The other alternatives were to shoot the plane down before it landed or
on the ground at Teheran airport
maassa Teheranin lentokentällä when all the Imam's followers had come forward to welcome him.
As for Meredith-Lee's death, if you're asking me did
construct a bomb and
, the answer is no.
The guard — who has not been named — was told
and his family killed
if he made one false move
jos hän tekisi yhdenkin väärän liikkeen .
She describes in precise detail the deserted country road in Mayobridge, County Down, where
the Land-Rover he was travelling in
Land-Roverin, jossa hän matkusti .
The episode has embarrassed German authorities particularly in regard to supposedly stringent security imposed after
a Pan Am jumbo jet
Pan Amin jumbojetti over Lockerbie
Lockerbien yllä by a bomb allegedly placed aboard
koneeseen oletettavasti asetetun pommin vuoksi at Frankfurt.
As people went to the polls in the Serb-held city of Banja Luka in northern Bosnia, bulldozers cleared away the remains of
two 16th-century mosques
kahden 1500-luvulta peräisin olevan moskeijan the previous week
edellisellä viikolla .
in the '73 war
vuoden 1973 sodassa and he was held together, he told us, with metal pins.
killing three naval employees and wounding 15 other people
ja räjäytyksessä kuoli kolme merivoimien työntekijää sekä haavoittui 15 muuta ihmistä .
Newcastle Emlyn Castle was built in approximately 1240 within a loop on the River Teifi and it saw action in 1648 when
by Cromwell's men
Cromwellin miehet .
Tough boss John McMichael
Pomo John McMichael by a car bomb
autopommilla outside his home
kotinsa ulkopuolella .
Debris from
lies strewn between houses vandalised by the security forces in their search for Kashmiri militants.
became a prison and
during the Civil War following the Bolshevik Revolution
sisällissodan aikana bolševikkien vallankumouksen jälkeen .
saved his budgie before
with his wife and her family of TV addicts inside
ja sisällä olleen vaimonsa sekä tämän televisiohullun perheen .
In 1985 French agents killed a photographer when
the Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior
Greenpeacen lippulaivan Rainbow Warriorin in Auckland harbour
Aucklandin satamassa .
A FORMER soldier who
ENTINEN sotilas, joka a motorist
moottoripyöräilijän with a home-made bomb
kotitekoisella pommilla because of a £140 debt
140 punnan velan vuoksi was jailed for 12 years yesterday.
EVIL robbers
ILKEÄT ryöstäjät turned a terrified bank guard into a human bomb and threatened
before stealing £23 million in cash
ennen kuin varastivat 23 miljoonaa puntaa käteistä .
The bloody Hun-lovers
Kirotut hunnin palvojat were trying
because it represents all that is best about England
koska se edustaa kaikkea sitä, mikä on parasta Englannissa .
the majority of the old foundry buildings
suurimman osan vanhoista sulattamorakennuksista , and built the present Camp Mill.
Be sure to say
, however strongly you may disagree with their view.
Lord Chesterfield
lordi Chesterfield acquired the property and
the original house
alkuperäisen talon .
An early fourth-century building
Varhainen neljännen vuosisadan rakennus to make way for the wall
muurin tieltä , thus providing an approximate date for its construction.
, work has already begun on
to make way for the bridge
sillan tieltä .
have put off
a warehouse at Eastwood, Notts,
Eastwoodissa Nottsissa sijaitsevan varastorakennuksen until 40 swifts nesting there migrate to Africa
kunnes siellä pesivät 40 tervapääskyä lensivät Afrikkaan .
Mr Anderson of Coatham Avenue
Coatham Avenuen Anderson has applied to Darlington Borough Council for planning permission
and rebuild a detached double garage.
without difficulty
ongelmitta , though it was extremely hot and I had recourse to the water when no one was looking.
Surveyor Chris Easton, who conducted extensive tests on the houses, said: `I think there is nothing else to do but
wanted to buy his cottage and
ACONSERVATION group has lost its High Court fight to save
eight listed buildings in the City of London which
kahdeksan luetteloon merkittyä rakennusta Lontoon kaupungissa, jotka are
by the property developer, Mr Peter Palumbo
kiinteistösuunnittelija Peter Palumbo .
had been seized by the English during the `Rough Wooing ``, and
was largely
suurimmaksi osaksi .
