dip.v 🔎
- Which was whyhehändippedupottithe second piece of fried breadtoisen paistetun leivänpalancarefullyvarovastiin the eggmunaanand turned it about, concentrating on making it yellow all over.
- Not one of you noticed thatIminädippedkastointhis fingertämän sormeninto the samplesnäytteisiinbut licked another one.
- DipKastaeach piecejokainen palainto cooked fruit juicekeitettyyn hedelmämehuun.
- Try smearing the spanner jaws with light oil, thendippingupotathemnein fine sandhienoon hiekkaan.
- The companyYritys,,whichjokahasolialreadyjodippedupottanutits toevarpaansainto the end-user marketloppukäyttäjien markkinoillewith firms such as the Bank of Montreal, Library of Congress, Equitable Life and Safeway, would be happy to win just five to ten large SNA accounts over the next year.
- You first attach a battery totwo electrodes whichkahteen elektrodiin, jotkaareondippedkastettuinto the waterveteen(it is necessary to add traces of acid or alkali to conduct the electric current through the solution -- this is known as the `electrolyte).
- HeHänpromptlypikaisestidippedupottihis nosenenänsäinto my water potvesikannuuniand drank the lot.
- I find it very difficult when you have a journalist round, and you will perhaps cooperate as much as you can with an interview, and then sometimestheyhe'll go anddipkastavattheir penkynänsäin acidhappoonand write really horrid things.
- At a clandestine meeting in a North London bar, Brown tested me out by seeing if I could listen -- without puking -- to his stories about shaggingwild women whovilleistä naisista, jotkadippedupottivathis dickhänen kalunsain chocolate moussesuklaamousseen.
- c)A smaller brushPienempi harja(a little paint brush is OK)whichjonkayousinädipkastatlightlykevyestiinto the oilöljyynand `paint the edges of the metal cams, flat pieces and so on beneath the carriage.