TransFrameNet:Dominate competitor
dominate.v 🔎
- The Burmese are descendants of the Mongols, andnownyttheyhetryto<empty>dominatehallitathe Shans, the Kochins and the Karensshaneja, kochineja ja kareneja.
- There areenough of themriittävästi heitäto gang up on him anddominatehallitahimhäntä, even though he remains the group `administrator ``.
- Edward IV's solution had been to build up Herbert power until the family andtheir alliesniiden liittolaisetdominatedhallitsivatmost of Walessuurinta osaa Walesistaon the crown's behalf.
- At one timeKerran,hehänevendominatedhallinnutMot, the surly god of deathMotia, äreää kuolemanjumalaa, and banished him to exile in the desert.
- I feel that we're equals, that you'll never allowmeminunto<empty>dominatehallitayousinua.
- Of the partisan councils,mostuseimpiaare<empty>dominatedhallitseeby the Labour Partytyöväenpuoluewith some nationalist presence on occasion.
- They should have done much better astheyhedominatedhallitsivatfor long spellspitkän tovin, but failed miserably in the art of scoring.
- SwindonSwindondominatedhallitsiearly onaiemmin.