The Cathedral of the Assumption on Red Square
Punaisella torilla sijaitseva Uspenskin katedraali along with other redundant relics of reactionary religion.
The school buildings
Koulurakennukset .
in January 1956
tammikuussa 1956 , had been 30ft high, but was still only level with the towering heaps.
Demonstrators also pressed the nationalist campaign for a temple on the site of
by a Hindu mob
hinduväkijoukko .
I have to skirt round Broad Street because
purkavat rakennuksia and there's a great big red one and a yellow one and I'm just terrified.
The original building
Alkuperäinen rakennus was, by all accounts,
oli kaikilta puolin when St. John's railway station was constructed on its present site
kun St. Johnin rautatieasema rakennettiin nykyiselle paikalleen .
Its role is to ensure that
for the sake of progress
edistyksen vuoksi .
Zadak's forest
Zadakin metsää .
An earthquake
Maanjäristys by shaking them to pieces
ravistelemalla ne palasiksi .
A TRADE unionist told Mr Kinnock yesterday that
his minimum wage policy
hänen vähimmäispalkkapolitiikkansa .
He treated the much-vaunted pace pairing of Wasim and Waqar as though they were tame medium pacers, not
the last threads of his Test confidence
hänen viimeisetkin itseluottamuksen rippeensä ottelussa .
Much of the forest in the south east of the island
Suurin osa saaren kaakkoisosan metsästä in recent years
viime vuosina .
This fire breathing pest
tämän tulta syöksevän kiusankappaleen by the hero Bellepheron
Sankari Bellepheron .
In the town centre
Kaupungin keskustan ,
almost all the medieval buildings
lähes kaikki keskiaikaiset rakennukset in the Great Fire of 1675
vuoden 1675 suurpalossa .
The whole block
Koko rakennus just over a week ago
vain viikko sitten in a fire that claimed the lives of two firemen
tulipalossa, joka vaati kahden palomiehen hengen .
Mr Brooke said such attacks would not deflect the Government or the security forces from doing their duty `in seeing off
these evil men who
näitä pahoja miehiä, jotka want
all that is best in our community
kaiken sen, mikä on parasta yhteisössämme ``.
The bomb disposal unit
Pommin purkuyksikkö with a controlled explosion
valvotussa räjähdyksessä .
A MAN and a woman died yesterday in
a suspected gas explosion that
luultavasti kaasuräjähdyksessä, joka a six-storey tenement block
kuusikerroksisen kerrostalon in the centre of Edinburgh
Edinburghin keskustassa , writes Mark Douglas Home.
Never rinse reusable filter materials in tap water and never use detergents or
will damage or
the beneficial bacteria that have built up the efficiency of the filter unit
hyödylliset bakteerit, jotka varmistavat suodatinyksikön tehokkuuden .
Government backbenchers
Hallituksen riviparlamentaarikot the Devolution Bill
Devolution Billin by insisting on the 40 per cent rule in the devolution referendum
vaatimalla 40 prosentin sääntöä vallan hajauttamista koskevassa kansanäänestyksessä .
and Mach's Yu were primed to step into the resultant power vacuum.
Older methods of farming only caused surface damage to archaeological sites by ploughing, but
modern intensive farming
nykyaikainen tehomaatalous much more quickly
paljon nopeammin .
THE landmark spire of Colmcille Roman Catholic church in Holywood has risen from the ashes of
the fire which
tulipalon, joka four years ago
neljä vuotta sitten .
axe and chainsaw
kirves ja moottorisaha primary rainforest
koskemattomia sademetsiä .
because ozone is so chemically reactive
koska otsoni reagoi helposti kemiallisesti ,
even by small amounts of pollutant gases rising from the Earth
pienikin määrä maaperästä nousevia saastekaasuja .
The Great Storm of October 1987
Lokakuun 1987 suurmyrsky almost totally
lähes kokonaan the eighty year old pinetum at Nymans Garden in Sussex
kahdeksan vuotta vanhan mäntykasvuston Nymans Gardenissa Sussexissa .
Unita said
its fighters
sen taistelijat in a three-hour battle
kolmetuntisessa taistelussa , but the military official said the claim was propaganda.
