this hydrogen is converted to helium in their nuclear furnaces
kun tämä vety muuntuu heliumiksi niiden ydinlämmittimissä .
When nicely balanced, these forces permit the star a lifecycle as
to finish as a lump of heavy elements.
The latest Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society resolves a question that came to light in the days of Lord Rayleigh, who showed how
an idealised object called a black body
idealisoitu kohde nimeltä musta kappale heat and light energy
lämpöä ja valoenergiaa .
Not surprisingly,
to a character with Magic Sense skill
hahmolle, jolla on maagisia aisteja .
his own natural wavelengths
omaa luonnollista aallonpituuttaan luminously like some alien Eldar attired in a holo-suit
kirkkaasti kuin joku laserpukuun sonnustautunut Eldar-avaruusolento .
As is usual with electrostatic headphones, the design is openbacked which means that both sides of
are free
The output of this bellows-like set-up
Tämän palkeiden kaltaisen asennuksen antoteho via a smoothly contoured port situated on the fascia below the coincident driver
yhteensopivan vetopyörän alla olevassa listassa sijaitsevan silopintaisen aukon kautta .
A paradoxical property of black holes is that
through a quantum field effect discovered by Hawking (1974
Hawkingin (1974) havaitseman kvanttikenttävaikutuksen kautta ).
However, in the end most people, including John Taylor, have come to the conclusion that
black holes
mustien reikien like hot bodies
kuumien kappaleiden tavoin if our other ideas about general relativity and quantum mechanics are correct.
Now, the apparent brightness of a star depends on two factors: how much
(its luminosity), and how far it is from us.
Your shiny skin is caused by oil which surfaces via the hair follicles or shafts (otherwise known as the skin's pores), into which
the sebaceous glands
rasvarauhaset .
Further investigations revealed that the platypus's electric sensors lie within its bill, probably in
glands which
rauhasissa, jotka to stop the sensors drying out on land
jotta tuntoelimet eivät kuivu maalla .
Just as antelope release alarm scents from glands,
all mammals
kaikki nisäkkäät through special glands of varying design, dotted around their bodies
niiden vartalon eri puolilla olevien eri muotoisten erityisrauhasten kautta .
Saliva dries up, the pupils dilate, and
many, many hormones
monet, monet hormonit into his bloodstream
hänen verenkiertoonsa .
However, these antihistamines did not block all the actions of histamine, and, in particular, they did not affect its ability to stimulate
People, as well as animals
Ihmiset sekä eläimet ,
substances called pheromones which are responsible for their own individual body scent
ainesosia, joita kutsutaan feromoneiksi ja jotka antavat vartalolle sen oman yksilöllisen hajun .
Most ants
Useimmat muurahaiset noxious substances
haitallisia ainesosia as a means of defence
puolustaakseen itseään .
The coral polyps
Korallipolyypit from their bases
alustastaan .
a membrane from their skin
kalvon ihostaan so that they resemble a plastic-wrapped fruit from a supermarket.
A Madagascan orchid, Angraecum
Madagaskarilainen Angraecum-orkidea ,
in a green tubular spur a foot long that hangs from the lip of a star-shaped snow-white flower
jalan pituisessa vihreässä putkimaisessa kannuksessa, joka roikkuu tähdenmuotoisen lumenvalkoisen kukan nokassa .
It appears that
the male butterflies
koirasperhoset in their spermatozoa capsules (spermatophores
siittiösolukoteloissaan (spermatoforit )
during mating
parittelun aikana , which the female then uses to construct her eggs.
then inserts its proboscis and
digestive enzymes
ruoansulatusentsyymejä , subsequently sucking up a rich ``soup.
And one very well worked on example here concerns that of er
pancreatic beta cells which
haiman beetasoluja, jotka in response to glucose
reaktiona glukoosiin .
The human oesophagus
Ihmisen ruokatorvi bicarbonate
bikarbonaattia at about 400 µmol/hour/10 cm, which is a similar order of magnitude to gastric bicarbonate secretion
noin 400 µmol/tunti/10 cm, mikä vastaa mahalaukun bikarbonaatin eritystä .
, forming stony cushions near the shores of the Pool and teetering columns at greater depths.
