However, strange to say, the Atari VCS never penetrated Japan, and this allowed
-- previously known mainly for board games and packs of cards --
He believed, however, that
the lending market
lainamarkkinoita , as it does in France and Germany.
When Margaret Thatcher became leader
Kun johtoon nousi Margaret Thatcher, by these men who had been through the war together
ne miehet, jotka olivat sotineet yhdessä .
In both countries
Kummassakin maassa the following decades
seuraavia vuosikymmeniä were
by the issue of how to put the railways on a sound financial footing
kysymys siitä, miten voitaisiin varmistaa rautateiden terve taloudellinen perusta .
from the mid-1970s
1970-luvun puolivälistä alkaen ,
a new libertarian strand of thinking
uusi vapaamielinen ajattelusuuntaus came
the Conservative party
konservatiivipuoluetta .
Depending upon the issue, different groups will get their own way and
no one group
yksikään ryhmä ei within society
yhteiskunnassa .
BRITISH scientists and businessmen are trying to break into a vital slice of
the semiconductor industry which
puolijohdeteollisuudessa, jossa foreign companies
ulkomaiset yritykset .
During the 1950s, Sir John Neale presented
an alternative view
vaihtoehtoisen näkemyksen, ,
historical accounts
historiallisia aikakirjoja for a generation, but which some now believe was based upon questionable assumptions.
It is yet another record sequence for
the club which
seuralle, joka the rugby league scenario
rugbyliigaa so completely.
By 1937
Vuoteen 1937 mennessä the Communists
kommunistit were almost completely
lähes kokonaan the rest of the Left
loppua vasemmistoa ,
both organizationally and intellectually
sekä organisatorisesti että älyllisesti .
Although some trade frictions were discussed,
by security issues
turvallisuuskysymykset .
In his youth, I discover, he too was sucked into
a hippy cult that
hippikulttuuriin, jota by a leader with suggestive powers
suggestiivisia kykyjä omaava johtaja .
Mr Najibullah, many of his key ministers, elite units of the Afghan army and most of the Pakistan-based Mujahideen groups are members of
the Pushtun tribes which
Pushtun-tehimoihin, jotka .
Even though
French musical life
Ranskan musiikkielämää for several decades
useita vuosikymmeniä and continued to exercise an influence even after his death, no autograph scores or parts survive for any of his works.
Revelations of the Watergate affair
Watergate-tapauksen paljastukset, ,
the world's media
maailman tiedotusvälineitä in spring 1974
keväällä 1974 , did not help.
cycling events
pyörätapahtumia at the Barcelona Olympics
Barcelonan olympialaisissa , will take part in major health promotion events when his hectic racing schedule permits.