`You don't want
by being trodden on
päälle astuttaessa , ``put in an elderly clergyman whose main reading was detective stories.
or animals have got loose, it will affect every group.
About 50 scrap cars
Noin 50 romuautoa at a scrap yard on Bousfield Industrial Estate, Bousfield Lane, Stockton
romuttamossa Bousfieldin teollisuusalueella Bousfield Lanella Stocktonissa on Wednesday night
keskiviikkoyönä .
the most influential man in the country
maan vaikutusvaltaisimman miehen ,
wielding might beyond the dreams of the petty men who sat with him around that table
vallanmahdin, joka ylitti hänen kanssaan pöydän ympärillä istuvien pikkuvirkamiesten villeimmätkin unelmat .
`And then
, ``she said.
I am
the women he lives with
naiset, joiden kanssa hän elää .
is both made and
by photochemical reactions in the troposphere
Troposfäärin fotokemialliset reaktiot , the balance depending on the availability of nitrogen oxides and other gases, particularly hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide.
was plundered and
together with `many writings of their antiquities and privileges ``
samoin kuin ”niiden muinaismuistojen ja etuoikeuksien lukuisat merkit” (Leland).
a bomb blast
pommin räjähdys and wiped away her smile of anticipation.
Now it has emerged that
the bomb which
pommi, joka severely damaged the town hall, venue for the province's One Act Drama Finals this Saturday.
Allied bombings in 1943
Vuoden 1943 liittoutuneiden pommitukset , and the light from the fires was visible for many miles out across the plain.
Mr Ueberroth was appointed, with high hopes, after
the city's South Central district
kaupungin eteläisen keskuskorttelin in April 1992
huhtikuussa 1992 .
Meanwhile, Bosnian Muslims and Croats stopped fighting today in Mostar and will exchange prisoners taken in
pitched battles that
ankariin taisteluihin, jotka the ancient city
vanhan kaupungin , Croat radio reported.
Two days earlier
Kaksi päivää aiemmin Belfast city centre
Belfastin kaupungin keskusta when 1,000 lbs of homemade explosives detonated in a skip lorry
kun 453 kg kotitekoista räjähdettä räjähti kippikuorma-autossa .
It is likely that the 77,000 acre estate's American owner John Kluge will now look for a private buyer, especially as
, has almost been renovated.
It is just over a year since
the terrorist group
terroristiryhmä with another bomb
toisella pommilla .
injured six workers and
a petrochemical plant
petrokemian tehtaan at its Stanlow oil refinery
Stanlow'n öljynjalostamossa ,
near Ellesmere Port
lähellä Ellesmere Portia , leaking solvent into the Mersey.
Station Mill
Station Millin last March
viime maaliskuussa .
And there were remarkable similiarities between the Hofburg Palace disaster and
LIHAKAUPPA by a gas explosion
kaasuräjähdyksessä less than 24 hours after winning first prize in a national meat competition
alle 24 tuntia sen jälkeen, kun se oli voittanut ensimmäisen palkinnon kansallisessa lihakilpailussa .
by a fire and explosion
tulipalossa ja räjähdyksessä on 10 April last year
10. huhtikuuta viime vuonna .
Mr Ray, 34, from Welling, south-east London, was waiting in his cab outside
the Commercial Union building
Commercial Union -rakennuksen ,
in the explosion
räjähdyksessä .
WITHIN two months Connors Chemists Ltd has completed the rebuilding of
its Newtownards store
Newtownards-myymälänsä ,
in the bomb attack in the town
pommi-iskussa kaupungissa .
(or missed it completely) it's back to the airfield.
THE RUC lost a race against time to prevent
the huge IRA explosion that
valtavan IRA:n räjähdyksen, joka Great Victoria Street and Glengall Street
Great Victoria Streetin ja Glengall Streetin .
The Yaruba is sent from Texas to San Fernando with a supply of drinking water for
by earthquake
maanjäristyksen .
He replaced William of Sens, who in 1178 had crippled himself in a fall from scaffolding while rebuilding the eastern end of
Father Gordy Carvaho is seen through the twisted window in the bell room of Kalaheo town's Holy Cross Catholic church, which had
was deserted and still
from the wartime bombing
sodanaikaisen pommituksen jäljiltä and seemed an ideal starting point.