As we grow older
Kun vanhenemme ,
different pheromones
erilaisia feromoneja , and consequently a favourite perfume of our youth may seem totally obnoxious to us in maturity.
a new, soft wrinkled skin
uuden, pehmeän ryppyisen ihon beneath the shell
kuoren alle .
by the snail's own cells
etanan omat solut , so a conventional geneticist would be happy to speak of genes `for ``shell qualities such as shell thickness.
is essential for normal growth and
by the pituitary
aivolisäke and carried in the blood to all parts of the body (Chapter 10).
The main triglyceride-carrying lipoproteins
tärkeimpiä triglyseridiä kuljettavia lipoproteiineja by the small intestine and liver
Ohutsuoli ja maksa as exogenous chylomicra and endogenous VLDL
kuten eksogeenisiä kylomikroneja ja endogeenisiä VLDL-proteiineja .
Another pheromone
toista feromonia by guard bees
Vartijamehiläiset to alert other guards when danger threatens
hälyttääkseen muita vartijoita uhkaavasta vaarasta and they distribute a unique `colony odour ``to help guide returning foragers.
A few unusual drugs such as digoxin
muutamia epätavallisia lääkeaineita kuten digoksiinia by the intestinal mucosa
Suoliston limakalvot , but this process is unlikely to contribute more than passive diffusion does to the effect of activated charcoal on drug clearance.
Normally (see Fig. 3.2)
mainly around the time of waking
lähinnä heräämisaikaan and this seems to be part of dealing with the `stress ``of waking up and preparing for the new day.
When food is plentiful,
sufficient insulin
riittävästi insuliinia for all organs to satisfy their needs
kaikille elimille niiden tarpeiden tyydyttämiseksi , but when food is scarce, some organs or tissues are starved.
Next, charcoal adsorbs
drugs that
lääkeaineet, jotka , thereby preventing their enterohepatic recirculation.
There is evidence that
ascorbic acid
askorbiinihappoa in high concentrations
korkeina pitoisuuksina into the normal stomach
normaaliin vatsaan .
To counter this
Tämän kiertämiseksi ,
into a contractile vacuole
kontraktiiliseen solurakkulaan as fast as it enters the amoeba
heti kun se työntyy ameebaan .
an anticoagulant
antikoagulanttia, so that the blood keeps flowing
jotta veri kiertää edelleen and rain mixed with blood was everywhere.
And among
those animals which
eläinten but have no means of injecting them, their function is usually defensive: in the case of certain tropical sea-urchins, it makes the eggs distasteful to predators.
When the blood-sugar level shoots up rapidly,
hurries into action and
a large quantity of insulin
runsaasti insuliinia to keep the situation under control
pitääkseen tilanteen hallinnassa .
Ants of the genus Polyrhachis, for example, build verdant byres for their insect herds beneath bamboo leaves, using
a web of silken threads
silkkisäikeiden verkkoa by their own grubs
omien toukkiensa .
In the process of hatching, the inner impermeable shell membrane is broken down by
and by its own movement.
The link is
a sticky red gum
tahmea punainen pihka which coagulates quickly and is explicitly compared by the Ndembu to blood.
Badgers smell musky, which is not surprising because they habitually deposit tiny amounts of musk,
a smelly fluid
pahanhajuista nestettä from a gland near the anus
peräaukon lähellä olevan rauhasen , to mark the home territory and individuals within that territory.
Some species manage to live on land in humid tropical forests, undulating on
from their undersides
alapuoleltaan .
`I know it's weird, ``she went on, `but pleasure is merely the result of
naturally occurring chemicals
luonnollisten kemikaalien , and cocaine can turn those chemicals on like a faucet.
The water acts as a solvent for
the digestive enzymes
ruoansulatusentsyymeille .
The results showed that
during the first hour of stimulation
ensimmäisen stimulointitunnin aikana was derived from pancreatic stores and that the turnover rate of stores was approximately 37%/h in normal human subjects.
The prostate gland can be involved by infection, both gonococcal and non-gonococcal, and in order to tell whether it is inflamed it is helpful to be able to examine some of
the fluid that
nestettä, jota .