The immune system consists of
specialised cells and macromolecules which
erikoissoluista ja makromolekyyleistä, jotka against infection
infektioilta through their ability to recognise `foreign-ness ``and to respond to the presence of micro-organisms or parasites
kyvyllään tunnistaa "vieraus" ja reagoida mikro-organismien tai loisien läsnäoloon .
, if not I,
against such slanders
sellaista parjausta vastaan ?
She could do without
large conscript armies
suuria varusmiesarmeijoita land frontiers
maan rajoja and needed long-service troops who could be employed overseas for long periods.
The males set up
territories which
territorioita, joita against others of their own kind
muilta kaltaisiltaan , and fights to the death have occasionally been witnessed.
after criticism from trade union representatives and back care coordinators at the launch who said the existing guidance, issued 10 years ago, had not been enforced
ammattiliittojen edustajien ja selänhuoltokoordinaattorien kritiikiltä, jossa väitettiin, että olemassa olevaa ohjausta, myönnetty 10 vuotta sitten, ei ollut pantu täytäntöön .
Written in a lively and witty style
Eloisasti ja nasevasti kirjoitettu ,
against the accusations of vanity, impertinence, enviousness, dissimulation, and inconstancy which men make against them
turhamaisuudelta, nenäkkyydeltä, kateellisuudelta, teeskentelyltä ja epäluotettavuudelta, joista miehet heitä syyttävät .
Not just the fun of zapping Space Invaders, or
from noxious aliens
inhottavilta alieneilta , but the fun of challenging the computer to brain puzzlers.
just tried
by Richard Owen
Richard Owen and
by the Harvard professor, Louis Agassiz
Harvardin professori Louis Agassiz .
, but they are empty, meaningless, ``he said.
Because of the delays in appointments to the Area Boards, much of the initial planning work on organisation had to be done centrally, but
the chairmen
puheenjohtajat their autonomy
autonomiaansa .
Consequently, he is continually having to hold on to a sense of humility while he listens to other people, otherwise
by taking up a judgemental posture
ottamalla arvostelevan kannan .
against threatening aspects of change
muutoksen uhkaavia näkökohtia vastaan, we can precipitate the very situations we seek to avert.
I always found this kind of slick psychoanalytic one-upmanship irritating, but
never attempted
because I am bored by argument and discussion of any kind
koska olen kyllästynyt kaikenlaisiin riitoihin ja keskusteluihin .
in order to exploit as efficiently as possible the food resources on it
hyödyntääkseen siellä olevat ruokaresurssit mahdollisimman tehokkaasti , the bird should ensure that it defends a territory no larger than necessary.